¿foresi $nro? Stress AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Vol. 1, No. 6 AR PRESIDENTS WERE EULOGIZED FOREST GROVE. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. FEB. 16. 1916 Woman’s Club $1.50 per Year LOCAL CANNERS SOLVE PROBLEM SOCIETY NOTES The regular meeting of the Woman's Club was held in the and Mrs. E. E. Williams Congregational church parlors, |. The second basket ball game last Mr. Thursday evening entertained P h i l o m a t h College was a few friends in The birthday anniversaries of Monday afternoon, Feb. 14. as ¡t with very pleasant When the Forest Grove cannery played here Friday evening. Al manner, the guests a being ee great American statemen— No program was given Dr. and starts up this summer it will start though neither team seemed able Mrs. Clifford Walker, Dr. ashington, Lincoln and McKin- was a business meeting. under more favorable circum were given from var- to Play with the old-time “pep” Mrs. E. B. Brookbank, Mr. and - were celebrated by the mem- ious Reports and stances, far as finances are con committees showing that the same was well worth seeing, Mrs. Cecil Creel, Mr. and Mrs. cerned, so than of the local G. A. R. Post seasons While no spectacular plays were Harry Goff, Misses Minnie and past. This fact for was some 'd the Woman’s Relief Corps at good work is being done in all de- made, assured at a the contest was hard fought, Frances Myers and Mrs. Coin of of P. hall last Thursday after- partments. meeting of the stockholders held ;n, with a fine dinner at noon The civic committee asked for The *oca' toam won by a score of Portland. Delicious refreshments in this city Saturday, when the appropriation to purchase j 32 to 12 over the visitors, an excellent program of music an limit to the amount of stock that trees to plant in the parking at j The Lyceum course entertain- were served by the hostess. ! speeches. The dinner was all one can hold was taken Central school building, and to ment 8iven in Marsh Hall Satur- The dance given at I. 0 . O. F. off. individual t could have been desired, be- replace Heretofore no individual the few trees and shrubs day evening was easily one of the hall Saturday night by the band could hold more than composed of several kinds of one-tenth of best that Forest Grove wil1 st>e at, sandwiches, baked beans, that did not survive last spring’s this the total stock, but Saturday this The''Metropolitan boys was we,! attended and kies, salads, pie, cake and planting. The club voted to al Grand winter. section was repealed and since Quartet gave a most de- was.one of !he ™ st enjoyable low $15.00 to the committee for ee. lightful program. To the lovers of I some part,es months. g,v? m Forest Grove for that time considerable of the stock he program, which started this purpose. has been signed over by its owners rtly after the 'dinner, was pre- The Red Letter Day chairman A music it was a rare treat indeed. to John F. Forbis, director and ed over by J T Butler senio- ®ave ber report and turned in ^ musical entertainment of such Judge W. J. R. Beach enter president, who has promised to e commander and was’ as fol- $51-70 as the Proceeds of the en- hi«h character deserved a packed tained a number of friends at his finance the cannery for at least s. ' j tertainments after all bills had house. The citizens of the town home last Friday evening, cards two years if given control of the are not giving the support they and refreshments being the prin- stock. Mr. Forbis does not stand Prayer by Rev. R. E. Dunlap. been paid. This is by far the should worthy talent. Is ' cipal mediums of entertainment, in the position of trying to get In her usual pleasing manner, largest sum ever given by the it a lack to of such for nothing and that appreciation for high- and it goes without saying that something Logan sang “The Star club to the Scholarship Loan class entertainment? the other stockholders do not look ngled Banner,” with the aud- Fund, and a unanimous rising vote The Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor of all the guests had a good time. at the matter in that light is proven by the fact that three- of thanks was tendered the chair ce standing. Mrs. A. U. Marsh Saturday i ; fourths of the stock has been as- man for her untiring efforts. It j the Su nn ys id e Congregational W. Haines then delivered a noon entertained at lunch the j signed to him during the past ten was also unanimously voted to church, Portland, gave a very ughtful address on the life and members of the cast of “Those days. rks of George Washington, extend the thanks of the club to helpful talk in chapel Thursday Dreadful Drews,” the event being When the company was or ogizing that patriot as a states- all who had contributed in any morning. The subject of his in honor of Mrs. Elinor Sanford- ganized (1912) it started out with enter-j , talk was, “The Stuff of which Large. In the evening Mrs. Large limited capital and later on, when n of more than ordinary abil- way to the success of the enter- tainment. Is Made.” His es- was one of the guests of honor at an effort was made to expand, a soldier second to none and The special committee appoint- j Character the company went into debt. To pecial interest lies in the work a party given in Pordand. resident whose memory would further embarrass the concern, it ed to investigate electric light among the young people. His re e as long as America endured. has on hand a large part of its homas Isaac sang “The Sword conditions in Forest Grove report - 1 markable pastorate of twenty- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McIntyre 1915 pack, prices not having been Bunker Hill” so well that he ed that Dr. S. E. Todd, chairman lour years at the Sunnyside celebrated their nineteenth wed- such as to warrant disposing of citv church attests to his success as a ding anniversary last Friday ev- the goods. While no money was recalled for another selection, of light committee on the city lost last year, the failure to dis council had kindly consented to young people s pastor. j ening by entertaining a number of pose ev. J. F. Ashiey gave a very of all the goods packed left le address on Lincoln and his appear before the club and ex- The State Oldline oratorical try- their friends at a musical program the concern short of funds and ttysburg speech, paying glow- plain details of plan and main- out was held in Marsh Hall Fri- and one of the most elaborate the members began looking around tribute to the emancipator as tenance of city plant. He was day afternoon. The contest was suppers served in Forest Grove in for a way to ease the pressure. Then Mr. Forbis came forward elf-made man whose memory admitted and satisfactorily ex- uncommonly close, the three many a day. Guests from eleven with his offer. od first in the hearts of Ameri-! P^a‘ned many matters that had places being almost tied. By a states were in attendance. The of J. E. Lewton, s among a galaxy of great perplexed the members and was very small margin Max Ricker Upon invitation from Mrs. John Robert terms Alexander and Allen Dil- cordially thanked for this courtesy. won first place, Orlando Romig, n. ley, as directors, had expired and Beahen, eight lady friends of her at Saturday’s meeting these gen Commander Butler at this time The name of Mrs. R. M. Stev second and Ralph Potts, third. ded his tribute to the memory ens was added to the roll of mem We are proud of such promising daughter, Miss Theresa Beahen, tlemen were re-elected, to serve bership. talent in this line. ! 8ave the latter a genuine surprise with the six other directors—H. the great war president. Atwell, J. F. Forbis, I. J. Hoar, The hostesses of the day were Prof N Coleman of Reed last Thursday evening at her C. Mrs. Ashley sang “A n n i e B . Ortman, Grant Bailey and J. °" “C” at™'t’ theoccasion urie” so well that she was re Mrs. Eva C. Abbott and Mrs. L. College spoke to the men of the i°.me C. Buchanan. being her birthday anniversary, Manager H. C. Atwell informs college in the Y. M. C. A. room i Games led and sang “M a r c h i n g M. Graham. were played until a late the Express that he has hopes of yesterday morning. His subject hour when rough Georgia.” refreshments a very busy season for the can was “Social Relations.” It was were served delicious 'rs. Marsh read a story of Lin nery and, with the debt lifted off by Mrs. n’s preparation and delivery of one of the best talks the men I The time passed quickly Beahen. and ev the company’s shoulders by Presi . accident ., , which . . . resulted , , . in have heard this year. Gettysburg speech and its ef- An Forbis, he looks for a profi eryone surely enjoyed the evening dent , _ _ table season, as well. t on the country, adding much the death of Seth Seelye occurred _ Ga,e Sea">an. Pacific C o a s t very much. hat Rev. Ashley had already near the Standard box factory, secretary of the Y. M C. A , gave The members of the Intermed Two Games for One Admission two miles northwest of Buxton, ¡'3 short to,k ,n chapeI Monday- atrick Cronin sang a revised 1:30 Monday afternoon. M r. The first recital given by the iate League of the M. E. church Saturday evening of this week ion of “Marching Through Seelye was engaged in skidding conservatory of music this year and their superintendent, Miss the basketball fans will have a rgia,” in which he was assist- logs, when the log being moved was held in Marsh Hall Monday Mary Corl, enjoyed a very pleas treat, for there will be two good for the price of one. The by the audience. evening. A good program was ant time at the home of Mr. and games struck a smaller one, buried in the Mrs. A. G. Hoffman on South Forest Grove high school girls P. Dyke delivered a thought- snow, in such a manner that the rendered. address on President McKin- buried log was hurled with con The Freshmen class play will Main street last Friday evening. will play the Hillsboro high girls, giving that statesman a high siderable force, striking Mr. See- be given in Marsh Hall on the The hours were spent in playing after which the local high school tation and predicting he lye and breaking both his legs.! evening of Washington’s Birthday, games and in partaking of delic boys’ team will take on their old Id be more highly appreciated j He died three hours after the ac- Tuesday. The public is cordially ious refreshments. Everyone had rivals, the Hillsboro highs, for a game. The price will be jusl two a delightful time. he years to come, i cident from heart failure. The welcome to see this production. j e exercises closed with the body was taken to Banks, where When Abraham Lincoln fell, by The Knights and Ladies of Se- bit« and the fun starts at the P. ing by the audience of “Nearer,: deceased made his home, and the the assassin's hand, the South lost curity met in a very interesting U. gym at 8 o’clock. Get out and boost. God to Thee” and “America.” funeral was held from the M. E. n a table in the center of the church at 11 o'clock this morning, its best friend, the North its session last Wednesday night. Postmaster Wirtz Confirmed m were the pictures of the S^h Seelye, who was the son of patient, indomitable leader, the State Manager L. M. Thomas Robert P. Wirtz, the newly- . ’ Mr‘ Mr. and ana Mr8‘ lvirs. Zadk- ¿acn Seelye’ oeeiye, was Nation its grandest nero. r>ai- was present and gave a very in- hero. un On Sat- great Americans in whose Was appointed postmaster for Forest . .. about thirty years of age and has urday, in every state beneath the teresting address and exemplified or the celebration was neia, Grove, has received word that his been a resident of Washington Stars and Stripes, both Vortk and ♦ t,. am,i, iiw, »u.. and the work for the benefit of the well as a log cabin, said to be county the greater part of his life South, East and West, North appointment confirmed by the birth- new members. Mrs. A. G. Foor, the senate Feb. was ery good imitation of Lincoln’s He is survived by his parents, a 7th and he is ex hplace. widow and two sisters, M r s . day of Lincoln, the man of sor- of Kirkpatrick Council, Portland, pecting his commission to arrive The “Boys in Blue” and their Mildred Friday of Banks and rows, was celebrated by a united was also present and gave a de in the near future. people. But for L i n c o l n the lightful reading on “Our Flag.” ves are not as numerous as they ^*,ss Agnes Seelye. e were, but so long as there Deceased was a member of the > United States would never have After lodge had closed a commit- Mrs. Joseph McCoy and daugh a half dozen in a community, M.E. church and the I. O. O. F. ^a(j the great opportunity that is tee served l i g h t refreshments. ter, Sadie, spent the week-end in ;y h can depended was a who man highly esteemed , . meet.mi .. will ... oc- Rainier with their son and broth t L be memoni of W on a to » h keen in S and by those knew him best, ours today. The ____. opportunity be- The next regular Lincoln. Commander Butler He had been off work on account comes our duty, and a portion of cur on February 23d and, as that er, Joe, and his wife. Joe is teach d he had positive proof that °f a former accident for about the service we owe the world rests is the 24th anniversary of the ing in the school there with Clin re were still some veterans of ®*x weeks and was putting in his upon each and every citizen of founding o f the order, Forest ton Ostrander. Mr. Ostrander civil war in Forest Grove, for day whgn injured. the land. The eyes of the world Council will celebrate by giving a was going home from his school e red of a his chickens had disap- James Norton, who has been are upon us now. We must blaze dance anu and a program appropriate one evening when a falling wall Diaze aance few nights since tnd nearly struck him and the elec visiting his mother and sister in the way to a higher, nobler stan- ako to Washington’s birthday, 1rs. C. R. Lasham is a late this city for a week or more, has dard of civilization-peace. in State Thomas prom tric light wires so surrounded him to Manager bring with him his has talented tim of the grip, but is not con- returned to his claim in Southern this service to humanity will the ised family of musicians, who will have that he could not move or get red seriously ill. ! Oregon. ¡college man be found wanting? charge of the musical program. away until some one came. Seth Seelye Dies From His Injuries Pacific University