lighted that she should. They to tear off hla great »oft hat- It waa awful old duds, I know, but W woul actually the first funeral he had seen think them a wonder If you saW w e since his own father’s; no wonder his radiance suffered a brief eclipse. But they came from—” "I'm sorry to interrupt.” Bam in another moment he was out on Blanche, laughing, "but there s yo Barnes’ Common. taxi ticking up twopence every qu It had been the bicycle age when he ter of an hour, and I can't let it go went a «a y ; now it was the motor age without warning you. Where ba*e you and the novelty and contrast were endless to a simple mind under the come from ?" He told her with a grin, was round­ influence of forgotten yet increasing!' ly reprimanded for his extravagance, familiar scenes. But nothing was lost • on Cazalet that great morning; even but brazened it out by giv ing a milk-float entranced him. itself en­ smart young man a sovereign he ore chanted, with Its tall can turned to her eyes. After that, she said he had gold and silver in the sun. But now better come in before the neighbors [guSTBATlONg,, by O- .nTWIN A T Æ H 5 he was on all but holy ground. It was came out and mobbed him for a mi not so holy with these infernal elec­ lionaire. And he followed her indoor* Hilton Toye. “ I guess I'm not running tric trams; still he knew every inch and up-stairs, into a little new en 6YN O P6I3. for that reward!” of it; and now, thank goodness, he was crowded with some of the big o -»3— things he could remember in a very Caialct. on th* Keamer Kaiser Frit a. off the lines at last. homeward bound from Auatralia. crlea CHAPTER IV. "Slow er!" he shouttd to his smart different setting. But if the room was out In hi* *le»*p that Henry Craven, who ten year* before hud ruined his father young man. He could not say that no small it had a balcony that was hard­ and himself. Is dead and finds that Hil­ notice was taken of the command. But ly any smaller, on top of that undu y ton Toye. who share* the stateroom with Down the River. him, knows Craven and also Blanche a wrought-iron gate on the left, with imposing porch; and out there, over At Waterloo the two men parted, Macnalr, a former neighbor and play­ a covered way leading up to the house, looking the flne grounds opposite, were mate. When the dally papers come with a fair exchange of fitting aboard at Southampton Toye reads that was past and gone in a veritable basket chairs and a table, hot with speeches, none of which rang really Craven has been murdered and calls the Indian summer sun. Cazalet’s dream second sight. He thinks false And yet Cazalet found himself twinkling. of doing a little amateur detective work “ I hope you are not shocked at my Five or six minutes later the smart on the cuse himself. In the train to town emphatically unable to make any plans ‘‘I’m afraid I they discuas the murder, which was com­ at ail for the next few days; also, he young man was driving really slowly abode,” said Blanche. mitted at Cazalet’s old home. Toye hears can't help it if you are. It's Just big along a narrow road between patent from Cazalet that Scruton. who had been seemed in two minds now about a Cazalet's friend and the scapegoat for Jermyn Street hotel previously men­ wealth and blatant semi gentility; on enough for Martha and me; you re­ Craven’s dishonesty, has been released tioned as his immediate destination; the left good grounds, shaded by cedar member old Martha, don’t you? Youjll from prison. and his step was Indubitably lighter as and chestnut, and on the right a row have to come and see her, but shell he went off first of all to the loop-line, of hideous little houses, as pretentious be horribly disappointed abou. your CHAPTER III—Continued. to make sure of some train or other as any that ever let for forty pounds beard!" Coming through the room, stopping Toye looked disconcerted and dla- that he might have to take before the within forty minutes of Waterloo. "This can’t be it !" shouted Cazalet. to greet a picture and a bookcase (fill­ treeeed. but at the same time frankly day was out puzzled. He apologized none the less In the event he did not take that “ It can’t he here—stop! Stop! 1 tell ing a wall each) as old friends. Caza­ let had descried a photograph of him­ readily, with almost ingenuous cour­ train or any other; for the new you!” He had A young woman had appeared in self with that appendage. tesy and fullness, but he ended by ex miracle of the new traffic, the new ,- threatened to take the beastly thing plaining himself In a single sentence, smell of the horseless streets, and the one of the overpowering wooden pert1 and that told more than the rest of his newer Joys of the newest of new taxi­ coes; two or three swinging strides i away, and Blanche had told him he had better not. . But it did not occur straightforward eloquence put to­ cabs, 11 worked together and so swift­ to Cazalet that it was the photograph gether. ly upon Cazalet’s organism that he J J to which Hilton Toye had referred, or If a man had done you down like bad a little colloquy with his smart that Toye must have been in this very that, wouldn’t you want to kill him the young driver instead of paying him in room to see it. in these few hours he very moment you came out. Cazalet?” Jermyn Street. He nearly did pay him had forgotten the man’s existence, at off, and with something more than his The creature of Impulse was off at least in so far as it associated Itself a tangent. " I ’d forgive him If he did usual impetuosity, as either a liar or a with Blanche Macnair. It, too !” he exclaimed. “ I’d move fool with no sense of time or space. "The others all wanted me to live "But that’s as quick as the train, heaven and earth to save him, guilty near them,” she continued, "but as no or not guilty. Wouldn’t you in my my good fellow !" blustered Cazalet. two of them are In the same county place?” "Quicker,” said the smart young fel­ it would have meant a caravan. Be­ "1 don’t know.” said Hilton Toye. low without dipping his cigarette, “ if sides, I wasn't going to be transplant­ "It depends on the place you're In, I you were going by the old Southwest­ ed at my age. Here one has every­ guess!” And the keen dark eyes came ern!” body one ever knew, except those who drilling into Cazalet's skull like The very man, and especially the escape by emigrating, simply at one’s augers manners that made or marred him, mercy on a bicycle. There's more golf "1 thought 1 told you,” he explained was entirely new to Cazalet as s and tennis than I can find time to Impatiently. "W e were In the office product of the old country. But he play; and I still keep the old boat in together; he was good to me. winked had come from the bush, and he felt the old boat-house at Littleford, be­ at the business hours I was inclined to as though he might have been back cause it hasn’t let or sold yet, I'm keep, let me down lighter In every way there but for the smell of petrol and sorry to say." than I deserved. You may say it was the cry of the motor-horn from end to “ So I saw as I passed,” said Caza­ part of his game. Hut I take people end of those teeming gullies of bricks as I tlnd them. And then, as 1 told and mortar. let. "That hit me hard!” you, Scruton was ten thousand times "The place being empty hits me He had accompanied his baggage more sinned against than sinning.” harder,” rejoined the last of the Mac- Just as far as the bureau of the “Are you sure? if you knew it at Jermyn Street hotel. Any room they nairs. “ It’s going down in value every the time— " day like all the other property about liked, and he would be back some “ I didn't. I told you so the last time before midnight; that was his A Young Woman Had Appeared !n here, except this sort. Mind where you night.” throw that match, Sweep! I don’t One of the Wooden Porticoes. card, they could enter his name for Well, I mustn't ask questions,” said themselves. He departed, pipe in want you to set fire to my pampas- Hilton Toye, ami began folding up his mouth, open knife in one hand, plug were bringing her down the silly little grass; it's the only tree I’ve g o t!” newspaper with even more than his tobacco in the other; and remarks path to the wicket-gate with the idiotic Cazalet laughed; she was making name; there was no time to open it be­ him laugh quite often. But the pam usual deliberation. were passed in Jermyn Street as the fore Cazalet blundered up, and shot pas-grass, like the rest of the ridic­ "Oh, I'll tell you!" cried Cazalet un­ taxi bounced out west in ballast his hand across to get a grasp as Arm ulous little garden in front, was ob­ graciously. "It's my own fault for tell­ But indeed it wus too flne a morn­ and friendly as he gave. scured if not overhung by the balcony ing you so much It was In a letter ing to waste another minute indoors, "Blanchie!” on which they sat. And the subject from Scruton himself that I heard the even to change one's clothes, if Caza­ "Sw eep!” seemed one to change. whole thing. I'd written to him— to let had possessed any better than the They were their two nursery names, ward the end— suggesting things. He ones he wore and did not rather glory "it was simply glorious coming hers no improvement on the proper managed to get an answer through In his rude attire He was simply and monosyllable, and his a rather dubious down,” he said. “ I wouldn’t swap that that would never have passed the comfortably drunk with the delight ot j token of pristine proclivities. But out ! three-quarters of an hour for a bale ol prison authorities. And—and that's being back. He had never dreamed of j both came as If they were children ; wool. Y’ ou can't think how every mor- why I came home Just when 1 did," Its getting into his head like this; at still, and children who had been Just j tal thing on the way appealed to me. concluded Cazalet; "that's why I didn't the time he did not realize that it had i long enough apart to start with a good j The only blot was a funeral at Barnes; wait till after shearing. He’s been That was the beauty of his bout, he j honest mutual stare. | it seemed such a sin to be buried on through about enough, and I've had knew well enough what he was doing "You aren’t a bit altered," declared a day like this, and a fellow like me more luck than I deserved. 1 meant to and seeing, but Inwardly he was lit­ the man of thirty-three, with a note coming home to enjoy himself!” take him back with me. to keep the erally blind. Yesterday was left be­ He had turned grave, but not graver not entirely tactful In hfs admiring books on our station, If you want to hind and forgotten like the Albert voice. But his old chum only laughed. than at the actual moment coming know!” The brusk voice trembled. Memorial, and to-morrow was still as "Fiddle!" she cried. "But you're not down. Indeed, he was simply coming Toye let his newspaper slide to the distant as the sea. If there were such altered enough. Sweep, I’m disappoint­ down again, for her benefit and his floor. "Hut that was fine!” he ex­ things as to-morrow and the sea. own. without an ulterior trouble until ed In you. Where's your beard?" claimed simply. “ That's as flne an ac­ Meauwhlle what vivid miles of daz- “ I had it off the other day. I always Blanche took him up with a long face tion as I've heard of In a long time " ziiug life, what a subtle autumn flavor meant to," he explained, "before the of her own. "U it cornea off," said Cazalet in a In the air; how cool in the shadows, "W e've had a funeral here. I sup end of the voyage. I wasn't going to gloomy voire. how warm in the sun; what a spark­ land like a wild man of the woods, poee you know?" "Don't you worry. It'll come off. Is ling old river It was. to be sure; and you know!” "Yes. I know." he out yet, for sure? I mean, do you yet, if those weren't the first of the "W eren’t you! I call it mean.” Her chair creaked as she leaned for­ know that he Is?” autumn tints on the trees in Castie- Her scrutiny became severe, but ward with an enthusiastic solemnity "Bcruton? Ye*—since you press It nau. softened again at the sight of his that would have made her shriek it —he wrote to tell me that he was com­ There went a funeral, on Its way to clutched wideawake and curiously she bad seen herself; but it had n* ing out even sooner than he expected.” Mortlake! The taxi overhauled It at a characterless, shapeless suit. such effect on Cazalet. "Then be can stop out for me,” aald callous speed. Cazalet Just had time "You may well look!" he cried, de­ (TO BE C O N T IN U E D .) geTHGUSWnn M A N WITOTC Author o f T5heAMAfHUR CRACKSMAN, RAFFLES. Etc. _ _ IP* INCO ME O F A S T R E E T B E G G A R Curious Résidant on Opposite Side of Thoroughfare Places Contribu­ tion* at 91,000 Yearly. Tber* waa a certain Bartlmeus who • ae wont to take hie east at tho sldo ot a crowded city street, with a well fed dog at the aid» sitting on * mat provided by hi* master, to protect his hind*rquarter* from th* cold stone The dog held a tin money box attached to hi* collar Th* roan had a few lead pencil» which h* pretended were for •ale Th* man simply »at, *nd th* money rolled in A curtou* resident on th* oppoelt* *ld* of th* *tr«*t took lengthy observation*, aud then draw up a cal­ culation based on the assumption that on* cent was given «very ttm* a con trtbutlon waa made, though frequently *l!v*r rnd sometime* a quarter was seen to descend into the tin, and Uk lag Into consideration the average auatber of absences In a given time due to laclement weather, the proba­ ble Income amounted to about tl.flOO • rear The estimate may not be very ex­ act, but tt Is nearer the truth than the ordinary passerby thinks, or the stream of coin would not be so copt oue As he is no longer at the receipt of custom, the Inference la that be has retired to live in the country on the proceed* Woe* of an Author. “ How's your uew book coming o n T “ Passably well. The demand isn't what tt should be. I mean among purchasers And of course, if people don't buy the book there * nothing in It tor m e" ” 1 see By the way. I'm reading tt now. Btcks loaned me a copy that Tompktne borrowed from Bradley Pretty fair story " Hats and Faces. A Boston man went down to Hart­ ford and said to the Motherhood club of that city, " If you have a 29-cent face don't wear a $30 h at” Of course, the Boston mao didn't make It clear to the ladies with Hart ford faces Just what the bat-and face ratio should be Even a 29-cent face might hesitate over wearing a 29-cent hat On the other band a woman with a $50 face could scarcely be expected to don a $50 hat No. the Boston man la wading into deep water. He quite overlook» the eternal law of compensation Let the 29-cent face wear a $30 hat It may distract attention As for the woman with the $50 face, •he doesn't need any hat —Cleveland Plain Dealer. KNOW HOW TO PLEASE Q U A LITY T H A T MAKES FOR pop U L A R IT Y IN SOCIETY. Fortunate Arc These Who Have th* Happy Habit of Doing Instinc­ tively the Right Thing at the Right Time. They were talking about personality and the conversation somehow drifted not unnuturally, since there were do meu present, to personality In the 6teruer sex and how It manifested itself In different ways and uudei dif­ ferent circumstances. One man was delightful to have u a guest at a party. He made himself agreeable to all aud somehow man­ aged to lift the burden of au entertain­ ment completely off the shoulders of a hostess. As soon as he entered he In­ troduced a pleasurable sense of festiv- ity that communicated Itself to other guests. Another man did not shine especially at parties, perhaps, but be was Ideal for a solitude of two. He always made any woman he was call- ing upon feel that to find her at home aud alone gave him complete satisfac­ tion. And then one woman casually re­ marked that the most difficult sociai role for a man to fill successfully was that of escort. Not as escort to a con­ cert or lecture or the theater, but to a social entertainmeut such as a re­ ception or dance. “ I know one man,” she said, “ who is wholly delightful as au escort, and the other day 1 endeavored to analyze Just wherein the charm lay, I once beard it said of him, by another man. that he was u man who always did and said the right thing at the right time, and this seems to be true of him I d the capacity of escort He always seems to do the obviously correct thing instinctively. “ I have never stepped outside my door with him,” she went on, “ without experiencing a complete sense of guardianship until my return. It is not that his actions indicate any spe­ cial consciousness o f what be is doing. Oa the contrary, he is engagingly nat­ ural and free from any assumption ot directing things— but while with him a woman whom he Is escorting enjoys a pleasant sense of being his first con­ sideration. He never for an instant allows her to experience that feeling of being unattended under which l have seen many womeu and girls suf­ fer aud have occasionally suffered my­ self. "1 have known the most well-mean­ ing men to completely neglect some girl whom they were escorting when they met some personal friends w'tth whom she was perhaps unacquainted. I f the man whom I have in mind meets ills own friends he immediately intro­ duces them, aud If he occasionally drifts away he drifts back again with­ out any apparent reason except doing what he wants to do. Some very nice men can be exceedingly leaden amid a large gathering o f people who are comparatively strangers to then. They do not seem to have the social Instinct that makes them responsive to "ran­ gers. and this Is a virtue which a good escort either has or affects to posses* There are few things more disconcert­ ing to a woman than to take a man anywhere and not feel he has enjoyed himself quite as much as she has. “ Indeed, the same qualities that make ‘the born hostess’ seem to be es­ sential to make the Instinctive escort and these are gracious personality plus social training.” — Baltimore Sun. Lots of Excitement. A Philadelphia woman who has had trouble In filling her rooming bouM once had an applicant who objected tc the lack of interesting surroundings "Oh. plenty of excitement," said tbl» wideawake landlady; “ from the front window here you will have such a flM view of people missing the suburban trains!” Japan Turns to Sheep Raising. tion Is the same for bright stars as During the past two or three year» for feeble ones, and also the law of Japan has sent some o f its expert distribution is the same from ons stock growers to America to learn ho* mass to another. to rnise sheep, and It Is understood H. von Zelpel has endeavored to de­ that sheep raising will be extensively duce, from »he apparent density on engaped in over there. the celestial sphere, the true density in spare, with partially satisfactory Weigh» a Fly’s Wing. results. The distribution of stars near The weighing machine used in th# the center was represented in a sat­ laboratory of the bureau of standard! isfactory manner, but the density at in Washington is said to be the moil the boundaries Is ess than that re­ accurate in the world. It will welg» quired by »he theory. the wing of a fly.— Chicago JournaL In a new memoir he arrives at a novel conclusion. Each of these New South African Fruit. masse» ts a gigantic system contain New South Africa 1* uow sending I» ing about a million atara; the num­ London a remarkable fru it a »pec!«» ber of stars visible on a piste is not of orange, similar to a large tanger the hundredth part of the total nuta ine, very sweet, with an a greca bis bar. flavor. Teuton and CelL Man’s Heart Heavier Than Woman’*. Health Hint. Bermans are lasting in their sym­ Amazing Masse* of Stars. The average man’s heart weigh» pathies an4 antipathies and leisurely An appla eaten before breakfast By studying the distribution of stars from ten to tw elve ouncea; the aver* In their mental processes. II take* In the globular masses E Pickering serves as a natural stimulant for tha ag* woman’s from eight to tea. them a long time to make up their has deduced, from observation, the digestive organa. mtnds sad longer to get an Idea out apparent density. L *.. the number of City Built on Islands. of their heads In ihelr thinking they •tars per unit of aurface at dtfierent Equally Useless. Venice has 60,000 residents, aad t4* try to grasp more things at a time distances from the center ot the I tr'wn u built on seventy or eigfltf Faith without work* ta about as than does the Celt | mass; be concludes tnat ms diatribu telata. *••• *• • watch without wheel»,