The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 16, 1916, Image 7

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Ot General Interest
Washington. D. C, — Speaker Clark
Portland—Wheat — Bluestem, $1.07
and Republican Leader Mann fought per bushel; fortyfold, 97c; club, 95c;
side by side in the house Monday for red Fife, 95c; red Russian, 94c.
adequate National defense.
Hay — Eastern Oregon timothy,
party lines obliterated, moot of the $1'<.50@18.50 per ton; valley timothy,
Oregon Schools Will
| members followed their leaders and $14(<il6; alfalfa, $19@20; oats and
Celebrate Burbank Day two navy measures passed without a j vetch, $13(<i,14.
dissenting vote.
One, to provide for
Millfeed—Spot prices: Bran, $23.50
esday, March 7th, will be ob- adding 300 midshipmen to the entering
ton; shorts, $26; rolled barley $31
ed by the public schools of Oregon | class at Annapolis next July, passed
;h appropriate exercises celebrating 173 to 0, and the other, to equip navy
Corn—Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, j
anniversary of the birth of Luther yards for construction of battleships $38.
Vegetables- Artichokes, $1.10@1.30
Mr. Mann tried to put the anti-pre­
uperintendent J. A. Churchill an- paredness advocates on record by call­ per dozen; tomatoes, California, $1.75
I (¡t .2 per crate; cabbage, $1.50(<i 1.75 per j
nces this fact in the 1916 Indus- ing for a division on the naval acad­ hundred; garlic, 121c per pound; pep-j
1 Club Bulletin which will be ready emy bill, but there were no negative pers, 20@26c; eggplant, 25c; sprouts, 1
distribution by the 15th of Febru- responses.
|8@9c; horseradish, 81c; cauliflower,
The appearances of Speaker Clark $1.25 per dozen; celery, $4.75 per
Not only will this bulletin con-
this announcement, but it will on the floor to campaign preparedness crate; beans, 10@12ic per pound; let-j
Mr. Burbank’s latest picture and measures aroused wide interest. Ru­ tuce, $2.40@2.50 per crate; peas, 8(a
irsonal letter from him to the In­ mors persisted that he would take ac­ 10c per pound; cucumbers, $1.50@2
tive charge of the fight to increase the per dozen.
rial Club members of Oregon,
fit seems particularly fitting,” said army and navy, Majority Leader
Green Fruits — Grapes, $4@5 per
rintendent Churchill, “ in connec- Kitchen having joined the opposition. barrel; cranberries, $11.
with our agricultural and indus-
Potatoes — Oregon, $12.50 @ 2 per
ll club work in the public schools,
sack; Yakimas, $1.85; sweets, $2.75
we should have a Burbank Day,
@3 per hundred.
with proper preparation and exer-
Onions — Oregon, buying price, $2
familiarize the boys and girls
f. o. b. shipping point.
the man who has accomplished so
Apples—Spitzenbergs, extra fancy,
!h for human progress. When farm
$2.25; fancy, $2; choice, $1.25(<i 1.50;
learn that soil chemistry, horti-
Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.50; fancy,
re, stock breeding, etc., require
$1.25; choice, $1; Yellow Newtowns,
much brain activity as do electri-
extra fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice,
r, law and medicine, and that Bur-
$1 (a 1.25; Baldwins, extra fancy,
is classed with such men as Edi-
$1.50; fancy, $1.25; choice, $1; rus­
and has an income greater than
sets, orchard run, $1.
it lawyers, they will hesitate before
Eggs — Jobbing prices: Oregon
g to the cities to become flunkies
ranch, candled, 40c per dozen; un­
corporations whose managers will
candled, 37@39c.
ider them only so much property.
Poultry — Hens, small, 15@16c per
Miss Marvin, state librarian, will
pound; large, 16@17c; small springs,
! out information telling the pupils
1 4( ii 15c; turkeys, live, 180; 20c; dress­
re they can get facts regarding the
ed, choice, 24(fi25c; ducks, 136; 15c;
and accomplishments of Mr. Bur-
geese, 10c.
k in order that they may arrange
Butter — Creamery prints, extras, I
interesting and profitable program
34c per pound; firsts, 32c; seconds, i
that day.”
30c. Butterfat, No. 1, 32c; No. 2, 30c. |
R o s e Hedge In ju re d by Fie ld Mice.
Veal—Fancy, 12c per pound.
Young Pear T re e D estroyed by F ield Mice.
Pork—Fancy, 9c per pound.
gon Loan Shark Law Upheld
Hops — 1915 crop, 9J @ 12Jc per | ( P r e p a r e d by t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s D e p a r t ­ and owls, which are enem ies of these
m ent of A griculture.)
On Appeal by Supreme Court
rodents, are continuously persecuted.
Pine mice occur throughout the The mice live upon roots, seeds, suc­
Wool—Eastern Oregon, 18@25c per
alem—In an opinion by Justice
pound; valley, 25@26c; fall lambs’ , eastern portion of the United States, culent vegetation and bark of young
json, the Supreme court holds that
and do much harm to fruit and orna­ trees, and are very destructive to
wool, 25c; mohair, Oregon, 28c.
gon’s “ loan shark” law, passed by
Cascara Bark—Old and new, 3J@4e j m ental trees and shrubs, as well as to sweet potatoes and other tubers, as
legislature in 1913, is constitution-
garden produce and other farm crops. well as to trees and shrubs.
per pound.
The opinion was written in the
Cattle—Choice steers, $7.25@7.75; ! Pine mice are seldom seen on ac­
The most practical method of con­
of the State of Oregon against E.
good, $6.75@7; medium, $6.506:6.75,
of th eir molelike habits, for trolling this pest is by poisoning.
Vare, J. Wiesen, O. O. Grovier French commanders, standing In fro n t choice cows, $5.50 @6.50; medium, j count
J. Rirchads, and affirms the judg- of his “ m ansion” In the F rench lines 4.75@5.20; heifers, $4@6.40: bulls, j they live In their own underground Sweet potatoes cut Into small pieces
have proved to be the most effective
t of Circuit Judge McGinn, of in eastern France.
$2.50@4.50; stags, $3@5.25.
bait. They are prepared as follows:
¡ltmonah county. Dissenting opin-
Hogs — Light, $7.25@8; heavy,
Sweet potato bait—Cut sw eet pota­
Immediate improvement of the navy $6.25@7.
were written by Justices Burnett
toes Into pieces about the size of large
by designing new battleships along the j Sheep — Wethers, $6@;7.25; ewes,
grapes. Moisten four quarts of these
n appealing the case to the Supreme lines of the best now in use, doubling ! $4.25@6.55; lambs, $7@8.55.
and drain off excess moisture. Slowly
jrt, following the conviction of all the membership of both Annapolis i
sift over them one-eighth of an ounce
r defendants, attorneys for the de- and West Point, creation of many ad- j
of powdered strychnino (alkaloid),
lants contended that the law was ditional regiments for the army and Coast Hop Prices Take
using a pepper box or salt shaker for
alid and, fruther, that the admis- short-term enlistments to produce a
the purpose, and stir constantly to dis­
of certain evidence by the lower reserve, were among suggestions made
Jump in London Market
tribute the poison evenly.
by the Speaker. He said he expected
rt was in error.
Portland — More interest is being
nswering the allegation that the to discuss the subject of preparedness
One or two pieces of the poisoned
shown in the hop market than at any
an shark” law was class legisla- generally soon.
sweet potatoes should be dropped Into
Mr. Mann reiterated his previous time since the recent deals were com­
the tunnels through the natural open­
j, the higher court declared that
ings, or through openings made with
law was nceessary to protect vic- pleas for a iarger army and navy and pleted by the Oregon Hopgrowers’ as- |
i of rapacity as far as practicable, aided in maneuvering the bills to pass­ sociation. Prices have not been ad­
a stick. A system atic use of this
tice Benson held that the passage age. “ This is not the time for crim­ vanced, but the market is on a very J
poison invariably results in an alm ost
he new “ loan shark” law by the ination and recrimination,” he said. steady foundation.
complete exterm ination of pine mice.
The sharp advance in the London I
legislature while the appeal in the “ It is not the time to find fault with
These pests are also easly trapped, but
was pending was not enough to that which has been. It is time for market, cabled the first of the week, J
owing to the extra tim e and labor re­
all to join hands for that which may of 10 shillings a hundredweight, equal j
ise its dismissal.
quired, this method does not compare
to about 2i cents a pound on Pacific, '
favorably with poisoning.
'U sury has been looked upon w ith come.”
confirms advices lately received of the j
avor for ag es,” w rote Ju stice Ben-
strengthening of the market abroad,
“ and it has been uniform ly held
due to a reduction of English stocks.
th e sta te may e ith e r regulate or
Local exporters report no increase in
Dlutely prohibit th e ta k in g of usur-
W hen
Used Ju d ic io u s ly
orders from the other side, but antici­
in te re s t.”
Y ie ld In C rops W ill P ay fo r De­
pate an improved demand.
vice W ith in S ho rt Tim e .
The Bagley crop of 427 bales at j
Endowment Is Charity.
vajo reservation are threatening t o ! Hillsboro was bought by the F. S. j
If you h aven't tim e to haul out the
lem—Holding that the “ E. Henry kill all the white inhabitants of Tuba Johnson company. The price was not
nme Endowment Fund” was a and burn the government buildings made public. The same firm bought Apple T re e Injured by Meadow Mice. m anure from the barns and corrals
and spread it in the old-faHhioned way
itable corporation the Supreme there, according to William Durbree, J 59 bales from Charles Leith, of Wood- [
t has issued a writ of mandamus superintendent of construction of the burn, and a number of other lots at burrows or lu mole runways. The with a pitchfork, buy a m anure spread­
Corporation Commissioner Schuld- Indian school at Tuba. Durbree ar­ Woodburn, aggregating 200 bales, in- | presence of these mice In mole bur­ e r and do It right.
If you will use It judiciously, the In­
.n file the Fund’s articles of incor- rived here Tuesday. Tuba is on the eluding the crops of Whitney, Lemry, rows can usually be detected by an
tion as a benevolent concern. The “ Painted” desert, about 90 miles Crosby, McCormick, Dubois and Kil- occasional opening th at they make to creased yield in crops will more than
ion was written by Justice Mc- north of here.
len. The prices of the Woodburn lots the surface from the runway. Pine pay the cost within two seasons, and
mice are not so prolific as their near the spreader, well cared for, will last
The few white families living at ranged from 9 to 10 cents.
relatives, the meadow mice, but pro­ for many years.
ting upon an opinion by Attorney Tuba have but small amount of arms
You cannot become an efficient farm ­
tected as they are by th eir under­
ral Brown Corporation Commis- and ammunition with which to defend
Apple Shipment Made.
ground habits, they sometimes become er and realize the maximum returns
r Schulderman refused to file the themselves, Durbree said.
les under the statutes relating to
Hood River, Or.—The first shipment i abnormally abundant. This Is espe­ from your tim e and labor without
Superintendent T. Runke and two
itable croporations. The attorney police officers of Tuba attempted to of Hood River apples since Monday, cial apparent In states where hawks good Implements.
ral held that the corporation was arrest a “ bad” Indian January 26, January 31, left here this week. Wil-
for purpose of profit.
Durbree said. The Indian shot at the < mer Sieg, sales manager of the Apple |
O ilin g the P orkers.
M arket P o u ltry.
officers and was killed when the police­ Growers’ association, said he has been
lice there is no better
French poulterers use considerable
unable to fill orders because of the
Health Certificate Issue.
men returned the fire.
With the weather breaking remedy than a modern hog oiler or care In preparing carcasses for the
Friends of the Indian immediately j snow.
oseburg—A case which has no pre-
dipping tank. In the absence of these m arket. In fact, they are experts In
nt in Douglas county, and prob- began to foment trouble among other every effort to clean up the stock will a hand sprayer la the most effective th at line. They not only know how
not in Oregon, will be presented Indians on the reservation.
Reports from growers in all parts of | way of applying the oil. By confining to stuff fowls to get a plumper c a r
e grand jury during the February
the valley intimate no damage from the anim als In a closed pen the scram ­ cass, but they whiten and mold and
S like in Seattle K ills T w o .
of court, according to Sutherlin
bling of the hogs over one another m anipulate the fowls arter killing, un­
thawing of the snow.
Oakland people. The case will in-
Seattle — Two persons were Killed ! the Local
will get the oil to all parts of the body. til they look almost good enough to
e the question of whether a mar- and a third injured late Tuesday night
As this will not destroy the. eggs two be eaten without further preparation.
e can be annulled if it is proved in a snow and mud slide which wrecked
later applications are necessary.
the bridegroom obtained a health two cottages at Magnolia Bluff in the the coming season or for heavy sales
T o Get Rid of T w ig Blight.
ificate in violation of the state law northwestern part of Seattle.
Mr. Vegetable Producers and Distributors'
Scatter A ir-S la k e d Lim e.
To help In controlling twig blight la
er which a medical examination is and Mrs. Edward Gurney, whose home
Intim ately mix a gill of crude car­ fruit trees get lid of all old, useless
ired before a marrige can be per- was wrecked, were killed. August joint committee, a London organiza­ bolic acid with a quart of dry, air- pear, apple or wild fruit trees, prune
tion, is now engaged in a gigantic
Bauder and J. Ackerman, who were campaign to educate English people to slaked lime. Dust the dry lime over out badly blighted tw igs and cut away
visiting the Gurneys, escaped, although use only home-grown vegetables and every part of the poultry house—on the blighted spots on tru n k s or large
C re a m e ry M ay Enter Tenmile. Bauder was slightly injured.
The fruits. The local association has re­ walls. In the nests, over the roosts 11m ba.
arshfieid—The Hazelwood Cream- slide, carrying rocks and trees, swept ceived from London a circular letter, > and over the yards. It will be found
has signified its intention of enter- 350 feet down to the beach.
H s v e P o u ltry H ouse D ry.
issued by the organization, which; an excellent disinfectant and will do
the field for dairy products at Ten-
more to destroy the germs of disease,
If th e poultry house la perfectly dry.
ie and shipping from there to Port-
A irm a n Fells F ifth Foe.
“ This committee has obtained the and with as lttUd^cost, than anything and by th a t we mean the ground under
on the Willamette-Pacific when
and above It, the chickens will not
Paris—Sergeant Pilot Guynemer, of support and co-operation of many kin- ! else th at can be tried.
railroad opens this summer. The the French flying corps, has just dred associations keenly interested in (
suffer from th e cold.
pany may operate a gasoline boat brought down his fifth German adver­ the growth and distribution of British
Make Hens Comfortable.
he Tenmile Lakes, buying cream sary, and has been mentioned for his fruits and vegetables, and the joint
Storing Squashes.
Of course. It la unpleasant to leave
a the ranchers on all the inlets, exploits in an official communication. committee is now actively engaged in a warm fire and go out and shovel the
Squashes should be stored In a dry
re are 800 dairy cows in the dis- He fli«. alone and usee a great biplane advocating an increased consumption . snow from the path to the poultry place at a tem perature of about 61
of these products.”
house, to m ake things com fortable tor degrees. Do not lay more than om
I which makes 90 miles an hour.
bout Oregon
Navajo Indians Threaten War on
Whites in Tuba, Arizona
the hens those storm y days.
deep on shelves.