CONDENSED NEWS NOTES * ■ H. B. Watson departed Tues- I day for a business trip to Portland land points in that vicinity. Mrs. J. W. Marsh is quite ill at 1 M r. and Mrs. Ray Joy are re- her home in this city. i jo eing over the arrival of a baby Mrs. John Baxter visited in girl at their home last Friday. Yamhill the first of the week. Found— Lady’s ring. May be A. and William Knox of Scog­ recovered by calling on George gins Valley were in town M onday. Wilcox, at Pacific University. 5-tf policies and other valuable Mrs. H. B. Watson is visiting James Marsh of near Oregon papers in one o f our safety her parents at Seattle for a month. City, is in Forest Grove because deposit boxes, which are Mrs Crang, who fell a few days of the illness of his mother, Mrs. the very best and cost you ago and sprained an ankle, is im­ J. W. Marsh. Washington county agents for John Deere but little. proving. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Domas and son of Gaston, were attend - 1 Mrs W. R. Ives, of the Forest Plow Co., American Royal Fence, Western We write insurance i n Grove Hotel, is suffering with a ing to business matters in this Companies that are also the Ammunition, Monarch Ranges and Cole sprained wrist. city Saturday. very best. Editor W. T. Bray of the Cor­ Air-Tight Heaters, Empire Cream Separat­ C. H. Sundermeier and son. The benefit o f a large ex­ Herman, of Gaston, were in For­ nelius News was in the city Mon­ ors, Empire Milking Machines, Oregon Silos, day and made the Exprsss a est Grove M ond y. perience is yours for the Star Barn Equipment, Giant Blasting Pow­ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Cor­ neighborly visit. asking, and might be o f M r. and Mrs. C. L. Crosley and nelius. are spending the week at value to you. Accept noth­ der and many ofher leading lines. baby of Salem, are visiting Mrs. the Langley home. ing but the best. Crosley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Copeland of Port­ A. J. Cook, in this city. [czioczS] land returned home M onday after Miss Gertrude Allen, who is at­ a visit with Mrs. W . J. McCready. tending the state normal at Mon­ Charles Purdin of Portland, mouth, was home the last of the was attending to business matters week having dental work done. in Forest Grove the first of the The family of H. C. Decius of week Forest Grove, Ore. P h o n e 683 the Forest Grove Restaurant ar­ N. F. Heath, who has been in rived in the city last week and Idaho or the past six weeks, look­ Member Federal Reserve Rank. ing into mining properiies, re­ M r. Decius now feels more at home. turned home Saturday. Mrs. E. J. McAlear and little son, Lowell, of Hiiisboro visited Expert W atch Repairing Graduate Optician the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Twenty Years Experience W. J. Good, in this city over Sunday. The members of Riverside Grange will hold an all-day ses sion, with chicken dinner at noon, S TA N D A R D GOODS O N LY at Dilley next Friday, Feb. 11. Five Passenger; 37 Horse Power The new officers will be installed. Forest Grove, Ore. Pacific Avenue The local G. A. R. post and Relief Corps will tomorrow cele­ brate Lincoln’s, Washington’s and visiting her niece, Mrs. W. J. Played to Crowded House McKinley’s birthdays. Following McCready, for the past month, When the curtain went up a dinner at noon, there will be a departed Monday for her home at the drama, “ The Dust of good program, to which the pub­ Volga, Iowa. . lic is invited. ... . . „ . , 'Earth, given by the young ^ Miss Jessie Hoge. formerly a Mesdames Gilmore, Danser m d resident of this city and a gradu- tke ^ atko!lc church at the Duncan were hostesses to the ate of P. U., writes friends in this Theater Friday evening, tfc Congregational Working society last Wednesday afternoon and city that she is now teaching in house was crowded to the and those who got seats got quite a number of the members Anacortes, Wash. Next Monday will be celebrat- money's worth, for the play attended and enjoyed the meeting ed at Portland as Oregon Admis- a g00(J one> we„ interpreted. and luncheon. The many friends of Rev. and sion Day by the Sons and Daugh­ Martin Bernards made an Mrs. J. F. Ashley will be pleased ters of Oregon and quite a nura-, part i to learn that they will remain in ber of Forest Grove people will David Moore and the attend the exercises. Susan, his wife, was well ham Forest Grove at least another year, this fact being assured by E. A. Jones of Scoggins’ valley by Miss Lottie Lee. The part the action of the church board in Monday brought to the Pacific I their daughter, Elizabeth, re engaging Rev. Ashley for an­ Market a milk and grain-fed steer, i admirably taken by Miss other year. eight months of age, that dressed Duyck. Wirtz & Watkins, t h e local 354 pounds. Because of the ex-1 Ernest Blair, as Jerry, furnish^ dealers in Reo autos, have added cellence of the animal he received considerable com edy and did another machine— the Briscoe— several cents per pound over the without buffoonery, which comes at a less price than regular price. William Lasham was fine the Reo, but is said to be one of j Prohibitionists in fonferenre Dr- Templeton, the ardent the best values in low-priced cars rroniDltloniSlS lit lonierence m-irer ot Elizabeth and on the market. The Oregon State Prohibition people saw in Miss Krafick’ Mr. Cooper of North Plains Committee held a rally at the trayal of ihe village gossip, was in town Saturday to see his Christian Church last Saturday, that reminded them of soi !' '°.r’ n^rs' . SL'ee, who has | The Conference came to order they knew long ago. A G E N T S parti h position as” P- m. with a very respect- . mi r position as teacher teacher in'or^' in one of at , , ... John Rvder anrl took tnnL- the rarp the grades of our schoo’s. Mrs. able audience present, considering admirabu as did Robert . J‘?hn DeMoss substituted for it had chosen one of the most in- with the 'part of Wandering * . Mrs. Skee during her illness. clement days of the winter. After As Old Mose, AUie Hollevoet 1 lie promoters of the Chautau- a devotional service, led by Rev. good and the part of the di trodden Nell, “ the dust of w as a earth,’ ’ could not have they have .... as good lec- W . , business session, followed . hope to ----------- , , , by an handled better by an amau lurers this year as last, when they h,)Ur s Program, prepared by the than it was by Miss Lena Du. i had, among others, Senator Elmer Woman’s Christian Temperance In fact, all the actors were! J. Lurkett, mentioned last week Union. Several topics were then considering their limited Gekef f?,r v t l nr ; *hleiePubllu» n discussed, under the leadership o f ( a ,n d experience, and they she ticket for vice president. Dr j s B,shop, Prof F c f the result of the careful trai; Mr. and Mrs. I-red G. Wilcox lor. Dr. Semonesand Mrs. Logan. ^ ven tbem by Father Buck. S&tuiiKiy e\ening entertained Mr. Mr. J. Sanger Fox ^eeretarv of a u -~77" • j 1 1 »"■' J' rV V hi‘; [l 7 a n ,V i lr I * S t a « Committee.’ took’ atf £ J M™ B ta . ‘ r w S fS o i Wagons, Buggies, Paints, Oils GOFF BROS. Place Your Insurance HARDWARE and IMPLEMENTS -T h e - First National Bank We Buy Right and Sell Right The Chevrolet =. M. J. ABBOTT= The Car of BIG VALUE for LITTLE MONEY ** d .* * Only $650 Delivered at Forest Grove HANCOCK & WILES Phone 69x Forest Grove, Ore GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. * r h - ciark- there si HARDWARE Farm Implements, Garden Tools I n ie Cutlery and Silverware Phone 663 FOREST GROVE. ORE. THE PACIFIC MARKET The Market of Service, Quality and Economy We «dl Hazelwood Danish Butter. Save the coupons; sec the premium list. SK E f* P °R K , VEAL and M U T T O N CUTS. pMJJÎSs. VEGETABLES and PRODUCE. M A RK ET CASCA D E’S COFFEES. T 1 LAS and SPICES. C H IU FIJV -W O RINGS. SATURDAY SPECIAL A FINE MILK and GRAIN-FED BABY BEEF LORI) & WEIDENBACH FO RK ST G R O V E . OREGON KSSf- card, and lunch. The playing evening on “ U S. Booze C o.” an'brough? i t v 7 oM n a n d *l lasted until nearly midnight and hunds in cash and pledges were for an oldtime dance, which then the host and hostess treated raised for the campaign work. , followed by a big lunch their guests to an axcellent lunch. Willis Goff last w’eek received eighteen California quail from the state hatchery at Corvallis, to be turned loose as soon as the snow- leaves. The birds have been ad­ mired in the windows of Goff Rros. store by hundreds during the past week. While not so large as Bob White, these birds are prettier. Several counties in Utah have been stocked with these birds and they multiply quite rapidly when protected from p r e p a r e d n e s s hunters. is t he word o f the day. We are ready constantly awaiting Mrs. Minnie White, who has < r t rs to e i\er the goods. See our special case assortment Of canned goods at a great saving to you. Our window and J N .H O F F M A N counter displays are featuring special offerings this week of K r jjtc w o r tu m tie . for your inspection and selection to plea* Attorney At Law Hills Bros. Tea. Coffee. Extracts and Spices are dependable THE PURE FOOD STORE Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 061 Prompt Service Vol h « The fcree j Fas hi -w ol id th of I in, \ an spi it co con Bat, I ckles, Fee. The srtly Jed o> ce cor vs: Prayt In hei rs. L ingle< ice sta W. jughtf ¡>rks o logizin ,n of n , a sol reside as loi 'homa Bunke; recall iv. J. lie addr ittysbui tribut ielf-mac iod first is amo en. Comma ded his the grei Mrs. A lurie” sc |led am trough ( 1rs. M : pn’s prep Gettysl on the vhat R< I. Patrick sion of îrgia,” i ay the a V. P. D j I address giving itation ild be m ^he years îe exerc ?ing by tl God to )n a tab! >m were great ior the well as a rery good rthplace. The “ B oj ves are n< ce were, I a half d< ey can be sh the mi d Lincoln d he had ere were t e civil war me of his a red a few ! Mrs. C. R tim of th< ered seriot