The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, February 02, 1916, Image 7

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About Oregon
Washington, D. C. — Unqualified,
non-partisan BUDDOrt
support o of f m
ilita ry m
paredness was urged Wednesday by
Minority Leader Mann in a ringing
speech on the floor of the house.
He AII-OrCgOD HlStOliCSl P3g63(lt
( Assuming that a row will produce 300 pounds
f fat por year, what acreage is required in my
Portland—Wheat— Bluestem, $1.16; o community—
Willamette valley—to grow a bal­
fortyfold, $1.09; club, $1.07; red Fife, anced ration for her? Paper by M. S. Shrock. be­
fore State Dairy men’s Association Conference.
$1.04; red Russian, $1.04.
January 7. 1916.)
Millfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $23.60
Some years ago in the Willcmette
per ton; shorts, $26.50; rolled barley,
valiey there was a good deal of talk
was hearitiy applauded by both sides
Commencement Week Feature
Corn— Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, about a cow to the acre. Dairymen
of the chamber.
i n -
and farm papers conceded that the
. ,
University of Oregon, Eugene— An
Vegetables— Artichokes, $1.25@1.60 Willamette valley ought some day to
»Vhile it has been understood that all-Oregon historical pageant, in which
most o f the Republicans favored army each of the 35 counties will be repre- pe.- dozen; tomatoes, California, *1.60 support a cow per acre. I am not go­
ing to talk on the minimum acreage
and navy increases, none of their lead-1 rented by a “ Daubgter of Oregon,” @1.76 crate; cabbege, $1.60@2 per
cw t.; garlic, 16c pound; peppers, 20 required, because I do not think that
ers had spoken on the subject.
Con- w' " ^ presented at the State univer-
is the problem. I am going to talk
sity during
commencement week, @ 3 0c; eggplant, 16@17c; sprouts, 8 @
sequently, coming as it did on the eve early in June.
horseradish, 10c;
cauliflower, about the most economical and con­
of the President’ s departure on
o" a
« pre-
™*- 1 The pageant has just been approved $2.26 dozen; celery, $4 75 @ 6 crate; venient acreage, because there is such
paredness speaking tour, Mr. Mann’s by the board of regents and will be beans, 10 @ 18|c pound; cucumbers, a thing as extravagance in over-inten­
plete Control of Chins by Japan
sity. I believe it is policy for the av­
$1.75@2 dozen.
address was regarded as particularly presented before final examinations so
Green Fruits— Pears, $1@1.50 box; erage dairy man in the Willamette
cu!d Result— Open Door to
significant. He remarked himself that
valley to buy some o f his concentrates.
tion o f the student body may be possi­ grapes, $4 @ 6 barrel; cranberries,
I doubt if it is the best method to at­
U. S. Would Be Closed.
Potatoes— Oregon, $ 1.65@ 1.75 sack, tempt to produce all o f his feed on the
’small” army and navy man.
The pager-it will depict the pro­
farm. This wilt be true as long as
Representative Mann based his plea gress of Oregon. The first represen­ Yakimas, $1.66@1.75; sweets, $2.75 the big farmers in Eastern Oregon are
Washington, D. C.— Awaiting con­ on the ground that it behooves the tation will show the state as it was in
Onions—Oregon buying price, $2 f. content to continue robbing their
United States now to prepare for any its original primeval condition, prior
farms of soil fertility and transferring
ation from official sources as a
to the coming even of the Indian o. b. shipping point.
that value to us. I believe it is policy
Bsary preliminary to any action by
Then the epoch of Indian domination
will be depicted, then the coming of $2.25; fancy, $2; choice, $1.25@1.50; on the average farm to grow some
United States, State department
the white man, then the days of the Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.50; fancy, cash crops along with the dairy prod­
ials were interested Thursday in a
immigration, then the gold days, and $1.25; choice, $1; Yellow Newtowna, ucts.
rt from London that the Japanese
By investigation we find that the
finally the realization of the present extra fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice,
Baldwins, extra fancy, better herds >j the Willamette valley
ernment has revived all of the de-
with a glimpse into the future.
The $1(0)1.25;
pageant will be in five scenes, presided $1.50; fancy, $1.25; choice, $1; rus­ — we got records last year from six
ds on China included in the famous
herds scattered around through four or
by “ Mother Oregon.” In the last sets, orchard run, $1.
:oup five” of the list of proposals
Eggs — Buying prices:
Oregon five counties, comprising one hundred
I scene the 35 “ Daughters of Oregon”
mitted to the Pekin government
{ will bring gifts symbolic of the indus­ ranch, premium, 33c dozen; No. 1, and thirty cows—the average feed was
e than a year ago for a permanent
30c; No. 2, 27c; No. 3, 20c. Jobbing 4761 pounds of hay, 2647 pounds of
tries o f each county.
lement of outstanding issues be­
The pageant is to be not merely a prices: Oregon ranch, candled, 35c silage, 6654 pounds of green feed (or
9200 pounds o f succulent feed), 1366
University affair.
Contribution of dozen.
en Japan and China,
Poultry— Hens, small. 14c; large, pounds of grain, and on the average
here is a conviction in official cir-
ed from the state at large, and any 15c; small springs, 14@15c; turkeys, they were pastured a little less than
s here that any action at this time
| suggestion for the five scenes will be live, 20c; turkeys, dressed, choice, four months. The average price was
Wly to have results to warding off
$3.60 per month.
These cows pro­
appreciated. A large state attendance 26c; ducks, 12@16c; geese, I2@13c.
new Japanese demands must be
Butter—Cubes, extras, 31c pound; duced the average 307 pounds of fat.
by the United States practically
make suggestions for the pageant firsts, 29c; seconds, 27c; prints and If they fed hay for eight months, it
should communicate with Dr. E. S. cartons, 3c extra; butterfat, No. 1, would amount to twenty pounds per
7ith every evidence of sympathetic
day, and green feed for ten months
Bates, professor of English and author 32c; No. 2, 29c.
erest by the European entente allies
would still amount to thirty pounds per
Veal— Fancy, 12Jc pound.
• of the scenario, University of Oregon,
f >
the attitude of opposition which the
day; grain feed, five and two thirds
Pork— Fancy, 9c pound.
ited States took when the proposals
pounds. Granting that the average
Hops— 1915 crop, 10@12Jc pound.
“ group five” originally were
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 18@25c farm in the Willamette valley that
mitted, it is believed none of these
Stste Joins Fight on Federal
pound; valley, 25@26c; fall lambs’ has been fairly well kept will yield
^ers will be inclined to take issue
two and one half tons to the acre, of
wool, 25c; mohair, Oregon, 28c.
Japan at a moment when they
Control of Vscsnt Public Lands
Cascara bark— Old and new, 34@4c green feed twelve tons per acre, and
leaning heavily on their Oriental
fifty bushels of oats, or its equal in
Salem— With other Western states, pound.
r, not only
for munitions of war,
C attle— Choice steers, $7.25@7.75; weight in any other grain, from those
| Oregon will join with Utah in the bat-
t for military &i.J naval protection
| tie to determine whether the Federal good, $6.75@7; medium, $6.50@6.75; yields it requires nearly two scree, or
their interests in the Orient,
government has exclusive qontrol over choice cows, $5.60@6 medium, $4.75 1.92 acres, to grow the feed per cow,
he close study that has been made
(vacant public lands in the Western @5.25 heifers, $4@6.40 bulls, $2.50 provided one-third of the concentrates
Washington of the proposals em-
are bought, as I believe on the aver­
@ 4.50; stags, $3@5.25.
i states.
ied in “ group five” has only con-
Hogs — Light, $6.75@7.40; heavy, age they are. -If all the grain is
Believing that the case now on ap­
,lned officials in their original belief
bought, it only requires 1.87 acres.
peal from Utah to the United States $5.75@6.40.
t if accepted in full by China, with-
Sheep — Wethers, $6@ 7.75 ; ewes,
Supreme court, in which the Beaver
My idea of the average dairy farm
it protest from other nations, they
River Power company is enjoined from $4.25@6.55; lambs, $7@8.25.
in the Willamette valley would not be
uld lead not only to material and
operating a hydro-electric plant on
to try to keep as many cows as possi­
ustria), but even political domina-
lands in the Federal forest reserve, is
ble per acre, but to get a fairly good-
n of China by Japan.
Ralph Beaver Strassburger of New
of vital interest to Oregon, Governor Resction in Wheat Msrket Feared. sized herd and grow some cash crops.
Japanese advisers for the Chinese York and Pennsylvania, director of the
Withycombe has requested Attorney
The recent swift upward movement Take an eighty-acre farm and divide it
vernment with resulting exclusion Navy league and a graduate of Annap­
General Brown to appear in Washing­ in the wheat markets of the United into four divisions.
One will grow
all other foreign advisers from olis, has volunteered his services In
ton, D. C., as a friend of the court, States is causing grain men at Port­ the hay for twenty cows, and probably
kin, it is felt, would place China the new naval recerve and Is to take
and give Oregon’ s attitude in the ques­ land to proceed with caution. Th >y are a bull and a few head of calves or
pletely under the political control his examination before the board In
tion o f government control of water asking whether or not the top ha: been heifers— one division of twenty acres.
power resources on Federal lands. reached.
Sooner or later the high Another twenty-acre division in a
While not prepared to make an issue at an early date. Mr. Strassburger Is
Utah was the first to intervene, and limit is going to be attained and the second crop o f clover will furnish pas­
that point, however, the State de- one of the most prominent men In the
since then Idaho, Colorado and a num­ turning point will come without warn­ ture for most of the summer. Another
rtment is convinced the other pro­ national defense movement. During
he ber of other Western states have de­ ing. It is true that prices are 30 twenty acres will grow the grpen feed
ions o f “ group five” finally would the
cided to be represented.
cents cheaper in the local market than and silage, and vegetables for the fam­
se to American commerce and en- served at the White House and on the
they were one year ago, but it is just ily, and six or eight acres of potatoes
prise the open door in China.
mous as a football player and was according to officials here, is whether about a year ago that the crest of the for market if the dairy farm is so sit­
picked as one of the all-American half­ the laws of a state regulating the ap­ 1914-15 market was reached, and a uated that he can market potatoes
propriation and use of water within its slump disastrous to many set in. successfully. If you are too far from
backs for 1913.
boundaries are controlling and exclu­ While there may or may not be a per­ the market to ship potatoes, that ad­
sive o f any other control.
manent check to the rise, a reaction, ditional acreage can be put to corn.
eventualities that may come as a result
at any rate, is looked for, and for that It ia well to put it to some cultivated
of the Eurpean war. He declared that
reason there has not been the keenness crop for the sake of the rotation.
“ashington, D. C.— Estimates were he saw no immediate danger o f the Will Drain 60,000 Acres in
to buy this week that was witnessed in Grow corn and feed it to the hogs,
en the senate military committee war and hoped that peace might pre­
preceding week.
It is also this which go well with cows.
Fertile Long Tom District
ursday by Brigadier General Croz-
uncertainty that is causing millers to division can be put to grain, and will
Eugene— A meeting of business men refrain from advancing flour priceB at supply grain to the herd and for the
chief of ordnance, showing that
lant costing $400,000,000, operated States being drawn into the present and landowners has launched plans for this time.
horses on the farm and six or eight
a force of 750,000 workmen, would conflict or one that might result from the drainage of bewteen 60,000 and
Country wheat bids were unchanged, acres for market.
70,000 acres in the Long Tom district but at the local exchange offers were
required to manufacture ammuni- it was too great to be disregarded.
Starting with one cow for every
and war materials necessary to
“ I have much more fear in the end at an estimated expense of $280,000. raised from 4 to 14 cents. Coarse four acres, in the course o f four or
> an army o f a million men in the of war with England than I have of About 20,000 acres of this land is in grains were about steady.
five years there will be no trouble at
and equip an additional million war with Germany,” he said. That Lane county, the rest being in Linn
Bradstreets estimates the world’ s all in increasing the yield to twice
visible wheat increase at 960,000 bush­ these amounts keeping a cow for every
was his only comment on this phase of
The commercial club at a recent els, the corn increase at 1,172,000
eneral Crozier
disap- his subject.
Later he declined to
two acres, and still produce a cash
meeting pledged its support to the bushels, and the oats increase at 979,-
'ed any proposal for government elaborate on his remark.
crop besides.
We have ssked the
opoly of war supplies, insisting
Mr. Mann urged no particular pre­ project and will, it has been an­ 000 bushels.
dairy men this question : In your es­
best results could be accomplished paredness plan. He said he favored a nounced, give $1000 toward getting
The European visible wheat supply timation, how much have you been
relying on private establishments standing army of 250,000 or 300,000 the work under way, provided the ma­ is 79,840,000 bushels, an increase of able to increase your yields as the re­
supplement the output o f govern- or even 500,000 men, better coast de­ jority of the landowners vote to create 3,466,000 bushels for the week; a year sult o f the growing of leguminous
t plants in time of war.
fenses and "a navy which will be able a drainage district as authorized by ago it was 72,301,000 bushels, a de­ crops and the application of manure?
the Oregon law, within which assess­ crease of 4,400,000 bushels.
e committee received from Secre- to defend us on the sea.”
Out of the six who were asked this
Garrison a draft of a tentative
“ I think we ought to provide these ments may be levied. The district will
question, two said they had increased
ure suggested by Senator Cham- great forces,” he said in pleading for be authorized to issue bonds.
their yields fifty per cent, two said
, chairman of the committee, a non-partisan view of the question,
they had increased their yields o f hay
eh would provide for the authoriza- “ and that it ought to be considered an number o f times by individuals, but
A buying movement o f unusually and grain fifty per cent, and increased
for the proposed continental army emergency matter, entirely apart from the action o f the club, co-operating large proportions has struck the Pacific
their yield of green feed one hundred
eneral terms only, leaving the de- the ordinary routine or expense of gov­ with landowners, is the first organized Coast hop market. In the three states
per cent, and one had increased his
of the proposed system to be ernment, without regard to partisan­ movement to accomplish the drainage trading has become extremely active
yields two hundred per cent, and an­
of this land, which is almost worthless
ked out by War department regu- ship or party lines.”
and prices are on a firmer basis than other four hundred per cent. It is s
ons. The original draft of a bill
Touching on the cost, Mr. Mann said because it is covered with water a any time this year.
A large part of fact there is no place where the soil
mitted by the War department con­ it would be millions now, but betcer great part of the time, but which
the buying appears to be for export responds to the use of manure as it
ned an outline of the entire system. that than billions later.
would be among the most valuable
account. There are also indications of does in the Willamette valley, no place
Garrison pointed out to the con^
The subject of preparedness was in­ farm land in the state if the water urgent short covering. That some of where so much depends on the man.
ssional committee, when he appear- jected into the senate debate on the was eliminated.
the purchases represent new business Averaging up increases, these six rec­
before it, however, that as the plan Philippine independence bill, and Sen­
with Eastern brewers is also certain. ords would be an increase of one hun­
gely was an experimental one, it ator Stone said he believed the United
Red Boy Mine Is Sold.
Hop men are at a loss to explain the dred and forty per cent, so I feel the
uld be wise to give the President States would be safer from attack
It may ho dairy men in the Willamette valley are
Baker— H. A. Sonne, cashier of the sudden boom in trade.
de discretionary powers to meet from abroad at the close o f the Euro­
clearing able to do what these six have done.
blems which could be solved in the pean war than it had been at any time
nounced upon his return from Canyon off of pooled hops from the market, That fully agrees with my other state­
ht of experience yet to be gained.
in the past 50 years.
City that he bid in for $34,500 the but it ia more than likely that the de­ ment that the yield can be doubled.
property of the Red Boy Mines com­ mand for association hops is an effect I believe it is policy to try to run a
Peace Is Offered Serbia.
Sultan'i, Yacht Attacked.
pany at a sheriff’s sale for the bank, rather than a cause of the flurry. A dairy to a little more full capacity
London— Germany is continuing her
London— A dispatch to the Exchange bolder of a trust mortgage securing a place abroad for a large quantity of than we have been doing in the past.
orts to conclude a separate peace Telegraph company from Athens says $137,900 bond issue.
The sale was American bopa haa evidently been A great many men in the Willamette
th Serbia, according to the Ahtens that the Sultan’ s yacht, Erthogroal, effected by canceling a large part of found. Whether the stocking up ia in valley are keeping six or seven cows
espondent o f the Daily Mail.
was torpedoed in the Bosphorus by a the bond issue, at considerable below anticipation o f a small foreign crop or when they ought to keep twenty. It
The correspondent says that Ger- French submarine in the latter part of par.
ia to avoid the import duty that Eng­ takes almost as much time and equip­
ny has offered to extend the Serbian December. The vessel was seriously
Judgment given by the Grant county land ia likely to impose is not clear. ment for six or seven as it does for
odariee in the direction o f Bosnia damaged but is still afloat.
Circuit court, on which the sale was At any rate, the buying haa become twenty. You have to have the equip­
Herzegotina, and re-establish the
The Erthogroal was built at Els- baaed, was $171,836.98, together with urgent and supplies in the hands of ment, do so much looking after the
ngdom under Austro-German suzer- wick in 1903, is 206 feet long and has $6000 attorney’s fees, to be divided Coast growers are sharply reduced. cows, haul, the cream to market. But
ty, with Prince Eitel Freidrich, a displacement o f 900 tons and an arm­ between Clifford & . Correll, of Baker, Oregon holdings in first hands, outside I also believe there is extravagance in
peror William’s second son, on the ament o f eight three-pounders and oth­ and William Jackson of Chicago, $23 the association, are now estimated at over-intensity, as whan a man tries to
er equipment.
10,6Ci) bales.
costa and $600 for trustees’ fees.
keep a cow per acre.
in Resisting Encroachments
of Nipponese Uniikely.
eral Disapproves Government
Manufacture of War Munitions