The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, March 01, 1916, Image 1

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    ¿Formst ( ir n ttf fm ir r a a
‘’ol. 1, No. 8
1 of the excellent luncheon of sand-
LUB AND ! wiches, cake and tea, served at
spite of the leap year day
SOCIETY I but In three
gentlemen were present,
Pioneer Killed by Cars
Robert H. Walker, one of the
wealthiest men of Washington
county, was killed Saturday morn­
ing when he attempted to board a
train for Portland at St. Marys.
His course took him directly in
front of the oncoming Oregon
Electric train, and he was thrown
40 feet by the impact.
Mr. Walker was an Oregon pio­
neer, 75 years old. Since 1852
his home had been in Oregon.
He first became a resident of
Portland, but later removed to a
farm near Beaverton. He is sur­
vived by three children: Archie j
Walker, of Beaverton; William
Walker, of Portland, and Mrs.
Samuel Olds, of Portland.
$1.50 per Year
C. R. Lasham is a business vis­
itor in Portland today.
Oscar LaHaie of Gales Creek
in the city Monday.
A new organization was born at
j the host, the class teacher and
Woman’s Club Entertains
F. McNamer of Gales Creek
Beaverton last Saturday after­
uesday of t h i s w e e k was
was in this city Tuesday.
noon, when the publishers of
uests’ D ay” with the Forest ladies felt they had quite their
L. Gordon of Gales Creek was
Washington county got together
own say.
doing business here Tuesday.
(Move Woman’s club and the oc­
formed the W a s h i n g t o n
The social committee, under
F. F. LaHaie of Verboort was
casion will long be remembered by
E d i t o r i a l association,
members and those guests so the leadership of the chairman, seen on our streets Tuesday.
of representatives of
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buxton
fwttunate as to have been invited Mrs. N. A. Frost, deserves credit
All papers in
_ - 1 1 for planning and engineering the j autoed to Portland Saturday.
to the Congregational church par
the county, except those of Hills­
Ralph Fritz of Watts was in
lors Tuesday afternoon, The par- recePti°n a°d the constant com-
boro, were represented, as follows:
ment approved by all was “ we the Grove on business Tuesday,
lois had been appropriately dec- !
Beaverton Times, S. H. and
ought to have more of these1
A - Fernman of Laurelwood
onUed with Oregon grape and the gatherings ”
j made a trip to the Grove Tuesday.
Leon Davis.
lb flowers (Carnations).
O ne W ho W as P resent .
Archie Bryant is confined to
The Walnut Book, Orenco, H.
1rs. J. P. Hurley and her music
his home with an attack of grip.
V. Meade.
mittee, c o m p o s e d of Mes­
Last Thursday evening Mr. L
Hatch of North Dakota
The Herald, Banks, L. A. Ferns-
ses E. E. Williams, C. L.
, , T rp ^ T j
. . • , 1 is visiting his old friends, Mr. and
Iker and Wilbur McEldowney, and Mrs. T. C. Lord entertained j Mrs. Archie McKay, in this city.
charge of the program and five couples at 500 and lunch, I Mrs. O. L. Shogren returned
The Optimist, North Plains,
Beaverton Ulan Arrested
themselves and the club proud, those present, in addition to the from Portland Saturday where
Lester Barnes, of Beaverton, R °y E. King,
Irs. W illiams gave an interest-: hosts, being Messrs, and Mes- she has been visiting her daughter, aged 45 and father of eight child-
The News, Cornelius, W. T.
ta lk „°n Evolution of Signs dames Archie Bryant, Harvey Mrs. Olsen.
i ren, was arrested Monday night “ ray
otes" and “ Instruments;” Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W J. Cood and
Tualatin Valley News, Sher-
Iker talked on “ The Humble Baldwin, F. G. Wilcox and W. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. M Good autoed charged with burglaries, both in
Roy S. Blodgett.
inning of Present Day Music,”
to Hillsboro Sunday to visit E. J. Portland and Washington county.
C o u n t y News-
B i l e Mrs. Hurley's subject was lory and Miss Lord. The lunch McAlear.
The latest offense charged against
■ m erica n Music and Musicians.” was excellent and a very pleasant
J. P. Hurley.
Mr. Duffy, who moved from him is the theft of personal prop­
n P l i ^ Loynes of Pacific Univer- j evening was enjoyed by all.
W. C.
Forest Grove to Hillsboro some erty and toilet articles from the
played an opening number on
time ago, has returned to make home of Miss Mabel Kelly, of Benfer.
% piano, after which Prof. Chap-
Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Kauffman his home here.
L. A. Fernsworth was elected
Portland, Saturday night. Loot
B n<
accompanied b y
Miss entertained a company of friends
Clinton McGill, who is em­
and Roy E. King secre­
was taken to the value of $35.
^ ■ y n e s, rendered a violin solo and, ,
, , ... ,
■ a n encore, played “ Old Folks from Dll,ey last Wednesday ev- ployed at V a n c o u v e r as an
City Detectives Coleman and
visited his parents in
^ ■ H o m e .”
ening, complimentary to Mr. and , electrician,
, .
S. H. Davis, W. C. Benfer and
Snow and Sheriff Reeves of Wash­
■ M iss Acker of the University Mrs. Marion Maury, of Lewis-
^ y m t! urR a y ‘
ington county, made the arrest at H. V. Meade were appointed to
■ d e r e d a vocal solo so well that | town, Montana. The evening was | ^
^ ^ n e x t ^ u e o? S e Express Beaverton, and Barnes was taken draft by-laws for the association
to Portland. It is expected ho
"graciously11 rescinded W She Very pIeasantly spent at cards. is printed Judge W . H. Hollis will be turned over to the Wash- and will meet at Hillsboro for that
accompanied" by °Miss Keep*! The « « * • E lu d ed Mr. and Mrs. will file for district judge.
ington county authorities for pros- purPose Saturday morning of this
Hiss Goldie Peterson’s song, Marion Maury, Mrs. F. A. Maury,
The friends of Mrs. M. Bisbee, ecution.
wet k. All members are expected
feompanied by Mrs. Williams, j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolf, Mr. who has been suffering from the
Detectives s y Barnes confessed to meet at Sherwood a week from
brought forth an encore.
and Mrs. Walter Wolf, Mr. and effects of a fall, will be glad to to the burglary of a Beaverton Saturday to act on the by-laws,
Irs. McEldowney also greatly Mrs. A. A. Lamont, Mr. and Mrs. learn that she is recovering.
saloon a year ago.
at which time the date and place
Lee Covert, who is firing on the
ased the audience with a vocal C. N. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. C.
for the next meeting will be de-
Tillamook line, visited his wife
; A. Brodersen.
and her parents, Mr and Mrs. J.
he hostesses for the occasion
State Insurance Commis ioner c'^ech
re Mrs. J. A. Thornburgh and
Mr and M rs. R C. Hfil Satur- S. Buxton, several days last week. Wells has issued a warning against j It is probable that the asso'ia-
__|ss Marjory Forbis and Mrs. ,
, , . ,
I am paying the highest market
B o r n burgh was also chairman of
eJ « ? in* entertained fifteen price for butter and eggs and am purchasing insurance at less than tion will have stated meetings ev-
the refreshment committee, as-
bellows and Rebekahs at selling from my wagon fresh fish cost. He also cautions against ery three months, with called
■ t e d by Mesdames Danser, M. their home, those in attendance every day. Oscar Burnworth, so-called “ adjusters” of life in­ meetings whenever three mem­
■ Allen, Mayea, Geo. Hancock being Messrs, and Mesdames H. phone 62.
surance, who p r e t e n d there is bers ask for one.
■ d H. Baldwin. The committee R Bernard, J. McNamer, John
The association is designed to
A Mr. Reynolds, who spent something wrong with your policy
■ t nothing
undone in looking i Templeton>
L oexiun,
&xton u. F. some years in South America, has
be a help to the publishers in the
*cmpici/uii, n A . . i_i.
and then write you a new policy
er the appetites of members
gathering and dissemination ot
and Mesdames Mallorv. a fine collection of coins and
H d guests.
newS( to inculcate in the members
Austin, Hatfield and Ingersol and | gator and snake skins in the Van-
T l ! uests from
also of mail-order insurance, says that spirit which other professional
». Long’ oi" HilLboro and K
j Miss, ™ ke- . Thc >•*«"»* ™> 1 K“ *h" «
w“ d° w'
, the commissioner, for the state men cad ethics and to enable the
does not license them. If you scribes to get better acquainted
neS Wilcox and Briggs of Cor- ¡ J f f i £
E x p » “
want to know anything about an with each other.
he ladies of the club are grate-
Kuosts unile m pronouncing turn engagement of “ The Beloved agent or his company, write the
Prior to the meet ing, which was
to the outside talent who as- Mr. and Mrs. Hill excellent e n -; Vagabond for Wednesday and Commissioner of Insurance, Salem, held in the Bank of Beaverton,
| Thursday nights of next week.
:ed in making this one of the tertainers.
j the Beaverton Chamber of Com­
~ 7~
J E. G. Hoefer, the tailor, has de-
st enjoyable meetings of the
merce, by Messrs. Davis, Cady,
It Was Soms Show
b year.
and Pike, banqueted the
last Sunday entertained Mrs. W. buy their clothing in Portland, he | The home talent minstrel put
Irs. E. E. Williams entertained T. Buxton of Walla Walla, Wash., will move to that town and open on at the star last night is sa d by
,• one
, , of the leading
, hotels,
. .. /
spreading before them a feed that
Fundamental Training class and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Buxton UP a shop. He leaves tomorrow, many who saw it to have been the made them come away with kind-
ii a Washington’s b i rt h d a y and Alden Harper of this vicinity.
P. W . Watkins today traded to best of its kind ever produced on !y feelings for their hosts. At the
Songs of Mrs. Buxton was for some years James Dilley a farm eleven miles a local s t a g e . T h e performers banquet the editors were ad-
neighbor to t h e Fletchers on | north of North Plains for the
Miss Beulah James a n d 1 dressed by J. H. Mulchay, as­
fchington’s time were sung Gales Creek.
1 latter’s livery stable, including were iv.
sistant general freight aRent of the
discussed, each one playing a
Ralph Emerson, Tom ami
the realestate, but no live stock.
ern Pacific Railway, who is
There was a record breaking J Mr. Watkins will conduct the Encell Todd, Frank Porter. Er- bu“
fiber. A tree decorated with
of the B e a v e r t o n
nest Blair, Jensvold Verle Stan- '* ‘ n
‘rries wa& chopped down by attendance at the M . E. Aid so- place as a feed barn only,
Chamber of Commerce by reason
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hampton, the ley, Leslie Emerson, Harry Moore- of the fact that he resides in that
one present. A mountain of ciety meeting held at the home of
head, Joe Morley, Bruce Purdy
ream surrounded with Ameri- Mrs. Walter Chalmers last Wed- former a brother to Mrs. J. S. and Nelson Frost. Bert Shipman town. The gentleman said that,
flags completed the entertain- nesday, forty ladies being in at­ Saturday and Sunday, leaving was at the piano and Arthur Jones 1 realizing the power of the press,
he felt flattered at being invited
tendance. The hostess provided
t. Those present were: Vesta an excellent lunch for her guests. Monday for their home at New­ looked after the effects.
to attend the gatherings.
The house was crowded and hoped the members of the asso­
port. Mr. Hampton has been in
tz, Dorothy Patrick, Eloise
a Portland hospital for almost everybody got t h e i r money’s ciation would use their influence
Vancouver Coming
ns, Roma Pollock, Josephine
Frances Bernard, Robert
to bring additional industries to
Friday night of this week the two months.
lock, Wilbur Underhill.
t , g i.L „
stated that he knew
Forest Grove High basketshooters
r.llen li. Kirby, at one time a , .r
. _
of three large sawmills that were
Alfred Davidson, who lost his
will play their last game of the left leg at the knee during the resident of 1 orest (.rove, died at under consideration at this time.
Bible Class Fntertains
season, the Vancouver team being first part of June, last year, by her home in Ryan Place, a suburb
jyir. Hurley replied to the ad-
n interesting social event of
their opponents. The game will being run over by a Southern Pa­ of Portland, last Monday, aged dress in his usual polished style
week was the afternoon lunch-
be called at Pacific University cific train between this city and 73 years. Deceased came to Ore- and then the Beaverton boosters
i and program given to the gym at 8 o ’clock sharp. Admis- Cornelius, has been paid $6,000 gon in 186-1 and spent the greater took the scribes to the new $20,-
me Department of the Con- .
by the company m full settlement part of her life in Baker county. 000 high school being erected in
Qf a,i damag,,s.
She is survived by her husband, that town. The building is de-
gational Sunday school by the sion two bits.
In their game with Hillsboro
. ...... „
two daughters and three sons, signed to be adequate for the
lies’ Bible class of the school,
High last Saturday, the locals
» « c o c k Will Rm
I he funeral was held at Portland needs of Beaverton lor some years
bn that peculiar leap year day
came off' victorious by a score of
George G. Hancock of this city this afternoon.
to come, is considerbly larger than
February, which comes not
26 to 23. The Forest Grove girls has been
by friends who
.npr(‘ssary fo[ P ^ e n t needs and
ener than once in four years, by
8 n
is very modern and well con-
were defeated by the Hillsboro desire him to become a candidate j , .
vious invitation, in spite of the gjfjg
for the republican nomination for Mrs. Winona Ramsey, who for- Htructed.
Beaverton has a l i v e wire
by weather a good number of
sheriff to such an extent that he merly resided in Forest Grove,
The owners of a rival cafe have has concluded to make the race but now make their home in Port- Chamber of Commerce and only
met at the home of the
»d e n t of the class, Mrs. Sam- Purchased the fixtures of the For- and will probably file tomorrow. land, visited with friends here this last Friday evening the members
est Grove restaurant and Messrs. Mr. Hancock has been tried in Week.
held a special meeting to entertain
, Decius and Weidenbach are out the office (from 1908 to 1913) and
certain county officials, in an en­
Orders taken f o r whipping deavor to have some much needed
i hirty-three persons were pres- in the cold, not having had a lease made such an efficient sheriff that
to enjoy the program of songs, on the fixtures or building. Looks many of his friends believe he cream, by pint or quart, at Shear­ improvements made on the high­
should be nominated and elected. er’s Confectionery.
ings ami papers and partake a little like another trust.
8-4 ways leading to the town.
O S lt