\ • I • I Mrs. R. E. Dunlap entertained Hancock & Wiles carry Life, the M. E. Aid Society at the M. Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf E. parsonage Wednesday after­ Victor Fuqua was an interested spectator at the Portland auto noon. There will be a total eclipse of show last Thursday. j Lhe sun between 7:12 and 7:45 Miss Pearl Hall entertained a tomorrow (Thursday) morning, number of friends at a dinner rain, snow or otherwise. part Tuesday evening. Messrs. J. N. Hoffman and Miss Mamie Loomis returned Deposit your earnings rejp:Lilly James Nichols left this morning home Sunday from a visit with and pay your bills by check. By for Seattle, where they go in the Miss Elinor L aR ueat Sheridan. so doing you have a record o f all interest of the loganberry indus­ your transactions, both o f money M . S. Allen attended the Hard­ try of Washington county. received and money paid out. ware M en’s convention and the You will find satisfaction in look­ R ev. E. A. Harris, pastor of auto show in Portland last week. ing over your bank book and can­ t h e Hillsboro Congregational celled checks. M rs. S. L. Carlyle entertained church, has tendered his resigna­ Disputes over unsettled claims the Women’s Home Missionary tion, effective May 1, and the will never worry you. You will society at her home Friday after­ church board will consider the plan to earn more in the future noon. and spend less. You will form resignation this evening. Mesdames W . W. Ryals and the habit o f doing your business Miss Gertrude Allen, who is at­ systematically and prosperity and B. T. Whited entertained with a tending the State Normal at Mon­ contentment will be the result. “ Silver Tea” at the Congrega­ mouth, is expected home to­ tional church parlors Thursday morrow to spend a short vaca­ afternoon. - T he- tion with her parents, Mr. and The following were Portland First National Bank visitors Saturday: Dr. C. E. Mrs. M . S. Allen. Emily C , the three-year-old Walker, Dr. J. S Bishop, Prof. A. Forest Grove, Ore. daughter of M r. and Mrs. Ed­ M . Bean, H. L. Bates, Rev. 0 . ward Rambo, died January 25th H. Holmes, Mrs. B. F. White, Member Federal Reserve Bank. of kidney trouble at the family Mrs. Eva Derby, Mrs. E.Meresse, home in Dilley. Funeral services Mrs. S. G. Morgan. were held Thursday and the body NOTES ANI) PERSONALS Mrs. I. J. Hoar, Mrs. E. F. was interred in Forest View ceme­ Hancock & Wiles have $25,000 Burlingham, Miss Frances Myers tery. and Miss Winifred Littlehales were to loan on farms. 1-tf Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gardner Forest Grove people who attend­ J. Wehrly is very ill at his of Salem, are rejoicing over the ed the matinee “ Bird of Paradise” home in this city. arrival of a boy baby at their in Portland Saturday. home on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nicholson was down from Mrs. E. M . Saltmarsh of Port­ Gardner formerly lived here, and the Oak Hill district Saturday. land met with the Forest Grove Mrs. Gardner before her marriage Mrs C. E. Walker spent the Knights and Ladies of Security was Miss Ethel Buxton, daughter week-end with relatives in Port­ last Wednesday night and, as dis­ of H . T. Buxton. land. trict deputy, expects to soon Mrs. O. M. Gardner of Lake Mrs. Geo. Littlehales and Mrs. start a campaign in this vicinity ¡View, Ore., arrived in Forest Lome King were in Portland this for new members. Grove Monday for a visit with week I am going to quit handling her sister, Mrs. J. L. VanKirk. Miss Nina Walker spent Satur­ hats and offer all trimmed hats She will also visit her son, Walter, day with her brother, Dr. C. E. land feathers at actual cost, and and family in Salem, and will Walker. for the remainder of this week spend some time in the wholesale Miss Pearl Cooke of the Fern will give one-fourth off on corsets millinery houses in Portland, look­ Hill section, is visiting friends in and hair goods. Mrs. Blanche ing after her spring stock of goods. this city. Richards, two doors west of post- Before adjourning, the mem­ Ira I’urdin, James Haney and office. bers of Pomona Grange last Wed­ Frank Bennett of Thatcher, were “ The Beloved Vagabond,” a nesday afternoon selected Messrs. in town Saturday. six-reel feature in natural color Schulmerich, Harrow, Haines, Gale Grange will hold a meet­ photography, which made such a Sparks and Hughes as a com ­ ing Saturday, Feb. 12, at which hit at the Majestic, Portland, all mittee to look up a permanent time C. H. Hays will address the of last week, will be shown at the location for a county fair, said members on co-operative buying. Star Theatre this evening, at 5c committee to report to the grange Mrs. E. B. Hrookbank and sons and 10c. In Portland this film at a later meeting. A bountiful Bruce and Richard, returned was shown at 10c and 15c. supper was enjoyed as the closing Thursday Irom a month’s visit in Eddie Hack, R a y Eydelott, feature of the meeting, which was Seattle with her mother, Mrs. E d n a Crosley, Bernice Miller, attended by more than 100 dele­ Emma Stoecker. Paul Austin, Bruce Roe, Evelyn gates. Having two typewriters, the DeMoss, Maude Graham, Lucile Mrs. Jennette Tracy, wife of editor of the Express will sell I West and May Ringle passed the A. G. Tracy, who died in Seattle either a Royal or L. C. Smith, eighth grade examinations held in on January 27, of typhoid fever, both visible writing, at bargain the Forest Grove schools last was wen known in Forest Grove. prices and easy terms. week. Before her marriage she was Miss Take Pride in Your Bank Account. j GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE Farm Im p lem en ts, G a rd en T o o ls Wagons, Buggies, Paints, Oils Cutlery and Silverware \ Phone 663 THE The FOREST GROVE. ORE. PACIFIC Market o f Service, MARKET Quality and Economy We sell Hazelwood Danish Butter. Save the coupons; see the premium list. B E E F \ P °r k , VEAL and M U T T O N CUTS, ¿ ’ £ £ ! r rABLES and p r o d u c e , CASCAD E’S COFFEES, TEAb and SPICES. CHILI FLAVO RIN G S. SATURDAY SPECIAL Country-cured bacon, only j ; ( |fo L O R D & W E ID E N B A C H FOREST GROVE. Jennette Eckert and was a teach- j or in our city schools two years I ago. She is survived by her hus- ; band, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; P. P. Eckert, and an infant son. ¡M rs. Tracy was a native of | Nebraska and was 24 years of age. 1 Interment was in Rose City cem­ etery in Portland. Francis X . Bushman, Marguer­ ite Snow— the two stars- William j Clifford, lis t e r Cuneo. Helen Dunbar, Paul Byron, Marcia, Moore, Evelyn Greeley and Frank Gamble are some of the important people who will be seen in the cast of “ The Second in Com­ mand,” that will be presented on the Metro program at the Star Theatre on Saturday afternoon and evening, Feb. 5, in the Qual­ ity com pany’s production “ The Second in Command.” I. Attorneys At Law J Oregon N .H O F F M A N Attorney At Law OREGON Forest Grove, »■ » / ■ - - HARDW ARE and IM PLEM ENTS Washington county agents for John Deere Plow Co., American Royal Fence, Western Ammunition, Monarch Ranges and Cole Air-Tight Heaters, Empire Cream Separat­ ors, Empire Milking Machines, Oregon Silos, Star Barn Equipment, Giant Blasting Pow­ der and many ofher leading lines. I c z i o p I W e B u y R ig h t and S ell R ig h t P h o n e 683 Graduate Optician Expert W atch Repairing Twenty Years Experience □ M . J. A B B O T T = STA N D A R D GOODS O N LY Forest Grove, Ore. Pacific Avenue Vercie Bellinger, who is Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Latta were ing school at North Plains, Gaston visitors Sunday. Glen Morgan was in Portland with a painful accident the of the week. He was crankingi from Thursday until Friday. gasoline engine when the A. J. McIntyre spent last week slipped and struck him in the fi in the Blooming section. head. Mrs. Ernie Tucker visited her Mrs. Blanche Richards mother in Hillsboro this week. moved her stock of millinery Dr. H. R. Kauffman was a bus­ notions to the second room iness visitor to North Plains Sat­ of the postoffice, where she is urday. fering all trimmed hats Mr. and Mrs. Herman Herdock feathers at actual cost. Corse of North Plains were in Forest and hair goods at 2 r, per cent di Grove last Thursday. count all this week. 4-lt Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hesseltine An Indorsement were in Portland attending the “ This is to certify that I automobile show Thursday. given the Automatic Cyi Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Kauffman Vacuum Washer a thorough and Miss Mary Beach attended the automobile show Thursday and I consider it the best on the market today. I night. and sold the Western Pin Wi Want Any Calendars? for many years in Iowa and Just to see how many Forest gon, but I consider the Vi Grove merchants and professional machine far superior to an; men will patronize local industry I ever saw for good work and when they have a chance (and to wear on the clothing. make a little money ourselves), Respectfully, W . A. G oodman ,| the Express management has put in a line of art calendars to Forest Grove, supply the local demand. The Anybody can see one of calendars are made by one of the washers at Weitzel’s tin big ’ Frisco art printeries, but the First Avenue North. Made printing of the advertisement is Forest Grove, by C. E. 4-1 done in the Express office. This son. enables the Express to make the Special Stationery Sale i salesman’s commission and a Book Store small fee for the printing. Prices We are making a special pn run from $8 to $30 per hundred o f 25 cts per box on several 1 for calendars ready to hang. How , . , grade lines and ask you to« many of L e„ i a! f n?u!: i f f ?! and examine it. 1-tf I Forest Grove are in the market? Telephone No. 821 and samples Typewriter for sale, See in will be brought to you. (Advt) Advt» the Express office. THE PURE FOOD STORE [JOLLIS & G RAH A M Forest Grove. GOFF BROS. Oregon SUGGESTS | that NOW is the time to buy a case of assorted canned goods,*! barrel of flour, a side of bacon or a ham, while the prices areIo* I See our window and Specials this week. President Wilson, i* his latest speech, says: “ Right now for Am erica’s prepardnes* e re ready, awaiting your orders to deliver the goods. Phone 061 Prompt Service