NOTES AND PERSONALS GOFF BROS. Removal Sale at Mrs. Richards. John Heisler of Gales Creek was in this city Monday. Mrs. C. V. B. Russell is recov­ ering from a siege of the grip. The Rejuvenation club will give Everyone believes in protecting a dance Friday evening, with hard-Times costumes. Prizes for their own interests. A bank check is ^ — best costumes. a protection against paying a bill a Married—Jan. 15th, at Van­ second time. couver, Wash., Lester Armentrout Washington county agents for John Deere of Portland and Mrs. Gertrude Plow Co., American Royal Fence, Western E. Purdin of Seattle. The 2-year-old son of Mr. and I Ammunition, Monarch Ranges and Cole Mrs. Fred Lyda fell into a tub of by merely opening a check account Air-Tight Heaters, Empire Cream Separat­ boiling watei one day last week with this bank and pay your bills dur­ and was severely scalded. ors, Empire Milking Machines, Oregon Silos, ing 1916 by check. See “ Those Dreadful Drews” at Star Barn Equipment, Giant Blasting Pow­ the Star Theater this evening. We do the work, you get the The proceeds go for the Student’s der and many ofher leading lines. benefit. Fund—a worthy cause. Mrs. C. L. Van Koughnet very |czior=3| pleasantly entertained a number of lady friends at a “Silver Tea” Forest Grove, Oregon on Friday afternoon of last week. Lee Covert, who is now tiring Member Federal Reserve Bank on the S. P., visited his better half and her parents, Mr. and P h o n e 683 Mrs. J. S. Buxton, over Sunday. “ Uncle” Tom Todd, one of the pioneers of Washington county, is so feeble that there is grave doubt of his lasting much longer. Graduate Optician Expert Watch Repairing Clarence Kelsey, who had his Twenty Years Experience right hand frightfully mangled at the planing mill Tuesday of last The Market of Service, Quality and Economy week, is getting along nicely at the hospita'. We sell Hazelwood Danish Butter. Save the A. Berg, who has been operat­ STANDARD GOODS ONLY coupons; see the premium list. ing a grocery on West Pacific ave­ BEEF, PORK, VEAL and MUTTON CUTS, nue for several years, is packing Pacific Avenue up and shipping the stock to his Forest Grove, Ore. FRUITS, VEGETABLES and PRODUCE, Portland store. PACIFIC MARKET CASCADE’S COFFEES, There will be a lecture on Japan, TEAS and SPICES. CHILI FLAVORINGS. Card Party at Dilley In fact, Ed says he may be ha by Senator Hollis, with stereop- Peanut Butter, two pounds for 25c Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wolf of in. March, ^ h.e" local Knighj i ticon slides, at the Congregational courch tomorrow (Thursday)night. Dilley, very pleasantly entertained ¡fe chaUe^membei of I Admission free. a number of friends Tuesday even- iocai £ 0f p lodge, FOREST GROVE. OREGON John and Arthur Ireland, who ing ir. honor of their guests, Mr. have been assisting in the con­ and Mrs. Marion Maury and son Willing to Serve Hill, were trading in town Satur­ struction of a school building at of Lewiston, Idaho, and Mr. and CONDENSED NEWS NOTES The f o l l o w i n g Washing Monmouth, have returned to their day. Mrs. Claude Maury of Armells, county people have signified home in this city. Roy Mayea has beeh a late vic­ If for me a rose Having two typewriters, the Idaho. The time was spent at willingness to serve their counn tim of the grippe. In Portland grows editor of the Express will sell “500” and at a late hour first and by filing for offices at the cor Miss Opal Cutright, who has Pluck it quick. either a Royal or L. C. Smith, second honors were awarded to primary election: been in McMinnville since last Before i t ’s froze. both visible writing, at bargain Mrs. A. L. McBride and Mrs. H. E. B. Sappington, Forest Gn August, returned last week to her prices and easy terms. R. Kauffman, also to J. W. (republican) for county treasu home near Thatcher. Con Caplet spent Saturday in Mrs. W. W. Ryals and Mrs. Hughes and Marion Maury. Con- to succeed himself, Cod Brothers received a carload B. F. Whited will entertain at a Portland. of the celebrated John Deere A. Kurath, Hillsboro “ Silver” tea tomorrow afternoon solations went to Mrs. C. E. wagons and the force was kept Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dennis, of Maury and A. L. McBride. After Pelican) for county clerk. at the Congregational church and j . . , , , . . J. C. Applegate, Scogg'ns Valley, spent Saturday busy putting the vehicles away. all ladies are invited to be present. a dainty lunch served by the publican) for sheriff, Hillsboro An item in last week’s Express and Sunday in this city visiting , , , Mrs. John Baxter returned last hostess and her sister, the rest o f1 . . 1. ... many people to believe that the evening was spent in music. 1 Morrill, Hillsboro (re] their daughter, Mrs. W. W. Ryals. led there was but one registration night from Yamhill, where she had Mrs. R. A. Herrington has re­ place in Forest Grove, but there been with Mrs. G. F. West, who The quests were: Mr. and Mrs. Mar-1 hc* n) Af° r, seriously ill. Mrs. West was a ion Maury and son of Lewiston. Idaho; , '-•A . Hanley, Hillsboro, (Q6I turned to her home in Scoggins are two, as follows: Voters in is resident of Forest Grove a few Mr. and Mrs. Claude Maury and child- crat) for county commissioner, Valley after a four months’ visit Southeast and Southwest Pre­ years ago. ren of Armells, Idaho: Mr. and Mrs. J John Nyberg, Tualatin, (rep cincts should register at the office with relatives in lx)s Angeles. I.ast Thursday evening mem­ W. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brod- lican) for county commissioner, | of Miss Manche Langley, while Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schultz, voters of Northeast and North­ bers of Holbrook lodge No. 30, ersen, Mr. and Mrs. F. Sutford, Mr. who have been taking turns at west and Purdin precincts must A. F. & A. M., had the pleasure and Mrs. F. Crowthers, Mr. and Mrs. The McMinnville High b^_ A. L. McBride, Mr. and Mrs. s. A, ball team came to this city Frii nursing each other through a register with Edward Davis, at of a visit from their grand secre Maury, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolf, Mr. night and took the scalp" of tary, Frank Robinson, who de­ the office of the Oregon Land siege of the grip, are convalescing. company. The law has been so livered for them a very interest­ and Mrs. C. N. Johnson, Cecil Hughes, Forest Grove High at a clip of of Dilley; Mr. and Mrs. Ward, of Gas- to 15. The game Was fast fl Mrs. A. E. Nourse, formerly a amended that it is not necessary ing talk on Masonry. ton; Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Kauffman and start to finish and the visil for women to tell their dges, ex­ Mrs.McFeeters took Mrs. Kel­ resident of this city, but who has Miss Mary Beach of Forest Grove. won on their merits. After cept to certify that they are at sey’s place in the Caples store been living in Portland for several a few days last week during the Removal Sale at Mre. R ichards. years, has sold her 10-acre ranch least twenty-one years of age. latter’s absence because of the ac­ pear O r e n c o to a man from Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pierce visit­ cident which her husband suffered E. H. Heitzhausen of Portland, ed the James Churchill family on at the planing mill. Minneapolis. who. up to twenty years ago, was Removal Sail» ” in business in this city, was a bus- r , c,nw>a aaie Mrs. I). A. Castle of Thatcher, Gales Creek Sunday. Mrs Pierce The Farmers’ Commercial club and little daughter are recovering will meet Saturday at the Kansas iness visitor in Forest Grove last ,, the next ten days and Mrs. Ervin Bailey of David’s from a tussle with the grip. City school house to install the Saturday and called on the editor se corsets and hair swithes new officers. An all-day meeting, of the Express. Some sixteen Rei jen^- d*scount and giv* with dinner by the ladies, will be years ago the writer and Mr. d u *, pn£es on all lines. Heitdiausen were fellowtownsmen M r s . BLANCHE R t c H akwi held. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Lord, Jr., }irmfrtt^mOUth’1 N! i - Where the Special S tatio n erT S ale all ,» . J. entertained Mr. and Mrs. D. former was employed as a printer, ... “ r?* BM>re T. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. F. while Ed was engaged in the hotel vv e are makin£ a special pf G. Wilcox, Mrs. Margaret Mai business. The visit was a pleas- We are a t present showing some ex­ ant one to the editorand he hopes ° f 25 cts per box on several i lory and O. F. Weidenbach at ceptional bargains in the United States cards and a midnight lunch last to see Mr. Heitzhausen in Fortst prrade lines and ask you tod Enamel Company’s high grade wares, l-t? night and the guests report a very Grove again before many months, and examine it such as . . . . enjoyable time. ' Preparedness-Protection HARDWARE and IMPLEMENTS You can be P repared 1 First National Bank We Buy Right and Sell Right i, THE PACIFIC MARKET = Ham M. J. A B B O T T » len LORI) & WEIDENBACH » • I ZtjggS&l Some Real Bargains i \ Dish Pans, Berlin Ket­ tles, Lipped Sauce Pans, Double Cereal Cookers and 12 quart Pails. O-CEDAR MOPS at Reduced Prices HARDWARE. TINWARE, STOVES and PAINTS CORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. Phone 66a FOREST GROVE, ORE. Grangers in Convention Delegates from the various granges of Washington county are holding a county convention in I. O. O. F. hall, this city, today, with a large attendance. A business session was held this morning, followed by a banquet. This afternoon various subjects of interest to the members were dis­ cussed. including the advisability of industrial training in the rural schools, the desirability of a per­ manent place for holding county fairs and Dr. Holmes is on the program for an address on “ Prison Reform.” Removal Sale at Mrs. Richards. i THE PURE FOOD STORE BY THE WAY- Speaking of flour , {£,'-■ White Mountaii and FLEISCHMANN'S COMPREST YEAST the joint kej] note to success on bake day? The Butter is ‘Purity Hazelnut made by the new Forest Grove Creamery. 1 The Service Itet wer PHONE 061 Personal Attent (tian S