PdflOOSWIÏÏ WMm C i Î ob I wj Author o f T 3 he AMATEUR CPACKSMAN. RAFFLES. Etc. IIL U S T R A T IO N S coeym&HT by *> O . IR W IN M Y E R 5 OV softt>3 - /-lESaiLL CCWlMSt IO high up at one end by a little the foot of the stairs. Thsre was a window of it* own) and according glitter of eyes under the bowler's brim as Mr Drlnkwater conducted his to Cazalet a desk It had really been. His poor father ought never to have friends Into the library. been a business man; he ought to The library was a square room of have been a poet. Cazalet • » d thl* respectable size, but very close and now as simply as he had said » to dim with the one French window Hilton Toye on board the Kaiser Frit . closed and curtained. Mr. Drinkwa Only he went rather further tor fo r ter shut the door as well, and benefit of the gentlemen from Scot­ switched on all the electric lamps. M OTHERHOOD U not . land Yard, who took not the faintest The electric light had been put in by time for experiment, but fell interest In the late Mr. Cazalet, be­ the Cravens; all the other fixtures in proven qualities, and nothin I yond poking their noses into his di­ e x c e e d s the value of the room were as Cazalet remembered minutive sanctum and duly turning ch eer, needful exercise I them. But the former son of the house SCOTT’S EM ULSION. gave himself no time to waste In senti­ them up at what they saw. “ He used to complain that he was SOOTTS EMULSION charges del mental comparisons. He tapped a pair blood with life-sustaining richrJT, I of mahogany doors, like those of a never left in peace on Saturdays and suppresses nervous conditions j S I Sundays, which of course were his wardrobe let into the wall. the quality and quantity of milk’ ^ 1 "Have you looked In here?” de­ only quiet times for writing,” said the and insures sufficient fat son, elaborating his tale with filial manded Cazalet. It. COD U V E R OIL fee d »»!,, piety. "So once when I’d been trying life cell.. It. LIME u d SODA “ What’s the use of looking in a ci­ avoid rickets end make teething etiy. gar cupboard?" Drlnkwater made mild to die of scarlet fever, and my mother 14-46 Avoid Sabititatct. No Alcohol, brought me back from Hastings after inquiry. SCQTT BOWNE acoOMT £L0 “ Cigar cupboard!” echoed Cazalet she'd had me there some time, the in disgust. “ Did he really only use it old governor told us he'd got a place where he could disappear from the for his cigars?” Scraps. "A cigar cupboard,” repeated Drink- district at a moment’s notice and yet Africa has 148 native languages i water, "and locked up at the time It be back In another moment if we rang dialects. happened. What was It, if I may ask. the gong. I fancy he’d got to tell her Argentina has 7,515,018 horses J where It was, pretty quick; but I only 52,220,871 in Mr. Cazalet’s time?” sheep. "I remember!” came suddenly from found out for myself by accident. Spain has 19,500,000 population.! Blanche; but Cazalet only said. “ Oh. Years afterward he told me he’d got whom 4,000,000 are farmers. well. If you know It was locked there's the Idea from Jean Ingelow’s place In From one family in France 72 i Italy somewhere. an end of it.” enlisted for the European war. “ It’s In Florence," said Blanche, Drlnkwater went to the door and One Paris motion picture plant i summoned his subordinate. “Just laughing. " I ’ve been there and seen duces an average oi 3,uuu,ouo feet i fetch that chap from the pantry, It, and It's the exact same thing. But films weekly. Tom,” said he; but the sullen sufferer you mean Michael Angelo, Sweep! Broken bones are now quickly 1 from police rule took his time, in spite "Oh, do I?” he said serenely. “ Well, ed by an injection of bone dust1 of them, and was sharply rated when I shall never forget how I found out petroleum around the ruptured Japanese are producing more thi he appeared. Its existence. 20,000,000 tons o f coal a year frt “ I thought you told me this was a “No more shall I. You told me all cigar cupboard?” continued Drink- about it at the time, as a terrific se­ mines in Japan and South Manchuri The newspaper announcement water, in the browbeating tone of his cret, and I may tell you that I’ve kept Utah Is now in fifth place as a first words to Cazalet outside. it from that day to this!” ning state probably has no refere* “ So it is,” said the man. "You would,” he said simply. "But to the rather recent turmoil at >U “ Then where’s the key?” think of having the nerve to pull up state university when so many noj "How should I know? I never kept the governor's floor! It only shows Morman professors were ousted.} It !” cried the butler, crowing over Springfield Republican. what a boy will do. I wonder if the his oppressor for a change. “He would W ANTED—Every person who uses a I hole's there still!” tern to write us for descriptive pamphletJ Now all the time the planetary de­ DAD'S SAFETY LANTERN, the Light of | tective had been watching his satel lights, for all purposes, wind, rain and we: lite engaged in an attempt to render proof. Roullcdjf Seed & Floril Co., 169 2d St., I the damage done to the mahogany Needy Youths Outnumber AvailaU doors a little less conspicuous. Nei­ Scholarships ther appeared to be taking any further si/V' University of Washington, Seattl Interest in the cigar cupboard, or pay­ — Really deserving students who hnJ ing the slightest attention to Caza­ sought relief from the payment of ttj let’s reminiscences. But Mr. Drink- tion, under the scholarship provlsia water happened to have heard every of the legislative enactment, numtu word, and In the last sentence there more than 400, which is 108 morel was one that caused him to prick up the university can succor. Six ho dred and eight students asked to I his expert ears Instinctively. excused from paying the $10 fee, "What’s that about a hole?” said about 200 were found to be hardly i he, turning round. gible, under the rules laid down byl “I was reminding Miss Macnalr how faculty committee in charge of the place first came to be— ” scholarships. The members of "Yes, yes. But what about some committee are in despair as a renj of their inability to aid all the ne« hole in the floor?” “I made one myself with one of youngsters. Strength Mother!» arrears as I ’ve been able to lay my hands on,” said Cazalet. “ But, i Caz.let, on the a t t in e r Kaiser Frits, tell you, my ship only got In from Aus­ hoireward bound from Auatmlla. cries out In his sleep that Henry Craven, who tralia last night, and I came round all ten years before had ruined his father the way In her. There was nothing end himself, Is dead and finds that H il­ we ton Toys, who shares the stateroom with in the English papers when him. knows Craven and also Blanche touched at Genoa.” Macnalr, a former neighbor and play­ ” 1 see, I see.” The man was still mate. When the dally papers come aboard at Southampton Toys reads that looking him up and down. “ Well, Mr. Craven has been murdered and calls Casslet’s dream second sight. He thinks Cazalet, my name's Drlnkwater, and of doing a little amateur detective work I ’m from Scotland Yard. I happen to on the case himself. In the train to town be In charge of the case." they discuss the murder, which was com­ mitted at Cazalet's old home Toye hears ” 1 guessed,as much." said Cazalet, from t'axalet that Scruton. who had been Casalet's friend and the scapegoat for and this surprised Blanche more than Craven's dishonesty, has been released anything else from him. Yet nothing from prison. Cazalet goes down the about him was any longer like the river and meets Blanche. T oye also comes to see her and tells Cazalet that Sweep of other days, or of any prevl Scruton has been arrested, but aa he doesn't believe the old clerk Is guilty he ous part of that very afternoon. And la going to ferret out the murderer. this was also easy to understand on Cazalet and Blanche go to Cazalet's old reflection; for If he meant to stand home. by the hapless Scruton, guilty or not guilty, he could not perhaps begin bet­ C H A P T E R V I — C o n tin u e d . ter than by getting on good terms "Every Inch of It!" he said bitterly with the police. But his ready tact, and In that case cunning, were cer­ "But so I ought. If anybody does.” "But these rhododendrons weren’t tainly a revelation to one who had here In your time. They’re the one known him marvelously as boy and Improvement. Don't you remember youth. “ I mustn't ask questions," he con­ how the path ran around to the other end of the yard? Thlg gate Into It tinued, "but I see you’re still search­ ing for things, Mr. Drlnkwater." wasn’t made.” "Still minding our own Job.” said “ No more It wa»,’’ said Cazalet, as they came up to the new gate on the Mr Drlnkwater genially. They had right. It was open, and looking sauntered on with him to the corner through they could see where the old of the house, and seen a bowler hat gateway had been bricked. The rhodo­ bobbing In the shrubbery down the dendrons topped the yard wall at that drive Cazalet laughed like a man. "W ell, I needn’t tell you I know ev­ point, masking It from the lawn, and making on the whole an Improvement ery Inch of the old place,” he said; of which anybody but a former son of "that Is, barring alterations.” as the house might have taken more ac­ Blanche caught his eye. “ But I expect this search Is narrowed, rather?" count. “ Rather,” said Mr. Drlnkwater, He said he could see no other change. But for the fact that these standing still In the drive. He had windows were wide open, the whole also taken out a presentation gold place seemed as deserted as Little- half-hunter, suitably inscribed in mem ford; but Just past the windows, and ory of one of his more bloodless vic­ But Cazalet could always be flush with them, was the tradesmen’s tories door, and the two trespassers were obtuse, and now he refused to look barely abreast of It when this door an Inch lower than the detective- inspector’s bright brown eyes. opened and disgorged a man. "There’s Just one place that’s oc­ The man was at first sight a most Incongruous figure for the hack prem curred to me, Mr. Drlnkwater, that lses of any house, especially In the perhaps may not have occurred to those knives that contain all sorts of country. He was tall, rather stout, you.” m of things, including a saw. It was one "Where's that, Mr. Cazalet?" very powerfully built and rather hand­ Saturday afternoon in the summer hol­ "In the room where— the room some In his way; yet not for one mo­ “ May I Ask What You’re Doing idays. 1 came in here from the gar­ ment was this personage In the pic­ Itself.” Here?” He Bluntly Asked. den as my father went out by that Mr. Drlnkwater's long stare ended ture. In the sense In which Hilton Toys had stepped Into the Llttleford In an Indulgent smile. "You can show keep It on his own bunch; find his door Into the hall, leaving one of picture. me If you like.” said he Indifferently. watch, and all the other things that these mahogany doors open by mis­ "May l ask what you’re doing here?" "But I suppose you know we’ve got were missing from his pockets when take. It was the chance of my life; in I slipped to have a look. He came he demanded bluutly of the male In­ the man?” your men went through ’em, and you back for something, saw the very door truder. may find his keys, too!” you’ve broken standing ajar, and shut C H A P T E R V II. "No harm, I hope," replied Cazalet, Drlnkwater gave his man a double it without looking In. So there I was smiling, much to his companion's re­ signal; the door slammed on a petty in a nice old trap! I simply daren't A f t e r M ic h a e l A n g e lo . lief. She had done him an Injustice, triumph for the servants’ hall; but however, In dreading an explosion "I was thinking of his cap,” said now both Invaders remained within call out and give myself away. There was a bit of loose oilcloth on the when they were both obviously In the Cazalet, but only as they returned to “ Try your hand on it. Tom,” said the floor—” wrong, and she greatly admired the the tradesmen's door, and Just superior officer. “ I’m a free-lance "There Is still,” said the satellite, tone he took so readily. "1 know Blanche put In her word, "What about here,” he explained somewhat super­ pausing in his task. we've no business here whatever; but me?” fluously to the others, as Tom applied It happens to be my old home, and I ”1 moved the oilcloth, In the end Mr. Drlnkwater eyed the trim white himself to the lock In one mahogany only landed from Australia last night. figure standing In the sun "The more door. “ Man's been drinking. I should hawked up one end of the board (luck­ I'm on the river for the first time, and the merrier!” his grim humor had it say. He'd better be careful, because ily they weren't groove and tongue) simply had to have a look around." “ I dare say you'll be able to teach us I don’t take to him, drunk or sober. sawed through the next one to it, had The other big man had looked far a thing or two as well, miss ” I’m not surprised at his master not it up, too. and got through into the from propitiated by the earlier of 8he could not help nudging Cazalet trusting him It’s Just possible that foundations, leaving everything much these remarks, but the closing sen In recognition of this shaft. But Caza­ the place was open—he might have as 1 had found It. The place Is so tehees had worked a change. let did not look round; he had now set been getting out his cigars before small that the oilcloth was obliged to "Are you young Mr. Cazalet?" he foot In his old home. dinner— but I can't say I think there's a" ln place lf 11 ,el1 anywhere, But cried. 1 ^ad P,enty of time, because my It was all strangely still and inactive, much In It, Mr. Cazalet ” "I am. or rather I was," laughed as though domestic animation had It was open again-broken o p e n - Pe° P' e had * ° ne ,n t0 dlnner ” Cazalet, still on hla mettle. ^ ou ought to have been a burglar, been suspended Indefinitely. Yet the before many minutes; and certainly "You’ve read all about the case open kitchen door revealed a female there was not much in It. to be seen, sir." said Mr Drlnkwater ironically then, I don’t mind betting!" exclaimed form In mufti; a sullen face looked up a sin with a crime. except cigars Boxes of these were . "So you . . . covered . .. the other with a Jerk of hla topper to­ out of the pantry as they passed; and stacked on what might have been ' * “ lf th* gentlemen who go ward the house behind him. through the old green door (only now meant for a shallow desk (the whole hand* f° r the first and " I ’ve read all 1 found In the papers It was a red one» they found another place was shallow as the wardrobe last time. But how did you get out last night and this morning, and such bowler hat bent over a pink paper at of the foundations?" that the doors suggested, but lighted 8 Y N O P S I8 . TJi % 1 |L3 m i I (TO BE C O N T IN U E D .) FUTURE U OF F ISH E R S IS L A N D P o s s ib il it y of G re a t D o in g s at P la c e W h ic h le Key to L o n g Is la n d Sound. Almost off the etitrmnre to the Thames estuary, whose mouth makes New l.ondon s wonderful harbor, per­ haps a sort of delta cast up In some former day by the sediment which the estuary brought down. Flshera Island Is a remarkable bit of land. It Is withal a key to the entrance of Lons Island sound and bears an Impor­ tant fort whose unseen (uns would. If effectively served, pour terrible hall on any above surface craft whch should seek to enter for Improper pur­ poses the approach to New York and tha Connecticut coast. Aside from this Fishers Island has at Its western end a hotel or two and a few summer cottages and for the rest It Is a great poultry range, where are raised In astonishing quantities chickens and ducks and turkeys and gwese says the New Haven Register If the now rumored plans are car­ ried out the poultry will have to m ow lit J 1 before long to some spot that has less strategic military value. Young John Hays Hammond has Invented a wire­ less controlled torpedo which. It Is an­ ticipated. has wonderful possibilities lf It will do what Is claimed for It FAN U N IV E R S A L IN fcgon Jalen lison, i wet Mel In apr Irt, fc |r def< idants palid a : of c |rt wa Inswe Dan s! I the )0D Stop scratching! Resinol relieves itching instantly That itching, burning skin trouble which keeps you scratch­ ing and digging, is a source of disgust to others, as well as of torment to you. Why don’t you get rid of it by using Resinol Ointment? Physicians have prescribed it for over 20 years. In most cases, it stops itching instantly and heals eruptions promptly. It is very easy and economical to use. Characteristic. Said He— Mrs. Uppson certainljl a tactful woman. She seems to czfll everything before her. Said She— Force of habit. I sume. I understand she was a i ress before old man Uppson let I marry him.— Indianapolis Star. C H I N A I roat and the back of the neck. When | these women are not fanning them- A rt ic le . E it h e r C h e a p o r C o stly . Is «elves they are using this feminine weapon to keep off the sun as ona A p p u r t e n a n c e of A ll C itlx e n e would use a parasol. The soboolmas o f th e R e p u b lic . ter uses his fan to rap the knuckles of Though the Japanese have the repu­ his pupils by way of punishment. E v a n on th e M o u n t a in T op . Smith lived in a neighborhood where tation cf making the fan popular, they j Did Away With Madder. there were many piano#, phonographs, adopted the fashion from the Chinese. ! barky dogs and sweet children, and, i hlnese women are rarely seen with- I Alizarin, a dyestuff, was first gyn finding that sleep was Impossible, he out a fan in their hands, attached to thetieally produced In 1869, In which the side or tucked away In a skirt year the world production of madder began to look around for a quiet re­ ’ su*. pocket j was was 110 . 000.000 pounds of roots retv treat. Finally he found It on the top Nearly every dress worn of a mountain, and great was his hap^ nese - . , res<“nt,n* >.100.009 to 1.650.000 pound, ee woman la trimmed with a long of alizarin, worth *11,250.000 in i f o piness. One day. however, he appeared In silken cord thai is fastened around f’> ance had approximately 50000 er waist On this cord she often has afre« under madder cultivation whirh town looking extremely sad. and his w snuff boxes, fan. a small parasol, an..« — soon disappeared after the Introduc- friends quickly questioned him as to tobacco pouches, spectacle case and a tion of the artificial product the cause. tiny purse. Whatever else is not " It ’s no uae. boys.” he responded ln there the fan la sure to occupy an a dejected voice. “ It Is simply a N a t u ra lly . Important place The women of waste of time to fight the Inevitable." I saw Mabel buying rouge the means have beautiful silk fans, band other day.” "Yesterday a young man came up painted and set with mother of pearl "That gives color to the report that on the mountain." explained Smith, or golden sticks These are usually she paints." "and pitched a tent near my bunga­ incased In beautifully decorated low. This morning he told me that cases, which they attach to their he was gotng to spend the summer G iv e It Up. girdles. The woman of small means N o r t h w es there learning to play the v io lin "— H o - U It that you see .0 much fine, contents herself to placing her more Philadelphia Telegraeh 1 f* n he*ween eo'!a, of hrr fruit on fruit '** ‘ tmds than you ever see I on trees* •T Journal Portland, law bs of r ktice 1 the ne legis was Ise its ‘ Usurj favor 1 “ and the Dlutelj inter Er alem­ anne ti table ft has ; Corp< an file ktion a cting i eral B er Sch clés un ti table eral he [fo r pui ---------- Hea [o s e b u r i ent in not in tie gran of c ! Oak lar ve the te can b the b tificate i |er whic! aired be ned. "M I j d g I* *• f |fe j an l DAISY AiSOCUtlOf • lia É tiM 1 bpan the 1 Portland Seed Co* t e r n a g en t s