The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 23, 1916, Image 8

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    f i s I WEEK’S DOINGS
Judge W . H. Hollis was
Tualatin way today on business
Follow the
Mr. and Mrs. John DeMoss
and family are moving to their
farm near Banks this week.
o f the Successful and
Great men o f today.
Peterson Bros., agents for the
Studebaker cars, have a big an­
nouncement on page five.
Any settlement you may
make with the great men
o f today will be made by a
bank check, a reminder that
all successful business is
transacted by check, not
The settlement o f your
accounts from the contents
o f the ancient wallet does
not place you in the list o f
either great or successful
Let us equip you with the
modern check book.
First National Bank
(Continued from Page One)
Bible Class Entertains
The memberr of the M . K. ta­
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Corl of
i Hillsboro visited friends and rela­ ble class and a few invited guests
enjoyed a big dinner and program
tives in Forest Grove Sunday.
at the Sunday School rooms yes­
M . C. Boatman and P. Parsons
terday, there being nearly a hun­
of Gales Creek were attending to
dred in attendance.
business matters in the Grove
The dinner was a regular filling
M onday.
Methodist feast and was thor-
VanKoughnet & Reder can sell
h, enjoyed by all, after which
you Lime and Sulphur spray by the
rogram w a s taken u p .
the gallon or barrel or in the pjrst there were remarks by pres-
powder form.
jdent E. P. Fruit, a vocal duet by
Miss Mary Stockman visited Mesdames Williams and Carlyle;
Saturday and Sunday with her the audience sang ‘ ‘ Nearer, My
grandfather, Henry Harrington,! God,
in Hillsboro.
A. V. Rafferty made a trip to
. Portland by auto Sunday. The
roads are getting favorable for
Rev. ] j uniap sang “ Auld Lang
Syne,” Mrs. Blanche Richards
sang “ All, Day Long,” Mre. R.
M Taylor favored the audience
with a recitation, “ Little Things ;
Mesdames Dunlap and Williams
sang “ Potomac Bells” aud Miss
Helen Little recited “ The Matri-
monial Experiment” and, on an
encore, came back with “ Dearly
Beloved.” With a few remarks
by Rev. Dunlap, the meeting
came to a close at 3:30.
honor of their fifty-fifth wed-
ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs.
Audrey Morris Monday evening
entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. J . 1
motoring now.
Mesdames Ie R o y and Louis
Mayea departed this morning for
Member federal Reserve Bank.
Portland, where they will visit
for several days.
The sewer contractors have
evidently concluded to finish the
job, as thev put several crews to
Mrs. Guy Stockman visited in work Monday noon.
Hillsboro Saturday.
R. W. S. Hamer, an old resident
Mrs. Lewis Mayea is visiting in of Forest Grove, is very ill with
lagrippe at his home on First ave-
Portland this week.
G-.od Fresh cow for sale. W. nue north and “ B ” street.
E. Hillier; phone 0114.
For Rent — 'Modern G-room«! ? ° o d -
“ ” 1 “ ,™ -,? " ^ MT ’
C . M. Good made a business house, with one acre ground; also M r and Mrs. L. J. McAlear, Mr. j
30 acres, with good gravel pit, for and Mrs. R. C. Hill, M r. and
trip to Portland Monday.
Walter Roswurm.
Mrs. Gavin Duncan, Mrs. Inger-
Omar Moore of Gaston was in
Mrs. Arthur Hall of Clatskanie, sol and Messrs T. O. Goff, Levi
Forest Grove on Sunday.
who has been at the bedside of and Archie Keck. Music was the
Charley Martin visited his sis­ her mother, Mrs. J. W . M arsh,1 principal feature of the evening’s
Forest Grove, Ore.
ter in Gaston over Sunday.
returned home last week.
We have just Received a Carload of
...John Deere Wagons...
including a couple of new styles W e have a
sample o f each set up and invite inspection.
Spraying Time is Here
Use Lily’s Soluble Sulphur Spray. W e have
sold twenty barrels o f this the past week. We
also have anything from a hand-power bucket
sprayer to a power machine. Give us a call,
if you want only information.
Our new line o f Baseball Goods and Fish­
ing Tackle is in. Come and see them.
Goff Brothers
Graduate Optician
Expert W atch Repairing
Twenty Years Experience
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, Ore.
A . G. Hoffman transacted bus-
Peterson Bros, and Hancock &
Mrs E. B. Brookbankwas host­
iness in Portland M onday.
Wiles have fitted up the old Corn-
ess to two tables of auction
Miss Liola H o u s e returned mission house room, on Pacific
bridge M onday afternoon in honor
Tuesday from Grants Pass.
avenue, for a show room for autos.
| of her sister, Mrs. Coyne, of Port­
C . A. Littler and wife visited ; Manager Decius of the Forest
la n d . Those present were Mrs.
his aunt at Oak Park Sunday.
I Grove restaurant reports t h a t
E. E. Williams, Mrs. C. E. Walk­
Mrs. Walter Chalmers enter- since he is getting acquainted, er> M rs Coyne, Miss Myers, Mrs.
tained the M. E. Aid society this business is picking up. He serves Ives Hoar, Mrs. J. A. Thornburgh,
i excellent meals.
Mrs. J. P. Hurley and Mrs. Cecil
Mr. and Mrs. W. PL Haynie
A. T . Buxton, who was roughly Creel.
of Scholls were Sunday guests of handled by an ungentlemanly bo-
I vine of the male persuasion a
Mrs. Ida Patrick.
A. A. Hall and family are mov­ couple of weeks ago, was in town
Owing to the sudden illness of
ing into Chas. Odell’s house on Saturday, not much the worse for
one of the leading characters in the
his experience.
Fifth avenue south.
Miss Leone Graham and Miss Freshman class play, it was impos-
. 0 . ,
, i sible to give the production on
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Mar­
Tuesday evening, as announced
cella Richards and Gladys Bruner
Sunday at the \ . M and Y . W. As soon as a date can be deter-
made an auto trip to Gaston Sun­
C. A. c o n f e r e n c e in Corvallis, mined upon it will be announced
Miss Graham stayed over M on- ' n
Mr. and Mrs. Penfield, residing day to visit Miss Helen Corl, for-
A. C. Newell of Portland, chair-
on Second avenue north, celebrat- merly of this city.
n?an ?f. tlle Pr°Rram committee of
Pacific University
Farm Implements, Garden Tools
Wagons, Buggies, Paints, Oils
Cutlery and Silverware
Phone 663
A Good Man Leaving
To the Public
G. A. Gilmore, proprietor of
Having decided to move
the People’s Market, has decided stock and fixtures to Portland
that there are too many meat desire to thank m y friends'
markets in Forest Grove and Sat­ their past patronage and a
urday night will close his place ! those in my debt to call at on
and move the fixtures to Portland. 1
and settle, as I leave the first
He believes that, owing to the
fact that so many of the people March. With best wishes for i
of smaller towns go to Portland my friends, I remain
to do their trading, he can do
G A. Gilmore |
S '*
Klsewhore on ' thin pap- will
. unday.
found a notice stating that L . A. Marsh Hall on Washington’s better by going there. He has'
For State Representative
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hibbs of Fernsworth, editor of the Banks birthday at the usual chapel hour. been a resident of Forest Grove
| for five years and has been in bus­
Independence arrived yesterday Herald,
n»>r.M is
¡< a •• candidate u
u « re-
. His
for i the
. . theme
, was “ American
. lL Citizen-
| To the members o f the Repub
, , .
ship and the work of the Oregon
for u visit with Mr. and Mrs. publican
Party in Washington County:
nomination for the legis- ; Civic League.” As a result of his , time he and Mrs. Gilmore have
I beg respectfully to solicit your«
lature. i Now
let a coupie
couple oi
of nem-
dem pIea for a better citizenship, the made many friends who will re­
C. V. B. Russell.
i iaiure.
w .ei
gret to learn of their intended de­ sideration at the Republican Prin
Miss Gladys Todd, who is a
May 19, for the office of state
and wel l see a nice race.
template the organization of a parture.
teacher in the Vancouver schools,
I favor uncompron_.
Peter Skeen Ogden Applegate, branch of the Civic League here,
M r. and Mrs. Boldrick, who economy, clean-cut, fewer laws, *nd|
was a week-end visitor at the A.
father of Deputy Sheriff Jesse Dr. Bushnell has taken the mat-
have been s p e n d i n g several shall place the public interests
B. Todd home.
A pplegateof this county, died at ter in hand and has appointed
months with friends and relatives of politics. I shall work against
Miss Margaret Hinman was the family home at Central Point committees to consider the matter
necessary, frivolous and conft
of organizing at once.
about Forest Grove, returned to laws, and I shall give my best _
called to Portland last Wednes­ l a s t Saturday, presumably of
One of the best basketball their home at Roekaway Beach to lightening the ever-increasin|
day by the illness of her aunt heart disease, as he was found games of the season will be played
today. The Southern Pacific Com­ den o f taxation created by ex per
Mrs. A. R. Lea bo.
dead in bed Saturday morning. next Saturday evening in the local pany has announced that the out of proportion to inciease in
Miss Kate Roe. a music student Deceased, who was 63 years of gymnasium. The return game be­ Tillamook train will run regularly and actual needs.
tween Pacific College of Newberg again, beginning February 22.
L. A. Femswortb
of P. U., spent part of this week age, is survived by a widow,
three sons and tim e daughters. and P. U. will be played, deciding
with her home folks, two and a The body was buried at Drain the championship between the
half mil*>s south o f W’apato.
two close rivals. P. C. has won
every game this season except the
Poes the National Slogan mean all that it should to you?
game with P. U. It has been re­
o " 1 T'reP*r*d to meet the problems of our coming prosperous y**r’ I
ported that the Newberg rooters
M ART by taking advantage of our Special daily offerings. Coin«»
will come along in a special car to
our store and save money on your provisions.
witness the event. Admission 25c
We are prepared to supply you with all that is good to eat and «*
As the play had to be postponed
constantly awaiting your orders “ to deliver the goods.”
Beginning next Monday, Feb. 28. we will issue
the Freshman class hiked to
David's Hill yesterday for a pic­
S&H Green Trading Stamps with all Cash purchas­
nic. They report a dandy time.
Trading Stamps!
es and t»> those who pay promptly every thirty days.
Ask us for particulars.
LORI) & GIGI ERE, Proprietors
J. S. Buxton and daughter,
Mrs. Covert, motored down to
Portland Friday. Mr. Buxton
reports that the only bad roads
he found were in Multnomah
county, whose motorists have al­
ways complained about the roads
of Washington county.
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