NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; . ¡ G E N E R A L CROP CONDITIONS | Washington, D. C. — Senator Lane Portland— Wheat— Bluestem, $1.08; would abolish the Indian service, do per bushel; fortyfold, 97Je; club, 96c; away with Indian reservations make red Fife, 96c; red Russian, 96|i. every Indian a full-fledged American Hay — Eastern Oregon timothy, citizen and give each Indian an allot­ $18.50@ 19.50 per ton; valley timothy, ment on which to make his home. $16; alfalfa, $20. That accomplished, he would withdraw Millfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $23.50 government support and throw the In­ (a 24 per ton; shorts, $26 (a 26.50; dians on their own responsibility as rolled barley, $31.50(<(32.50. citizens. He embodied hi» ideas in a Corn— Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, bill which he has introduced. $38. The Lane bill puts an end to the Vegetables — Artichokes, $1.10 per Indian bureau and provides that a com- dozen; tomatoes, California, $2 per holdings ] mission appointed crate; cabbage, $1.50@ 1.75 per cw t.; company were subject to sale to , President at $5000 each shall, under garlic, 10c per pound; peppers, 20(u the delinquent certificates the j the exclusive direction of congress, 25c; eggplant, 25c; sprouts, 8@ 9c; as other lands on which the taxes work out the details of the pro- i horseradish, 8$c; cauliflower, $1.25 posed. were not paid. The unpaid taxes per dozen; celery, $4.75 per crate; BM knt to about $30,000. The bill makes no provision for t h e i lettuce, $2.40(