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About The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1916)
WORLD’S DOINGS Of CURRtNT WIEK PRESIDENT WILSON URGES SPIED ON PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM SCORE Of TOWNS IN ARKANSAS FLOODED GERMANS 1AKE B R IM * INTO AMERICAN PORE; NEW ISSUE LUSITANIA a TURNS O N « Norfolk, Va.-Given up for lost days Washington, D. C.—Efforts to speed ago, the British passenger liner Ap up the work of congress on the army pam. plying in the West African and navy bills will be continued this trade, sailed like an apparition into week by President Wilson. He will Hampton Roads Wednesday, flying the see'a large number of members of the German naval ensign and with her senate and house, and will impress on ship’s company under guard of a er them his belief that it is necessary to man prize crew. dispose of the preparedness program She brought word of a mysterious as quickly as possible, so work may be German commerce raider, the Moewe, begun on the shipping bill, the tariff which now roams the seas, and had on commission bill and revenue legisla board the crews of seven British mer tion. chantmen and adroirality transports On the result of his interviews with captured by the Moewe before she Secretary Believes KaiSer ||) members'of congress, as well as on Mississippi Continues Encroachments seized the Appam and started h e r1 Uve News Items of All Nations and Illegality as Referring to the outcome of the Lusitania negotia across the Atlantic for an American on Levees— Many Who Ignored Pacific Northwest Condensed port with Lieutenant Hans Berge, ot tions, will depend whether the Presi Campaign of Submarines. the C.Prman naval reserve, and 22 men dent will make another series of Warnings Swept to Death. for Our Busy Readers. in charge. ... speeches. He has not learned yet According to the story told with whether his tour through the Middle Washington, D. C.—The one great reserve by Lieutenant Berge to West has had a definite effect on mem Little Rock, Ark. — The rapidly- Collector Hamilton when he formally “illegal,” as differently interp Roofs of two large Seattle churches bers of congress. widening lake in Southeastern Arkan the United States and Germnay, collapsed under the weight of snow. trudes from the tentative draft o( sas, formed by the flood waters of the JUDGE BEN B. LIN D SEY German officials have seized all tex JO S H U A W . A LE X A N D E R Lusitania agreement, perfected Arkansas river pouring through breaks tile products suitable for army or navy Ambassador von Bernstorff and in the levees, had engulfed a score of use. retary Lansing, as the stumbling towns Sunday night, leaving several The Premier of Russia, Jean L. which has caused Berlin to thousand persons homeless, taking a Goremykin, has resigned on account the negotiations as having rei toll of 16 lives and doing damage es of ill health. crisis and Washington to charac timated at many thousands of dollars. Paris reporters find Colonel House, the situation as grave. ‘¡T Still greater damage is feared if the special agent of President Wilson, a Mississippi continues to rise. Pre Germany’s answer, presented regular Sphinx.“ dicted stages at Arkansas City threat Secretary Lansing Friday by en a break in the Mississippi levees, A Constantinople dispatch reports von Bernstorff, proposes instead which would precipitate the greatest the suicide of Crown Prince Yussof out-aDd-out-admission of illej calamity. Izeddin, alleging ill health as the the method of submarine »- All day 700 men who remained in cause. used by the German naval auth- Arkansas City toiled in an effort to Portland theaters enjoy an immense in sinking the liner, an accept strengthen the levees and they were patronage from people who were un liability for the los^ of neutral hopeful that the town would be saved. able to get home during the snow which Berlin hopes will The narrow strip of levee is the only blockade. United States and still not bind land in sight there. On one side is many from continuing the sub“ The crew of the Takata Maru, which the great river, swollen until its sur campaign. collided with the tank ship Silver face is 15 feet above the level of the German officials believe Shell, has been saved, but the steamer town. On the other side is a great previous promise to discontinue was abandoned in a sinking condition. flood lake, nearly 40 miles long and 20 ing unresisting merchantmen si: miles wide. From it only the upper warning brings the submarine E. A. Taylor, a Southern Pacific en stories of buildings in Arkansas City paign within the pale of interna gineer, died in the baggage car of his protrude. At the levee are three law, and th at any inclusion train near Watsonville, Cal,, from the steamboats ready to carry the plucky phase in the Lusitania agree” nervous shock caused by running into unnecessary and humiliating to fighters to safety should they lose a harrow caught on the track. imperial government. their battle with the flood. The word “illegal” in the dr The country home of Archibald The river rose two-tenths of a foot German ambassador transmitted Rogers, Standard Oil millionaire, at Sunday, to the level of 55.7 feet at Hyde Park, on the Hudson, was en Ben B. Lindsey of Denver, member government as meeting all the Arkansas City and was still rising. tions of the United States is tered by burglars and silverware and Telegraph serivee with the town of the Ford peace party, has left Hol have been regarded in Berlin as t many valuable sporting trophies stolen. land for Berlin to study the needs of still is maintained, and the last word susceptible of application not to children in the belligerent countries. Lusitania case alone, but to the from there was optimism. London cable dispatches from Bata ‘‘We’ll win the fight,” flashed the It is said Henry Ford told Mr. Lindsey submarine campaign. That is via report that floods are continuing in Congressman Joshua W. Alexander operator. that if it were feasible he would pro explanation which officials Central Java. Thus far 120,000 na At Gaines Landing, four miles north vide ample funds to help the children. find for the statem ent of Dr. tive house have been wrecked, many of Missouri, chairman of the house cattle drowned and many miles of rail merchant marine and fisheries com of Lake village, 400 persons were on Judge Lindsey hopes later to go to man, under secretary of foreign mittee, is working on the draft of the the levee without shelter. England and will leave there for the fairs, that “the United States s~ way destroyed. ly made new demands which it ia administration substitute for the ship In Clareandon, on the White river, United States. Great Britain has promised the ping bill that failed last session. It where the levee broke, water was six possible for us to accept.” United States to permit the prompt is expected this bill will be one of the feet deep in the highest portions of Secretary Lansing declared tint transportation from Rotterdam of a "pets" of the administration this year. the town. The river had attained a reported his presence in American ter position of the United States was largo quantity of sugar beet seed It carries a $50,000,000 appropriation stage of 37.4 feet and still was rising. ritorial waters, the Moewe captured changed, and the German amb the Appam bound from Dakar, French knew of no new demands which bought in Austria for sugar beet farmB for the purpose of merchant ships to Little is known of conditions in the West Africa, for Liverpool, after a embodied in the proposal he in Utah. This is expected to make be used as naval auxiliaries. rural districts o the flooded area, but brief show of resistance on January Berlin. the United States independent of the there seems little doubt that many 16, 60 miles north of the Madeira It is known th at the only c1“ European supply. Berlin foreign office has made it Mr. Wilson will confer with Chair who refused to leave their homes in Islands. agreement drawn by the Miss Minnie B. Werner, who fell 16 man Jones, of the house insuiar com face of repeated warnings have_ per and the ambassador is to stT atones from a window of the Trans mittee, on the Philippine bill passed by ish«!. Washington, D. C.—Until it is de for the word “illegal” a phrase portation building in Chicago, has re the senate last week. It is understood The present flood had been the most covered consciousness. Her first words that some of the President’s advisers disastrous in the last 40 years of Ar cided whether the German commander while assuming liability for the were: “ 1 must be hard to kill.” Phy in the house are not satisfied with all kansas history, so far as loss of life aboard the British steamer Appam of neutrals lost on the Lusitania, not admit of construction into sicians believe the girl will recover. of the provisions of the bill, and that and suffering are concerned. The brought the ship to an American port bition of suDmarine warfare. The as a prize of war or as a converted She owes her escape to the fact that there is a likelihood that amendments property loss his not been so great be patch the ambassador received she fell on top of a covered auto truck. will be offerts! in the house. The cause there are now no crops to be de auxiliary cruiser of the German navy, presented to the secretary was there will be no determination of the and covered only th at one point The Canadian Pacific, the Canadian President is understood, however, to stroyed. American government's course re erwise the document is unchanid Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific have approved the general features of specting the ship. it was drawn to meet all the railroads announced at Calgary that on the bill as amended in the senate, with When certain formalities have been tions of the United States. instructions from the Dominion gov its provision for giving independence New York—Police have been as complied with, the ship’s passengers, ernment officials, an embargo has been to the Philippines within two to four including several British colonial offi placed on shipments of rolled oats from years unless circumstances make a signed to portect the subway system cials, will be released and their dis from the Brooklyn terminal to the Canada to the United States. The change in policy necessary. Bronx terminal and the Hudson and position passed on by immigration au ruling applies to all special mill prod Manhattan tubes on the strength of a thorities. Any prisoner of war will ucts manufactured from oats. report that a threat has been made to be released, because international law permits no holding of war prisoners in The missing K-6 submarine is re dynamite the underground roads. Washingtpn, D. C.—In the a neutral country. Washingotn. D. C. President Wil ported in her regular course off the The Interborough Rapid Transit the British owners of the z coast of Flordia. The United States then finally will Appam, Sir Cecil Spring Rice. son is understood to hold the opinion company has admitted that police help have to deal with the German crew, British ambassador, Friday that the British steamship Appam, Many sections of the Middle West brought into Hampton Roads by a has been asked. A dozen uniformed policemen are and if they are accounted in naval with the state department a fat- are experiencing floods and much dam German crew, mus* be consider«! as guarding the Hudson Terminal build service of Germany, as were the crews quest that the ship be turned or age to property is reported. a prize of Germany under the Prus- ing. of the Prinz Eitel Frederich and the the British consul under the It is Kronprinz Wilhelm, already interned the^ Hague convention. President Wilson declares the U. S. sian-American treaty in 1828. Notice also was served that it at the Norfolk navy yard, they, too, navy is prepared for immediate war, said here that this accords with the view of the State department. The will be interned unless their ship goes be in violation of international but it is inadequate in site. President has not had an opportunity sea to run the cordon of British the United States perm itted the Niagara Falls, Ont.—Several towns to man prize commander of the cruisers outside. Pheasants driven by hunger are to discuss the case with Secretary either to increase the efficient in Western Ontario were thrown into swarming Portland Heighta and are Daniels and therefore no final decision As to the disposition of the Appam that ship, add to her offensive i being fed by streetcar men and resi has been reached as to the length of panic late Sunday night by a hurried herself, if she is held to be an auxil- or recruit his crew. Lieutenant call to arms of the home guards. dents. time the Appam will be allow«! to re Buglers hurri«i through the streets iary cruiser her commander will have has only 22 men in his prize* main in an American port. present, a number insufficient to sounding the alarm and unfounded ru the option of putting to sea after A negro attacks an auto party near ceratin time to make repairs and take igate a ship as large as the mors that one of the bridges here had Buffalo, N. Y., killing mother and son provisions. A compliance with the British r Liquor Law to Be Fought. been blown up added to the excite and seriously wounding the daughter. tion only on the latter point vo01“ If she is delcared a prize, the situa Seward, Alaska — Men on whose ment. Robbery was the motive. fectually prevent the departure ot property bootleggers have been arrest- At Saint Catharines, theater audi tion becomes more complex, and in Appam from Newport News. Every employe of the Bunker Hill «1 at Anchorage are preparng to make ences were dismissed when the men that event it is admitted that the Uni A Sullivan Mining Co., of Kellogg, a strong fight against confiscation of began to leave in response to the bugle ted States will have to deal with prob Idaho, above and below the surface, their lota under the provision in the calls. Guards were doubled at ammu ably the most novel question concern Teutons Buy All Grain- London. — The Bucharest will receive an increase of wages of de«ls prohibiting the sale of liquor at nition depots there. No official at ing its neutrality that has arisen dur approximately 60 cents a day if the Anchorage. Saint Catharines would say who order ing the war. As one of the first steps pondent of the Times says thst A letter received from Delegate ed out the guard, but it was under the problem probably would be re- mania has made a rra n g e m e n ts price of lead keeps up. It is known that the company for some time has Wickersham said the general land of stood to have been a general order ferred to the neutrality board, which the Austro-German syndicate W fice at Washington was determin«! to throughout the province. is an unofficial body whose function is further sale to the latter of 1." been contemplating this advance. tons of corn, 350,000 tons o r merely advisory. enforce forfeiture of all lots on which 150,000 tons of barley and 100 ,Ow Canada will send 20,000 more men liquor has been sold. of oats. Pulpit Left for Defense. to the front in Europe. Middies Asked to Leave. This disposes of the entire New York — Rev. Charles A. Eaton Many looter« are caught by U. S. British Gun* Dominating. Annapolis, Md.—Two hundred and der of the Roumanian crop * resign«! Sunday as pastor of the Mad marines in the flood-stricken disticU Paria—The inauguration of an offen ison avenue Baptist chucrh here to twenty midshipmen, about one-quar for export. The price for the of California. sive movement by the German and participate “ in the shaping of the new ter of the whole number at the Naval was the same as th at paid by lsh governm ent Senator Reed, of Missouri, attacks Bulgarian forces which have been sta Americanism—the new era of Chris b! , “ ked t0 resi*» with- Kooeevelt in the senate by declaring tion«! along the Greek frontier is re tianity which must inevitably follow “ It la a happy thing for this country ported in a Saloniki dispatch. It is the European war.” Boy, Asleep Week, Die» fa.lur® to pass in certain subjects at , th at there has been insistence on said an artillery duel has b»en in prog Marinette, WIs.— After sleepW Df- Eaton, one of the most widely- the semi-annual examinations, which American rights, and equally fortunate ress for two days in the neighborhood have just been concluded. tinuously for more than a ws»- that there has not been some hot of Doiran and that the British heavy known clergymen of his denomination, The number in each class is about ustine Beauchamp, 6 years *» is an advocate of preparedness and headed, importunate demagogue in the guns are dominating those of their ad as follows: of Mr. and Mrs. August Be*0'- said that he plans to write and lecture W hite House. ” versaries. on the subject. Firat or graduating class. 20 sec- Esoanaba, died Saturday. ady of which the lad suffered ond. W; third. 60; fourth, 80. ’ a mystery. Brief Resume of General News from All Around the Earth. Sixteen Dead, Thousands Driven from Homes, Water Rising. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSliBl DANGER INCREASING AS HOOD GAINS Berlin and Washingtoi as to Term “lllegi” BOTH NATIONS RECOGNIZE Police Guarding Gotham Subway. Great Britain Protests to Hotted States on Sailing of liier Appani Is Held War Prize. War Call Makes Canadians Panicky.