ED. DAVIS ...OREGON LAND CO... Real Estate Farm Loans Fire Insurance Phone 62 6 SATISFACTION! HERE is one thing that I an1, pleased to note. Every lady who has attended my reduction sale recognized the fact I am doing just what I agreed to do, and for this reason I will continue to sell all $4.00 Ladies’ shoes for $3.50, $3.50 shoes for $3.00, $3.00 shoes for $2.25, $4.50 high top stage heel shoes for $3.75, the best and latest style on the market. 85c rubbers for 65c, $1.50 slippers for $1.00. I have just re­ ceived one of the best lines of bojs’ shoes that was ever made for the money. T L. A FLETCHER, Forest Grove, Ore. Miss Anna Staehr is visiting in Portland today. Mrs. A . Jackson is having a interior of the Commercial Res- Burlingham, representing Forest severe attack.of lagrlppe. : eauran, M S « £ . S & S ffS i Hancock \\ ilos carry Life, ^ Air. Dahlman, representing the Question* Resolved, Phat the Accident & Fire Insurance. 1-tf Portland Journal, was in Forest United States Should Adopt the J. N. Hoffman had legal busi- ness in Portland Tuesday. The Express folks visited rela- tives at McMinnville over Sunday, W. M . McCrady is buildiug an addition to his David's Hill home. Miss Hazel Davies has been visiting Miss Beula Ireland in this j city. Mrs. F. M. Knight living near Dilley is reported as being quite ill at her home. Miss Hellen Killen of Hillsboro, ! was the guest of Elida Loynes Friday and Saturday. Fred Baetty of Portland, was the guest of Miss Jessie Reynolds, of this city, last Sunday. LeRoy VanKirk, the genial mail carrier on route two, has been suffering with sore eyes. Miss M . E. McIntyre enter- . tained Mrs. Hertzog of McMinn- j ville as an over-Sunday guest. Telephone No. 821 when you want to give the Express a news item, a subscription or any other business Grove Monday looking after busi- mess matters. E. C Luce, a former resident of the Grove, was here Monday moving his mother’s household good* ,o Portland. Mrs. E. A. Nourse of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Nourse of Minnesota, were visiting with Mrs Eva Derby on Monday of this week. System o f Military* Training and Service." The local debaters will the affirmative in the de- bate' Admiss,on 25c- ^ ^ n „ . , J & b iT le a m Newberg team in the Pacific University gym last Friday night by a score o f 26 to 27, playing an extra five minutes to break a tie. The game was an exciting one and was witnessed by a large Dr. O. H. Seheetz of Portland, crowd o f enthusiastic rooters. came out Sunday nd spent sev­ J. N. Hoffman, Harry Knauff, eral hours with his mother, Mrs. James Nichols and Perry IziFol- W. P. Seheetz, who has been sick lett were in Portland Saturday in so long. j the interest of the loganberry An interesting program has j ulce industry. They report that been arranged for the formal the prospects are good for the opening of the new $12,000 school location of a loganberry juice building at Gaston which is being factory here in the not distant held today. future. Mrs. Iola I. Handley and The Modern Woodman of For­ nephew, Cap Handley, of San est Grove will install officers this Francisco, who have been visiting (.Friday) evening. Mrs. Handley’s sister. Mrs. Z. Large, and family for the past three weeks, left Sunday for Port­ land, where they will remain for Councilman W. J. McCready a few days before returning home. has gone to Bozeman, Mont., ex Mrs. Handley is an Oregon pio­ Steam and Hot Water Heating pecting to be away for at least neer of 1845 and has four sisters First Class W.ork Guaranteed. living in this state. two weeks. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Mr. O. Bunday left Tuesday for Howard Decuis, of Silverton, Ore., has leased the Forest Grove Lewistown, Montana, where he S h o p w i t h ( • o n i o n miti G o r d o n Tou can get anything in this town . F o r«* ut G r o v e , O r e g o n Restaurant and will be open to will visit for some time with his P h o n e OroifAi • Mrs. W. P. Scheets, who has Shower Given for. been seriously ill for the past four Miss Lillian Elder months, is improving slowly, al­ On 'jjursday evening, Jan. 6 though stijl -(^rffthed to her bed. B. CHOWNING. Prop. the home of and Mrs. J. A t a i l o r T or men Many of the wagons hauling Éltjttr Was .the scene of a deLsL4>f oriuq^arbon lam p. hill the first-of the wwk where ‘ ‘gafdnerJWand »bearing It w ill c o s t b u t little to eq u ip you r hom e she is visiting Editor L. E. tcrMiss Elder in basket.*, each ar­ th ro u g h o u t w ith th ese lam ps tod ay. on any promise we make to deliver work on Howard and family. Miss Sage ticle wrapped to represent a veg­ H. J. W A L R A T H , a tiven date. The^ Express has one of the etable of some sort. T w o D oors W est o f F irst N ational Hank and Mrs. Howard are sisters. Office Phone 4H6 best equipped little printing plants in the After all the mirth had subsid­ Rea. Phone 64 Miss Hazelteen Stockman was ed delicious refreshments were W llamette valley, having- added several +S- hostess to a party of eighteen hu idred dollars’ worth of material to the young people at the home of her served, the d.mng -able being W lliams plant for rarents Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ™ade ^ Stockman in the east part of the ^rden and busy gardaers as a SIGNS, .SHOW CARDS, LANTERN city on Wednesday evening. The center piece, _ --------------- SLIDES* were the hours were plea-antly spent with The invited guests pu|[>oses and more good material is on the music and games and late in the Misses Kate Scott, Elsie Lathrop, ' ^ avc Wurd at Palace Barb*r ShoP watv. The management would very much evening delicious refreshments pioren(.e Webley, Liola House, appreciate it if those in need of stationery, were served by Mi.-» Stockman, Christine M ackrodt, M . E. Me- ||GL ,LIS G RAH AM otlce blanks, or any other kind of printing ™ y S i a b l e one b y S T ” T h ì ì S™ 1* - C ^ e n ce Tern- would call at the office for samples and Attorney» At I>aw present were: Misses Belle Tay- pleton, Kate Lilly, Eunice Ber- prices. If you’re too busy to come to the lor Winifred Littlehales, Oleva nard, Edith Mocroft, Mary Cori, „ Oregon office use the phone and a representative Bt-rger, Maude Franklin, Lucile Mijdred McConnahey, Florence r ° re3t L,rove’ will call on you. PIIONE 821 Connet, C hristina Haçk, t eoma p nc^t V We’ll Make Good wuh A. M. SELEY, . JOB PRINTING . . . I