The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 23, 1916, Image 5

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    Mrs. Walter Wolf, of Dilley,
j was calling on friends in Forest
Zest of Hillside was in the Grove Monday.
Mrs. Fred Wilcox returned Fri­
Herman Bernard of Ver- day from a week’s visit with rel­
atives in Portland.
s in the city Monday.
Local musicians have • rranged
your lime and sulphur to put on a minstrel show at the j
t Littler’s Pharmacy.
Star Theatre on the night of Feb.
, Purdin of Portland, was 29th.
M . S. Allen took his daughter,
on business Tuesday.
Miss Mamie Loomis, J.
Robert Brymer, of North
N. Hoffman and J. A. Farell to
ill, was in thiscity Saturday. Portland in the Allen auto Satur­
J. K. French of Hillside day.
was shopping in town Saturday.
Ed. Jasper, who is studying
at school in Portland,'
Mrs, Jane Smith is having her
Saturday for a short j
back field plowed up and grain
visit with home folks, just north
put in.
of town.
Mrs. A. J. Cook has returned
B. F. Nollsch, who is employed
from a visit with her daughter in with the Prudential Insurance Co '
in Portland, came out to spend i
^ ^ ^ la m ilt o n will move his fam­ Sunday with his family on the
ily to i ^alt Lake the first of next
E. G. Hoefer, the local tailor,
attended the eighth annual turn-
nee Ortman left last Wed- fest of the Portland Turnverein
for a visit with his brother, at the Heilig theater last Sunday
and reports a fine time, with the
at Dallas.
house crowded.
Dollie Byerly returned
Miss Grace Thomas and Alva
ay from a visit with her
Patton, both formerly of this city
er in Portland.
and teaching now in Hillsboro
. White, of Portland, spent High school, came up to witness
y with her sister, Mrs. J. the match basket ball game here
Saturday night between Forest
mer, in this city.
Grove High and Hillsboro.
!ge Stevens and William Bor-
The Department Encampment,
of Gales Creek were in Grand Army of the Republic, will
n business yesterday,
be held at Eugene, Oregon, on
members of the Hillsboro June 14, 15 and 16. The Encamp
partment gave their seven- ment for 1917 can be held in For­
est Grove, if the people so desire.
annual dance last night.
Application for the same should
Arrived—A fresh supply of be made at Eugene next June.
an’s Chocolates, the best
Brady Chowning and L. G.
at Littler’s Pharmacy.
Morley, noble grand and vice
nk Walker of Portland visit- grand, respectively, of the local
M. E. Dilley and Mrs I.O . 0. F. lodge, have chosen
sides and are trying to see which
jopRBiberger here Saturday.
side gets in the most applications
Faith Purseval, of Port- for membership during the next
visited with her mother, three months. The losing side i
p. E. Farmer, over Sunday. to pay the expense of a straw-
berry feast for all Odd Fellows in I
!s. L. S. Phillips is spending town.
See at Our Salesroom
The Car that Detroit Likes
Better than any other in the World.
In Detroit, where people KNOW cars, more Studebakers
are in use than any other cars listing at more than $500.
This is significant,
For the simple reason that Detroit is the Home of Auto­
mobiles. More than three-fourths of the cars manufac­
tured in the United States are made in Detroit.
In Detroit a BIG percentage of the residents are either
directly engaged in the motor industry—or come into
DAILY contact with people who are.
They talk cars. They study cars. They hear gossip from all the
great factories established in the city. They know the plants and
the efficiency of the manufacturing organizations. They know the
men back of the cars.
And. as a whole, knowledge of automobiles is far more general
and EXACT in Detroit than in any other city on the earth.
So when you know that for the entire year of
1915 registrations in Detroit showed
STUDEBAKERS in use than any other cars
selling at more than $500, it can mean hut one
thing--that to the people of Detroit, people who
KNOW cars and who KNOW VALUE in CARS,
Studebaker offers the top value of the market.
And this fact is all the more significant when you know
that Studebaker has only been selling cars in Detroit for
about half as long as its nearest competitors have.
In half the time, Studebaker has outstripped them all,
and today you go to Detroit and find more Studebakers on
the streets than any other make of cars costing over $500.
Let us show you the new SERIES 17 Studebakers,
the Cars of the Golden Chassis.
weeks with her daughter, j j]. W. Haines and John Temple- i
voget, in Hubbard, Oregon. ton motorecj t0 their farms, in the j
rence Mayea, of Columbia ! North Plains district, Monday,
_____rsity, Portland, visited his
look after the seeding now go
H H e r , Roy, of this city Satur -1
Ihey report the soil in
j good condition for seeding and the
; roads fine.
Trucks and Other Models at Proportionate prices
market reports run on page
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Boggess,
of the Express are alone formerly residents ot this city,
to the farmer what the who have been missionaries in
costs him.
i India for the past five years, have
, been visiting with many friends
---- _ ace Thomas, city editor o f ; in this city M r. Boggess wa for
P ortla n d Oregonian, visited | several years a member of the
Bther, A. B. Thomas, in this faculty at Pacific University,
^ »u n d a y.
M. E. Putnam, manager and
bur Wahl, who is attending lessee of the Laughlin Hotel, has E H
school, spent the last week- brought suit in district court
... , . ,
r n • o
iagainst W. M. Aschenbrenner and half if not paid by April 5th, and to the
dh his home folks in bcog- others, to compel them to make second half if not paid by October 5th.”
certain alterations and extensions All taxes remaining unpaid on October
G. Walker and family of of the heating plant of said hotel, 5th, shall become delinquent, and on
J. S. BUXTON, Prop.
visited the family of the ^ Prov'(l ^ in the lease. The November 5th a penalty o f 5 per cent Baths Shaves Haircuts Shampoos
, ,
. owners reside in Eastern Oregon, will be charged and collected thereon
s brother, S. A. Walker, in
6 ’ in addition to the interest provided
ty Sunday.
Leland Corl, a former graduate herein. Any day after the expiration Nixon Building
^fain Street Funeral Directors and Em balm ers
, ",
. „
of Forest Grove High school, I "J • ___
the taxes charged
ministrel show at the Star came from his home in Corvallis
against real property are delinquent,
Forest Grove,
Tuesday night is for the Friday . » to . i visit
his sister, Miss the Sheriff shall have the right, and it
n i
[t of the Boys’ Club, a very Mary,Jofthe Bankers -Merchant» shaU be hi8 duty upon demand to make
Attorney At Law
Mutual Fire Relief association of i ] out and issue certificates o f delinquency
Patent Office Business Solicited
this city. He expects to spend
W. C. Hines and son, several days renewing old ac- j against such property. Certificates of
j delinquency shall hear interest at the ForestGrove,
returned , home from Port- quaintances and making new ones, j : rate o f 15 per cent. On or as soon as
------------ SLIDES ------------
iriday where she had been
practicable after October 5th, the tax
Leave word at Palace Barber Shop
Job printing- phone 821.
oC iiU U L i IM U I!!.»
collector shall proceed to collect all
Ing a month with her son.
Four-Cylinder Models, 7 -passenger, $ 845
Six-Cylinder Models, 7-passenger, - 1050
Washington County Distributors, Forest Grove, Ore
U n d e rta k in g Co.
, &
taxes levied against personal property,
and which shall have been unpaid, and
shall levy upon sufficient goods and
d7l‘inq°uent'7 a x £ iT r “s ¡nd
sell same to satisfy said tax, or said
sheriff shall charge said personal prop-
Monday because of a black eye received erty tax agajn8t real property and said
Fs. O. M. Gardner was visit­ in playing baseball.
tax sban become a lien upon said prop-
o r sister, Mrs. J. L. VanKirk,
Mr. Thomas instructed the assembly erty, and shall be enforced in the same
■other friends in this city, the in singing Tuesday morning.
| manner “ other r*al j f ^ V v E S
Crozier, wife of the pastor
The Junior-Senior play last Friday
M. E. church at Cornelius, night was a great success and we are
Forest Grove Friday after- ;
“ ««“ “ y K«od attendance
attending the Missionary 1 s n< ay'
Myrtle Clark was absent from school
|of the week, before leaving
There will be a basketball game at shenff of Washin<fton County, Oregon.
Hillsboro S a t u r d a y night between
sr home at Lakeview, Ore.
By J. C. Applegate, Deputy.
|r. Joy took Mrs. Randall and Hillsboro and Forest Grove boys and
Roy, out to his farm near
j>ato Sunday. His farm is sit-
Notice to Taxpayers
Id in one of the most beautiful i
is hereby given that on Tues­
Pities in the Northwest. He
C. H. Lasham
tes most of the time in Forest day' Feb™»ry 15. 191«. 0>e
the year 1915 will be opened for the
, ,,
r* ,
collection o f taxes. The first half of
■ kdgar M e i esse all taxes should be paid on or before
UcMmnvllIe Visited the for- April 5th following and the second
I* parents and other relatives half on or before October 5th following.
fc,s city over Sunday. Edgar interest 8hall * rharRed and collefted
l.tor and half owner of the at the rate of 1 per cent per month or
-Reporter at McMinnville » fraction o f . month until paid. ” ln-
i is d o in g very well.
terest at 8aid rate
lie9 ^ ^ flr|t
to r
Steam and Hot Water Heating
First Class Work Guaranteed.
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.
S h o p w ith G o rd o n and G o rd o n
F o r e s ! C ir o s » , O r s i n o
P h on e H «:I
Perfect fit
The Oregon Fire Relief A ss’n
of McMinnville
Is the Great Home Insurance Company of Oregon
that has adequately solved the problem o f furnishing protection
for a minimum cost and building up a Reserve Fund that amply
protects the assured. It has more than $260,000.00 in first-class
assets, as shown by examination recently made by the Insurtnce
Department of Oregon.
When insuring your home, remember the slogan, “ Patronize
Home Industry.”
Agent for Washington county
W . P. Dyke