SoldJffnder a B rflin g Guarantee Back B i t Fail« fo r M a n o r B a a tt H A N F O R D ’S B a ls A a L m o f M y rrh IN IM IN T For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Stiff Neck, Chilblains, Lame Back, Old Sores, Open Wounds, and all External Injuries. M a d e S in c e 1 8 4 6 . ‘ ■ ¡¿ ft* Price 25c, SOc and $1.00 OR WRITE All Dealers SYRACU bX, w Monamobile Oils and Greases and FEDERAL TIRES AND TUBES Free Tire Service. " T H E H O U S E O F S E R V 'C E ." MOTOR CAR S U PPLY CO., Inc. S3 Broadway No. Portland, Ora. W ES T C O A S T o f M EX IC O B*«t I .And In M«x loo. Two Crops Year without irrigation. Reasonable terms, price low. Liter* ature and particulars. MEXICAN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO. RTS Pine Street. PORTLAND, OREGON Double Tread P u n d u r; Proof T i e * Made rrwn your old onee. Leal long ea lir.nJ New TIKES Write us. IIKKCON VULCANIZING CO.. U a j Washington St.. Portland. Ore. LEARN W ATC H M A K IN G Pleasant. Profit,hi*, work not overdone; lew month,' learning: posiUona guaranteed; write for referenee, and particulars. Portland Watchrnuk- lna. Knaravma and O. ticel School, 21*4 Common­ wealth Building, Portland. Ureaon. r i r ' Prsrtlral l-aaaoaa la llygnollast MS Paae Rook. Contains full Inatruction, for development and prartlca of Hypnotism: Truth af thi, wonderful Bctonee. 11.Ml Purack Publiihina Co.. 328 Chain- bar Commence. Portland. Oroaon. Trying to Signal. "W hat did you tell that man who asked you If he couid marry your daughter?" "1 acted aa grouchy as possible.” replied Mr. Cumrox. "I couldn't tell him right out that Gladys has a sharp temper, but I though I'd sort o' hint to him that she might have Inherited oue."— Washington Star. Objection Overcome. Nurse—Tommy, It Is nuughty to play soldiers on Sunday. Tommy—Oh. this Is all right. It's the Salvation Army.—Chicago Dally K cw b . TV, V fi, la lH l Chari and Instruction, in Palm Reading Mir. Purack Publishing Co.. 328 Chatn bar Commerce, Portland, Oregon jiäföwel 1 Mí» (j^ack T HERE Is nothing very literary about the average man’s con­ ception of the Cossack. This formidable individual Is ordi­ narily looked upon as a member of an elite, redoubtable, savage cavalry, who are absolutely lnsensihi« to any such emotion as fear. And, to be sure, the present war has provided both ample opportunity for the test­ ing of that fearlessness and proof of its steadfast refusal to be Intimidated. The Cossacks h tve faced every mur­ derous resource of the twentieth cen­ tury science with the same courage that has distinguished them from their earliest days, writes Dr. I. Gold­ berg in the Boston Transcript. Their lire, their spirit, their abso­ lute recklessness through Are, water and steel are those of a military com­ munity which at one time bade fair to become a nation all Its own. but the role of a modern, purely warrior state was left by history for the Prussia of Frederick the Second. War. however, endangers literature; the warrior needs a Homer for his Iliad. And so. If the Cossacks have themselves been too busy fighting to have time for the production of any­ thing but a rude literature, they have, on the other hand, inspired genuine works of art in England. France, Rus­ sia, Poland. The laBt-named country owes very much Indeed to the inspi­ ration of the wild men of the steppes. The original meaning of the word “ cossack" is that of free marauder, brigand, nomad. "The Steppe," says Gabriel Sarrazin, in his work on the great romantic poets of Poland, "en­ genders Cossacks.” Here, in the mid­ dle ages was the place of refuge for •11 manner of criminals, vagabonds, down upon. Every true Cossack must bristle with a fierce Independence, must burn with a passion for war. And thus In the tale of the Cossack a* d his sweetheart, when we find Os­ tap ready to thrust aside the sword for the love of Marlenka, we must see In his abandonment of the fight the greatest sacrifice possible to a Cossack. We come to the marriage of Ostap and Marlenka. At this mo­ ment a troop of Cossacks Is going by, within Ostap's hearing. The latter, despite all vows, seizes his white steed, jumps on his back and makes a mad dash across hedges, ditches and reaches the plain where the Cossack army is on the march. The war-god has claimed his own. Day by day Marlenka watches for the return of her sweetheart, and at last the army comes back. But Ostap is no longer alive. Marlenka takes one look at the corpse, brought back with full honors. She smiles sadly, sighs, falls and expires. For to Cossacks the war passion is even stronger than that of love. Most of the regular Cossacks, Pascal tells us, form really a celibatory corpora­ tion. Not that this should betoken any continence on their part. It is the freedom from domestic ties rather than any absence of sensuality which is thus denoted. So strong is the appetite for drink that to gratify it a Cossack Is often led to sell his horse. And their horses are really part of their very selves. But mere plunder is not for the Cos­ sack. For he has written somewhere: “ He who desires nothing has nothing. Let the Tartar be content with simple pillage. As for the Cossack, he must CONSUMPTION TAKES 350 PEOPLE DAILY A Lawful Revenge. ‘ I ’m laying for that motorist that almost kndeked me down, an d when I catch him, I ’m going to give him such a pair of black eyes he can hardly see out of them.” “ Aren't you afraid of being arrested for assaulting him?” "H ow can I be? Hasn’t the law said motorists must have their lamps dimmed?”— Baltimore American. Over 350 people succumb to coo. su m p tio n e v e r y d a y in th e U n ite d States, Science proves that the germs only thri ve when the system is weakened fro« colds or sickness, overwork, confininj duties or when general weakness exists. The best physicians point out that during changing seasons the blood should be made rich aud pure and active by tak­ ing Scott’ s Emulsion after meals. Thecod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion warms the b o d y by enriching the blood; it peculiarly strengthens the lungs and throat, while it upbuilds the resistive forces of the body to avoid colds and prevent consumption. If you work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or nervous, Scott’ s Emulsion is the most strengthening food-medicine known. It is totally free from alcohol or anj stupefying drug. Avoid substitutes. Acts as a Shield. “ I don’t like to have my husband prop up a newspaper at the breakfast table. Do you?” “ Oh. I don’t know. It keeps the grapefruit from spattering as far as it otherwise m ight”— Louisville Courier- Journal. Incredible. "N ero fiddled while Rome burned." *T don’t believe it,” replied the man who likes to disagree. “ No violinist ( l*-4i with Nero’s political pull would have j permitted a pyrotechnic display to go on as a rival performance.”— Washing-: ton Star. Useless Question. “ Would your wife vote for you as a candidate for office?” “ I don’t think there’s any use of my j bothering my head about that,” re­ plied Mr. Meekton. “ I don’t believe Henrietta would let me run in the first place.” — Washington Star. Her Jewels. Mrs. Subbubs—I wonder where lit­ tle W illie and David are? Did you see anything of my jewels as you came along, Mr. Nexdore? Nexdore— Yes. I did, ma’am. Your jewels are in soak. 1 saw them swim­ ming in the river.— Boston Transcript. --- I F urs Ship Direct to New York, the I n t e r n a t i o n a l Fur Market, and Secure the Highest Cash Prices, State of Preparedness. “ Do you approve of preparedness?” “ Yes,” replied Senator Sorghum. “ I haven't got the encouragement I'd like for preparedness for war. But nobody can ever say that I wasn’t prepared ! for an argument.”— Washington Star. M O W A R D L. B U R T O N - Aawayer ana TOemivt, ■ ■ Lettdviile. Colorado. Specim en price«: Gold, Bilver. Lead. Si. Gold. S ilver, 75c; G old 50c; Zino o r Copper SI. M n ilin g en velope« » d f a ll price Let •ent o a application. Jontrol and U m pire w o r k » » UoiU*L K eferen oe: Carbonate N ational Hank. Scott A Uowue. Bloom held. N. I.. W hy »hip to the middleman, who mutt eventually sell your fun in N ew York an d make his profit out of you? W e pay the highat market prices. O ur methods of grading are unusually liberal. W e never charge commissions, giving you full value for your fur*. W rite for our price list and specia! otic*. DAVID BLUSTEIN&BRO. A'OJtMl Growing Rate >W Mouaa in Maw York MOW. 27th SL New York. N.T. TYPHOID Is no m ore necessary than S m a l l p o x . Arm y experience bas demonstrated the almost miraculous effi­ cacy, and harmlessness, o f Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated N O W by your physician, you and fo u r fam ily. It is more vital than house insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send fo r “ Have you had Typhoid?” tellin g o f T y p h o i d Vaccine, results from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THt CUTTER LABORATORY, BERT.fl.CY, CAL P tO tM C JN « VACCINES • SCRUMS U N D E « U. S. SOV. LIC C M S I Wifehood Her Aim. Next Door. First Girl Student— Are you going “ How’s your marksmanship?” asked to try for an M. A. next? Second Girl Student— No; I ’m going the bandit chief. "Improving,” replied the trusty lieu­ to try for an M. R. S.— Boston Tran­ tenant. “ I tried out a man this morn­ script. ing in a shooting-across-the-border test.” “ Did he hit his mark?” T R Y THIS EASY W A Y "No. But he came close. He aimed T O CLEAR Y O U R SKIN at New Mexico and hit Arizona.” - » Washington Star. W IT H RESINOL S O A P Bathe your face for several minutes His Device. working the creamy lather Into the “ Hullo, Tom! W hat’s this I hear skin gently with the finger-tips. Then about your having some labor-saving wash off with more Resinol Soap and device?” warm water, finishing with a dash of " I t ’s true, all right. I ’m going to clear cold water to close the pores. marry an heiress.” — Boston Tran, Do this once or twice a day, and you script. will be astonished how quickly the l.ealing, antiseptic Resinol medication Touching the Doctor. soothes and cleanses the pores, re­ "Oh, doctor, I feel funny in side!” moves pimples and blackheads, and “ What have you been eating?” leaves the complexioiLclear, fresh and “ That’s just the trouble, doctor. I velvety. In severe cases a little Res­ inol Ointment should also be used. I ain’t had nothing to eat for a week. Resinol Soap is sold by all druggists, j Can you spare a copper?”— Firefly. Three in One. “ Now this typewriter is equipped with ail the summer attachments.” "Summer attachments?" “ A small mirror, a miniature clock apd a thermometer; everything a girl has to consult frequently."— Louisville Courier-Journal. n a v e H e a lth j , S tro n g, B e a u tifu l K j e i O culist, aud Physicians used Muriue Eye Remedy many years before It v a a offered as a Domestic Eye Medicine. Murine Is S till Com­ pounded by O u r Pbyeiciane and guaranteed by them as a Reliable R elief for Eyes tbat Need Care. Try It In your Eye* and In Ba b y's Eyes — No Smarting —Just Eye Comfort. B o y Murine of your Druggist — accept uo Substitute, and If interested w rite for Book o f the Eye Free. M IU 1 N E E V E U K U t D Y CO., C H IC A G O Helpful Suggestions. “ My bruin Is on fire,” tragically ex­ claimed Johnson as he threw himself COS S A C K S OF THE D O N down upon the sofa and held his head “ Why don't you blow It out?” ah sent mlndedly asked his roommate — refugees and fugitives, who banded to­ astonish the world. If there were a Lehigh Burr. gether Into a confederation. ladder to heaven Itself, or a staircase Capable Crying. Peace at Any Price. Cossaak life and that of Poland have to hell, the Cossack would find his " I hear that beautiful actress wept Strong on Figures. “ Do you let your wife have her own tlma and again Interpenetrated, now way thither and revel in his con­ copiously at the proper places during way?” “ How Is the new bookkeeper on fig' in combat against each other, now quests!” her trial.” tires?” "Certainly, and most of mine.” — Cow “ Cry? She made the official court Sorcerers and Superstitions. “ Always runs to the window when a Joined side by side In a fight against There was among the Cossacks no crier look like a rank amateur.”— ton Transcript. a common enemy. The attack of good one goes by.”— Louisville Cour­ Louisville Courier-Journal. Uohdan Chmlelntek (1618-1657) is the constitution or legislative body for ier-Journal. Had Part of It Already. the steppe. Custom was the only subject of Sienkies'lcz's widely-read Shake Into Tour Shoe« "Ol, O i!” chortled Casey. ” an’ did Mild Way of Saying “ You L ie !” novel. “ By Fire and Sword.” The guide. A conference usually elected Alton's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures Maloney give yez th’ black oye?” swollen, smarting, sweating feet. Maktw Hobbs (telling • tall story)— I as Coasacka of the Don gave Russia no the chief. They are firm believers In painful, He did not.” retorted Murphy with new ahoee easy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe sure you. old mtn, If I hadn't seen it little trouble. Under the leadership magic and sorcery, and not even the Stores. Don’t accept any substitute. Sample dignity, “ be gave me .only th’ black. myself l wouldn't believe It. of Christianity has F R E E . Address A S. Olmsted Le Roy. N. Y. Ol hod th’ oye ahl th Time.” —Medley. of Stenka Razine, who promised free­ introduction Dobbs—Then you’ll understand why dom to all who would follow hl% wholly succeeded in stamping out su­ Unlimited Quantities. I don't.— Boston Transcript. standard, the Cossacks rallied faith­ perstition. In Ctajkowski’s Cossack “ Did Mother Eve really dress in fully to battle. As with all such fig- tales there Is a characteristic scene leaves?" Natural Effect. where a witch Is visited for informa­ "So we are told, my child.” “ I wish, ma. you wouldn't call me drea, legends have grown up around Raxlne, one of which lnlputes to him tion. We find her with her associ­ your lamb before people.” “' * , "W hat a lot of old clothes she must “ Why not. W illie?’” a felt cap which rendered him invis­ ates, Maruska the cat, and a rooster. have had to give away In the fa ll!” — “ Because It makes me feel so sheep ible. .He -was finally captured In 1671. Fire and wax complete the magic out­ Louisville Courier-Journal. Ish.’’— Baltimore American dying i > y torture without so much fit. She lights a fire in the cave and Their Utility. calls the cat forward. Maruska makes as a murmur. Seems Probable. * * " I f everything has a use. what are a circle around the fire, all the time 'F o r a long time the death o ft the "There Is still said to be shortage In Idiots good for?” Good famous leader was doubted, and le­ mewing softly. The witch then melts dyestuffs for ladles' hosiery ” “ Well, If it wasn’t for Idiots, there her yellow wax and places the ques­ gend has It that he pade various ap­ “ Utn. Another white Christmas wouldn’t be anybody to look for gas 1 « « 1 WMJ9 • h e a l t h y to « , Louisville Courier Journal pearances, now among Russian sall- tioner In the magic circle described leaks with a lighted candle or to rock Nin« cow« in t«n can ha b*»tl» healthy and profitabl# If tb« by the cat. Strange letters are writ­ ors. among Persian prisoners and on boats.” — Baltimore American. first Iitpi of reduced m ilk ftakJ 1 « fveognlzed aa a dancer ai?nai the Caspian sea. He Is here repre­ ten down, followed by a good deal of Boeheowa ran o*o*My hr toned np b f th r M e of Of Course. There Were. sented as a white-haired old man. hocus-pocus, and while the rooster how Kure. th# srreat row mediein# U«ed for *weotl Jr**r* f°c tw car« and prevention o f Abo«* crows and the cat slinks into a cor­ "Pop. in the days when people used One hundred years later It was be­ ftlon, Barrwnnesa Milk ^ r e e , S tflu rin f, U fif A ppetite. Bunrhee and R etained A fterb irth . ner. the witch pronounces a terrible to fall down and worship the sun—" lieved that Pougatcheff, who then S t o — fu I H a i t Sold b? dru*in?tF and feed dealer« la “ W ell, my boy?" played a role similar to that of Ra­ horoscope of love, blood and damna­ SOc and tl package* K « h i ««tire "W ere there a lot of heat prostra tion. tine. was really an incarnation of the | Dairy Association Co. fita l !»#rH The steppe is the symbol o f silence, tions?"— Baltimore American. «I renH«rii«a cu r« «H Lvndocviiidg adventurous bandit and good fellow. kind» Af V l of dreams and melancholy. The Cot- man « ihí «mmeii w»lS That’* Different. Soldiers First of All. sacks have their type of lyric effu (Mit operai, n u«»*1 h— Ihr tt-ondcrful Feltcien Pascal, writing in on* of sion, Which repregunte, as Chojeckl I "It doesn't pay to argue with your i ----- -— O ír — kob« r,«ot« wife ” the leading European magazines of has' writfen, "bitter voluptuousness of bu d. and ,.^ M ,h «re . . W h . r . ,,n w «u «n n» " I never get a chance to, but she lì* • » IhH M u n to. the Cossacks and their effects upon suffering Intoxicated with itself." But sometimes argues with me." the literature of the surrounding na­ •hit Is true, concludes Pascal, only of TW C Cff W* Cktarse Medios? Cs. tions, points out thatf4> the novel of the more Intimate songs. For their the Pole Michael Ciajkowski. entitled, warrior ballads reveal the true Cos- M tH A rei Si Portland Ore. M en th » Pa«— “The Zaporog s Sweetheart.” the life sack. with their wild pulsation of the of tho ('«attack and the Ideals for Joy o f combat, and their ardent pas­ which he lives finds one of Ue most sion for the life of strife. ■nd D istem p er, an d a t th s fir s t s ym p to m P . N. U. effective and realtatlc settings. No. 3. 1910 This In a way la a farewell appre­ ailm en t. t i v s sm all doses o f that w ood erfu rem edy, now the most used In exlsten c# First of all, as one by this time may ciation of the Cusack, for the pren­ S P O M N S D IS T E M P E R C O M P O U N D eeaUy guess, the Coeeeck is a soldier. ant war has demonstrated the com­ W “ ” * * * * * « * » «dvaetl— M a s SM». 1 * b o , , l,: M »n d |1S lb s doxen. o f a n y drug For battle he Is born, and In battle he parative uaeleeaness o f cavalry, and w arn _______ ' j gist, harness dealer, or d eliv ered by finds hts most glorious death. T o la­ the Coesack soldier la above all thing« _ S P O M N M E D IC A L C O . Chem ists and B actsrin loaiata. Gob isn, ind.. U. S. A . bor la a ealessltv. and work to looked « cavalryman A Milker C. G ee W o Watch Your Colts Í