— CONDENSED NEWS NOTES — i Ralph Nelson of Scoggins Valley was in town Monday. Rev. Hatch of Gaston was in the city last Saturday. g SAFETY FIRST J. R. Williams, the V c a t woodsaw man, is on the sick list. Al Mrs. B. T. Whited was visiting in | Portland last Monday. Is even more essential in Banking than This bank’s officers are Mrs. Allen Hayden of Hillside was trading in town Monday. not only under bond, but are not per­ Miss Mabel Diedricks spent Sunday in Hillsboro and Cornelius. in other lines. GOFF BROS, Thi he ^ ssocis Miss Carrie Bamford of Hillside was mitted to use or borrow a dollar o f the turd trading with local merchants Friday. bank’s funds. We offer every facility onsidt Lloyd Folger of Spokane was visiting I o o d I his cousin, Kenneth Ives, this week. eatht and extend every accomm odation con­ Bernerd Ortman, who has been visit­ dozen sistent with safe banking. Upon this ing his son at Dallas, Ore., returned tendan basis we solicit your patronage. W e have just finished stock taking home Monday. The Mrs. Fred Ramsey who has been J, and are making special prices on the clai quite ill with lagrippe, is now able to sity am be up and around. over-stocked goods. o’clock Miss Beula James has been helping introdu in the Caples & do. store during the j inventory season. of the I czzioezd I Misses Alice and Lennie Burnworth selected ! were in Portland Saturday night and welcomt attended the theater. did thel Mrs. J. H. Swanson is visiting her manner, daughter, Miss Edith Swanson, and her that no 1 son, Henry, in Portland. power ti Mrs. Mary Littler of Salem is visit­ munity ing her son, Charles A . Littler of the , Forest Grove Pharmacy. Expert Watch Repairing On be Graduate Optician Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman and Presider Twenty Years Experience daughter, Aileen, spent Sunday in visitors, Portland visiting with friends. the editc Mrs. Squire and son of Cornelius almost ii We sell Hazelwood Danish Butter. Save the were in the Grove attending to business STANDARD GOODS ONLY Secrets coupons; see the premium list. matters the first of the week. | for the e BEEF, PORK, VEAL and MUTTON CUTS, Miss Martha Allen who has been visiting Miss Jessie Scott in Scoggins Phil S FRUITS, VEGETABLES and PRODUCE, Pacific Avenue Valley, returned home Monday. retary of PACIFIC MARKET CASCADE’S COFFEES, | sociation fEASand SPICES. CHILI FLAVORLNGS. $11.273.42 on hand Jan. 1st and Miss Eunice Bernard returned Sun­ day from McMinnville, where she had that bod; English Walnuts ............. ........ 15c per lb. the report was accepted and or­ been visiting friends for a week. ing addre dered filed Mrs. C. L. Dennis of Scoggins Val- good adv City Recorder Markham w g A u ey, who has been quite ill with the On Mr. '. . OREGON I FOREST GROVE. With Mayor Paterson, Council- instructed to proceed in the lep&ft fiagrippe is able to be around again. tion was manner to col i cot the assess-'* Thé Forest Grove band boys donned men Coon, Hoar, Mertz and Jones ar T>uld, Recorder Markham Treas- rne1 lr3. * rorn p ro p e rty o w n e r s their new uniforms one day the first of land Tuesday to attend the funeral o f lad, no doilbt, spent the night.1 on Fifth street for thp macadam the wyeK and had their pictures taken, her si^er, Mrs. Martha Cox. A n u m - T h e ha Grove Undertaking parlors Friday, Mrs. Charles Swaney, who hi publishers was vis traded to put *ip new naruyd two representing tin* , lwo representing IHP 7 “ 1uw' r w V ' , T .j .Nancy Moore, and her sister, Mrs. Dan Rev. J, F. Ashley conducting the ser-1 been in the Forest Grove hospital Commercial Club, appea^d and ‘,oa,:d wal^f place of* the de-rParson8 . 1 vices with.burial in Forest View ceme- L* .. , c _____ -I five cents asked that ÜU* city«.council ap- wa s u ^ttston^ip. ^ John Templeton, who%8»quite badly tery. He'ldtve* |to ■ ' m mflurn- h i* fie««, i o r * * * * t lm e - has8° far reC0Ver price at w dUrn* hi* death ™ ^ ^ ^ clblt? to bt? rcmOV6Q Injured one day last week when he fell his parents, five brothers and two be done at IRunt two persons to co-Operafe TfV/t J oe il f r /v i nTOl'V* * * on an icy pavei^pnt, was-able to be on sister* and also manj frieuds. the home of he? parents, Mr with the churches, societies'and 1BQ* ¥ )Cai t r e a n T « ^ Several the streets Monday. , Hundreds of birds are bf were hostesses to the Woman’i when the ble organizatibifcwhifh could look was looking‘ after business interests f. . Ujti could lopk \’ewkair<%Portland have pur- food is covered up by the snow club aj a meetir.g held at thi girls adjou here the first of the week. • atter the needy more wisely and i i ,t * o, > . e * • , T, " u chased thè Stiller -Treainerv in intelligently than the d resent ,»• .* j . < . , j -, 1 this city and are. busily engaged George Jackson of the Forest Grove and the, little things are hungry, j Congregational church Mondaj the Christ Pharmacy - was in I*ertlanm- in ^rtland«January i. Sirs. Weatfall Monday. # tleman did training to the high school course, decided occure ji siren whistl jnvndntion« was adopted, the isii |M>puFkr young-woman of D i^ y , Eugeee Dopp who is a stailent ^ t ^ ). treasurer being instructed to is- whil« Mr. Westfall is a^yjling (^isiness A . C .t and who has been visiting his Mis.- Rhoda Enchede of Forest for the ho6e wagon The city wil speech and aue warrants for ¿.he amounts. and local pi man o f Tualatin, where the young parents near this city during thg vara- Grove will teach domestic science «be asked to pay thi expense. bJ , The city treasurer retailed couple will make their home. for remarks tion peritxl, has returned to his Audi?k an^ Omar Moore, a.su of tliis if t * counci ’men efuse to see* i*t Corvallis. * » Elbert Bed city, will*have charge of the man- that way, the whistle will be pui T. Taylor c Miss Leona Smith, who "has been vis­ ual training. chased by the firen^n. iting her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Erv. It is not often that a rear/ive r ---------- ZZJE____ and A. H. Smith, on Fern Hill, returned the first deer is seen in Forest Grove,"buf Special Stationery Sale at George P. of the week to CorvAllis .where she is one morning last week Henry * Book Store bert Tozier attending the Oregon Agricultural Col­ of Portland Hamilton, who h\es in the north- \\e are making's sp^ial prii lege. Holmes am Wc are at pre>ent showing some ex­ Mrs. J. S. Buxton and daughter, we.-t part of town, saw a full- of 25 cts per box on several hi] Mrs. Jessie Covert, have returned front grown deer come out from among grade'lines and ask you to ceptional bargains in the United States people. Th a visit of several weeks with Mrs. the blackberrv bushes wheie it,and examine it. Enamel Company’s high grade wares, by almost I-tf Rtixton’ s parents at Newport who have sijch as , Grove peopl lived in the city by the sea for many Mesdame years. tertained a i Mrs. Charles Swanev of W ashington, at lunch at who is here visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W . L. Cady, underwent a urday noon. serious operation at the Forest Grove The news hospital recently. She is improving were George rapidly. retary to Gc Mr. and Mrs. Elton W'heeler of Ray. and owner o North Dakota, who were called here E. R. Browi a few weeks ago by the death of the former’s mother, will remain here for ier; E. E. CONFIDENCE, SERVICE, E F FIC IE N C Y nd FAIR* some time and have rented rooms with Enterprise; 1 >, ESS o f Price are the ideals upen which this store We are exceptionally Well lock ed with afull line of Mrs. Jonn Abbott. bard Enterp hopes to increase and hold its patronage Entrost The X-Ray vr.rnmittee of the Con­ H ARDW ARE. TINWARE. STOVES and PAINTS head of the d gregational church held a very pleasant with us your daily wants. Our deliveries ar sure and ism, Universi meeting at the parsonage on Monday prompt. PHONE 061 Carr and J. 1 afternoon of thia week. A fter the White Sewing Machines Low Bros. High Standard Hint First National Bank Forest Grove, Oregon GIVE US A CALL THE PACIFIC MARKET The Market of Service, Quality and Economy M. J. ABBOTT= Forest Grove, Ore. The City Council Holds Long Session LORD & WEIPENBACH ■* iiv . v v / U I T L G U licic» iia v u Is Being Enlarged m Enamebvare Oisli Pans, Berlin Ket­ tles, Lipped Sauce Pans, Double Cereal Cookers and 12 quart Pails.' T ; GORDON & GORDON HARDWARE CO. Vhone m FOftEST GROVE, ORE. business session refreshments were served and a social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Ella Clarke was called to Port- P. S.— We have three private phones ever ready at use them. “ Were on the job ready to deliver tour service the goods."