The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 26, 1916, Image 7

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O f G eneral Interest
Bakersfield. Cal. — Sweeping with
P ortland—W heat— Bluestem , $1.12
the violence of a tornado, a southwest
per bushel; forty-fold, $1.07; club,
gale blew for th ree hours in the Mid­
$1.04; red F ife, $1 02; red Russian,
way oil d istrict, startin g Tuesday a f­
In the May and Ju n e E ighth grade
ternoon, destroying property estim ated
Hay—E astern Oregon tim othy, $17 exam inations a new plan will be tried
at $250,000. More than 40C derricks
@17.50 ton; valley tim othy, $14@
were blown down and several engine-
Build Permanent Highways 14.50; alfalfa, $17 @ 19; oat* and in te stin g th e pupils in the subjects of
houses in the oil fields were wrecked.
U. S. H istory and Civil Governm ent,
Salem —A sta te bond issue for m ak­ vetch, $13.
Several dwellings and bunkhouses
to a statem en t issued by
were also toppled over. The damage ing perm anent road improvements and ton; shorts, $25; rolled barley, $30@
of Public In­
was g reatest in the North Midway and an increased tax levy to provide for 31.
struction J . A. Churchill.
D uring the
M cK ittrick districts, where more than m aintaining state highways and for
Corn—Whole, $37 ton; cracked, $38.
250 derricks were destroyed.
redem ption of the bond issue, are rec­
The San Francisco-K ittirck boiler-
tom atoes, California,
$1.60 @ 1.75 to re fe r to th e ir te x t books, but the
house was wrecked in an explosion
crate; cabbage, $2 c w t.; garlic, 15c
when a crown block went crashing uty engineer, in his annual report sub­ pound; peppers, 15@171c; eggplant, questions will be so fram ed as to test
Sheriffs Find Rare Old Whiskies and through the immense boiler. The m itted to the S tate Highway commis­ 15 @ 17Jc; sprouts, 8c; horseradish, the ability of the pupil in expressing
Associated Oil company lost 64 out of sion. Construction of a coastal beach 8 ic , cauliflower, $2.25 dozen; celery, w hat he has learned in clear, concise
Winer Hot Legal Cattle Fore­
84 oil derricks.
highw ay from A storia to Crescent City $5 crate; beans, 10@12Jc pound; le t­ language. The advantages of such a
A t Los Angeles two men were re ­ is also urged.
tuce, $2.40@2.50 crate; peas, 8@10c plan are, th a t it perm its th e teachers
seen— No Arrests Made.
When the locating parties have com­ pound.
ported drowned and more than 100
to em phasize the historical events
people were homeless as a result of pleted th e ir work in Douglas, Wasco
Green F ru its—Pears, $1@1.50 box;
the heavy rain storm which caused al­ and Sherm an counties, E ngineer Can- grapes, $4 barrel; cranberries, $12.50. which she considers m ost im portant;
Seattle, W ash.—S e a ttle ’s w eathliest m ost every river and stream in South­ tine announces th a t the
Potatoes—Oregon, $1.50 @ 1.75 per it gives the trained teach er g reater
and m ost exclusive circles which got ern C alifornia to overflow its banks Highway will be located from Seaside, sack; Y akim as, $1.50@ 1.75; sweets, freedom, so th a t she can do a much
in Clatsop county, as far as Wasco, in $2.76@3 per cwt.
and inundate the lowland adjacent.
higher quality of work than sim ply
th e ir first shock Monday when th e
Sherman county, and the Pacific H igh­
helping th e pupils to “ cram ” for an
R ainier club was raided on search w ar­
way will have been surveyed from f. o. b. shipping point.
exam ination; it frees th e teacher and
Portland to the C alifornia line, w ith
ran ts under the new prohibition law
Apples— Spitzenbergs, ex tra fancy, the pupils from so teaching and study­
the exception of a section in Josephine $2.25; fancy, $2; choice, $ 1.25@1.50; ing as to m ake the exam ination the
were rocked by a social volcano when
the homes of two m illionaires were
Jonathan, ex tra fancy, $1.50; fancy, end; it tends to give th e pupils power
“ I t is believed th a t the date is rap­ $1.25; choice, $1; Yellow Newtowns, of expression and elim inates the mem ­
raided by deputies acting under orders
of Sheriff “ Bob” Hodge, th e coal
Seattle— The Rainier club, the prin­ idly approaching when the sta te will ex tra fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice, orizing of unim portant dates and facts.
miner asp iran t for th e governorship, cipal club in Seattle, was raided late have to undertake the m aintenance of $1 fti 1.25;
“ There is always d a n g e r,” said Su­
Baldwins, e x tra fancy,
and large and valuable stocks of fine Tuesday by deputy sheriffs who confis­ the main tru n k highway, such as the $1.50; fancy, $1.25; choice, $1; rus­ perintendent Churchill, “ of the ex­
Pacific highw ays,” sets, orchard run, $1.
I wines and liquors w ere seized.
am ination system developing a ques­
cated 400 quarts of whisky, cham­ Columbia and
A t the present
Where th e law officers’ lightning pagne, gin and other intoxicants. The w rites Mr. Cantine.
E ggs—Buying p ric e s: Oregon ranch, tion and answ er method of teaching.
will strik e next is th e topic in the raid was made under direction of Sher­ tim e the S tate Highway commission premium, 33c dozen; No. 1, 30c; No. Any plan whereby the exam ination be­
i homes of Capitol H ill and Richmond iff R obert P. T. Hodge, who obtained does-not hold itself responsible for the 2, 27c; No. 3 ,2 0 c. Jobbing p ric e s: comes the end is unpedagogical, and
a search w arrant authorizing his dep­ upkeep of roads constructed from state Oregon ranch, candled, 35c@37 dozen. the exam ination usually d eteriorates
The p alatial home a t the H ighlands uties to enter every room in the large funds, leaving this duty to county
W ith this new
Poultry — Hens, small, i5 c; large, into a memory te st.
| of W. E. Boeing, m illionaire lum ber­ clubhouse at Fourth avenue and Mar­ officials.
16c; small springs, 15@16c; turkeys, plan, if the teacher will adopt it for
The report urges upon the commis­ live, 20c; turkeys, dressed, choice, the pupils’ monthly tests, they will
man, was raided a t noon W ednesday ion street.
the advisabitliy of w orking for 26c; ducks, 12@16c; geese, 12@13c. learn by th e close of the year how to
by deputy sheriffs. Sheriff Hodge had
None of the liquor was found in the
been told th a t an $8000 stock of liquors old barroom or in the club’s storeroom enactm ent of legislation authorizing it
B utter — City cream ery, cubes, ex­ use the te x t as m erely a reference
belonging to the S eattle Golf and in th e basement.
Most of it was to lay out highw ays and procure rights tras, selling a t 32c; firsts, 29c; prints work in w ritin g th e ir final papers. The
Country club had been secreted th ere found in a trunk hidden in a locked of way for them, and empowering the and cartons, extra. Prices paid to questions will be so worded th a t it will
in violatoin of th e dry law.
Country creamery, 26@ be impossible for the pupil to copy any
linen closet on the fourth floor. The commission to arrange w ith the coun­ producers:
In one room in th e basem ent th e house m anager said th at he had no key ties for the m aintenance of such state 29c; b u tte rfa t, No. 1, 32c; No. 2, 29c. am onut from the te x t book, but he will
deputies said they found a specially to the closet and the officers forced laid-out roads until a sta te m ain­
Cheese — Oregon trip lets, jobbing find help by turning to it to refresh
tenance program is adopted.
fitted device by which g re a t num bers open the door.
buying prices, 17c pound, f. o. b. dock, his memory on some point th a t has es­
Expenditure of the highway depart­ Portland; Young Americas, 18c.
of bottles w ere put away, corks down.
caped him ju st for the moment. When
O ther seizures were made in mem­
The liquors were of th e rich est kind, b ers’ rooms, where more than the s ta t­ m ent from January 1 to December 1,
w ritin g an exc.minatoin a pupil often
Veal—Fancy, 12J@13c pound.
including bottled Scotch, rye and Bour­ utory allowance of two quarts of 1915, totaled $223,128.81, according to
finds th a t he cannot recall the answer
Pork—Fancy, 8Jc pound.
bon whiskies, verm outh, champagne, spirituous or 12 quarts of m alt liquor the report. Of this am ount $58,443.48
to a question. He is then liable to be
Hops— 1915 crop, 9 @ lljc pound.
including some of th e vintage of 1830, was found. The property of members was expended on the Columbia High­
Wool — E astern Oregon, 18@25c come so nervous and frightened th a t
i and valued at $60 a q u a r t: a case of having less than these am ounts was way in Columbia county, and $15,- pound; valley, 25@26c; fall lam bs’ he will fail in the en tire exam ination.
702.97 on the R ainier Hill section of wool, 25c; mohair, Oregon, 28c.
This is really the common-sense way to
Pol Roget, C hartreuse and other li­ not disturbed.
the highway. The sum of $34,106.70
quors and th ree cases of beer.
Cascara b ark —Old and new, 3}@4c prepare a pupil for his work in the
was expended on the Columbia H igh­ pound.
every day world, for if a man has to
In the b u tle r’s p antry w ere found 18
way in Clatsop county. The M itchell’s
bottle’ of beer and about 15 bottles of
C attle—Choice steers, $7.25@ 7.75; w rite an article or prepare a paper on
Point construction of the Columbia good, $6.76@ 7; medium, $6.60@ 6.75; any subject, he does not a ttem p t to
assorted drinkables.
H ighw ay cost $41,896.36.
The liquor found in th e basem ent
choice cows, $5.50@6; medium, $4.75 depend upon his memory for the proof
was said by th e deputy sheriffs to be
@ 5.25; heifers, $4@ 6.40; bulls, $2.50 which he wishes to use from various
scources to su b stantiate his s ta te ­
worth a t least $2000.
@ 4.50; stags, $3@5.25.
B erlin—Berlin newspapers, accord­ Railroad Work Moves For­
Mr. Boeing is president of th e ing to the Overseas News agency, ex­
Hogs — Light, $6.76@ 7.26; heavy, m ents; la th e r, he has on his tab le a
ward in Harney County $5.75@6.25.
number of reference works dealing
[Greenwood Lum ber company and of press the belief th a t the land’ng of
|th e N orthw est Aero club.
S h e e p — W ethers, $6@ 7.25; ewes, with the subject upon which he is
allied troops at Phaleron, five miles
O ntario—In spite of the severe
w riting.
The home of D. E. Skinner, presi­ southeast of Athens, is considered as w eather, work continues on the O.-W. $4.25@ 6.55; lambs, $7@8.25.
The eighth grade exam inations, to a
d e n t of th e Skinner-Eddy Steam ship supplying proof th a t the entente pow­ R. & N. extension w est from R iver­
very large exent, set the standard of
[company and of the P o rt Blakely Mill ers intend using extrem e means to side, Or., to points in H arney county.
Fruit Business Makes Big Gain.
teaching, and I am very confident th a t
[company, was raided, and a stock of force the hand of Greece.
N early all the grading has been com­
[liquors worth about $3000 confiscated
The news agency says th a t according pleted as fa r as Oakley and the rock
Puyallup — The bookkeepers of the this new plan will strengthen the work
by deputy sheriffs.
to prevalent reports, the Greek gov­ cuts and bridges are now progressing Puyallup & Sumner F ru it G rowers’ in the eighth grad«* and give th e pupil
much more power and confidence than
In each instance th e g re a t stocks ernm ent has tran sferred p art of the rapidly. Mail service to R iverside has
[were removed and will be held pending sta te archives to L arissa, in N orth­ been begun, the m ail run on the association are completing the annual he gains from the memory tests.
p earin g of th e cases. No a rrests will w estern Greece, where, eventually, thrice-a-w eek train being from On­ inventory of the business, from which his class standing has been high dur­
»e made.
will be made the regular report to the ing the year and his E nglish class
th e Greek governm ent likew ise will be ta rio to Riverside.
It is said to be practically certain transferred.
Between Bend add Burns the Stra- members and stockholders at the an­ work has been below par, the open
hat the raid will resu lt in hotly con­
Berlin newspapers, com m enting on horn surveying party is in the field, nual m eeting in February. While the book will be of no help to him during
the short hour of his ex am in atio n .”
ested legal battles, a tta c k in g th e dry the latest news regarding Greece, running the newly-projected line be­
figures have not yet been given out,
aw from th e standpoint of raids on unite in statin g th at the entente seems tw een those interior points.
H. N.
»rivate residences and particularly to have abandoned all regard for Greek Bogue, chief engineer for the Stra- expect the amount of products handled
h a t featu re of the common law grant- neu trality and sovereignty. The land­ horn party, was in Burns last week by the association during the last
ng a householder extraordinary rig h ts ing at Phaleron is regarded as proof and hired a saddle horse for the pur­ year, it is stated on reliable authority
n his premises.
th a t th e entente is now going to use pose of a closer investigation of the
th a t tbe total business for 1915 will
extrem e means for forcing Greece into Sage Hen pass.
Leaving the horse,
th e war.
he proceeded by auto to Bend, so it is amount to a t least a third of a million
Corvallis— Many p arts of Oregon are
not known w hether this pass will be dollars more than in 1914. The 1914
in the g ath erin g of farm ­
Rumor has it also th a t fu rth e r resi­
used by the new line, but probabilities business was approxim ately $1,250,-
lence raids are in prospect, directed “So m any buyers — over seventy are th a t it will.
000. L ast y ear’s increase was more ers and hom em akers at th e A gricultur­
[gainst th e homes of officials of var-
E verything indicates th a t w ithin a than 25 per cent.
al college for the annual short course
thousand—have been so proud of their
Dus clubs.
Dairymen of the valley are planning work which beagn last week.
few months work will actually be un­
Mr. Skinner was delivering an ad-
der way to connect Burns finally with to organize a cow testin g association.
resss upon “ The M erchant M arine” ble to find room for improvement.
Prof. E. O. Gibson, of the S tate
th e outer world, and to do away with
“The chassis of the 1916 is practical­ “ In te rio r” Oregon forever.
t a luncheon of th e S eattle Real
college, will tak e a leading p a rt in the short course work is carried on w ith
[state association when a note was ly the same as last year—in fact It
work as soon as he can find tim e from the regular college work, and it ex­
ended him inform ing him his home has been the standard of the REO for
his other duties as dairy in structor a t tends over a period of four weeks.
Klamath Ships Livestock.
[as being raided.
H e angrily de- over five years,” said F. W. Vogler,
K lam ath Falls— One of the largest \ the w inter school. A com m ittee con­ Much of the work is given as class and
punced th e police, th in k in g it was president of the N orthw est Auto com­
sisting of W. J . Langdon, C. L. Boss,
shipm ents of livestock from Klamath
key who w ere m aking th e raid instead
Adolph Loncke, J . A. Shrenghost and personal instruction through lectures,
I the sheriffs, and declared he had or- pany, in showing the cars being county th is year le ft on the Livestock . Dr. F. B. G ault is doing the necessary dem onstrations and laboratory ex er­
fcred his servants to destroy all li- “groom ed” for the opening of the Auto Special th is week. This comprised 25 advance work among the dairym en.
cises. In m any instances th e tra in in g
por, smash th e bottles so th e law offi- Show, Monday, June 24th in Portland. carloads for C alifornia and Portland
I t is roughly estim ated by experts is made a personal m atter, specialises
“T he chief feature of th e Reo,” he m arkets. The biggest shipm ent was th a t one-third of the cows in Pierce of the college staff directing the work
prs could not hold orgies on fine wines
I his expense.
said, “is its accessibility due to the of lambs sent to San Francisco by O. county are “ boarders,” th a t is, the of individuals in th e ir chosen courses.
There milk does not pay for th e ir feed and
The prohibition law perm its persons sim plicity of construction and resu lt­ T. McKendree, of this city.
E ig h t courses are offered in fields
w ere over 2000 head, filling 20 cars. upkeep.
I keep in th e ir own homes not more ing ease of replacing and adjusting.
The te s te rs ’ association and crops, e ig h t in farm ing combined
to of
Be spirituous
Executed. liquors
Two cars of cattle and one car of hogs
ban two M q ore
u arts
"And you’ll notice th a t all Instru­ were shipped by Fred Stukel to Sacra­ teaches the dairym en how to find these w ith raisin g livestock and dairying,
I Chihuahua
e x .— The V illa
12 q uarts City,
of m alt M drinks.
cows so they can dispose of them and eleven in cream ery work and dairying,
kndits who looted M agistral, a m ining m ents are now on the steering post— mento. Charles Horton consigned two get b etter ones in th eir places. I t will
five in garm ent m aking and house­
kmp in Durango, several dayB ago, th is enables the driver to do all ad­ cars of cattle to the Union Stockyards also Bdvise th e members as to the best
keeping, five in food preparation, ten
pd who were attacked and beaten by ju stin g w ithout stooping or taking a t­ at Portland.
kinds of feed.
in orcharding, and tw o in wood and
pri-Hza troops Thursday a t Guerrero, tention away from the road ahead.
m etal shop work.
re said to include some men who took
Heavy Tim ber Felled by Storm.
“T he new ‘hook-up” of the startin g
In each of these selections can be
prt in the slaughter of 18 foreigners device is the only new feature In th at
Molalla—One of the severest storms
and m ore or less optional work
Santa Ysabel, Jan u ary 10. Several
known in this section for years has
Portland— The hop m arket is firmer, taken, as in orcharding, w here use can
kisoners taken w ere being brought connection.
made of th e special facilities
“In these days when the stealing of done heavy damage to standing timber. with a broad and healthy demand. be
fere to be executed and th e ir bodies
has become a well-organized A tra c t known as the Schusted claim, Orders are more plentiful than a t any offered by th e college in pruning or
Ispalyed with those of Jose Rodriguez
which cruised 12,000,000 feet, is re­ tim e since the year opened. The Hub­ spraying or other specialty. By com­
d Miguel Baca-Valles, which were business, the thief-proof locking de­ ported by Fred Schafer, a sawmill man
bard & Jones lei, vf 204 bales a t Inde­
hibited a t Juarez.
vice on the Reo is causing the gentry who was hunting cougars in th a t vicin­ pendence was bought by McClellan at pleting the prescribed work in any of
th e foregoing courses, students may
engaged in th e new profession to pass ity, to have lost a t least 5,000,000 feet 10 and l l j cents.
receive a certificate settin g forth the
M ontenegro to Fight On.
the Reo. This lock enables the driver of tim ber, which was blown down. In
S. T. Edmiston, of Sherwood, has work accomplished.
Some of the
Paris, via London — The following to sim ultaneously lock the startin g de­ many places the trees are piled 20 feet started a movement for the form ation
courses are progressive and require a
[fficial statem ent was tssued T hursday: vice, the transm ission and the floor high.
of an asssociation or bureau of grow­ minimum of work in specified subjects
‘The w ireless news of th e surrender boards. The sta rtin g device is made
ers, the object of which is to collect as an entrance requirem ent.
th e M ontenegrin arm y appears Inoperative, a t the sam e tim e the
Power Plant Destroyed.
inform ation, independent of the deal­
In addition to the work of the fore­
unew hat prem ature.
I t is now an- transm ission gears are locked In neu­
La Grande— When fire Wednesday ers, as to th e exact q u an tity of hops going courses a series of lectures on
ounced from another source th a t ne- tra l position. And to m ake assurance burned the Mill Creek power plant, grown in the state. He believes the
commercial and business subjects, on
btiations between A ustria and Mon- trebly sure, the floor boards are lock­ which assists in generating electricity grow ers are seriously handicapped by
poultry, history, economics, zoology,
>negro have been broken off, th e con-
for the Eastern Oregon L ight & Pow­ the lack of such inform ation, and chem istry, farm accounting, and high­
Itions of surrender imposed by Aus-
be given
“ You will see these features a t the er company, the city became hard thinks th a t a properly organized body way construction,
Ha having been found quite unaccept-
Show. The advantages—th a t would pressed for power juice. All big con­ can obtain th e d a ta accurately. I t is throughout the four weeks.
For fur­
ble by Montenegro. “ The royal fam- tak e colum ns to describe—will be eas­ sumers were prom ptly shut off until
his intention to tak e the first steps th e r inform ation send for e o m p k t*
g is about to proceed to Ita ly .”
ily seen a t a glance.”
tem porary repairs can be made.
tow ard organisation in thia section.
program to O. A. C., Corvallis, Ora.
About Oregon
Much Valuable Liquor Seized in
Millionaire Residences.
Liquor Seized in Prohibition Raid
on Fashionable Seattle Resort
Allies Land Troops Near Capital
of Greece to force Country’s Hand