öllj? í f t i r r s í p (S rx T u S x p r r a s Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. prosperity straws Salem, Feb. 26 New industries are coming to the state, and in many towns W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. the erection of new buildings and new Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the poetoffice at Forest Grove, plants have been announced. Every­ Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 where in the state are the signs of steady, consistent and encouraging WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1916 growth. Marshfield -Sawmill at Isthmus Inlet NOTES AND COMMENTS to be operated this month. Grants Pass—Dyer Company of Cleve­ From the days the children of Friday captur ed first place as land, O., have contract for erecting Israel grumbled and were sent on butter judges at the Northwest $600.000 sugar factory near here, Portland to have new vaudeville their tedious wanderings for 40 Dairy Produce Show, held at theatre to cost $125,000. years in the wilderness, up to the Spakane . . . last week. , They com- Spaulding Logging Company wiil cut present hour the world has been peted with teams from the Wash- 55 , 000,000 feet of logs back of Corval- full of grumblers. It is too hot, ington and Idaho colleges. ’Rah lis. or too cold, too wet or dry. for O. A. C.! Ontario—District to be formed to de­ velop Warm Springs irrigation project. People in reasonable circumstances Tells Where He Stands Donald campaigning for a cheese have visions of the poor house, L. A. Fernsworth of Banks, factory- while the rich grumble that they publisher of the Herald of that on footto irrigate 100,000 acres | can’t get rich faster. , , , ., „ „ ., of Little and Big Agency plains in Jef-j p.ace and of the Cornelius Tnb- ferson and Crook counties. Human life is a marvel. We une, has an announcement in this Portland Chamber of Commerce to be enter it naked, we know not from issue of the Express, declaring reorganized to concentrate more upon whence or why. We play, we himself a candidate for the repub- PaYr“lls an(1 industries and less upon dream, we plan, we do. And then |ican nomination for State Rep- enterprises we «„out naked-stripped of all' „tative f r o m Washington . ^ c h t J T £ ownt™ . our gains and we know nol:county. Baker to get a modern dairy plant, whither. It’s a mysterious ep Mr. Fernsworth will have been Portland—Pacific Coast Steel Com- isode. It’s a gleam, a flash of in the county nearly four years PB">’ plans to erect $500,000 plant here, light between the darkness of the by the time of th e’next legisla near Cott8ge Grove - Quicksilver mine London to resume operations. womb and the darkness of the tive session, and he has taken an North Powder grave—just a flash of activity be- active part in the discussion of school house. wants to build a new tween the silence of two great matters of slate and county econ- Jackson county has good coal but in stiUnesses. omy. He has had nearly 10 January shipped in nearly 100 carloads. Capital needed for development. A country editor received the years’ „ , . , newspaper _ _ experience in Portland Brewing Company resumes following: “Please send me a few Oakland, San Francisco, Sacra- operations and will make non-alcoholic copies of the paper containing the niento and Portland, and was a i beer. obituary of my a u n t’s death and member of the Oregonian re- Ashland — $ 15. 000 to be spent re­ publish the enclosed clipping of portorial sta ff Through h i s mode,ling hotel Oregon, Land Grant bills in Congress are the marriage of my niece, who newspaper experience at Sacra- mostly to expedite land lives in Lebanon. And I wish men to and Salem he has had un grabs and constructed keep alive further litigation. you would mention in your local usual opportunities to familiarize Eugene — Business men promoting column if it does not cost any- himself with methods of law enlarged fire brick factory. Gresham—Before taking advantage thing that I have two bull calves making. Last year he was chairman of of the Union hi*h 8^ool gymnasium for sale. As my subscription is . 1 . . , , , students procure a physician’s cer- out, please stop my paper. Times th e leg. dative committee of the tificate as must to physical condition, are too bad to waste money on state editorial association, and Astoria making fight to be designat- newspapers.” his statement of principles is along edas a naval base, the lines advocated by the state Dallas Commercial club is boosting a Judge Beach informs the Ex­ association. His slogan , is “Un- ta'lk li4Ctor>' at that place. press that the 1917 department . • • Independence— Wm. Riddle hired a encampment of the G.A. R. can compromising economy, c.ean-cut man to catch gophers on his farm. Re- suit, 3800 in one year at 25c each, or lie secured for Forest Grove if wei laws, and 1 he public in- nearly a thousand dollars from this even a little effort iw made in that terests ahead of politics.” His statement of principles says: cn,p- direction. He r e is something “Four of . 0re>?°n City’s ordinance prohibiting worth the attention of the Com­ 1 • i.,- „ distinct . tendencies , Jitney busses from operating in that mercial club. The encampment legislation constitute a danger to city withouta franchise was declared would undoubtedly bring several i he well being of the State. I valid by the supreme court in an opinion oppose them. written by Justice Benson. thousand people and keep them shall “They are: Unnecessary re- McMinnville— County clerk will sell here three days While the old striction of the freedom of the $7oo° u,n,lf' slough. to build a bridge across boys are willing to pay their own W illamette way, thev expect some decorating, P^P *. the ever-.ncreas.ng burden Yüncalla votes Apri, 17 on |20 000 the fret* use of a meeting place and of taxa ion created by multiplyiug bonds for water works. Springfield—Christian church plans would appreciate the services of a expenditures out of proportion to $1000 addition. band and the expenses of their the increase in wealth and actual Monmouth drum corps. The 1916 encamp­ needs; a multiplicity of laws, creamery plant. gets $5000 co-operative ment will be held at Eugene next frivolous and conflicting, which Roseburg planning $75,000 high school. June, at which time the meeting only bring the law into disrepute; West Chehalem—John U. Smith’s place for the following year will laws hampering and restricting, slogan for legislature—“Nomore laws, instead of encouraging capital and Repeal, amend, abolish. Drastic out- be selected. ting of expenses.” d Portland and several of the veloprnent Marshfield—Wooden ware factory to make carload daily seeking location coast cities are reveling in the Some Ink is Poisonous throes of a Chinese tong war. t i l e Up in Washington last week here. Astoria—County road master will Hing Y mg Bings having declared several members of a family were build two and one-half miles Nehalem war on the other Chinks. Four poisoned and made seriously ill by highway. or five Chinks have been murder«! eating butter that had be en Stanfield—Swift Packing Company so lar. The islitor of Express has wrapped with paper which had here. "lakes »ire land purchase near been making investigations in been marked with a rubber stamp For«*st Grove to learn whether or The ink used with rubber stamps Political Announcements not there is danger of a tong war is poisonous and as it frequently to r State Representative here and he hits come to the con washes off the paper and gets on- A. FERNSWORTH clusion that, its the only tongs in to the butter, the p.'l-MWl using To the L. m em bers o f the Republican town are those used in the Hack* suoh butter is running a great Party in Washington County: smith shops and the little tongs risk of being poisoned. 1 beg respectfully to solicit your con- used _ on the . table for handling Dealers who accept butter nut u'*era.o‘’i Republican 1 t May 19. for Ht the office of uncompromising state Primaries Renre- lump sugar, there is 1 really . no up in wrappers not properly sentative. I favor danger. McGill, Linneville, Strib- priuted, place themselves liable •f0?ion}>''ch»n-cut, fower laws, and I ieh and the other blacksmiths to fine, just as the producer who of*potfu£f. Vahidl work^a^ns^um have promised the Express editor sells the butter. nciwsary, frivolous and contacting that if their tongs get hot enough Butter wrappers when properly tightening the ’cverTnor^n^^i* to threaten trouble, they will printed with a special ink, used den taxation created by expenditures souse them in cold water until the by the Express and other well- and act^uaUveeds! ^ mcre“ e ,n we*lth fever abates. This might be a legulated printing offices, elimi- L- A- fernsworth. point woith the consideration of nate the danger recited above. To the Voters of th«- Republican P*rt> the authorities at Portland duck The special printer’s ink used on for W ashington County the chinks in the Columbia or the butter wrappers us not affected by - 1 “ cand*?*,r for the nomination County Clerk, for the Prim.rv Willamette. This treatment has water. It Will ... not run or erase. ^wr Election to be held May liKh. 1916 - been known to curt* hens of the nor is it poisonous. have been chief deputy Couuty Clerk sitting habit and it might cool off Mr». A. J. Splllfr» and lit* «¿£¡5 the chink tongs daughters departed Thursday for °.f Die office, ami if nominated A team composed , of T. R. Mc- Mc- a vUl with ^ends and relatives SS I Z r t i?JL-fi2L T’ K’ of of‘ Clellan. R. Tweed and F. T at (entralia and other Washing* rising economy, and courtesy'^to^the Baldwin, O. A. C. students, last ton points. H enry A. K ura Tu, r w ..... ........................ *1 • * i % i »V i i i a i u c b t c Thg FoiTSt Gi*OV SllOG Sto 6 Fourteen Years Ago the doors of the Forest Grove Shoe Store were opened. Fourteen Y ears-a long time to look ahead, but seemingly not so distant in the past. Fourteen years have made great changes in the business representation of our city. Very few of the earliest stores survive. Some are gone: many have moved away; others have taken their places. To-day Forest Grove is more prosperous than ever before-a mighty good proof that it is splendid place in which to reside. Tc-day our trade is larger than it has ever been——a mighty good proof that our store is a splendid place to buy shoes. You would be surprised to know the large number of families who have been our steady customers for fourteen years, though there ars some who have never given us^ the oppor­ tunity to show them the shoe service of which we are so proud. Our slogan is: “ Each Year a Better Year,” and right now we are preparing for a record breaking season. We are purchasing the very latest styles and patterns of the best grades of FOOTWEAR on the market, and will soon be ready with complete lines in many widths. Kindly pass the word along to any of your friends who have had to send or go out of town to be fitted. We believe styles will not be so extreme in design as those that startled everybody last season. The new shoes are beautiful models And the latest novelties you will find ex­ tremely ATTRACTIVE. We have several lines of shoes which we are going to discontinue handling and will make a price to you that will make a big saving in your shoe bill. Y ours Truly, C. V . B . R U S S E L L . T he O reg o n of McMinnville F ire R e lie f A ss’n Is the Great Home Insurance Company of Oregon that has adequately solved the problem of furnishing protection for a minimum cost and building up a Reserve Fund that amply protects the assured. It has more than $260,000.00 in first-class assets, as shown by examination recently made by the Insurance Department of Oregon. When insuring your home, remember the slogan, “ Patronize Home industry.” Agent for Washington county Office, FOREST GROVE, OREGON W . P . D yke EGGS For Hatching Fine Strain of ose R i«ht r ’omh D PHC Color IVLUO $2.00 For Fiftee: a iu u g ll, Cheaper in Quantit BABY CHICKS (. all at Forest Grove Express ^ • Phone L . 821 B e n f e Forest r Grove, Ore P. O. Box D Keep Your Money AT HOME spend it in Forest Grove, and you have a very good chain Ot seem* it attain ; you may even handle it again Even >ou never see it again, some of your neighbors will get No mStert0whI h UP GI° Ve and Washington couít automobdesor ^ *r°CeneS’ c,othi"*- shoe Job Printing refusing to send away for things they could get at home THE EXPRESS anv kind of st-utm Come and »ee ° emP|o>ed and you can getalmod ° m031 Mac,inK f“ <* ">W>‘ Either will do more for Foíe“t CmvÍh ,a°tber local coneern outside the city or county! tha" Sorne pnn“ * WE RE IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING M v st o i lh e N e w I . O . O . F . B lo c k I lion« s>- I F o re st G ro v e. O re * »