The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 01, 1916, Image 7

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O f General Interest
; j
Colleges o f Northwest |
Portland— Wheat— Bluestem,
fortyfold, 95c; club, 94c; red Fife,
Articles Beneficial to Agriculturists, Stockmen, Dairying Interests,
j 94c; red Russian, 94c.
Hay — Eastern Oregon timothy,
— Written for this Paper
Mining, Capitalists, Etc.
$18.50(9 19.50 per ton; valley timothy,
Oregon State Commissio-i Asks
alfalfa, $20.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ *♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Opening of Northern Gateway $16;
Millfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $23.50
pacts the material, tamping from the
Salem — R elief of Oregon lumber [ <924 per ton; shorts, $26(926.50; rol­ Costs and Methods of
up, until it rides out on top.
mills and other shippers who are suf­ led barley, $31.50(932.50.
Oiling Oregon Roads Then spread one more gallon to the
Corn— Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, '
fering from lack of ears to ship their
By J. W. Flinn. Roadmaster Folk county, in ad­ square yard and enough earth to take
products is sought through opening of ; $ 38 .
dress before Oregon Agricultural College Road up the oil.
This should be treated in
Vegetables — Artichokes, $1(9 1.15 Conference.
the Northern gateways. To this end
the same manner as is the first course.
the Public Service commission tele­ per dozen; tomatoes, California, $2.75
“ Methods o f oiling Oregon roads To finish an inch or more o f p>ea gravel
graphed the Interstate Commerce com- P®r cratel cabbage, $1.50 (u 1.65 per
may be o f the very best, but if the and sand well rolled in makes a good
mission at Washington, D. C.
It is hundred; garlic, 10c per pound; pep-
the belief of the Oregon commission pers, 20@25c; eggplant, 25c; sprouts, road is not maintained twelve months wearing surface.
je Forerunner of More Decisive that the railroads may heed a request 8("9 c ; horseradish, 8Jc; cauliflower, o f the year, but is allowed to deterior­ “ The cost o f construction for a road
o f this sort should not exceed fifteen
for a temporary opening of the North­ $1.25 per dozen; celery, $4.75 per ate, the oiling methods will soon be
jnts— Battle Only Begun—
hundred dollars to the mile.
ern routes if made by the Federal tri­ crate; lettuce, $2.40 @ 2 .5 0 ; cucum­ the subject o f condemnation by the
“ When it is desired to treat an old
3ain Small; Loss Heavy.
or rock road with asphaltum
In its communication to the Inter­ lettuce, 75c@$l per box; spinach,
This was the conclusion reached by oil, good results may be obtained by
state Commerce commission, the Ore­ @1.10 per box.
Green Fruits— Grapes, $4 per barrel; Mr. J. W. Finn, road master o f Polk applying about two gallons o f hot as-
gon commission said:
pihaltum to the first square yard to a
-The battle of Verdun contin-
“ The car shortage is increasing. cranberries, $11 per barrel.
1 county, Oregon, in an address before sacrificed surface and then by throw­
jjj^th growing intensity.
It ex- The accumulated shortage
Potatoes— Oregon, $1.40@1.50 per
on the
Dver a front of 400 kilometers Southern Pacific is now 700 cars, and sack: Yakimas, $1.65; sweets, $3.25 the Good Roads convention held at the ing on enough p>ea gravel and sand to
A fter this is
lies), and seven German army on the Oregon-Washington Railway & @3.50 per hundred.
Agricultural college.
Some features take up the hot oil.
¡(280,000 men), are engaged, Navigation company’s lines is 300.
Onions — Oregon, buying prices, $2 | o f the situation common to many parts done it should be given a thorough
rolling immediately following, and in
nnouncement was made officially There is no shortage in Oregon or f. o. b. shipping point.
! o( the state are as follows:
the course o f a short time it is ready
j war office.
Apples— Spitzenbergs, extra fancy,
Washington. We feel that we are be­
“ The public highways of Polk coun­ for travel. Good country roads that
[official statement issued earlier ing discriminated against.
If it is $2.25 per box; fancy, $2; choice,
[day made reference to the ener- possible to open the Northern gate­ $1.25@1.50; Yellow Newtowns, extra ty may be divided into two distinct will stand many years o f wear under
| bombardment being conducted ways temporarily we might procure fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice, $1.35 classes, earth and stone. The prob­ ordinary traffic conditions may be con­
region, but referred to the in­ cars from other lines.
@ 1.50; Rome Beauty, fancy, $1.50(9 lem with us, as it is with most every structed by this method at a cost o f
Three factors
activity as extending over a
Replies to inquiries sent by the Ore- ! 1-6®; Winesaps, choice, $1.15@1.35; other county in the state, is how to about $700 per mile.
are absolutely necessary to the life o f
|>f only 15 kilometers (10 miles). gon commission to the commissions of Stayman, choice, $1.25(9 1.35
How to such a road: The first essential is a
Iwas violent fighting at other California and Washington are that no
Eggs—Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, improve our dirt roads.
| on the French front as well.
roads good foundation or base, the second a
car shortage exists in those states.
struggle,” says the War office
Poultry— Hens, 15(9T5Jc per pound; that will stand up under existing con­ good grade o f heavy asphaltum oil
inication, ‘ ‘ is continued with
j small springs, 15c; broilers, 18@20c; ditions o f our traffic. Incidentally, whose aspihaltic content should be not
ce against the right bank o f the Coos Bay Cities Plan
¡turkeys, live, 18(920c; dressed, choice, how to get the most for the money, less than 90 per cent, and the third as
toward the southeast. East of
ducks, 12@14c; geese, 10c. ! and last and most important, in our intelligent and efficient system of
Big Railroad Jollification j 24(925c;
aint a counter attack enabled us
Butter — Prices from wholesaler to opinion, how to maintain these rock maintenance and repair.”
ake the greater part o f the forest
Portland city creamery, and gravel roads after they are com­
Marshfield — The Marshfield and retailer:
ises, situated in the salient oc- North Bend Chamber of commerce 1 prints, 60-pound case lots, standard pletely built, as no road is better than
Forestry Building Contracts Let.
, by the enemy north o f Beau- have committees organized for the pur- grades, 34c; lower grades, 28(932Jc; it is maintained.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
j pose o f planning for the celebration of Oregon country creamery, prints, 60-
“ I am firm in the belief that fuel
j strong German attack on Herbe completion of the Willamette-Pacific pound case lots, standard makes, 32Jc; oil, with a content o f bitumen, the vallis— Salem firms will erect the new
was stopped by our curtain fire, railway from Eugene to Coos Bay, but lower grades, 28@31c; butter packed higher the better, has been a great forestry building at the Oregon Agri-
[ding to statements of prisoners, they have been unable and will not in cubes, 2c less. Prices paid by job­ factor in the maintenance of our rock | cultural college and install the heating
i units were completely destroyed | likely set the date for some time, as bers to producers:
Cubes, extras, and gravel roads. It is generally an and lighting systems. A fter a careful
course of these actions.
the Southern Pacific officials are still 29£c; firsts, 27Jc; seconds, 25c; dairy accepted fact that if the dust nuisance investigation by the building commit­
desultory artillery duel eontin- hesitant about naming a time for the butter, country roll, 16@18c; butter is to be overcome and lasting roads
tee o f the board o f regents the firm of
the region o f Haute Charriere road to be finished.
j fat, No. 1, 32c; No. 2, 29c.
are to be built, certain material other
Fromerey in Torraine.
In the
Veal— Fancy, 9c per pound.
According to the disposition in both
j than water must be used. It is only F. A. Erixson, Salem, was awarded
i o f Nomeny, our artillery has cities, the event and entertainment
Pork— Fancy, 9¿(9 10c per pound.
j in the last two years that a dust layer the building contract for the sum o f
active. An enemy reconnaissance j will exceed anything ever attempted
Hops— 1915 crop, 10@13c per pound; and road preservative has come into $31,699. Contracts for installing the
[o f Letricourt failed to reach our I before on Coos Bay.
1916 contracts, ll@ 1 2 c per pound.
i pxipular use in our county. It is a fact
Cattle— Choice steers, $6.50 @ 6.75; ! that some thought it a waste o f pub­ heating and lighting systems were
There are already promises received
the Herbe forest we have evac- from the main boosting bodies in the Rood, $6.75@7; medium, $6.50(9 6.75; lic funds, but such criticism, helped by awarded Theodore M. Barr, also of
| the village o f Haumont.
We Willamette valley that big delegations choice cows, $6.50 @ 6 .7 5 ; medium, the continued use o f the oiled roads, Salem, for $4,424.
Did the envirous after a bitter will be sent officially, but the commit­ $5.25 @ 6 ; heifers, $4 @ 6.40; bulls, has melted into appreciation.
This building was recently author­
in which our troops inflicted tees here wish to have it generally un­ $2.50@5; stags, $3(9:5.25.
“ The treatment we have given our ized by the board o f regents and its
losses on the enemy.”
Hogs — Light, $7.50@8.15; heavy, roads has been purely a surface treat­ construction will be completed during
derstood that everybody and his rela­
great battle raging along the tives will be welcomed.
The Cher- $7(97.25.
Dragging with a split log and the summer. The contract calls for
lie front from Etain to Malan- rians, of Salem, were the first to give
Sheep— Yearlings, $7@8; ewes, $6 patching with banked gravel help« the completion by September 1, so that
[ is being followed with intense assurance they were preparing to come ' @ 7 ; lambs, $8(9 9.05.
roads through the winter, and with the the equipmuyit may be installed and
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 18(9 2be per coming o f spring a campaign o f clean­ the building made ready for use by the
est by the public.
It disposes j and see Coos Bay, and although the in-
kively o f the question whether the formation came in a roundabout man- pound; valley, 25@26c; mohair, Ore­ ing, patching and reshaping with a opening o f the college year.
Ians would make an early offen- ner, < hey are expected to participate. gon, 28@29c per pound.
scraping grader is started.
The new building will be o f brick
Caseara bark— Old and new, 4c per times a harrow or scarifier is useful, and its style o f architecture will con­
The battle is the first on a large Eugene and Albany are also among the
[since the offensive in the Cham- cities that will send excursions, while pound.
j and pxjssibly resurfacing portions of form to that o f the agricutural hall
in September and is believed to the way stations on the Willamette-
the road to be oiled is necessary. Re- and the home economics building. It
s forerunner o f stirring and pos- Pacific will have a genera! outpouring
j surfacing material should consist of will be 80 feet by 140 feet, with three
I decisive events.
of joyseekers.
about 60 p>er cent pebbles varying in full floors.
principal fighting centers in the
Market by Shipping to Portland ! size from one inch down and an ade- It is designed to accommodate the
and thickly wooded country be-
On the
Portland— With wool contracting for | quate amount o f fine material, such as growing school o f forestry.
Plans for Four Spans Made.
Etain and Damvillers.
sand. A moderate amount of clay is first floor will be located a large labor­
1300,000 of the German Crown
Salem— The state highway depart­
ern counties, the last remnant o f the not harmful. After this work gains atory for logging engineering and
[e ’ s best infantry are engaged,
ment announced this week that it had
j neadway, the road rollers are set to smaller laboratories for wood manu­
battle as yet is only beginning, completed plans and specifications for 1915 clip is being sold here. The work. When the roller has made the facture,
preservative treatment o f
is said already to have cost the | four bridges, two in Yamhill county
road presentable and smooth, the oil structural timber, work shops, freight
lants o f the French heavy casual- and two in Columbia.
Proposals for
is applied by sprinkling from an eight rooms and other utility sections. On
knd without any appreciable ad- the construction of the bridges will be house on Municipal Dock No. 1, and hundred gallon tank mounted on a mo­ the second and third floors will be
; accepted by the counties within a
tor truck. By this method about five offices, class rooms, drafting rooms,
| short time.
The bulk o f these wools were thousand gallons may be applied daily. reading rooms and smaller labora­
The bridge in Yamhill county at Mc­
sold at from 21 cents to 22J cents for The weather should be warm in order tories. It will be well equipped with
Minnville will be a reinforced concrete
fine and 26 to 30 cents for coarse wool, to aid the even penetration o f the oil. modern apipiliances to carry on instruc­
viaduct to cost $14,000.
The other
according to condition and shrinkage. The oil we have used was a fuel oil tion and training in modern forestry
structure is a $13,000 160-foot steel
“ The prices realized,” said W. L. containing about sixteen per cent as- methods.
span between Athey’ s Island and the
This material cost Polk
Crowe, manager o f the company, “ are phaltum.
Bhington, D. Q.— Agitation in mainland over Willamette Slough be-
cents per barrei of
from 3 cents to 5 cents better than
Physical Training for All.
for action warning Americans low Wheatland,
Adding freight,
were offered in the country for the forty-two gallons.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
med ships o f the European bel-
At Veronia, in Columbia county,
same wools. The growers are more
knts suddenly grew to such pro- a 100-foot steel span will be built over
than satisfied with their experiment price of three-quarters o f a cent per vallis— Arrangements are under way
ins Thursday that Democrats of Rock Creek, and a 50-foot girder will
of sending their wools here to be mar­ gallon for distribution, brings the cost for the introduction o f a new athletic
[reign affairs committee voted to be placed across Tide creek, near Deer
keted, and it is safe to say a much per gallon of oil on the road to three pxilicy at the Agricultural college.
bs the sentiment o f the house on Island.
larger quantity will be sent here dur­ and one-half cents. An application o f This pxilicy was instituted some six
pending resolutions o f that na-
about fourteen hundred gallons per
ing the coming season.
twelve feet wide is necessary to years ago since which time a construc-
No Logs; Dallas Mill Idle.
timent in the senate in favor of
dust. Better results can be tive program looking to its introduc-
Dallas— For the first time in several ferent customers, a dozen of whom obtained by using a pressure distrib­
puch action also was expressed
tion has been followed.
, but at the end o f a day o f sur- 1 months, the large sawmill plant o f the
We have had inquiries from a dozen utor of some standard make and put­
According to this pxilicy every stu­
tension and agitation such as
other big Eastern mills, and although ting on two applications at intervals of
dent will be given the amount and kind
[t been seen in congress in some in this city, is clsoed. This is due to
Owing to the we did not close deals with them we one good application will probably o f physical training that is best suited
the word came that President ; the shortage of logs.
are looking forward to their trade in
still was
» o»*“
— »»vviai/ijr opposed
’ J
-- past
------------, month.
keep the dust down, providing the dry to individual needs. It is a pxilicy o f
ich action by congress, and that i work has been impossible in the camps ne^ J woolr*.
season is not too long.
moderate training for the many rather
ild only be embarrassed thereby ‘ near Black Rock. The supply o f logs / ‘ Our object is to improve the cond.-
“ Although good results have been
than highly training for the few.
negotiations with Germany.
them all on an equal basis. By avail­ obtained in clay soil by mixing with j
Igestions were widely circulated tions is exhausted.
There are several causes that make
All camps are now in full operation, ing himself o f cheap money, which he been secured with a sandy loam. The | the institution o f this new piolicy time­
lie situation had reached a point
i the President soon would lay it and by the midde of next week the could never do before, the grower is oil acts as a binder and is extensively ly.
The rapidly enlarging student
congress, that Secretary Lans- mill will resume again.
Only a few enabled to hold his wool until he is used where clay cannot be obtained.
body calls for increased attention to
light in some way define the at- o f the men were laid off, most of them
“ The method o f constructing an propier physical development and care.
o f the government in a commu- being employed in repairing the plant, here is sold only with the approval of oiled earth road should be about as fol­
Healthful exercise and sanitary ar­
on to Senator Stone, and that a which has a capacity o f 100,000 feet a
rangement become increasingly neces-
lows: The grade is first made with
|had been fixed within which the day.
then gets beyond the owner’s control. ” propier crown o f three quarters o f an »ary as a larger number o f pieople oc-
xl States would expect Germany
inch to the foot, then furrows ploughed cupy relatively the same space.
lify her intention to abandon the
Stock Go to Bunch Grass.
the required distance apart on each timent in favor o f this pxilicy has also
anced intention to sink armed
Potato Shipments 600 Cars.
Students will
side o f the center line, and the earth become quite general.
Baker — Hope for relief from the
lant ship« without warning.
Portland — Up to the present time moved from the center out, until a not only profit by it but will also enjoy
threatened further loss o f livestock be­
cause of lack of feed is reported from about 600 cars o f potatoes have been trench is made. Care must be taken it. They have come to recognize the
Cyclone Destroys Town,
parts of this vicinity. Horses and shipped from Oregon, and the indica­ in the preparation o f the sub-grade, fact that clear and vigorous thinking
►ntgomery, Ala.— Meager repxirts cattle are leaving their straw and hay tions are the total shipments for the which should also have a crown of is aided by well regulated physical ex­
Brewton, Ala., said a cyclone for the bunchgrass. In the vicinity of , season will not exceed 1000 cars. Nor­ three-quarters o f an inch to the foot. ercises.
[Wednesday practically demolished North Powder, where the snow was mal shipments from the state are It is then rolled until the earth is
Campus arrangements have also
village o f Appleton, 10 miles | unusually heavy, it is reprorted that it about 1500 cars a year.
thoroughly compacted. Oil containing been directed toward making this gen­
The men’s
“ There are between 400 and 500 about 90 pier cent asphaltum should be eral training feasible.
is melting and that it will not be long
dical aid was called for from before the grass starts growing if cars o f piotatoes left unsold,” said Mc­ applied, hot, in two courses. The first new gymnasium building provides am­
rton, but the extent o f injuries or present conditions continue.
Kinley Mitchell, “ and these will all course should consist o f about a gallon ple room for the men and releases the
lities had not been reported.
There is no and a half spread evenly to the square former gymnasium for the exclusive
John Day stockmen exp>ect that con- clean up at some price.
The athletic
* storm appeared to be general in ditions that have been very threaten- likelihood the market will be any bet­ yard o f sub-grade, and about four use o f the women.
Alabama, extending from east ing will improve
This grounds have been enlarged and tile-
that livestock ter in the immediate future, but there inches o f earth thrown over it.
trewton, south o f this city, to there will be able
begin feeding is a possibility the late market will should be well mixed and rolled with a drained and will be laid out in fields
an, 50 miles north.
tamping roller.
This machine com­ for amateur games and sporta.
early next month.
improve if California cleans up.”
of 280,000 Engaged in
Hack on 25-Mile Front
lent and Congress at Outs
Ker Germany’s Proposed Sea Rule