Sprains, or The New REO . A lw ays K eep a B o ttle l a Y o u r S ta b le 7~r R \f J l ¿51 is THE car that has satisfied and delighted over seventy thousand owners. Why! r Rub It l n H A N F O R D ’S Balsam of Myrrh _________ A LI M I M E N T Because it delivers the goods at Low First Cost. Least cost for Maintenance. Easiest to Adjust. Most accessible car built. Simplest to Drive. For Galls, Wire 2uts, Lameness, Strains, B u n c h e s , Thrush, Old Sores, iail Wounds, Foot Rot, Fistula, Bleeding, Etc., Etc. la d e S in c e 1846. Prico 25c,50c and $1.00 I All Dealers OB 'WRITE Send for catalog and agency proposition in your commun­ ity. See them at the Portland Auto Show, Jan. 24 to 29. Portland Y. M. C. A. Auto School Northwest Auto Co. D ay and n ig h t classes. E x p e r t tra in in g in re p a irin g , d riv in g a n d m ach in e w o rk , in c lu d in g fo rg e, la th e , s h a p e r, d rill p re s s, tra c to rs , e tc . Tim e u n lim ited . C O M P E - TEN T CH AU FFEU RS AND M ECHAN­ ICS S U P P L IE D . W R IT E US. Broadway a t Couch Portland, ERBERT LANG, who has re­ turned to civilization with the The Department of Bacteriology of largest collection of specimens ! the University of Idaho is now about of animal life ever acquired to enter upon its third year in supply- in Africa, saw a good deal of the pyg­ I ing dependable cultures for the inocu­ mies in the interior regions of the Bel­ lation of seed previous to sowing. This ■ time has been required to determine gian Congo, when he spent six years. the minimum price at which these cul- He was in charge of the Congo expedi­ I tures could be furnished. The depart­ tion of the American Museum of ment has concluded, from this experi­ Natural History. Altogether it is es­ ence, that it can supply such cultures, timated that the members of the ex­ delivered, at the nominal cost to the pedition gathered more than 20,000 purchaser, of ten cents per acre. large specimens for the museum and the collections in the aggregate n a v e H e a lth y , S tr o n g , B e a u tif u l F y » s O c u lis ts a n d P h y s ic ia u s u s e d M u rin e K ye weighed 45 tons. I R em ed y m a n y y e a r s b e fo re I t w a s o ffe re d a s a When Mr. Lang and his associate, I D o m e stic E y e M ed ic in e . M u rin e Is S ti ll C om - James P. Chapin, arrived in Africa I pounded b y O u r P h y s ic ia u s a n d g u a ra n te e d I by th e m a s a R e lia b le R e lie f f o r E y e s t h a t N e ed they first established headquarters at I C a re . T ry i t i n y o u r E y e s a n d i n B a b y 's E y e s — Stanleyville, with an equipment includ­ I N o S m a r t i n g — J u s t E y e C o m fo rt. B u y M u rin e I o f y o u r D r u g g i s t — a c c e p t n o S u b s t i t u t e , a n d If ing 11 tons of supplies, which they I I n te r e s te d w r i t e fo r B o o k o f t h e E y e F r e e . packed into loads of 60 pounds each I 111 I t l N K E V E R E M E D Y C O ., C U 1 C A U O for transportation over the trail lead­ ing into the forest. With the assist­ Soldier Sarcasm. ance of the Belgian government the The cavalry instructor was lectur­ explorers secured 200 native porters in g severely a particularly wooden- to carry their packs and started out |headed recruit. “How many times have I got to tell on the journey from Stanleyville to lyou,” he asked, “never to approach Avakubi, which was accomplished in [horses from the rear without speaking about twenty-one days. Ito them? One of these days they wjll “Our chief difficulty,” said Mr. Lang, |be kicking you on the head, and then with reference to the equipment of the Iwe will have a lot of lame horses on expedition, “was caused by the ex­ lour hands!”—Tit-Bits. treme humidity of the forest, to which our supplies to a certain extent were Excused. exposed. Whenever our expedition ar­ “Are you aware,” asked the land­ rived at a village in the Congo the lady, "that your room rent is three chieftain of the tribe usually greeted veeks overdue?” “I’m awfully sorry,” said the man us and brought us presents of chicken, rho occupied the third floor hall rice and bananas and other fruit. In ^oom, “but the gaslight in my room is exchange for these favors we gave Bo dim that I haven't been able to tead those little reminders you’ve been slipping under my door.” Inoculate Legumes. Sample Selections. “Here is an innovation that may he tar-reaching. You know we often won- le r whether a musical show will be |ood or not.” "Well?” “A recent idea is to have a grapho- khone in the lobby playing all the lirs.”—Louisville Courier-Journal. How About It? “If a man has the price he can get jnything he wants and the way he |ants it.” "Don’t know about that. There’s the kedium soft boiled egg.”—Browning's lagazine. Unsocial. “That new feller don't seem to give I heck for society.” “What makes ye think so?” , he’s lived here fer a week durned ef he's been down to see train come in once!”—brownings H captured. Sometimes they will give a tip to other natives about the dis­ covery of game and then when the hunter's bag is filled they will demand a share of the trophy. “At one time we arrived at a vil­ lage of 200 pygmies and witnessed a characteristic pygmy dance. The pyg­ mies dance in a circle to the accom­ paniment of the beating of a gong, and sometimes a drum. During the dance wine made from palms and the ba­ nana is consumed by the dancers.” Both the pygmy men and the women danced for the explorers and Mr. Lang, who, by the way, took more than six thousand pictures in the field of Af­ rican life, game and other subjects, succeeded in securing some capital negatives of the pygmies. "The women are slightly smaller than the men," he said, “and their clothing consists chiefly of the bark of African trees. They usually speak the language of the tribe they happen to associate with, and the little people are ruled by their own chieftains. Live in Leafy Bowers. "Some of their places of abode are formed by bowers of large leaves in the depths of the forest. Others imi­ tate the tribes or nearby natives and build their huts. Their villages are apart from each other. Once in a while they have a clash with the larger native tribes, hut generally are not considered quarrelsome. "Most of the natives are fond of mu­ sic and dancing, and some of the tribes possess very elaborate musical Oregon - M ilita ry T rain in g at University. ' PORTLAND Y. M. C. A .' University of Oregon, Eugene.—Mil­ itary training at the University of Oregon is under consideration in a committee of the hoard of regents. Requests have come from many sources that instruction iu military tactics be provided. P. L. Campbell, president of the University, suggests however that State University prepar­ edness work take the form not of the usual regimental drill but of technical military instruction, such as engineer­ ing knowledge, which is always at a premium in warfare; also in bringing the students to a maximum of physi­ cal fitness. He suggests “a minimum of formal military drill of the old kind.” w ill fit any am b itio u s younsr M an or Wom­ a n fo r h ig h -c la s s p o sition in Bookkeeping, Stenography, Salesmanship To m en th is in c lu d e s v a lu a b le a th le tie . a q u a tic and m e m b e rsh ip griviU-gt-a, al­ th o u g h tu itio n c o st is less th a n e lse w h e re . V alu ab le c o u rses c an also be had in G ra m m a r g ra d e a n d Colletre P r e p a ra to ry S u b je c ts W H ITE FO R CATALOG. and FEDERAL TIRES AND TUBES F re e T ire S ervice. Mastodon Bones at University. " TH E H O U S E O F S E R V IC E . “ M O T O R C A R S U P P L Y CO., I n c . University of Washington, Seattle. P o r t l a n d , O r* . —Bones which are reputed to be those 33 B r o a d w a y N o . of a mastodon, unearthed at Straford, near Wilson Creek in eastern Wash­ Double Tread Puncture Proof T ie s ington, are to be studied by scientists M ade from y o u r old ones. L aat loo* at the University of Washington. Cur­ | as B rand New TIK E S W rite ua. OREGON VULCANIZING CO., ator Prank Hall, of the state museum 650 W ash in g to n S t., P o rtla n d , O r a on the campus, was notified of the discovery and has asked that the bones L E A R N W A T C H M A K IN G w-hich were found be sent to the uni­ fitab l w ork n o t overdone: fe w versity fer examination. Later Earl m o r ie n th a s a a ’ n le t. a rn pro in g , p o sitions g u a ra n te e d , w rite f o r L. Packard, of the geology faculty, will | re fe re n c e s and p a rtic u la rs . P o rtla n d W a te h m a k - E n g ra v in g a n d O p tic a l School. 218 C om m on­ visit the beds to superintend further ing. w e alth B uilding, P o rtla n d . O regon. excavations. When It Came to That. BLACK A cockney angler, thinking his High­ land boatman was not treating him with the respect due his station, ex­ postulated thus: "Look here, my good man, you don’t seem to grasp who I am. Do you know that my family has been entitled to bear arms for the last 200 years?” “Hoots! That’s naething,” was the reply. ‘‘My ancestors have been titled to bare legs for the last 2,000 years!” —Chicago News. LOSSES SÜREIY PREVENTES by Cutter'* Blackleg Pillo. Low p r ic e d , frenh, r e lia b le : p re fe rre d b f VVeaK •tern stockman Iwcau»» . L they ar#- --------------- ey in m teet where ether vaccine« vaccine» fall. ^ Write for booklet and teetJmonlala. ' P I m 10 dote pkge. Blackleg Pllla «1.00 m U v * BO dm . pkge. Blaokleg Pill» 4.00 Uae any injertor, but Cutter** beet. The superiority of Cutter product* 1 m due to over X year* of epeoiallclng In vaoelnes and aerumt only. Inelat on Cotter*». If unobtainable, order direct. T 'iE CUTTER LABORATORY, Berkeley. California. Always Open. Sunday School Teacher—Children, do you know the house that is open Never Certain. to all, to the poor, the rich, the sad. "It’s a case of love at first sight.” the happy, to man and to woman, to “Well, maybe it will work out all young and to old—do you know th» right. I took four years to select my j house I mean? husband, and look what I g o t”—De-1 Small Boy—Yes, miss—the station troit Free Press. house.—Boston Transcript. J* < urea While You Walk. > Allen's Font-Ease is a ce r ta in c u r e for h o t, sw eatin g ,callu s, am i swollen, a r h i n g feet. Bold by all Druggists. Pric e 2 Sr. Di n t accept a n y i su b s titu te. Trial p ack ag e F REE. A d d r e * Allen 8. O lm s te d , Le Koy, N. Y. — Would Find It There. I'm looking for a very cold winter.” "Well, why don't you go to Alaska?” t , , Boston Transcript. Lesson One. F ürs “Do you know how to run an auto moible?” “Certainly,” replied Mr. Chuggins. Not a Bigamist. Either. “What's the first thing a man who “So Alice has secured a rich hus- S h ip D irect to N ew Y o rk , has just bought a machine ought to ?” th e I n te rn a tio n a l F a r P a in t e d A z a n d c H u t do?” 'Yes, and at the same time a mighty M a rk e t, a n d S ecur» th * “Begin work on a set of New Year one.”—Boston Transcript H ig h est C ash Prices. clothes and useful articles to the na­ instruments. These include antelope resolutions relating to economy, tem­ horns and wooden horns covered with tives, who invariably are glad to wel­ perance and all the other meritorious W>o*u«4 O r m mo# t t n w >W // fro m th e w o n d erfu l charge of having killed a man with a societies, and the medicine man dance. it’s ••» A sm For if move to Kansas our beautiful state ________ C hine## herb«, roots. The explorer said In response to a spear. Contrary to the general idea HOW. 27th S t New York. N.T. would become overcrowded.”—Wash­ I buds an d vegetable*, w hich a re u n k n o w n to the pygmies are not shy. They are a question that he had not seen any evi­ ington Star. the m edical science o f th is co u n try . | W rite to r b lan k and c irc u la rs. Send atam p trifle suspicious, but after they make dence of cannibalism, but he added: C O N S U L T A T IO N F R E E . A d d re ss “Nearly ail African tribes are canni­ your acquaintance they are not unlike Hie C Gee W» Chines' (Medicine Co. other bals, but owing to the influence of the tribes of native Africans. 162V i F ir a t S t . P o rtla n d , Ore. "The pygmies live by hunting chief­ government and recent training this M ention P ap er. ly and frequently bring in antelope feature of life In the wilds has been and other game to the villages, which practically eliminated." A messenger system has been estab­ \^ o rm y . t h a t 's w h a t 's to # m a tte r of F t n m a c h an d they are glad to exchange for food. I n t e s t i n a l f o r m s . N e a r l y a n b a d an d i s t e m p e r C o st you t o o They are quite expert in tracking lished throughout the Congo region, m u c h t o f * e d 'a m . L o o k b a d - ir<* b a d D o n ’t p h y sic 'e m to whereby reports from chieftains in d w ath. S p o h n ’a C u rs w ill r e m o v e t h e w o r m s. I m p ro v e t h # garnet and shoot everything with bow a p p e t i t e , a n d t o n e > m u p all r o u n d , a n d d o n 't "phy*l<\'* A> t* W 8 Ï N w ritin g to advertiser*, picar« tie n ­ and arrow. On the track of big game the Belgian Congo are received con­ o n g l a n d * a n d blood. F u l l d i r a i t l o n u w i t h « *ch b o ttle , a n d ilo» Ihi« rapar. so ld b y all d r u g g i s t s the chiefs, women and children all stantly. The entire region is closely S P O H N M E D I C A L CO ., C h t m i a U , Gosh#n. Ind.. U. 8. A . patrolled by native messenxrera join in the pursuit until the animal is mm W ORM S