WORLD’S DOINGS Daily Record OF CURRtNT WEEK of Congress ASKS QUICK ACTION ON DEFENSE PUNS Sa tu rd a y, J a n . 2 9 . Brief Resume of Genera! News From All Around Hie farth. UNIVERSAL HAPPENINGS IN A NUTSHELL Senate— Senator Sherman, Republi­ can, introduced a resolution o f protest against reported renewed demands by Japan on China. Senator Tillman praised Secretary Daniels in a s}>eech on the navy and attacked former Secretary Meyer. Military committee continued work on the army bill. House— M ilitary and naval commit­ tees continued hearings. Social workers and labor leaders asked for revision of the workmen’ s compensation law. mum « w* BIG DAM BURSTS: flFIY lOSf Ui (UNMMTU FUN IACG IKW Washington, D. C .-W h ile President Wilson is carrying to the country his appeal for adequate national defense, one o f the vital elements of the pro- Thirty-Toot Water Wall President Wilson Urges People ; ^ opposition in both the senate andhou3e Destruction Near San Diegt] to Preparedness. military committees. Such an army, described by Secre- DAMAGE ESTIMATED AI $1,000,1 CHANGED CONOinONS ARE MENACING vised to gare a final test of the prob­ lem of training an adequate number of Federal volunteers in peace times, would be expected to provide 400,000 Area Two Miles Wide Devastate Cleveland Speech Unusually Grave Live News Items of Ail Nations and men of the total of approximately Bodies Washed to Sea — Many 1,000,000 which the entire plan is cal­ and Warning of Nation's Im­ Pacific Northwest Condensed culated to make available. F rid a y, J a n . 2 8 . Marooned Without Food. pending Danger is Given. Present indications are that the con­ Senate— Petitions bearing a million for Our Busy Readers. tinental proposal in some form w ill be names protesting against war muni­ written into the army increase bill be­ tions shipments presented, resulting in San Diego, Cal.— A t least 50 | ing prepared by the senate military vigorous debate. Cleveland, O.— New circumstances Debate on Philippine independence have arisen, President Wilson declared committee, although that measure will were believed to have been killed 1 Constantinople is said to be on the verge o f starvation because of the bill resumed. Thursday when the lower dam of Saturday, which make it absolutely M ilitary committee continued hear­ necessary that this country should pre­ pressure o f war. San Diego water system in the l SIR D AV ID B E A T T Y ing on army bills. pare for adequate national defense A big fund for the suffering Jews of valley, south o f here, broke under House — Admiral Griffin, chief of “ We are in the midst of a world Europe is being raised in this country. heavy pressure of the flood waters, navy engineering bureau, testified be­ that we did not make and cannot al­ New York hua pledged $250,000. wall of water 30 feet high was fore naval committee. ter,” the President said. “ Its whole leased. Five Portland policemen lowered Gen. Wood told military committee atmospheric and physical conditions Sweeping down the valley the | two firemen down into a 50-foot well army Bhould be recruited to full are the conditions of our own life, al- flood of water carried people, li» to rescue a dog that had fallen in. strength before a reserve is enrolled. b o ; and therefore as your responsbile stock and valuable farm property tot Postal committee favorably reported servant I must tell you that the dan­ A heavy storm is general over Cali­ struction. Scores of residents postoffice appropriation bill providing gers are infinite and constant. fornia, with snows in the mountains missing. Houses on 25 ranches w that railroads be paid for mail trans­ and rain and sleet in the lowlands. “ I should feel that I were guilty of swept away. portation by space. an unpardonable omiss:on if I did not The first news of the disasti The United States is to soon tell go out and tell my fellow countrymen reached here late Saturday. England that the seizure o f U. S. Mail T h u rsd a y , J a n . 2 7 . that new circumstances have arisen There had been no communication will ia “ unwarranted and inquisitorial.” Senate— Public lands committee re­ which make it absolutely necessary the district since the disaster occurre A Davenport, Wash., man is left ported water power bill recognizing that this country prepare herself for as wires were down and roads we $120,000 by a bcahelor brother and jurisdiction o f both state and federal war, not for anything that smacks in impassable. Alaska miner, who was killed by an governments over water power sites. the least of aggression but for ade­ A t least 25 Japanese men, worn« Postoffice committee recommended explosion. quate national defense." and children were reported to deposits of postal savings funds in “ Whenever the ordinary rules of Four boys and one man hold up and federal reserve banks. among those lost. commerce at sea and of international rob a Chicago bank in broad daylight. An area 15 miles long and two mil« M ilitary and naval committees con­ relationship are apt to be thrust aside They secured $15,000 i>: currency and tinued hearings. wide is devastated. or ignored,” he continued, “ there is drove away. Rescuers Were unable to reach House— M ilitary and naval commit­ danger of the more critical kind of scene of the disaster, as all bridg A mile of highly-charged electric tees continued hearings. controversy. were washed out and the awollei Rivers and harbors committee heard w ire is alleged to have been stolen “ America is not afraid of anybody. streams were so treacherous that Representaive Sumners on Trinity from the Oregon Iron & Steel company I know 1 reflect your feeling when I was impossible to launch boats to River project. o f Portland. say that the only thing I am afraid of to the rescue. Republican Leader Mann made is not being ready to perform my General Wood opposes plan for con speech advocating preparedness. Several bodies have been seen duty. I am afraid c f the danger of Oriental army and proposes that the Representative Bennett, o f New ing in the flood waters, according shame. I am afraid of the danger of regular army be brought to full York, defended German-Americans in reports received here. inadequacy; I am afraid of the danger strength first. a speech. The coroner confirms etimatess I o f not being able to express the cor­ The Swiss government w ill apolo­ Passed the Shackleford $25,000,000 place the loss of life in the flood at I rect character of this country with gize to Germany for the trampling un good roads bill. He said that many o f the bodies tremendous might and effectiveness der foot o f the empire’s emblem by an been washed out to sea. whenever we are called upon to act in Wednesday, Jan. 26. infuriated mob. The breaking o f the dam relea Senate— Foreign relations committee the field of the world’s affairs. 11,000,000,000 gallons of water, whid No snow has fallen in Southwestern He was applauded frequently and discussed Colombian, Nicaraguan and rushed down through the thickly pop Alaska up to the middle of January, Haitian treaties. when he spoke of defending the na­ lated and narrow Otay valley. and it is said children are going to Senator Hitchcock proposed amend­ tion’s honor the cheering was tremen­ The property loss w ill amount to i school barefoot. dous. ment to Philippine bill granting inde­ least $1,000,000. Because ofthefai “ I do not wish to leave you with the S ir David Beatty has been prom oted Senator Lane, o f Oregon, proposes pendence in from two to four years. I that they were isolated by the breal big army to build roads throughout the Debated child labor bill without final impression that I am thinking of some to be a vice-adm iral in the B ritish ing o f the dam, which shut off partida!1 danger. I merely wish to navy. He I* only forty-five ye a rs old, country and at the same time give the action. means o f reaching other communitia tell you that we are daily treading men military training. the youngest man ever to reach that M ilitary committee continued hear­ amidst intricate dangers. The dan­ rank. Lady Beatty w as Ethel Field, | hundreds o f fam ilies in the vicin ings on army reorganization. The report that Great Britain had are facing a food famine. House— M ilitary and naval commit­ gers that we are treading amoung are daughter of the late M a rsh a ll F ield of lifted the embargo on interned German tees heard witnesses on the state of not of our own making and not under Chicago. ships has caused a furore o f activity our control. I think no man in the national defense. among shippers o f the Pacific Coast. Secretary Garrison urged the house United States knows what a single A Portland bride-to-be, accused by interstate commerce committee to re­ week, a single day, a single hour may be devoted mainly to a complete re­ organization of the regular army on a her parents o f insanity, apparently to vise the general dam act in the inter­ bring forth” The President spoke of the navy and basis of approximately 235,000 men deter her wedding, was found to be est o f water power development. with the colors, increasing Secretary the coast defenses, saying; Mane by the Multnomah county court. Washington, D. C.— President ‘ ‘ Take for example the matter of Garrison’ s proposals in that respect by son Saturday sent to the senate President Wilson delivers his first our coast defenses. It is obvious to nearly 100,000 men. nomination of Louis D. Brandeis, 1»^ address on preparedness in New York. every man that they are of the most Senator Chamberlain, chairman of yer, of Boston, to be associate jusi He will visit the Middle West for ten vital importance to the country. Such the senate military committee, said he of the Supreme court in succession days, delivering speeches on this sub­ coast defenses as we have are strong was confident his committee would the late Justice Lamar. The nornit ject. turn out without great delay a well- and admirable, but we have not got Washington, D. C.— Germany has tion was a complete surprise in ofl coast defenses in enough places. Their rounded bill providing for all the ele­ Spokane washerwomen are now said submitted to the United States, circles. Mr. Brandeis’ name had to patronize the laundries, and have quality is admirable but their qunatity ments of a national army of 1,000,000 been mentioned publicly in conne or more men. other luxuries, not furnished by their through Ambassador Von Bernstorff, is insufficient. with the place. another written proposal designed to inebriate husbands before Washington “ And the navy of the United States! Mr. Brandeis has been in the puM went dry. bring about a settlement of the con­ You have been told that it is the sec­ Washington, D. C.— Within a month eye for some years as a prolific ond in strength in the world. I am Representative S i n » , . . O «*», „ . It ia reported in Vatican circles that troversy over the sinking of the steam­ tion with with labor i n » » legislati the condition o f Emperor Francis ship Lusitania, with a loss o f more sorry to say that experts do not agree pects to be wearing a fine fe lt hat tion labor »nrl and trust with those who tell you that. Reck­ made largely from the fur o f Oregon Joseph, o f Austria, who has been seri­ than 100 American lives. He attained some prominence oning by its actual strength I believe jackrsbbits. ously ill for several days, is rapidly years ago as attorney for the inten There were indications here that it to be one of the most efficient navies Through Representative Edmonds which sought the removal from growing worse. the document might bring a satisfac­ in the world; but its strenght ranks the consignment of Oregon jackrabbit of Secretary Ballinger in the A Seattle physician serving a ban­ tory termination o f negotiations. fourth, not second. You must reckon pelts received by Mr. Sinnott have quet in his home, prescribed cocktails Although the greatest secrecy sur­ with the fact that it is necessary that been turned over to a Philadelphia Pinchot Ballinger controversy, for his guests in regular medicine bot­ rounds the negotiations, it is said on that should be our first arm of defense, factory, which manufacture high-grade was conusel later on for the ship tles. Each person had an individual excellent authority that Germany final­ and you ought to insist that everything felt hats. With the pelts went Mr. who opposed the general increases ■ freight rates before the Inter prescription signed by the doctor. ly had argeed to eliminate from the should be done that it is possible for Sinnott’s head measurement. The commerce commission, and during i us to do to bring the navy up to an text o f the agreement any mention of manufacturer has written Mr. Sinnott A playful dog runs in front of a same period he was at the forefront^ coasting party at South Rend. Wash., the warning issued by the German adequate standard of strength and effi­ acknowledging the furs, saying they those who were demanding an inv will be thoroughly tested and promis­ causing the pilot to swerve the sled, embassy the day the Lusitania sailed ciency. “ Where we are lacking more per­ ing him the first hat made from them. gation o f the financial affairs of plunging it over an embankment. The on her last trip from New York. New Haven railroads. fire chief and two women coasters Mention of this warning is understod haps ia on land and in the number of Mr. Brandeis represented the to have been contained in the last pro­ men who are ready to fight. The were badly injured. Washington, D. C.— Representative posal, which was rejected after Prea- characteristic desire o f America is not McCracken, of Idaho, has introducted gon Industrial W elfare commis The new fad in ladies’ hosiery is the ident Wilaon had considered it. that she should have a great body of a bill providing for the appointment of last year in the ease o f O ’ Hara * 'lampshade" stocking. It is understood also that Germany men whose chief business is to fight, a board o f engineers, three from the Stettler, in the United States Supr court, givin g the oral argument Mexican bandit is executed in the had left out of her proposal general but a great body o f men who know army, one from the Reclamation serv­ preparing one o f the briefs. The reaervation o f admiaaion o f wrong­ how to fight and are ready to fight Juarez cemetery for killing an Am eri­ ice and one from civil life, to make a Sev doing on the part o f the submarine when anything that is dear to the na­ survey and plan with regard to cost of is still pending in the court. can. commander, to which United States tion is threatened. You might have canalizing the Columbia river above years ago Judge Brandeis appeared M j Mercury drops 70 degrees in two objected. what we have, millions of men who Celilo to the mouth of the Snake river, fore the Supreme court in the hours ami 20 minutes at Great Falla. capacity in the interest o f the Ore Mention of the warning ia believed have never handled arms o f war, who of Snake river from its mouth to 10-hour law. In this ease he appea Mont. to have been most objectionable to the are mere material for shot and powder Pittsburg landing, and of the Clear- as counsel for Illinois and Ohio Mrs. Mean Hear, an Indian aged 105 administration. In effect, it was re­ i f you pot them in the field, and Amer­ water river from its mouth to Orofino. i well. He was, in 1910, chairman years, dies at Ponca City, Okla., leav­ garded aa conveynig the idea that no ica would be ashamed of the ineffi­ The bill appropriates $50,000 to meet I the board o f arbitration which set' ing 700 kinfolks in her immediate American lives would have been lost ciency o f calling such men to defend expenses and fixes the salaries of; family. the New York garment work« the N ation.” had the warning been heeded. members o f the board at $6000 a year strike. A. L. Mohler, president of the Officials Like Torpedo. Drunkard Li*» Stir* City. Union Pacific railroad, who fsll on the Brffiah S te a m e r F o u n d e r . Sea. Titanic Claim, Sett.ed. Washington, D. C.— Adoption o f the Gateway, Or. — Consternation has ice at Omaha Sunday and suffered con­ aerial-controlled torpedo invented by been caused among several citizens of * * * * * * New Y ork -A ttom ey s for the cussion of the brain, ia improving. John Haya Hammond, Jr., was urged this place by the appearance of their York for Havre on j . i , T ! " ,NeW StAr ,ine announced Saturday President Wilson urges congress to Wedneeday by Secretary Garrison, Ma­ name* on “ Habitual Drunkard” lists demi at sea . c ^ Z f *1 foun* » * ” * ™ n ts had been reached d e a r it* docket of appropriation bills | jor General Scott and Brigadier Gen­ that have been given the railway thl k ° f more than 200 claimants wb as soon aa possible, so that the prepar­ eral Weaver at an executive seesion o f agents in Jefferson county by the here S d a y e T n t .,? '? ♦ ! ! " 't®- ,bout *000,000 will be paid in edness program w ill hava full swing. the house fortifications sub-committee. prosecuting attorney. dr.lema J d that on J ^ u m 22 £ ^ °f T iU n ic di* " ter’ A t a masting in Chicago of the Re­ Mr. Hammond also waa present and Great dissatisfaction, too, has been •ighted the, » ry 22 he largest amount to be paid aa a publican National corami ties, four explained the workings o f the torpedo. expressed by many of the persons af­ prominent parsons were mentioned for Th* W w department estimates contain fected. who contend that it is a ques­ chairman of the convention, including a proposed appropriation of »945.000 tion aa to what constitutes an habtuial t h t " * WO' h ™ “ B. H U * I Borah. Root, McCall and Osborne. for putting the torpedo into use. drunkard. 2" ” n * * • , « - « - ! r - . * « . «".B "* ! j Louis D. Brandeis, Boston Lawyer, Named for Suprem e Court American Demand on Germany in Lusitania Case Granted by Berlin j j a Hi « io*« 01 toe vessel. claim waa origin ally fo r 11 , 000 , 009 .