A METRO TRIUM PH m îp Cartai (Brava COMES TO THE would carry its products to foreign Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, Oregon. i markets. The dairying and fish­ W. C. Benfer, Editor and Publisher. ing industries have developed and Entered as second-class m atter Jan. 12, 1916, at the poatotfice at Forest Grove, would add to the port’s traffic Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879 P R E S E N T IN G The port’s offer to pay half the WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1916 cost of survey and improvement is sufficient answer to the engi NOTES AND COMMENTS . neers’ statement that “the reason­ ably prospective commerce a p ­ pears insufficient to justify the further cost of an enlarged pro­ Much as the Express dislikes to spent their last dollar for carfare, ject." The people of Yaquina admit it, business conditions are having been led by booster letters Harbor might conceivably be not as brisk in Forest Grove as to believe th a t the “ land of roses” willing to have money wasted on we would like to see them. Facts was a land of golden opportuni- a worthless scheme if the Govern­ are facts and cannot be dealt with ties for all. This form of letter ment paid all; we decline to be­ in any other light. But what is writing was opposed by many lieve them capable of such folly the remedy? Most of us are will- on the ground that it brought to when half the money comes out ing and anxious to improve con- Oregon many people who were of their own pockets. The engi­ neer’s argument is the same old ditions, if we are shown the way. not financ'ally able to take care argument which has often done The editor of the Express believes of themselves after they got here. • A Ihep Harbor for Yaquiia Bay April 1 8 - L a ,t day to register any of the many colleges and I lie true Oregon spirit is shown for primary election other in.« . “ n“ these . ° f friends » to b>' lht> P ^ P '- ■>' Newport in their April 1 9 - L a,, day to We peti- the state. Ask request that the Board of Engi- tions or declarations for nomina- •end their boys and girls to Ore­ neers reconsider its adverse re- tions for county offices, district gon to be educated. port on the proposed improve- and justice of the peace, The condenser would, no doubt ment of Yaquina bar and harbor, May 1 9 — Primary election, employ more help if 1 he demand .«ays the Oregonian. They reply Polls open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. for its output justitieil. T h e with an offer to pay out of local m. writer dot's not believe that much taxes one-half of the cost of the May 20—Reopening of regis- foreign canned milk or cream is survey and of the improvement, tration. consumed in Forest Grove, but which is to establish a thirty-foot June 4—Last day for condidates there are oceans of it consumed channel. to file statements of expenditures elsewhere. Why not inaugurate The reasons given by the engi of primaries. a letter writing campaign and neers for their adverse report are September 28—Last day to file boost for the Carnation brand of most effectually disposed of in certificate of nomination by po­ canned milk? We have just gone Newport’s reply*. i n a d e - litical party or assembly for through a letter writing campaign qUacy of the returns from the county and district, which has met considerable oppo- former improvement was due to October 7—Last day to register Mtion. and justly so. the writer the bankruptcy and subsequent for general election, i relieve«. People in some parts of absorption by the Southern| Pa- October 13—Last dav to file the state were asked to write dfic of the Oregon Pacific rail- certificate of nomination by in- trlends and relatives in the east, road and to the consequent with- dividual electors for county dis uskmg the ----------- steamers — to ------ San ........... trict and preci precints. . . . . that . . they come . to Oregon, .. i drawal -------- of — — ,he Ian,I o flh e row jtor . v w or F W U c o , The railroad ha. been November 7 -G o n ia l dw tloil I to make a homo They a w not pot In ,ood repair and regular op- Poll., upon from 8 a. m to 8 o .„ te d to w rit, the truth only; to o( , m ^ m. to 8. p. anythin« went, ju .t to ,t brought heavy (rom lhe Willamette • November 2 2 - U s t day for a few dollar, to Oregon, and m Valley to Yaquina Bay. T h e candidate, to file statement of many c u n people eame who had great Sileti fore.! ie now open to expenditures. 1 Keep Your Money AT HOME spend it in Forest Grove, and you have a very good chance o. seeing it again ; you may even handle it again Even if you never see it again, some of your neighbors will get it «and use it to build up Forest Grove and Washington county. i m o b i t e , or y° U " eed clothing- shoe4 Job Printing i using to send away for things they could get at home. THE EXPRESS K J ® ful]y.equipped for all classes of job printing printers anj^fnd Jf ■ ta ? .w ent»fcre empIoyed and you can get almost S m e and see eXaCtin* fancy mi* ht CraVe’ izini7heltF>v0n r^ ir i o h ° U.haVe reason for not Patron‘ Either wilfdo moi-e fnt y£Ur W? r£ to other local office. ~ q c :k WouUidem. r X o ^ m yG ro',e th a " “ “ WE RE IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING Wes< of th<* New I. O. O. F . B lock I hum S„ 1 F o r e s t G r o v e , O regon Too John > “idge bet vood, wa Sheriff I county, c lion of ra pangerini I t is ch Southern p a n , thaï ktroyed a >roach of >erg. N] ore Justi< o the gra