IF and meanwhile be cheerful.—Port­ land Daily News. ®!jc Jffnrcat Sxprfaa Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. The Hillsboro Independent ed­ W, C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. itor has heard that a Forest Grove Entered as second-class matter Jan. 12, 1916, at the postoffice at Forest Grove, druggist is hard hit by the Sun­ Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 day closing order because said druggist had stocked up heavily WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1916 on cigars in expectation of a Sun­ NOTES AND COMMENTS day rush. There’s nothing to it, Brother Killen; all three Forest Grove drug stores have handled ____ cigars for years and all the pro- founders of the Navy League. Prietors disclaim that they art A concealed battery is most de­ the Yes, I see here the name of J. P. carrying more than the usual structive in making an assault. Its location being hidden it makes Morgan. The late J. P. Morgan «*«*• And, what is more, the the ExPress knows that fierce bombardment w i t h o u t was the organizer and a director of the United States Steel corpo- would-be cigar customers are be- check. Unmasked, its effective­ ration, which controls, according turf e ovvn a 1 ® ores ness is decreased or it is silenced. to Moody’s Manual, the Carnegie Grove drug stores on Sunday. The so-called "Navy League” is one of the masked batteries now Steel Co. We have bought from I The band concert on the streets engaged in bombarding the public the Carnegie Steel C >., 89,933 S a t u r d a y demonstrated that with a flood of literature and hired tons of armor plate, paying an Forest Grove has a band of which speakers, to create sentiment in average ot $442 a ton, or a total its citizens may well feel proud, favor of "preparedness for war” of $39,783,497 for the single item Now let us support and keep this and national defense. It is being of armor plate, and if the Navy band together. Nothing better unmasked by the hot shot direct­ League’s proposed $500,000,000 advertises a town than a good ed at it in congress by Represent­ bond issue for battleships goes band, ative C. H. Tavenner of Illinois. through they will receive still In advertising a meeting to be Mr. Tavenner, who is a democrat, larger contracts. So that you see j held by an evangelist, a Hillsboro is a former newspaper reporter,, the three firms which have a mo- paper stated that the speaker and he has applied the experience nopoly of the manufacture of would "hold, and educate” gained in uncovering “good stor armor in this country are all his audience. amuse Strangely ies" to unmasking th e Navy founders of the Navy League; the majority of those who enough League. The following is a por- they are all represented as the to the meeting were women. came tion of his speech in the house! founders of the Navy League, and relative to the influences back of we have bought from them 233,- Taxes Are Now Payable that pay-triotic organization: j 339 tons of armor plate, paying From the Hillsboro Indepen­ "In a letter sent to members of for it an average of $439 a ton, dent the Express takes the fol­ congress, dated Jan. 13, 1914, A. ¡or a total of $102,504,292. lowing figures on taxes for Wash­ H. Dadmun, secretary of the Remember that figure, $439! ington county. Taxes became Navy League, said: There have been 10 official esti-j payable yesterday: "Certain Congressmen have in- mates by government officials as The total of this year’s roll is sinuated that the League is sup- ibe cost of armor plate in a $527,651.45, which is $14,131.38 ported by people who are inte- government factory, and the av- greater than last year. The sum­ rested in the sale of war materials; erage of those estimates is $251 a mary of the roll as made by As­ to the navy. They are entirely ton; and had we manufactured sessor Crandall is: mistaken.’ ; this armor in a government fac- county, school $236,413.74 ‘‘Mr. Dadmun, in a letter pub- COry, which the Navy League has State, Fire patrol ............... 442.74 I fished in the January, 1916, issue cold shouldered, I think I am well High school 10,272.68! of Peaison's Magazine, reiterated within the bounds of conservat­ Special city taxes...... 26,867.39 that the men back of the Navy- ism when I say we could have Special road taxes...... 61,974.301 j League are men who will not! saved to the American taxpayers Conuty road .............. 118,206.85 profit by the results of the league’s at ,he very least $35,000,000. Special school................ 73,473.75 propaganda.” "The Harvey Steel Co., which „„ "What , , is . this . Navy , , League? . owned the patent on a process for $527,651 45 Who founded it. and who are its hardening steel which compelled For purposes of comparison the i dm-cton,? I hold in my hand the a„ manufacturers of armor plate summary of last year’s roll will hound Navy I « , « Journal for „ a lt WM ¡„ „„ th(, be valuable, and it is as follows: 1904. In the opening number ground floor at the organization State, county, school $236,520.35 is the statemt*nt that this is "the of the Navy League, in th e Fire patrol 514.73 official organ of the Navy League persons of S. S. Palmer, its pres- City taxes _ 23,879 09 of the United States.’ ident, and Benjamin F. Tracy, ex- Special school 77,096.77 "I turn now to pege 32 of the of the navy. Mr. Tracy County road 121,010.41 issue of February 1904, where I secretary was the counsel for the Harvey Special road 54,498 06 find a list of 19 men who are Co., and the Carnegie Steel Co., named as the “founders” of the after leaving the navy depart- $513,520.06 Navy League. Now then, let us monL From a comparison of the two see who they are. "Throughout the existence of it will seen that more than "I note in the list of founders the Navy league there have been $10,000 be of the is charge- the name of the Midvale Steel Co. several distinct groups represent- able to the high increase fund, other The United States government ed, made up of officers, directors, increases such as school cities and roads since 1903 has bought from the attorneys and employes. T h e more than offsetting decreases Midvale Steel Co. 48,399 tons of most important of these are the other funds. It is noticeable that in armor, and we have paid for it an J. P. Morgan group, the Beth- while the county road fund is average of $420 a ton, or in all lehem Steel group, the Carnegie $3,803.56 less than last year the $20,375,858 for the single item of steel the Midvale steel combined total this year of county armor plate alone, not to say any­ group, group, the Harvey group, and special roads is $180,181.15 thing about other millions of and last, but n o t steel least, Col. against combined totals of the dollars’ worth of contracts that Thompson’s International Nickel two funds last vearof $175 509 11 have been given to the Midvale Co., group.” Steel Co., for other things used To the Voters of the Republican Party for Washington County by the army and the navy; and if ('herring Figures a candidate for the nomination th e Navy League's proposed The exce.ss of America's exports j for I am County Clerk, for the Primary Election to be held May 19th, 1916; $ot0,000,000 bond issue goes over imports for 1915 was $1,772 - have deputy Couuty Clerk through, Midvale will stand to 309.528, a striking increase over for the been past chief two w as born in draw down some more millions. the normal excess of $450,000,000. Washington County, terms, am familiar with the work of the office, and if nominated ' Let us see if there are any­ Gold imports for 1915 weie and elected will during my term of of­ more w ar traffickers here. Is $451,954,590, as against $57,387,- fice attend to the duties thereof, exer­ cising economy, and courtesy to the Charles M. Schwab, whom I see 741 in 1914. listed as one of the founders, a The net inward movement of public. H enry A. K uratli . war, trafficker? Well, he is presi­ gold for 1915 was $420,528,672, The Ladies of the Catholic dent of the Bethlehem Steel cor­ compared with a net outward church entertained two dozen poration. and we have bought of $165,228,415 in couples at cards and lunch at the from Bethlehem 95,007 tons of movement 1914. of Dr. and Mrs. Charles armor at an average rate of $445 Cut these figures out, and paste home Hines last Wednesday evening, a ton, and have (»aid Bethlehem in your hat. Lawk at 'em when sustaining their reputation as for armor plate alone $421,344,937. you feel blue. Remember that, capital entertainers. After the Thut is the second member of the sooner or lat<»r, you will benefit to cards and lunch a number of the armor ring. extent in this golden flood young people entertained the "Now there is another member some no matter your position in company for a short time with of the armor ring, and that is fife may be. what Such prosperity will vocal and instrumental music, the Carnegie Steel Co. Let us not and cannot pass see if we find them also among tirely. Give it time you uP en- Hancock & Wile* carry Life to get action Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf The Oregon of McMinnville Fire Relief Ass’n (&r r Some American Pay-triots Is the Great Home Insurance Company of Qr’ed and you can get almost S m e and see m°St eX3Ctin* f a craV6' izing°the ^ to reaso"' for not Either will Ex°nri«intnb0U do j'0 J2,ur w'°rk the other local Patrvn‘ office. or°wuntylroV'e tha" 8°™ »'*'* WE RE IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING H **• °* 1,u' New I. O. O. F. Block Phone 8 2 1 F o n o l G roce. Ore*»