Ütyp línrcat (èrmi? Expresa Published every Wednesday at Fureat Grove, Oregon W. C. Benfer, EJ'tor and Publisher. finterei! as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the ostofllcc at Forest Grove Oregon, under the Act of March 1879 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1916 Record sales of the new series 117 models are reported by the I Studebaker Corporation following the announcement of these cars two weeks ago. In fact, figures show that more actual orders were received during the p ast two cates that these four Northwest weeks than in any similar pre­ Have you registered? form a natural rate group; vious period. How’s your garden coming on? ports but whether individual action by In anticipation of the big de­ Did you ever notice that a Portland will succeed in procuring mand for the new series 17 Studej woman who will scream and run from the railroads the consider­ baker Sixes and Fours, the fac­ from a mouse will cuddle a rat ation due it from its natural loca­ tory has been running full capac in her hair without batting an tion on a down-river haul, one ity, and more than 5,000 of the hundred miles above the sea, is latest models have been shipped eye? It is this vital phase since the announcement was made It’s good to be alive in this of left the open. which is of present January 1. Three thousand deal­ glorious climate, knowing that concern question Portland. Upon its ers are now showing the series 17 over the water life is a very un­ favorable to determination depends 1 cars and selling them as fast as certain thing and, in many cases, in a great measure the future of they come from the factory. scarcely worth the living. the city as a railroad terminal and The production schedule for calls for 100,000 of the new­ The editor of the Express had a as an ocean port. It is clear that ly 1916 announced It was or­ typewriter for sale, so he adver­ the first duty of the city is to de­ iginally planned models. to build tised it in the Express—and sold mand and, if possible, procure for cars, and the schedule was 60,000 later it Go thou and do likewise, if Portland lower proportionate rates increased to 75,000. The demand than to Puget Sound, or any other thou wouldst make a dicker. Northwest port —The Oregonian. j from dealers on the firing line Editor Scott of the News-Times forced the factory to still further announces himself willing to re­ I increase its contemplated output ceive the republican nomination to 100,000 machines. for the state legislature. Well, if Buried Beside Beloved Wife legislation favorable to the news­ The Rebekah lodges of Wash- papers is wanted, we’d better 1 ington countv held their annual A. Baldwin of this city is in re­ send a few editors. The other in­ convention in Odd Fellows hall, ceipt of a letter from George R. terests have been pretty well Schoch of Corvallis, giving further Wednesday. looked after, hut the editors have i Hillsboro, details of the accident which meeting was presided over caused the been so busy electing other people by The of the writer’s Maud Buxton of Forest father, Rev. death that they have overlooked their lodge Mrs. Jeremiah L. Schoch. with Mrs Edna Kenton of a former well-known and own interests. Pocahontas lodge as vice chairj resident of Washington beloved county A working man took the editor man, and Mrs. Alina Payton as and Forest Grove. to task the other day for devot­ ¡secretary pro tern. Rev. Schoch, who had for some ing so much space to telling peo­ The hxlges represented besides years been making his home with ple to patronize the home mer­ I he home lodge were Forest of a daughter at St. Louis, Mo., was home from an errand in chants, saying the home merchants Forest of Forest Grove, Pocahon­ returning the city on 20th when he were not loyal to the community; tas of Banks, Zenith of Gaston, was struck by Dec. a motorcycle, that ome of them sent away from Ruby of Scholls, Tigard of Tigard- eling at the rate of 12 miles trav­ an home for goods they didn’t have, ville. besides a number of visitors hour. He was so seriously injured in their own stores; some sent out from other lodges and a few from that he lived but five hours and his son, George, who left Corvallis of town for mechanics when they other states. the evening of the day on which had work to be done, etc. That Mrs. Burlt made the address of his father was injured, did not ar­ may be true, brother, in some welcome, which was responded to rive in time to see his parent cases. Just because certain mer­ by Mrs. Archie Bryant of Zenith aliv chants stab the town is no reason lodge. The funeral was held Dec 26th. why the rest of us should follow Reports from the various lodg- j with a clergyman chosen by df- suit The writer will admit, es showed them in a prosperous 1 ceased officiating, and the body was interred baside that of Mrs. however, that the working man is condition, but with small gain in i Schoch in the neighborhood where not under obligations to patron'ze membership for the year. | the family had long lived, eight the merchant who sends away foi Election of officers for the ensu­ miles northeast of Decatur, 111. what he could buy in Forest Grove. ing year resulted: Mrs Kenton Up to the time of the accident, But there are pleniy of merchants of Pocahontas, chairman; Mrs. *Rev. Schoch was hale and hearty here who ARE loyal to the town. Marian Moore of Pocahontas, and his son says he gave promise living to be a centenarian. Patronize these. vice chairman; Mrs. Ortman of of Rev. Schoch was well known in Forest lodge, secretary. The ap- this county and many of his old TOMORROW friends were shocked to learn of You’ve all heard about the lit­ his tragic death. tle girl that wanted to sex* tomor­ David Keen, of Forest Grove, row. She’d wake her mother up is here this week visiting his bro­ in the middle of night and whisp- ther Geo. W. Keen and their visit er,“Mommie, is this tomorrow?” is proving mutually enjoyable. Each time h e r mother would Mr. Keen is a member of the J. answer “No child, this is today.” B. Matthews P o st at Forest Lots of us arc not much differ­ Grove, having served in the Union ent from the little girl. We’re army during the Civil war. Mr going lo start a bank account to­ Keen a few years ago was one of morrow. Or take out some in­ the neighlx)rmg city’s most skilled surance tomorrow. Or perfect ourselves for our jobs tomorrow. And like as not, when we wake the Iatst Chance out of a sound dumber and whi«[>cr, “ I'm ready is this tomorrow?’' the door of ho|H* will shut behind the answer, "No, l>oob. this is today.” Port­ land Daily News. THE ASTORIA CASK The immense importance of the decision rendered by the Inter­ state Commerce Commission in the Astoria rate case is obvious. The immediate result is grant of rate parity to and from interior points for the Lower Columbia |x>rt with I*uget Sound; and in­ cidentally with Portland. The entire rate structure for the Pa­ cific Northwest is therefore af­ fected. and a readjustment of the transportation relations of Seattle. RATU, Tacomâ, Portland and Astoria is inevitable The Commission indi-* isurance and return from Portland Six Months Return Limit. Stopovers at Pleasure. ON SALE DAILY All rail route. Valley or Coast line Iretw een S a n Francisco and Los Angeles ; Four Daily trains Portland to San Francisco. Through standard and tourist sleeping cars, diners. Observa­ tion cars on limited trains. Mt. Shasta—Lassen Peak—Mt. Tamalpais Cow Creek, Rogue River and Sacramento Canyons Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles Co. Beaches Yosemite Valley, Bakersfield Oil Field and Orange Empire Ask the local Agent or write John M. Scott, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, Oregon S outhern P acific G IL M O R E ’S market and grocery “Home” of Government Inspected Meats and “All Good Things to Eat” Quality First is Safety First Originator of Penny Change System in Forest Grove Order will convince you. P hone 69 ? P fiP P S T c d a ™ Keep Your Money at h o m e Job Printing plant is fully equipped for all of taste and judgement are ei any kind of stationery the mo Lome and see. . K you think you have mng the Express, take your v Either will do more for Fore« concern outside the city or coi WE RE IX THE HOFFMAN BUILDING H of lhe I. o. o. F. Block Forest Grove, Oregon 1er sis other ¡of Uv 1er hoi [r. Joy Roy, >ato St id in oi lities i les moi T. and IcMim s parer lis city litor ai rs-Repc is doini