1 TES AND PERSONALS at the O. A .C ., visited his brother, Mrs. Brodersen, Mrs. Thomas, Archie, and family in this city . Chas. Craft and Mr. Dursten. . Mrs. Claude Maury and child­ Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 over Sunday. He also visited his parents at Gaston. ren left for their home in Mon­ loan on farms. 1-tf Vercie Bellinger, who is teach­ tana S a t u r d a y . Mrs. Frank Miss Jeanie Baxter spent Sun- ing at North Plains, visited rela­ Maury, Mrs. M . Maury and Mrs. kr in Yamhill. tives in Forest Grove over Sun­ Walter Wolf accompanied them Miss Erma Quick visited friends dry. His father and mother are as far as Portland. Portland over Sunday. now at Portland, the former hav­ Dilley Assembly of United Ar­ Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kirkwood ing bt'en placed in the Good tisans No. 29 will give another Ire in Portland Saturday. Samaritan hospital for treatment of its popular dances Saturday Mrs. Scott of Portland is a for the injuries he received some night, Feb. 19th. The music will be furnished by the Dilley con­ lest at the Vollmer home. months ago. cert band. Everybody will be lAiss Opal Hyde spent Sunday welcome and a good time assured. DILLEY NEWS NOTES kh her sister near Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolf en I*. M. Sutford of Dilley was a tertained a number of young Gee Lo Ran Club fciness visitor in town Monday. Mrs. F. M. Sutford entertained friends Wednesday night in honor U r. and Mrs. C. V. B. Russell theG L. R . club at her home, of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Maury ■ted friends in Portland Mon- Feb. 10th. Five hundred was the and Mrs Claude Maury of Mon­ tana, who will be leaving for their game and there were four tables. home in a short time. rs. A. J. Cook is visiting her Some noticable high scores were Riverside Grange No. 526 met ;hter, Mrs. Leslie Crosley, at made. The prizes were captured Friday of last week. Chas. Hayes by the following ladies: Mrs. of Sherwood was the installing of­ Claude Maury, first; Mrs. C. A. ficer. Three applications for mem­ bership were brought in and at Brodersen, second; and Mrs. Roy noon a sumptuous dinner was McBride, third. Those present, served, and a social hour was en­ besides the club members, were: joyed. In the afternoon ques­ Mrs. Claude Maury and Mrs. M. tions of interest to members M. Maury of Montana; Mrs. L. were discussed and a general good time was had. P. Jackson, Hillsboro; Mrs. Geo. Washington County Transfers Hoar and Mrs. J. S. Pierpont. The following real estate trans­ Party at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoar’s fers were recorded with the regis­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoar gave ter of deeds at Hillsboro during a delightful old-time dance at the past week; their home, Saturday night to Harold Johansen et ux to Otto Erick­ their neighbors and friends. The son, undivided half o f E half of E half old-timers began to arrive as early of blk 9, Beaverton, $10. George J. Hauschen et ux to L. N. as 7:30. The old-time fiddler, J. Tompkins, lot 5, blk 8, Pattison & Mor­ A. Bryan, was there, and the an’s 1st add to Hillsboro, $10. music he played was the same Home Installment Co. to James R. they used to play at “ husking Johnson, lot 1, blk O, Beusonic Heights bees’ ’ when they held the dance $ 10 . Security Savings and Trust Co. to in the barn, and the boys and Tualatin Country Club, 78.67 acres in girls were looking for the first red secs 13, 14, 23, 24 2 S 1, $10. Marion F. Jacobs et ux to F. J. Hor­ ear of corn. No prizes were of­ fered for the most graceful step­ ton et ux, part o f lot 2, blk 6, Finney’s ping, but if there had been, it add to Hillsboro, $10. W. G. Walker et ux to Antone would have been hard to tell Meeuwsen et ux, 38.09 acres in R. which did the best, Ben Hoskins Walker D L C No. 80, sec 5, 2 N 3, Mrs. Frank Armen trout de­ or Henry Hecox, as each tried to $ 6 , 000 . nted last Thursday for her out-do the other. Quadrills were F. G. Voegelein to Ed. J. Voegelein, |ne at Tillamook, after a vis’ t, the order of the evening, and we 30 acres in S. Richardson D L C, sec 14, 2 S 1, $10. th friends in this city. nearly “ busted our buttons” Harry J. Sirard et ux to Michael ["he Hillsboro High basketball watching John Hardebeck do the Susbauer et al, lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, blk im defeated the McMinnville “ butterfly swing.” At one o ’clock 39, Cornelius, $10. Lizzie Adamson to L. N. Tompkins, gh team at Hillsboro Saturday supper was served and you should tract in M. Moore D L C, 1 S 2, $450. ¡ht by a score of 20 to 19. have seen those old timers store The Shaw Fear Co. to W. R. Staw L. M Thomas, state manager that food away. You would have et al, lot 119 Johnson Estate add to the Knights and Ladies of Se- thought they had been working in Beaverton-Reedville Acreage, $10. Kate Wagnitz and hus to Harry J. rity, was in the city last week, the harvest field, or fasting for Sirard et al, lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, blk 39, days, but we found out afterward the interest of the order. Cornelius, $10. perfectly Miss Jean Sloan of Portland ar- their appetites were R. V. Nichols et ux to Walter A. normal—they did that every day. Vinton, lots 3 to 10, inclusive, Good ed Saturday for a visit with t friend, Mrs. J . C. Latta, who The party broke up in the small Acres, $2500. Robert Hulme to Margaret W. John­ hours of the morning, and they l been quite ill for a week. went straying for home, some in son, lots 1. 2, and 3, Subdivision of lot Margaret and Charles Hancock, big wagon loads and others two 23, North Tigardville add, $700. Nathan P. Johnson et ux to Clara S. io are attending school at Cor- by two, just like they did forty Irwin, lot 2, subdivision o f lot 23, his, visited their parents, Mr. North Tigardville Addition $1344. $ Mrs. Geo. G. Hancock, over years ago. John W. Endicott et ux to Winnifred nday. Mrs. Jack of Portland is visit­ C. Morrow, NE quar SE quar of sec Mrs. W. Glasier went to Port- ing her sister, Mrs. Vermilyea, 4, 3 N 4, $1. C. J. H. Wilson et ux to L. G. Self- |d Saturday to see her grand- for a few days. Mrs. Van Meter and Mrs. ridge et ux, 5000 sq. ft in NW quar of , Sidney Davis, who has been sec 31, 2 N 3, $950. a Portland hospital several Hundley were shopping in the E. E. Archer to Eloise Stone et al, Grove Saturday. 25 acres in secs 4 ank 33, 1 and 2 S 2, Mrs. Bud Dilley, who has been $4000. Idiss Della Buckingham was a E. L. Maurettus to Ransom Postill, so very sick, is improving quite Isenger on the Oregon Electric 10 acres in A. Zachary D L C No. 52, ■n Portland to the Grove Sat- rapidly, and her m iny friends sec 22, 1 N 2, $10. hope for her complete recovery d .iy evening. J. E. Tumbleson et ux to Mary F. Muller et al, lot 5, blk 1, Stokes add to Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Kauffman soon. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Sutford Forest Grove $900. n Miss Manche Langley were Augssta P. Keehn and hus to Peter [Portland Saturday evening to are in Portland for a few days, Zuercher et al, 30 acres D. B. Dustin fc Gertrude Hoffman at the visiting friends and attending to D L C sec 31, 1 N 1, $10. pheum. business. Notice to Taxpayers [Through Hancock & Wiles, Dan Mrs. Rene Cropp, who has been Notice is hereby given that on Tues­ tree has traded an eighteen- very seriously ill, has taken a day, February 15, 1916, the tax rolls fe farm up Gales Creek to U. turn for the better, her friends for the year 1915 will be opened for the , Hanna for the latter’s Forest will be glad to learn. collection o f taxes. The first half of rove residence. Miss Glady Hundley is slowly all taxes should be paid on or before William Kapple, Sr., of David’s improving, although not able to April 5th following, and the second half on or before October 5th following. 111, who has been quite ill for be out much. It will be remem­ Interest shall be charged and collected me time, was in the city Mon- bered she slipped and fell, injur­ at the rate o f 1 per cent per month or jy, much to the surprise of ing her spine. a fraction o f a month until paid. “ In­ any of his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeShazer terest at said rate applies to the first half if not paid by April 5th, and to the Clinton McGill departed Fri- drove to Forest Grove on Mon­ second half if not paid by October 5th.” ly for Vancouver to assist the day and bought a load of supplies. All taxes remaining unpaid on October fegon Washington Electric com- They report the road passible 5th, shall become delinquent, and on November 5th a penalty o f 5 per cent iny repair the damages done to again after the high water. will be charged and collected thereon f wires by the recent storms. Visitors from Riverside Grange in addition to the interest provided Claude Bryant, who is taking a to Gale Grange of Forest Grove herein. Any day after the expiration ecial course in animal husbandry on Saturday, were Mrs. Sutford, of six months after the taxes charged ANOTHER METRO TRIUMPH COMES TO THE Star Theater, Sat., Feb. 19 Afternoon and Evening B. A. Rolfe offers the Exquisite Dramatic Star VALLI VALLI In Mrs. Fisk’s Greatest Staged Success against real property are delinquent, FORE. n T GROVE the Sheriff shall have the right, and it Hhall be his duty upon demand to make out and issue certificates of delinquency against such property. Certificates of J. S. BUXTON, Prop. delinquency shall bear interest at the rate o f 15 per cent. On or as soon as practicable after October 5th, the tax Funeral Directors and Embalmers collector shall proceed to collect all PHONE 642 taxes levied against personal property, Forest Grove, Oregon and which shall have been unpaid, and shall levy upon sufficient goods and chattels o f delinquent taxpayers and sell same to satisfy said tax, or said Sheriff shall charge said personal prop­ erty tax against real property and said tax shall become a lien upon said prop­ erty, and shall be enforced in the same Steam and Hot Water Heating manner as other real estate tax liens. First Class Work Guaranteed. J. E. REEVES, Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Sheriff o f Washington County, Oregon. 6-tf By J. C. Applegate, Deputy. Undertaking Co S h o p w i t h ( ì n n l m i miti G o r d o n F orra! firovr, O regon N. HOFFMAN P h o n e < ih : i Attorney At Law ForestGrove PALACE BARBER SHOP B. CHOWNING, Prop. A. M. SELEY, SIGNS, SHOW CARDS, LANTERN - - - - - - - - - - - - SLIDES------------- Leave word at Palace Barber Shop Baths Shaves Haircuts Shampoos Nixon Building Main Street Job printing—phone 821 1 on any promise we make to deliver work on a given date. The Express has one of the best equipped little printing plants in the Willamette valley, having added several hundred dollars’ worth of material to the Williams plant for JOB PRINTING purposes and more good material is on the way. The management would very much appreciate it if those in need of stationery, office blanks, or any other kind of printing would call at the office for samples and prices. If you’re too busy to come to the office use the phone and a representative will call on you. PHONE 821