SOLVES PARITY HAUL RATE W O P ’S DOINGS Washington, D. C.—Germany is un Spokane— Five persons were killed derstood to have agreed to the sugge - OE FRUIT MJ GRANTED ASTORIA OF CURfttNT WEEK South and three seriously injured Sunday at tion of the United States the she sub­ Cheney, 17 miles west of Spo­ stitute the words recognizes lisoil- FIVE PERSONS KILLED IN IRAIN COLLISION ON N. P. NEAR SPOKANE kane, when Northern Pacific train No. itv” for the words “ assumes liability 2, known as the North Coast Limited, in the tentative draft of the communi­ Associations of Northwest ! ran into the rear of Northern Pacific- cation designed to settle the Lusitania Important Decision by Interstate Brief Resume of General News Burlington train No. 42. telescoping empty day coach that was being Selling Combination. revised draft was received here Commerce Commission. late The Wednesday From All Around the Earth. “ an deadheaded” east into the rear Pull­ night from Berlin. man of the Burlington train, w'hich It was submitted to Secretary Lansing _________ was standing in front of the station. by Count von Bernstorff, the German The dead: Professor Elton Fulmer, ambassador. . , . ADOPTS PLANS OUTLINED » UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUISHB1 state chemist, Pullman, Wash.; I. J. PRESENT FREIGHT CHARGE IS UNFAIR Several other changes desired Dy Minnick, deputy oil inspector, Spo­ the United States and described as be­ kane; Lee N. Conry, Northern Pacific ing of minor importance also are said traveling passenger agent, Spokane; to have been made. In one instance, Scheme Is Declared Most L. Berkey, traveling salesman, Artificial Barrier Against Columbia however, Germany is understood to and Thorough of Any— ! Live News Items of All Nations and B. Portland; J. J. White, Spokane. have proposed a change in the lan­ River Removed — New Sched­ Seriously injured: R. J. Spear, ! Pacific Northwest Condensed guage suggested by the American gov Experts to Tour Markets. Pomeroy, Wash.; Dr. John Matthews, ule Takes Effect May 1. ernment. for Our Busy Readers. Everett, Wash; J. A. Payant, Los An­ From high Teutonic authority came geles. the statement that it was expected the All the dead and injured either were case would be finally settled Spokane, Wash. — With the !erfect, but England’s methods hut the engineer of the North Coast tection, assures an orderly contreil makes it clear that these North are improving. upwards of 75 per cent of the Limited, applying emergency brakes, ords Pacific coast ports have closer geo­ Federal detectives are making a could not quite stop his train in time graphical and economic relations, one tonnage of the Northwest, and ea nation-wide search for the gang of an­ to prevent the smashup. ies the ideals sought for years 1 to the other, than is at this time re­ archists who, it is alleged, is instiga­ growers in a mutual selling sys flected in the tariffs of the defendant ' tors of the poison plot. wholly displacing destructive carriers and that the latter, in their! tition bv formidable aggressive^ The Vienna çity council has voted to Defunct Banker’s Residence present rate adjustment, unduly dis- j and the most up-to-date prog remove the copjier roof of thé historic | against Astoria and unduly j Blown to Atoms in Chicago criminate measures. ltathhaus and give the metal to the prefer Puget sound ports. “ It provides for every necessitl military authorities. The roof will be i “ We also conclude and find from the the grower in assembling, advertiq replaced by one of iron. Chicago — Modestino Mastrogiovan- record that there is such a relationship [ . . . . . . . . . .-...w. .....:. ..v: .vHMfc/.iv- marketing, opening new and widi ni’s recent hank failure found an echo between Seattle, Tacoma, Astoria and Charles C. Crowley, a private detec­ markets throughout Tho Umatilla Indians object to the at 5:50 a. m. Sunday in a bomb ex­ Portland the world, andj as to require them to be con- j building of a bridge across the Uma­ plosion at his luxurious home at 3719 sidered, forming more or less of a tive of San Francisco, and recently in as its basis the individual ande tilla river at their ex|>ense, declaring Grand boulevard, an explosion so ter­ natural rate group with respect to ‘ the employ of the German consulate tive requirements of the grower i the bridge is for the benefit of the rific as to awaken the whole South much of the traffic in question. In the western city, has been arrested the selling agencies through a umfj white man, and not them. Side. The entire front of the big “ All facts adduced of record being j by agents of the department of jus­ contract around which the entires Sawmill and logging companies de­ stone residence—it is a double dwell­ fully considered, we find, that between j tice on a charge of conspiring to de­ ture of the central protective clare that by the middle of Mardi1 ing, one being occupied by the Astoria and all points in this territory l stroy ships carrying war munitions built.” there will be a shortage of unskilled I banker’s side “ The plan of organization and 3 family the other by the on or east of the line of the Northern and supplies to the allies. labor in these lines. Day labor has ; family of Ira J. and cedure as adopted,” the stats Mix, wealthy dairy­ Pacific, extending from Pendleton, advanced from $2 to $2.25 and will go man was blown away, the big gray Or., through Pasco and Kennewick, j states and Germany at a conference says, “ was submitted by the < to $2.50 per day. stones being cracked and broken. mei.t of Agriculture, following ecj W ash., to Spokane, and on or east of , between Secretary Lansing and Count Trial of the separation action which ; “ Enemies,” said Mastrogiovanni, as the line of the Great Northern, ex-1 von Bernstorff. It also was said that sive investigation of the the Princess Aimee Crocker Gouraud- he staggared out through the lusty tending from Spokane northward, the the one modification made in Berlin needs by the government om MiskinotT has brought against the a^rture that formerly had been a rates should not exceed the rates at was not material and that German offi- through their previous visits is 1 youthful Prince Alexander Miskinoff wall of solid masonry. In his hand jhe same time maintained between, ciais here did not consider that the different Northwest sections, is up for hearing in the Supreme he held a letter. His thought had Seattle. Tacoma and Portland and such State department would object to the the most complete and advanced ; gone back to it when he realized, after points; between Astoria and points on change that has ever been prepared for] court in New York. a few moments, what had happened. the Oregon-Washington Railroad & producers of any perishable in Teutonic officials seemed most con­ A bachelor school teacher at Ever­ put them on the street, blow . Navigation company east of Pendle- fident that in agreeing to the Ameri­ in the United States.” ett, Wash., has educated at his own up, "To burn or kill if the money is not re- j ton, and points on the Oregon Short can request to substitute the word expense, seventeen boys and one girl. turned.” Line, .the rates shoud not exceed the “ recognizes” for the word “ assumes” He is an author of some note and from It was the threat incorporated in a rates at the same time maintained be- preceding the mention of liability of Oklahoma Legislators Riot this fund pays for the schooling, living letter written in Italian — for nearly j tween Seattle and Tacoma and such Germany reparation for injury Oklahoma City—Tumultuous on his salary as toucher. all the depositors in the Mastrogio­ points; as to points north of Kenne­ to neutrals to make Berlin foreign office occurred in the Oklahoma Paiier mills in the United States are vanni hank were Italians and liearing wick and west of the competitive terri­ had removed the all cause of possblie diffi­ representatives late Saturday ofierating to capaeity and many of the signature of the wife of one of his tory just described, Astoria rates may culty. the members were voting on as them are turning away orders, but the creditors. exceed the Portland rates in the same of an election law designed tot increase in the priee of raw materials The bond) had been placed there to amount that Portland rates are higher and the high price of labor have re­ kill not to frighten. Its destructive than Seattle and Tacoma rates, provid All Aspects of War Will Be place of the famous “gran duced the profits of the business. power was so great that it reduced to ed the arhitraries over Portland shall law,” which was recently declare!] bits stones weighing tons, and the de­ in no case exceed the local rate be­ Considered by Conference of Allies constitutional by the United S' Breaking all records for silk ship­ tonation was so great as to arouse tween Portland and Astoria; as to sta­ Supreme court because it in effect] ments in the trans-Pacific trade, the residents far south as South Chicago tions of the Oregon-Washington Rail­ London — A general conference of franchised the negro populationr before bt f ore May 1, and ation ..r England’ ation and by maintenance of their countrymen, said to be a member shore that the warships have been j continue Kansas City—Major GeneralI ^ then in effect for a period of of the Bow Ia*ong Tong. Hop declares reached by rifle fire from the Turkish not less than two years from the date credit by keeping up the volume of Benson, of the general stand1] exports, holding down unnecessary im­ English army in charge of t*r one of the victims stole his wife. troops. of taking effect.” ports and reducing expenditures. chase of all horses and mules f* Dr. Sun Yat Sen. ex-president of ish forces, declared here that no * 3 1 .9 0 0 .0 0 0 for Steel Plant. Peace Move Reported. China, is report«! re-married to his New York E. G. Grace, of Bethle­ Fire Found on Steamship. ican horses had been bought sine* London — The Copenhagen corre­ private secretary at Tokio, Japan. \ ork—Fire was discovered in November, and the remount Pa, was elect«! president of the spondent of the Daily Mail telegraphs the New cargo Richard L. Metcalfe, ex-governor of hem. on board the steamship in this country would be closed- Bethlehem Steel corporation at a that he learns from a trustworthy the Panama Canal tone, has invit«i meeting of the directors here. He source that more than 500 prominent \ eendyk of the line W. J. Bryan to debate the question of succeeds Charles M. Schwab, who re­ men, including heads of business ZSZZr* Holland-American Big War Plant Destroyed’ P* 8 sinK ° ut to sea preparedness before the voters of Ne­ mains at the head of the corporation houses and shipowners of Hamburg, ednesday. Captain Lieuweh quickly Bristol, Tenn. According braska. put back to the pier at Hoboken. It phone message as chairman of the board. here I.uebeck and Bremen, have petitioned The Congressional Union for Woman Mr. Schwab announced that the pur­ the government to begin peace over­ was said after 30 firemen had fought Saturday, the new received Federal Suffrage aent President Wilson a val­ price of the Pennsylvania Steel with a view to ending the war h« t‘hTfi m°re. than ?ix hours. & Chemical company at *lB entine on which was inscribed: chase company, recently acquired by the tures within three months. Otherwise, it wiO hi mfiZ f C°ntroL Effort Tenn., 25 miles from here, “ Won’t you be our valentine? We Bethlehem corporation, aggregated ap­ is asserted, the Hansa states will be The t0 deterrnine its cause. stroyed by fire late Friday night- will be your valentines. ” proximately $31.900.000. ruined. plant was used for the rnanuf*^ of oil oil cake ! T Jyk consigned C?1Tied to *200.000 • of Rotterdam worth munitions of war and cost milM**] • m. AGREES TO CHANGE WORDING IN IDSITANIA CASE