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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1916)
WANTED. ( lu n k , R accoon , I3 K M T , OTTER, ETC V j He had just paid a dollar and a quarter for having the dif ferential in his 1913 car overhauled when another man drove in the garage and said: “ That’s just the job I want done— go to it at the same price.” But the repair man replied: ] Btter Prices; Quick Returns “Sorry, but it can’t tie done. Why, it would take five dollars’ worth of time just to get to your differential before starting to work on it “Your car is Not a Reo!” SNIP LIEBES & CO. j l - } inufaeti’ rinc F u rrier.. Eat. 62 Years I FT E R a cruise of more than 4,- 298 Morrison St.. 000 miles through the Arctic archipelago, during which he belt 8ldg., PORTLAND. OREGON placed on the map many new islands, bays and promontories, Capt. Joseph E. Bernier has returned to warmer climes. During eleven years of Arctic ex ploration this hardy skipper has M 1 9 1 6 C a t a lo g ^ charted over 500,000 square miles of Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, Gar islands in the great northern archipel den, Orchard and Poultry ago and has discovered many records of Arctic expeditions, Including docu Supplies, Fertilizers, Etc. ments left by ill-fated mariners, and A reliable Western Catalog for Western Buyers. Our ‘ ‘ Highest pieces of wreckage, grim reminders of Quality” Stocks, direct to buy ers only, no agents. You save craft that went down in the Arctic time and money by buying o f us. seas, writes C. H. Dorr in the New New Catalog No. 64 F RE E York Sun. Captain Bernier has left a record of 169-171 Second St., Portland. Or his own work in various places to guide future explorers. If Vllhjalmar Stefansson, 'eader of the Canadian Arctic expedition, now in the polar re gions, happens to reach W inter Har bor, Melville island, he will find there a substantial cache built several years and ago by Captain Bernier, and well stocked with provisions, enough to last Free Tire Service. him a year or more. Captain Bernier THE HOUSE OF SERVICE. “ established many of these caches or ICTOR CAR SUPPLY CO.. In c. roadway No. Portland, Ore. life-saving stations in the polar re gions, for he knows by experience the Double Tread Puncture Prsof Tires needs of Arctic explorers. Made from your old ones. Last long Relics of Former Explorers. as Brand New T IR E S W rite us. On his last voyage Captain Bernier OREGON V U L C A N IZ IN G CO., 650 Washington St.. Portland. Ore. started from Pond’s inlet, Baffin’s is land, with the exploring ship Guide IKS' BREAK-UP-A-COLD TABLETS and a crew of ten men and an equip uaranteed remedy for Colds and ment including forty dogs and sledges. rippe. Price 25c o f your druggist, W hile voyaging through Arctic seas jood. Take nothing else.—Adv. two of his crew found parts of the hull of one of the vessels of Sir Edward Routledge Seed&Floral Co. namobile Oils and Greases FEDERAL TIRES AND TUBES pedition aroused my interest in voy ages in the North Pole regions. " I followed De Long's expedition with keen Interest, and 1 realized that he was undertaking a voyage almost certain to lead to destruction. But his experience pointed out a route leading into the northland, and other explorers have doubtless profited by his example. When Doctor Nansen proposed a trip to the Arctic he plan ned his voyage along the lines of Doc tor Long’s trip to the polar seas. "Diatoms found on the east coast of Greenland are similar to those brought back by that great explorer Norden- skjold from regions to the westv/ard, and comparison showed that these specimens were o f the same type as the diatoms brought from Cape Wan- darum, in Asia. "T h e finding of these diatoms proved that a passage existed from the Pacific to the Atlantic, but did not Indicate the time it took to pane through from sea to sea. Later an American har poon was found by an English whaler in the Atlantic Arctic sea, which proved also that there was a passage by which a whale could go through. "Then later on wreckage of the Jeannette and some part of the cloth ing of two members of the Jeannette's crew came ashore on the west coast of Greenland at Julianehaab. This proved to me that if the Jeannette had not been lost she would have drifted into the Atlantic ocean in about four years and a half. It also proved that there is a passage from ocean to ocean. “ When the Fram was caught in the ice she drifted into the Atlantic ocean rs. Van Wombat's buffet lunch ■ a great hit with the men pres- O ff. don’t want to interfere with your mess, but— ” began the village 11 right,” interrupted Cyrus K. iper, “ Go ahead and interfere with -Judge. In Far-off India. | some unknown manner a little pie of Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh id its way into an interior village hdia. It was its own agent, and ) that small beginning a steady e has developed and each succeed- shipment has been larger. Adv. Ï.& K J M O C h ie f AND P arty from 1 G LO L1C K . A Good M ate. ty wouldn't the girl who “ took 'body's eye” be an appropriate for the man who succeeded in ig the public’s ear?— Browning's izine. To A b ility . intry Judge— How long have you fl a car? lorist (charged with speeding)— »reek, your honor. Ige— Um— then you can still af- to pay a fine. Twenty dollars! — >r ‘ Backward” Cows )u hare such ft cow , buy a p sclitfe o f Row- from your feed dealer or druggist and use in* to directions. You’ll he surprised at the see it makes in her general health and milk Kow-Kure is especially recommended as a itive and cure for Abortion. Barrenness. Milk , Scourinfi. Lost A ppetite, buochea and other >n ailments. • fer Ires TreatIss. “ The Howe Cow Doctor.** r ASSOCIATION CO. nvllie, Vt. J______ NORTHW ESTERN AGENTS Portland Seed Co., Hand, • NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Distributors. Broadway at Couch St., Portland, Oregon F. IV. VOGLER. President. S U D A N GRASS SEED Pkt. IOc.; 1-4 lb. 15c.; I lb. 20c.— Postpaid. 25 lbs. and over, 15c per lb., f. o. b. Portland Butzer’s Seed Store 188-190 Front St., Portland, Ore, OREGON ROSES and other beautiful f ü 'l s 'iÿ i i s j y ç Illustrated catalogue offerin g * IC /lC /U # J . finest and largest stock in the Pacific N orthw est free upon request. CLARKE BROS . Ftonsts. Oregon Oregon. Scraps. lomething new?“ Lt a woman’s lunch, yes. In addi- fto the fruit salads and macaroons provided a few ham sandwiches.” »uisville Courier-Journal. According This model has satisfied seventy thousand users—many o f them among your neighbors -because it saves money by reason o f its accessibility. P ortland . Solid Grub. Chopping H im ' Reo accessibility means low cost of main tenance. Write for full details of Reo The Fifth. The Incomparable Car. $875 f. o. b. Factory. Belcher's squadron. These relics of Arctic disaster were discovered on the north end of Bylott's island, iu the Arctic sea. Captain Bernier believes that these relics were part of the Pioneer or the Intrepid of Sir Edward Belcher's squadron. Three vessels in the Belch er squadron were not accounted for, the Pioneer, the Intrepid and the As sistant. The Pioneer was abandoned in the Arctic and all on board were lost. Another relic of the Arctic found by Captain Bernier’s crew is a spear from Sir John Franklin's expedition, which drifted in on the tide in Erebus bay. North Devon island, the bay being named after the Franklin ship Erebus. It Is a wooden spear with iron point and the name Erebus stamped upon lt. The spear from the Franklin expedi tion was probably lost overboard in a storm and drifted, swept on by ice and tide, to Erebus bay. The wreck o f the Erebus was found on O’Reilly island, south of Victoria strait, by Es kimos years ago. For fifteen days Captain Bernier and members of his Arctic expedition on board the Guide were caught in the Ice of M elville bay, in latitude 75. A fter battling with huge masses of ice drift ing down from the north for two weeks the Guide managed to get free from the Ice packs and make her way into the open sea. An Interesting theory of a route to the pole for a vessel is advanced by Captain Bernier, and is based upon deductions made from his discoveries of relics of marine disasters in the Arctic and study of the polar tides. He believes that, starting from a certain point In the Arctic, a ship well equip ped can make the voyage from ocean to ocean and to the Pole. Thinks Ship Can Reach Pole. "C a p t George De Long w »s a pio neer In the field of Arctic exploration,” •aid Captain Bernier the other day while In New York, and his first ex There are 297,866 Sunday schools in the world. Cuba is seking designs for a me morial of the battleship Maine. New ¿eaiaml is to have its first roof garden, over a six-story department store now building. Kings in the earliest days were merely “ fathers of fam ilies" and the word is derived from the same source as “ kin." A plant has been discovered in Cuba bearing fruit like figs in which flies lay their eggs, to be hatched by the sun. Annual production of honey and wax in the United States has gradu ally mounted until it now totals in value more than $6,000,000. Millions of bad eggs are seized ev ery year in London, and the way they are destroyed is to tip them out of their cases and run a steam roller over them. A revival in hemp growing is re ported from Kentucky. This year's crop is estimated at 8,000,000 pounds, against 1,600,000 last year, and 6,500,- 000 in 1909. Wisconsin also increased its acreage. Forty states of the union have taken some legal action toward safeguard ing the sanitation of public school buildings, according to a recent bul letin issued by the federul bureau of education. Dr. W. T. Grenfell, noted for his work among the Labrador fisherfolk, has accepted an Invitation to take charge of a division of a hospital unit that has been sent to France by Har vard university. A dynamometer mounted on an or dinary dray is used by the United States department of agriculture to register the tractive force required to draw various weights over different kinds of roadways. w ill fit any ambitious young Man cr Wom an for high-class position in Bookkeeping, Stenography, Salesmanship T o men this includes valuable athletic, aquatic and membership grivileges, al though tuition cost is less than elsew here. Valuable courses can also be had in Grammar grade and College Preparatory Subjects W R IT E FOR C ATALO G . No Respect For A L aw ye r. An English journal tells of an ac tion brought against a farmer for hav ing called ano’ her a "rascally law yer.” An old husbandman, being a witness, was asked if he heard the defendant call the plaintiff a lawyer. " I did," was the reply. “ Pray,” said the judge, “ what is your opinion of the import of the word ?’’ "Th ere can be no doubt o f that,” replied the fellow. "W hy, my good man,” said the judge, "there is no dishonor in the name, is there?” "I know nothing about that,” ans wered he, “ but this I know— if a man called me a lawyer I'd knock him down.” “ Why. sir," said the Judge, pointing to one of the counsel, “ that gentleman is a lawyer and I, too, am a lawyer.” "N o, no,” replied the fellow ; "no. my lord. You are a judge, I know, but I'm sure you are no lawyer.” — New York Sun. from the Pacific, which also proved my theory of a free passage. When Ad miral M elville and President Bryant of the Philadelphia Geographical society For the big and little burns In cook placed casks in Bering strait and set ing and baking, keep Hanford's Bal them adrift they demonstrated the sain of Myrrh near for quick relief. time lt took to pass from ocean to Adv. ocean. “ Now the last link In my theory 1» T h is D id n 't Really Happen. illustrated by the wreck of the Karluk, “ I won’t wear my new dresses at Stefansson's ship, which was caught Atlantic C ity after all.'' in the Ice ofT Point Barrow. It was not “ And after all the money you. a good place to start, but she drifted spent?” in a short timo to latitude 73 north, “ Yes; but you see they’re packed so nicely that I hate to take them out of and would have completed her voyage the trunk." — Philadelphia Public Led- to the Atlantic in about four years, be k < r. cause she was drifting faster than the Jeannette." H a t « H e a lth y , Strong, H o a n tlfo l ? j t i For wire cuts use lianfords' Balsam Ocuha ta a m i Pby aic utu a uned M u r in e K y i On his last voyage the captain se R e m e d y m a n y y e a r s be fo r e It w & l o ffe r e d a » a cured numerous interesting pictures of Do m es tic K y e Me dic ine. M u r i n e is Hull C o m Eskimo life in the Arctic; the midnight pounded b y O u r P h y s i c i a n s an d g u a r a n t e e d To Safety. by them uh a R e l i a b l e R e l i e f fo r E y e s th at N ee d sun, fishing in the far North, seal A wedding company on their way Car e T r y it In y o u r Kyet* and In B a b y « E y e » — hunting and norwhal hunting over the to church had to cross a river in a No Smartlnf? — Just K y e C o m fo r t . Huy M urine ice skiff, when, as lurk would have lt, the o f yo ur Drutffflat — ft<< *pt no Su bs tit ute , an d II intereMted w r i t e fo r l*.»ok o f the E y e F r e e . bridegroom fell into the water. Teaches History of City. Wringing her hands, the bride cried M t i l l N t t E Y Li l i l .UI.lJVf t l> ., C H I C A G O New Orleans has adopted the New out that somebody would save her be No W onder. Orleans book as a textbook in the pub loved. “ What for?" asked one o f the com The sentimental bride at a fashion lic schools. This book contains a suc able seaside resort watched the sun cinct history of the 'city from its pany. “ He's a good swimmer.” "That's Just It !" cried the bride. set in rapturous silence. earliest days, a review and summary "Don't you see that he is swimming Then she murmured: o f its industries and commerce, a toward The other bank?” — Philadel “ See, George, darling, how phosphor study o f its people, their Institutions, phia Ledger. escent!” government and organization; in fact, "It's no wonder,” responded th® A fl For Nothing. lt presents in a compact and conven matter-of-fact bridegroom, “ when you "M other was rather angry with you think how many matches are made in ient form facts which "every citizen this place."— Chicago Herald. should know and most o f the city's last night.” "W hy, I didn't kiss yo u !” visitors inquire about.” "Just so And she waited all the For lame back use Hanford's Bal evening at the keyhole for nothing.”— sam, applied thoroughly and well rub W orst Is Y e t to Come. Philadelphia Record. bed In. Adv. A eugenist declares that women will be eight feet tall in future generation® They present a rather difficult socio g jO H /y logical and political problem now. What will they present when they are grown up?— Cincinnati Times-Star. Y o u ra n p re v e n t t i l . lo a th so m e O n 'a n from running Described. "Pa, what Is the differenci between good taste and good Judgment?” “ Well, my boy, the man who marries a pretty girl may have excellent U a t« but mighty poor Judgment” th rou gh y o u r .t a b le a n t cu re a ll ih e c o lt* su ffe rin g w ith It w hen you b egin th e tir a t m e n t N o m a tter how young S P O H N 'S Is s a fe to use on a n y r o l l It I . w onderful h ow It p r e v e n t , all d istem p e rs, no m a tte r how c o lt, or horses at a n y a g e a re "e x p o s e d •• A ll g o o d rtru g g l.t. end tu rf f o o d , houses and m a n u fa c tu re r, « e ll S P O H N ’ l . t SO cen t* and I I a b o ttle . IS and |I0 a d o ie n S P O H N M E D IC A L CO., C h «m . I . t . an d B a c te rio lo g is t*. O o .h .n , In d ., U . A.