The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 09, 1916, Image 8

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y a
stra c t questions to beg them out 07
prove th a t a certain person was In a
ce rtain place
a certain tim e. I guess
h*"fa=che raih e r thought th at n eith er
th a t’s w orth all th e o aths of all th e
eye-w itnesses th a t ever saw d ay lig h t!” quite understood what
m eant; but she could no
C azalet laughed harshly, as for no
fact th a t the old friend had
ap p a ren t reaso n he led th e way Into
dialectical mind nor the u“ faili“ *
th e garden. "Mr. Toye's made a study
.o u rtesy of th e new. That
of th e se th in g s," he fired over his |
with her perception she might
D earest F rien d and W ise Husband,
shoulder. "H e should have been a I
changed the subject; but she could
C ollaboration, Effected Cure $
S herlock H olm es, and ra th e r w ishes |
see t> „t Cazalet was thinking of not
H abit T h a t Is T rying to the
he was o n e !”
ing else; and no wonder. since
“Give m e tim e,” said Toye. laugh­ were approaching the scene of th e
P u n ctu a l Pereon.
ing. “I m ay come along th a t way
tragedy and his own old home, wi
Up In B e tty 's lovely rose-co
each long dip of her paddle.
C azalet faced him in a fram e of
It had been his own wish to sta rt room B etty w as pouring out the t
tangled greenery. “You told me you upstream ; but she could see the w s of her h ap p in ess—tellin g it, Betty
la U S IR A T IO N S t bv O . . T O W N , A W g R S _
w o u ld n 't!”
fu! pain in his eyes as they fell once fashion, In little rainbow colored iraj.
“I did, sir, b ut th a t waB before they more upon the red tu rre ts and the m eets, to K a th e rin e Arnold. Kathe
cried Blanche, looking from one to th e put sa lt on th is poor old crook. If
smooth green lawn of U plands; and ine had been h e r d e a re st friend
you’re right, and h e's not the man,
college days, w hen th e steady, spl
"Yes, he does,” said C azalet gloom­ shouldn't you say th a t rath e r altered she neither spoke nor looked a t him
C a salet. on i h a a t e a m e r K t l w r F r i t * ,
didly-poised Junior had tak en the 1
h o m e w a r d b o und f r o m A u s t r a l i a , c r i e s ily. He sta re d out a t th e river, seeing
again until he spoke to her.
o u t In bia ■lf'ep t h a t H e n r y C r a v e n , w h o
the situ atio n ?”
able harum scaru m little frei
t e n y e a ia b efo re h a d r u i n e d his f a t h e r nothing in h is tu rn , though one of the
a n d him self, is d e a d a n d find» t h a t H i l ­ an g lers w as actu ally busy w ith his
still,” he said detachedly. "W hat s under h er wing. She had kept up
ton Toye. w h o s h a r e s t h e s t a t e r o o m w i t h
‘ p ro tecto rate” th ro u g h her se
happened to Mrs. Craven?
hirr.. k n o w s C r a v e n a n d also B l a n c h e reel.
Macnalr, a f o r m e r n e i g h b o r a n d p l a y ­
“I hear she w ent into a nursing year, and th ro u g h th e th ree y
V oluntary Service.
mate. W h f . t h e d a i l y p a p e r s co m e
since. H er own m arriag e had ns
home before the fu n e ra l.'
ab o ard a t S o u t h a m p t o n T o y s r e a d s t h a t still—” B lanche rem em b ered him, re
"And why do you th in k he can ’t
C rav en h a s been m u r d e r e d a n d c a lls m em bered dancing w ith him ; she did
“I expect we should find Savage changed th e friendship, nor had B«t
C a s a l e t 's d r e a m se co n d sig h t. H e t h i n k s
have done It?”
somewhere. Would you very much ty's.
of doing a little a m a t e u r d e te c tiv e w o r k n o t like to say, “In p riso n .”
C azalet had trundled th e old canoe mind. Blanche? I should rath e r like“
on the c as e h i m s e l f In t h e t r a i n to t o w n
"You see," B etty said, half-whlmfi.
“H e cam e o u t th e o th e r day,” sighed
th ey discuss t h e m u r d e r , w h ic h w a s c o m ­
over th e rollers, and Blanche was if it was Just settin g foot—with you—” cally, half in e a rn e st, “I have to han
mitted at i ’a x a l e t 's old hom e. T o y e h e a r s Cazalet. "B u t bow like th e police all
hardly paddling In th e glassy strip
from C a z a l e t t h a t S c r u to n , w h o h a d b een over!
But even th a t effective final pronoun you to ste er m e by th e pitfalls
Give a dog a bad nam e, and
C a zalet’s frien d a n d t h e s c a p e g o a t f o r
alongside the weir. Below the lock failed to bring any buoyancy back into though I know of course th e re couldi
C r a v e n ’s d ish o n e sty , h a s b een r e l e a s e d tru s t them to h u n t It down and shoot
th e re had been som ething to do, and his voice; for it was not in the least possibly be an y p itfall betw een J
from prison.
C a z a l e t g o es d o w n
t h e It a t s ig h t!”
river a n d m eets B lan ch e.
Blanche had done It deftly and silen t­ effective as he said it, and he no long­ and me.”
“I Judge It's not so bad as all th a t In
ly, with alm ost equal capacity and er looked her in th e face. But th is all
"B etty,” K ath e rin e asked suddenly
th is co u n try ,” said H ilton Toye.
CHAPTER V—Continued.
grace, it had given her a charm ing seemed n atu ral to Blanche, in the "how about your tard in ess? Doesn
"T h a t’s m ore like th e police theory
flush and sparkle; and, w hat with the
He had floundered to hi* feet aa ab o u t Scruton, I guess, b ar draw ing su n ’s b are hand on her yellow hair, manifold and overlapping circum ­ th a t worry Ja ck ? "
Betty blushed— an Infinitely been
stances of the case. She made for the
well. He wag standing over her, feel­ th e bead.”
she now looked even bonnier than in­
inlet a t th e upper end of the lawn. lng process th a t w as q uite enough tt
"W hen did you h ea r of It?” said
ing hlg way like a great fatuous cow ­
doors, yet not quite, quite such a girl. And her prom pt unquestioning ac­ divert the sp e c ta to r from serious and
ard, ao some might have thought. B ut Cazalet.
But then every bit of th e boy had gone
quiescence sham ed C azalet Into further as Betty would say, “scolding" intea
“It w as on th e tap e a t th e Savoy
It really looked as though Blanche was
out of Cazalet. So th a t hour stolen
and franker explanation, before he tions.
not attending to what he did say; yet when I got there. So I m ade an in­ from the past was up forever.
“If you have to know,” she ackno
could let her land to please him.
neither was she watching her little quiry, and I figured to look In a t the
“W hy do th e police think the other
“You don't know how I feel th is !” edged. “Jack did say things two
anglers stam ped In Jet upon the sil­ K ingston C ourt on my w a y to call
he exclaim ed quite m iserably. "I mean th ree tim es. It w as so alm ost unfair
very stream , nor even seeing any m ore upon Miss Blanche. You see, I was
about poor old S cruton; h e’s gone of him—I m ean. It would have beet
of Nelly P otts in the A ustralian ver­ kind of In terested In all you’d told me
through so much as It is, w hatever he unfair If it h a d n 't been th a t Jack
anda. She had come home from Aus­ about th e case.”
"W ell?”
tralia. and come In from the river, and
may have done to deserve it long ago. couldn’t possibly be unfair—when It
‘‘Well, th a t w as my end of th e situ a­
she was watching the open door a t the
Is It conceivable th a t he should go was Just because I w as trying to
other end of the old schoolroom, listen ­ tion. As luck and m anagem ent would
and do a thing like th is th e very mo­ m yself p retty for him ! We missed
ing to those confounded steps coming have It betw een them . I w as In tim e to
m ent he gets out? I ask you, is It the opera once— lo st th e train by three
nearer and n ea rer—and Cazalet was h ear your m an —”
even conceivable?”
m inutes—but I told Jack I’d rather
gazing at her as though he really had
"Not my m an, please! You thought
Blanche understood him. And now have an evening w ith him than
said som ething th at deserved an an ­ of him yourself,” said C azalet sharply.
she showed herself golden to th e core, grandest opera th a t ever was, and we
"Well, anyw ay, I was In tim e to hear
alm ost as an ea rn est of h er fitness for did have the d e a re st tim e. But lately,
"Why. Miss B lanche!” cried a voice. th e proceedings opened ag ain st him.
the fires before her.
K atherine, I rea lly th in k Jack must
"And your old lady ln-waltlng figured I They w ere all over In about a minute.
“Poor fellow,” she cried, "he has a be reform ing me, because we haven
should And you flown!”
H e was rem anded till next week.”
friend in you, a t any rate ! And I'll been late for e v e r so long, and ws
help you to help him, If th e re 's any w ere actually te n m inutes early at
Hilton Toye was already a lan d s­
"How did he look?” and. "H ad he a
man and a Londoner from top to toe. b eard ?"
dem anded
C azalet
way I can.”
th a t Sons of Som ebody banquet the
He was perfectly d ressed —for Bond Blanche sim ultaneously.
He clutched h er hand, but only as other night! T h in k of it—me early!
S treet—and his n ative sim plicity of
he might have clutched a m an 's.”
“lie looked like a sick m an,” said
I told Jack h e’d b e tte r be careful, or
bearing and ad d ress placed him as Toye, w ith som ething m ore than his
“You can’t do anything; but I won't he'd reform me to th e other extreme.'
surely and firmly In th e present pic­ usual deliberation In answ ering or
forget that,” he alm ost choked. “I
“W hat tim e did h e say the banquet
ture. He did not look th e least bit out asking questions. “Yes, Miss Blanche,
m eant to stand by him in a very differ­ was to be, B etty ?”
of It. But C azalet did. In an In stan t; he had a beard w orthy of a free citi­
ent way. H e’d been down to the
“Seven-thirty. T h e cab was
big old bush clothes changed at once zen.”
depths, and I’d come up a bit; then come a t six forty-five. Although
Into a m erely shabby suit of despica­
"They let them grow one, If they “ Mr. Cazalet,” Said Toye, “ I Gueas he was good to me as a lad, and it was th in k it m ust h av e been later than
ble cut- th e rom ance dropped out of like, before they come out." said Caza­
You W ant to Know W hat I’m Doing m> father's p artn e r who was the ruin th a t," Betty added, puzzled.
them and th e ir w earer, aB he stood let, w ith th e nod of knowledge.
of him. I seemed to owe him som e­
on Your T rack.”
"Do you rem em ber w hat tim e you
like a tru sse d
turkey-cock, and
thing, and now—now I'll stand by him w ere to be ready for the Hamilton
"T hen I guess he was a wise man
watched a bunch of hothouse flowers not to take It off," rejoined Hilton got to go on? T h a t’s w hat I w ant to whatever happens and—w hatever has
know. I agree with Toye In one thing.” happened!”
presented to the lady with a little gem
Toye. "T h a t would only prejudice his
"N ine o’clock. I th in k . W hat In tha
of a natural, courteous, and yet c h a r­
Blanche looked up quickly. "I wouldn’t
Then they landed in the old, old in­
case, If it's going to be one of Identity,
acteristically racy speech.
tru st old Savage an Inch. I've been let. Cazalet knew every knot In the world a re you d riv in g at, K athie? Ws
w ith th a t head g ardener playing lead
thinking about him and his previous post to which he tied Blanche's canoe. w ere lu plenty of tim e.”
To the lady, m ark you; for she was
in th e w itness stand.”
"Do you know why, Betty? Don't
evidence. Do you realize th a t It’s
one, on the spot; and C azalet was a
It was a very different place, th is you see? Ja ck is te llin g you to b«
"Old S av ag e!" snorted Cazalet. quite dark now soon after seven? It
man again, and making a m ighty effort
"W hy, he was a dotard In our tim e; was pretty thick saying his man was Uplands, from poor old L ittleford on ready h alf an h o u r early each tima
to behave htm aelf because th e hour
they couldn't hang a dog on hlg ev i­ bareheaded, with n eith er hat nor cap the lower reach. The grounds w ere It is th e only w ay h e can be sure o(
of boy and girl was over.
five or six acres instead of about one, not m issing tra in s an d being late for
d en c e!”
left behind to prove it! Yet now it
"Mr. Cazalet,” said Toye, ”1 guess
and a house in quite an o th er class p arties.”
seem s he's put a beard to him, and
you w ant to know w hat In thunder
stood farther back from th e riv er and
B etty 's eyes w idened incredulously;
I'm doing on your track s so toon It's have It th an circu m stan tial evidence, next we shall have the color of his very much farth er from th e road
then a flood of sham ed color swept
ey e s!”
hog-luck, sir, because 1 w anted to see
The Inlet began th e w estern bound­
"No, Miss Blanche, 1 would not,” re ­
Blanche laughed at his vigor of ary, which continued past th e boat­ across h e r face. It w as very differ1
you quite a lot, but I never thought
from h er usual rose-leaf blushes. It
phrase; this was more like th e old.
I'd strike you rig h t here. Did you
"T he w orst evidence In the world, In hot-tempered, som etim es ra th e r o ver house In the shape of a high hedge, a scorched.
hoar the new s?”
my opinion, and I've given the m atter bearing Sweep. Som ething had made herbaceous border (not w hat it had
"K atherine Arnold! As if I were!
"No! W hat?”
been in the old days), and a gravel
T here wae no need to Inquire as to some thought, la th e evidence of Iden­ him Jump to th e conclusion th a t Scru­ path. This path was screened from baby, and couldn't be tru ste d !
"B ut could you, d e a r? ” Katherine
th e class of uew s, th e Im m ediate past tity.” He tu rn ed to Cazalet, who had ton could not possibly have killed Mr. the lawn by a bank of rhododendrons,
had come back with Toy« Into Caza betrayed a quickened In terest in his Craven, w hatever else he m ight have as of course w ere th e back yard and asked gently.
B etty's p retty Ups closed firmly
le t's life; and even In Blanche’s p res­ views "Shall I tell you why? Think done In days gone by So it simply kitchen prem ises, past which it led
h er sm all head lifted. “W e’ll see!"
ence. even In her schoolroom, the old how often you're not so su re if you was Impossible, and anybody who took
Into th e front garden, eventually de­ she cried.
days had flown Into th e ir proper place have seen a man before or if you never the other side would have to reckon
bouching into th e drive. It was th e
At th a t K atherine sm iled. That
henceforth with Sweep Cazalet.
and size In th e perspective.
p ath along which Casa.'et led th e way
“T hey've m ade an arrest." said ding, or else you nod w rong; If you
Mr. Toye already had reckoned with th is afternoon, and Blanche a t h!s w hat she w anted.—Y outh's Comp«»
Toye; and C azalet nodded as though d id n 't ever have th a t feeling, then him, In a little d ebate begun outside
heels was so struck by som ething th a t
he had quite expected It. which set you're not like any oth er m an 1 know.” the old summ er schoolroom a t Little
she could not help telling bin- he knew
Change In O rthography.
Blanche off try in g to rem em ber some-
"I h av e!" cried C a zalet “I've had ford, and adjourned ra th e r th an fin­
his way very well.
thing he had said at th e o th e r house; It all my life, even In th e w ilds; but ished a t the iron gate into th e road In
D irectory C anvasser—W hat is yo
(TO B E C O N T IN U E D )
first nam e, Mr. Peck?
but ahe had not succeeded when she I n ever thought of It before."
h er h eart of h ea rts Blanche could not
noticed the curious pallor of his chin
Mr. P eck—Well, It w as "Claude”
"Think of It now," said Toye, "and say th a t Cazalet had the best of the
One Catch of Fish N etted $10,CC0.
and forehead
you'll see th e re may be flaws in the argum ent. Toye had advanced a gen­
For a catch of fish m ade by the fore I got m arried.
"Scruton?" he Juat asked
best evidence of identity th a t money- eral principle w ith calm ability, but traw ler St. Denis £2.175 w as realized
D irectory C anvasser—Am I to
"Yea. air! T his m orning," said Hil­ can buy. But circu m stan tial evidence Caza!et could not be shifted from the at Hull. The catch, which was from d e m a n d th a t m arriage altered
ton Toye
ca n 't Ue, Miss Blanche, If you get p articu lar position he was so eager to Iceland, was mostly c o d —Ixmdon name?
"You don't m ja n th e poor m an?” enough of It. If th e links fit In, to defend, and would only en ter Into ab­ Dally Chronicle.
Mr. P eck—N—no, n o t exactly; bo
spell it "Clawed” now.
Author o f BheAMtfEUR (TACKSMAN.
! brushes and soaps and tow els and tol- SHY
AT ALL INNOVATIONS | every community place the good of
| let w aters and pow ders of our day,
! th eir fellows above the sensitiveness
Only In Com paratively R ecent Time*
of th eir souls.—Toledo Blade
Haa tha Idea of Claantlneaa Be­
Things of Life T h at Are
T he oft rep eated arm m inute ablu­
come Common.
Will Work A sphalt Mines.
th a B e st
tions of our day a re a lu o s t as modern
The enormous deposit of asphalt
as bicycles, and not as an cien t as the
One moat not forget th a t regutar railw ays.
Few good th in g s get a h earty wel­ of Levte province. In th e Philippines,
and system atic cleansing of th e person
come when they knock a t th e door. Is now to be worked for th e eastern
Is a very m odern faahlon. As late as
H um an n atu re shies at innovation, m arket by a local company. This al­
th a early p art of th e n in eteen th een
can be persuaded to adopt It only most Inexhaustible deposit lies so near
"law k here, Charlie." said one young
tury toothbrushes w ere not allowed
, a fte r pioneers have worn the blush of the shore line at Tacloban th a t ships
In certain French convents, being
can anchor and tak e on cargoes of
asked to run hla eye over a le tte r | new ness off and stood firm until n d i
looked upon as a luxury.
asphalt from lighters loaded at the
Cleanliness was not very common a which hla friend had w ritten to his
We hope th a t th e young men who m ines with practically no overland
century and a halt ago in any coun­
tab le request
for money, "you ve a re wearing w hat the hab erd ash ers transportation T here Is a large and
call "sport sh irts" will prove worthy growing demand In the Islands for
In 1773 the publication of M onsieur spelled Jug. g-u-g!" “I know." said
ag ain st
laughter, paving asphalt and all th e cities of
P errel t "Pogonotomla. ou l Art d ap-
preju­ the far East are now In a position to
p ren d ra a se raser aol m em o.' cre­ and don't w ant the old man to think
offer a m arket.
a te d a sensation among fashionable I m p u ttin g on airs. T h at's how be dice For. by th a lr services, m ankind
people, and em huaiasts studied aelt spells I t ”
boiled collar.
The day may come
when th e m orning w restling with but­ |lkeL.!k * doc*
T he author of uots de ta u.alan
* > * a y . produce
Not Needed.
tons and buttonholes which b ate each
ta rle " In I MO w rites
Every day ona
Professor M unsterberg has Invented o th e r like sin will be like tbe memory
"How do you m ean?"
should ta k e palna to wash one's hands an apparatus which Indicates w hether
"I mean It Is quite possible to sow
and ona should also wash one • fare a party engaged In conversation la of s boyhood n ightm are Thai sawmill
effect which collars occasionally get wild oats and reap a crop of lem o n s”
alm ost aa o fte n !”
telltug the tru th In the case of aome
T he copious strea m s oi hot and cold people we know tb e co n n iv an ce la not and »he clammy stran g lin g that goes
w ate r turned Into e porcelain tub at needed to show th at the? are lying — with humid days will go down in the
VMicn a box ot sardines ta opened it
books as evils conquered
All bo
tim e of th e dav or night, the New O rleans sta te s
dr*1:u'<1 ° f '»« HI at o n e. and
cau se a few rc —
■» voting men tn the fish
turned o n
Soldier Leaves F o rtu n e to the Po<
The Koelnische Z eltung reports t
Dietrich Henniger, a w ealthy busin
man of Osnabrueck and sergeant
one of the W estphalian reserve n
m ents, has left his e n tire fortune
$300,000 to the poor of his native toi
The philan th ro p ist w as killed
France in Septem ber. W hen he wi
to the front he d eposited his last v
with a notary.
Keeping It Up to th e Last
Omar—I u n d erstan d th a t WtndT i
the attorney. Is serio u sly 111.
Helny—Yes; I m et his physic!*»
this m orning and h e Informed me that J
he was lying a t d e a th 's door.
Omar—W ell, th a t's Just like a lab
Making Study of th e Banana.
T he P hilippine b ureau of agricult
hae begun a thorough study of
banana, bot&nlcally and commercia
and baa collected b an an a plant* ff
all over th e world.
C an ad a's V ast F o re sts
Canada's woodlands
co rsr 8(0.000,000 acres.