The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 19, 1916, Image 6

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she had learned th a t be had a wife
She had w ritten home, b ut h e r le t­
te rs w ere retu rn ed unansw ered. She
bad now here to tu rn , she w as Ignorant
of any trad e, and th e m an held h er by
his lying prom ises
He had alm ost
With New Pair of “ Poxes” on Hi*
M J*
got his divorce, he said ; h e loved h e r;
F eet He L eft th e S tore. Feeling
for h er sake he would refo rm , it only
Im p o rtan t, but P ride Had
she would tru s t him.
a Dow nfall,
She had w aited for him th e evening
w aters th a t swirl
before; th en th e re w as a d read fu l
HE beautiful co ast of Maine guard o ver th e
“The Bishop” next
•T he sh o em ak er ong!it to glue a
blank In her mind, and she had r e ­
rea ch es its clim ax a t G rand around its base,
of sa n d p ap e r on the sole of each
covered to And h erself sta n d in g over
B y* H. M. E G B E R T
M anan, th e island of m ighty
th e body. And she had fled w ildly to r
cliffs, r a a r th e m outh of th e St. th e base of a cliff, In which some have n .w shoe.” suid the retired merchant
Croix riv er. Tho m ag n etic beauty of faheied a resem blance to th e high ”1 bought a pair, of boxes for my feet
e island has stirre d th e adm iratio n church dignitary in his robes of of- this morning, an d thought I’d wear
(C o p y rig h t, 1315, by W . Q. C h a p m a n .)
. . them home to get them broke in. 1
with me until th e tro u b le blows over," of m any who have seen it from th e fice.
J u s t beyond the Bishop rises Ash­ stepped from the sto re into the street
“I don't know w hat to do w ith my­ he said. “1 w ant a h ousekeeper. You deck of passing steam ers, b u t few p er­
self evenings," sighed Ronald Cray, will be q uite sa te here. 1 sh all let It sons, com paratively speaking, have burton head, th e scene of tw o tr a ­ feeling all dressed up. It beats all
leaning out of the back window of be know n th a t you an sw ered an ad ­ stepped upon its rocky shores.
w bat a difference it m akes in a man's
gedies of th e sea.
bis bachelor apartm en t and survey­ v ertisem en t. W hen all is ready 1 will
Beyond A shburton head is a rem a rk ­ self-esteem when be is w earing some­
Because th e ag en ts of th e B ritish
ing the gloomy flats around him.
help you to a new life. You tru s t and A m erican go v ern m en ts w hen lay­ able stratified rock form ation, called thing new. If It's only a necktie that
Two m onths before he had been sum ­ u ie?”
ing out th e boundary line betw een in th e ea rlier days the H ouse cliffs, costs 25 cents, he feels chesty over it
moned home from New Mexico, where
She looked a t him helplessly. “ I Maine and C anada hugged th e w est from th e resem blance to m asonry, but and is satisfied th a t it's the finest neck­
bis power dam had m ade him famouB, am so ig n o ran t," sh e wept. "1 m ust
coast of !he m outh of th e St. Croix now m ore generally known as the tie in the United States.
to take charge of the engineering de­
“ When I purchase a elenn shave at
tru s t you. 1 have nobody else.”
during a thick fog, both Campobello Seven D ays’ W ork. The s tra ta stan d s
partm ent of his company a t head­
"You will n ot re g re t it,” said Cray. and G rand M anan islan d s a re today o ut w ith w onderful d istinctness, the the tonsorial parlor, I alw ay s feel 100
quarters. Ills salary was am ple, he
cliff ru n n in g perpendicularly 200 feet per cent more dignified and am not so
And he knew th e girl was safe there. under th e Jurisdiction of Canada.
had wealth, ho was only tw enty-live;
in to th e a ir and stretch in g along the approachable as 1 wus before. I ex­
Nobody cam e to call a t bis little a p a rt­
yet he had managed to m ake no a c ­
co ast for a mile and a half or more, pect a certain am o u n t of deference on
m ent
quaintances in the big city.
w hile th e p resence of iron and copper the part of the p ro le ta ria t
As th e days passed H elen W are Croix riv e r
A free life In th e W est had m ade cam e to tru s t C ray absolutely. She
“ With those new shoes on my feet I
To th e w est and n orth th e Maine o res gives an unusual play of color
bim different from th e average city- cooked for him , m ended his clothes,
realized th a t I am an Im portant citi­
along its w hole surface.
bred young m an; he th ought th e me reso lu tely refused to ta k e th e money
Sw allow tail, w ith its lighthouse, next zen, and my ch est w as pushed for­
tropolls stiff and its people devoid of th a t he pressed upon her. "I can aw ay in to purple in d istin ctn ess, w hile com es into view, th e long prom ontory ward, and my head tilted back. Mrs.
on a clear day th e fain t line of th e
n ev er fo rg et w hat 1 owe you,” she Nova S cotia shore is visible 40 m iles of rock tak in g its nam e from its shape W agonseller and Mrs. Binnacle were
Suddenly, as he leaned out, su rv ey ­ would say. Bur som etim es th e re would
as seen from th e higher land w here standing In fro n t of the store. They
to th e eastw ard.
ing the huge buildings and speculating be spells of weeping. "1 did not m ean
“M anan,” or “M enan,” is Passam a- th e rock ju ts out from th e m ain is are the sm oothest w om en In town, aud
bow many thousand lives ran on in to kill him ,” th e girl would moan. “I
I am proud of th e ir acquaintance. I
them, a light sprang Into being In th e do n ot rem em b er anything, except sit­ quoddy for island, th e word being
In a very few m inutes th e steam er stepped up w ith old-school courtesy,
building opposite, on th e fifth floor, ting a t borne w aiting for him with
is a t h er dock a t N orth B ead. H ere lifting my b a t and sm iling umbra-
on a level with his. Behind a draw n b ittern ess of h e a rt; th en 1 heard him nam e of P e tit (sm all) M anan, and th e is a very sizable settlem en t, w ith geously, and then those new shoes gave
shade he saw tho silh o u ette of a man come in and w ent to him —and i was
One trav e ler has recen tly said th a t churches, schools, stores, post office, me nway. They Ju st n atu rally slid out
He was stooping over a table and, stan d in g over him w ith th e dagger in
th e cliffs of N ew foundland lib ra ry and a branch of th e Bank of from under me, w ith malice afore­
its Cray w atched, he saw th e shadow my h an d s.”
are higher, they fall Nova Scotia. W hile ca te rin g to sum ­ thought, in the county and state afore­
of a woman behind him. Suddenly her
"You d o n 't recall th e d ag g er?”
of certain m er v isito rs is not a business of su­ said, aud 1 sa t dow n on the concrete
hand plunged downward. T he elon­
"Yes. It w ar a curio of h is; some p a rts of G rand Manan.
prem e im portance to th e resid en ts of pavem ent right betw een the two
gated object In It looked like a friend from a sav ag e country had
th e village as a whole, th e ow ners of women.
poniard. It struck th e man In th e side given it to him. 1 m ust have snatched
“They are p erfec t ladies in every
varying from four to eight m iles from som e half-dozen o r m ore places have
of the neck and he rolled over.
it from th e wall and stabbed h im .' e a st to w est, its w hole w estern coast seen th e possibilities of profit, and in respect, and they tried th eir haugedest
T he woman stood looking a t him for
As th e weeks tu rn ed into m onths,
addition to th e old hotel, recently to look as though nothing unusual bad
a m om ent; then, with a gesture of Cray found him self to rn betw een p resen ts a seem ingly unbroken w all of
happened, us though their gentlemen
trium ph, she flung th e poniard out of two Impulses. He w anted to let the
friends made a p ractice of kerplunklng
th e window, raising the Bhade a little. girl go to som e scene w here she
themselves down on th e sidew alk right
Cray heard a m etallic tin k le In th e would be able to ta k e up h er life
a t their fe e t
oourt below. Then followed d arkness. anew.
And y et—h e knew th a t he
“Perhaps If 1 had got up promptly,
He leaned out, astounded a t w hat loved her.
H er helplessness, her
and bad treated the m a tte r as a Joke,
be had seen and hardly believing it charm , tho bond betw een them nad
they w ouldn’t have been overpowered.
rea l How long he w aited he did not created an Intim acy th a t was infinite­
But the jo lt I got when 1 sa t down
know. Suddenly his bell rang.
m t
ly sw eet. He had been offered a new
m ust have unsettled my faculties, for
H e went out into tho passage and position in th e West. Ouc eight be
I ju st sat there looking a t those shoes,
saw , standing outside th e door, one of took his -murage in his hands and
trying to figure o ut w hat object they
th e most beautiful women whom he asked her to be his wife and go with
bad In banding me such a deal. I sup­
bad ever met. She was tw enty-three or him whero all m em ory of th e past
pose I m ust have been a humorous
four. H er eyes gleam ed with feverish could be forgotten.
Anyhow, a fte r writhing
Intensity, h er h air was disheveled
H e knew iy her looks th a t she loved
around for a m inute, trying to keep
and her hands were red.
him. But she would not.
from laughing, Mrs. W agonseller ut­
"Save me! Hide me! Help m e!” she
"It is your pity for me, Ronald, no*
tered a shriek, aud then Mrs. Binnacle
love,” she said, sighing.
"1 love you,
began to gasp an d gurgle like some
Cray did not h esita te an Instant. He but I can never be your wife so long
strong sw im m er In bis agony, and then
1 »
pulled h er through the doorway and as th is cu rse of blood lies on me."
they ju s t leaned a g a in st each other
led her to the bathroom
He tilled the
"You acted rig h tly ,” he cried h o t­
and let go all holds an d yelled with
i r * j
“No Jury would have convicted
m errim ent.
A bout forty thousand
you. H elen, d earest, forget It and
women cam e up to see w hat the fun
com e w ith me.”
"I cannot," she answ ered sadly. ”1
"I clim bed to my feet, having re­
m ust leave you, and you m ust for­
gained my reason a t last, and deter­
mined to m ake the best of it, so 1 ex­
But on th e next day som ething hap­
plained, as I brushed the dust off my
pened which drove ail th o u g h ts of
raim en t, th a t my shoes were not
p artin g from th e ir heads. T he wife of
equipped witli em ergency brakes, and
th e m urdered man w as a rrested
while 1 w as explaining the blamed
charged with th e crim e.
things did nuother tan g o stu n t and I
outhern H ead
It was known th a t she had been In
sa t down lu the sam e place with a
\ v./ **-
th e city th a t day. She had th re a t rock, varied In spots by touches of opened, ihe visito r may find himself zeal w orthy of a b e tte r cause.
ened him ; th e negro Janitor Identified green, w here th e hardy fir and spruce well cared for In th e sm aller cottages
“ Well, they Just sim ply had to carry
h er as th e woman be bad seen near have gained a precarious foothold, yet and rem odeled hom es of fisherm en.
some of those women into a rest room
th e ap a rtm en t house. And Ronald and w ith th e sum m it rich w ith evergreen
and pour Ice w ater over them . I don't
Records of Many D isasters.
H elen w atched th e unfolding of th e grow th, a ra re scene of m ingled grim ­
G annet rock, w ith Its pow erful lig h t­ see anything so th u n d erin g funny la
grim tria l with dismay.
n ess and beauty.
house, lifts its head to th e southw ard, a man having a hand-to-hand conflict
On th e evening before th e la st day
B ut as one ap p ro ach es th e n o rth ern and th e chronicles of th e rock with w ith his feeb but 1 guess I have no
H elen spoke to Ronald about w hat ex trem ity from th e w est, headland
Its neighboring ledges are reco rd s of sense of hum or.
lay upperm ost in h er mind.
"B efore 1 got those shoes home I
a fte r h eadland looms in tu rn from d isaster, from th e w reck of th e first
I cannot let th a t w oman be con­ w hat before ap p eared im p en etrab le
V *"
had fallen In all the p opular styles.
victed." she said
“I m ust go down cliff, like a succession of crouching
to tal loss of pow erful steam ships, like T here's no sense In m aking shoes with
to th e court and offer my confes­ m o n sters hetd in leash.
soles like greased glass, and I am go-
e E arl of W arw ick In rec en t years.
A portion of th e e a ste rn side is also
T he light w as first kindled on C h rist 'n g to w rite to our congressm an and
Ronald could not d issu ad e uer. He
have him Introduce some so rt of a
rocky, ragged and rugged, b ut th e m as eve, 1831.
knew th a t It was th e only possible
“About five hundred people have told
sid e is in decided c o n tra st w ith th a t max of th e g ran d eu r of G rand M anan's
And all day th ey sat In th e d reary
me of your ground-nnd-lofty tumbling
»aw »ha Shadow of a W om an Behind
of th e w estern side.
courtroom listening to th e Intolerably
H ere a re located th e villages, five in headland, cliff a fte r cliff. Juts out, th eir on the public streets," observed the ho­
long sum m ing up. T he Jury bad at
tel keeper, “ but nobody said anything
ber. N orth Head. C astalia. W ood­
basin and w ashed her hands, drying last retired . Ronald had persuaded w ard 's Cove, G rand H arb o r and Seal heads tow ering 400 feet Into th e air, about new shoes. They all seemed to
them on a towel afterw ard. T hen he H elen not to speak u n less th e verdict
take It for granted th a t you bad been
absolutely In surm ountable except by
was "guilty.”
took her Into his sp a re room.
blowing your savings for h ard elder.”
It w as h ours before th e Jury re ­
"Y ou're quite safe here," he said In
a re num erous sm all Islands, each th e cliffs years ago, by w hose aid the —P lttaburgh G azette-Tim es.
a low voice "Nobody saw you come tu rn ed . A m urm ur spread th ro u g h th e
w ith a nam e of Its own, N antucket. m ore daring a re able to m ake th e a s­
In. You can stay as loug as you w ant
Cupid Early a t W ork.
to ”
was deadly w hite
He trem bled and Long Island, Ross island, C heynes is­ c e n t
The red basaltic cliffs glow ing In the
Sally Lunn relates a sto ry abont i
She crouched In a corner, glaring at looked aw ay from tho p riso n er a land, H igh Duck. Low Duck and o th ­
T h ere could be no ers. T h e p rincipal one of th e se Is­ sunshine, w ith a p atch of g reen here One little boy of nine, who w as spend
him like a hunted beast. 11a heal strain in g eyes.
lan d s Is W hite H ead, containing a fish­ and th ere, w here som e b it of e a rth has lng a lot of tim e a t h e r house. Sh<
tated. than he closed and bolted the doubt w hat th e v erdict was
window and w ithdrew , leaving the
Suddenly Helen sp ran g to her feet. ing population sufficient to w a rra n t a given root to g rass o r sh ru b , m akes a was puzzled w hether he bad fallen 'i
sig h t of com bined beauty an d m ajesty love with her, her cooky board, o
door open It was not till th e sun was
Hut before a word could leave her ch u rch , school and post office.
F or tw o h ours before and a fte r low hardly equaled on th e whole A tlantic her own little boy’s tool room . Ttei
wall up that he heard h e r moving.
lips th e woman In th e dock u ttered a
one day she asked him : “ A ren’t yoi
She came forw ard unstead ily and sh riek and recoiled, clutching a t the w ate r It is possible to w alk or drive c o a s t
ac ro ss th e bar connecting W hite Head
looked In at him as he sa t by the air
At th e so u th ern ex trem ity of the in M ary s room a t school?” Mar
"Yea, I am g u ilty ,” she cried. "H e w ith th e m ain island. F or th e rem a in ­ island is a p ecu liar form ation, m arked waa h er daughter, aged eight.
"W here am IT" she cried. "W ho lied to me. deceived me. 1 learned ing 16 h ours o ut of each 24 th e in h ab i­ on th e m ariu e c h a rts as P innacle rock,
“ Yes, 1 am," he replied.
a re yoaf"
th a t he w as sup p o rtin g an o th er worn ta n ts are sh u t off from com m unica­ but know n to th e fisherm en as th e Old
"I th in k I have h ea rd M ary speal
Cray rose and took h er by tho an. who waa passing as his wife. I tion w ith th e m ain island except by Maid and to th e v isito rs as th e South­ of you."
b an d s
1 am a friend." he answ ered
dogged him to bis home. I entered b o at—save for th e telephone cable re ­ ern C ross R ising 75 feet above the
"W hat did she sa y ?” b e asked, eag
I ou are safe here-— safe to com e or a fte r him. I saw him in th e hallw ay, cen tly laid.
w ater, w hen viewed from certain erly. "Did she say 1 w as h er feller?1
to go*
W reckage-S trew n Squally Point.
and o ver his head a d agger bung It
points. It show s a sym m etrical cross,
"No, 1 don’t believe sh e did.”
She burst Into hysterical sobbing seem ed placed th e re for me. I struck
As th e v isito r to G rand Manan
As one sails p ast th e rocks and
"Did she say I w as try in g to b ef
W hen at last hs had quieted her the him —and th en th e o th e r woman cam e ro u n d s th e n o rth e rn end of th e island.
"No, I d o n 't re m e m b e r th a t sh(
looks back on It he u n d erstan d s the
g irl told Cray her story.
o u t—and sh e sta n d s th e re !"
| on th e deck of th e ste a m e r w hich ru n s source of th e fisherm en's nam e, for It did."
tthe bad met a man tn her home In
And she collapsed unconscious upon 1 from th e m ainland, he will be g reeted tak es th e o u tlin e of a hunchbacked 1 B ut th e c lim a r of th e sto ry came I
V irginia, th ree m onths befora
Me th e floor.
w ith a sa lu te from th e foghorn a t Long woman.
few evenings la te r a t th e dinner ta
had asked her to be bla wits. Her
Helen fell Into Ronald • arm s.
Eddy point. “T h e W histle,” as It Is
G rand M anan Is not a summer re­ ble, w hen M ary s ta rtle d th e famll]
Parents m istru sted him ; she followed
"U ta tru e! It la true!'* sh e cried. know n to th e people of th e Island
so rt In th e sen se of being crow ded' by announcing th a t sh e believed shec
him stealthily, to learn too late that "I rem em ber e v e ry th in g !”
J u s t beyond th e W histle Squally w ith se ek e rs a fte r th e p leasu res of so-1 m arry a law yer s son. w hen she grev
all that bad been said about him was
The verdict of "m an sla u g h te r” was point loom s up above th e rock, w reck clety. Dances, teas, m usicals, form no up, because sh e th o u g h t a law yer’s art
tr u e Me was a gam bler a sw indler
further eased by a m ercifully lignt age etrew n about Its foot, sh a rp aa th e p a rt of th e life of th e sum m er visitor would have lota of b rain s, and aW
Bfca remembered those three m onths
sentence and. with th e o b stacle to prow of a cru iser, to w erin g Its h u n ­
With loethtug. Mer horror of him nad
to th is Island of th e sea. A hundred man w ith b rain s could m ake money
tb etr m a rn eg e removed. Koeaid and d red s of feet Into th e air. Its red walla
And th e d istu rb ed p a re n ts looked th
vrow n. He had deceived her with a
Helen went Meet, w here they sta rted b rillian t In th e late aftern o o n sun. o r tw o genuine lovers of th e sublim e i *oy's fa th e r up, and found th a t k<
w re e o e y . lied to h e r—a t last upon th eir new m e together.
in n a tu re come year a fte r year and
see m in* a sen tin el stan d in g co n stan t *t>w m ore devoted w ith each s o j m n t I w as a law yer!
Night and