The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 12, 1916, Image 3

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    s c a tta oc trade commission
Of General Interest
El Paso, Tex.—S*xtein foreigner,
Washington, D. C.—The secret pro­
most of them Americans en route
cedure of the Trade commission,
from Chihuahua City to Cusihuiriachic,
which, with a majority made up of
Western Chihuahua, Wednesday were
Djmocratic politicians, is nov? “ regu­
taken :’rom s. train about 60 miles
lating’’ big business, is destined to re­ Oregon State Fair Fund
Brief Resume of General News clothing and soot by Mexican bandits. Sadden Drop of l i Kpemlinre houae. a grilling in both the senate and
Shows Balance of $8208
Confirmation of t ’ e news was given
> demand that light be shed on the
Salem — A L_'...ace of $8208.08 is
from All Around the fardi.
feit Oyer ffii* Ana.
by officia'i here _f the Carrarrr. de
operations of what is pronounced the
facto government. The bodies were
iioat secret agency of an unusually se­ shown to the credit of
shipped to Juarez.
cretive administvsti^r —i" U> lueau State Fair fund for the fiscr.1 year
First reports were te ^ v e d here in
by Republican senators and represent­ ended November 30 laat, according to
a message from Thom»» Mf. ilviiuea,
atives when the appropriations for the the annual report of W. a 1 Jonea, sec­
tiie only survivor, to Mrs. Homles, md-
executive branch of the government
retary or tne f air ooara. On Decem­
r liln j her cf h.s s«.o „nivai at ubi-
are considered.
huahua. Inquiries instigated by offi­
Although the commission is nearly a ber 1, 1914, the State Fair fund had a
live News Items of All Nations and cials of the American Smelting & Re­ Extreme Range in Cold Belt Is 128 year old, it haa given practically no balance of $6982.14. Receipa for 1916
fining company developed the details
public proof of the activity, it ib as­ were $60,377.19, and expenses $48,-
Degrees— Montana Has 28 Be­
serted, in enforcing the laws relating 161.26.
The ill-fated party boarded a train
Pacific Northwest Condensed
In the last 12 months many improve­
at Chihuahua City, ii.tendirg to re­
to business. A.I complaints of unfair
low— Suffering Is Great.
for Our Busy Readers.
open properties of the smelting com­
competition and violation of the anti­ ments of a permanent character were
pany at Cusihuiriachic, officials of
trust. acta have been considered and made at the fair grounds, the most im­
which had received assurances of pro­
disposed of in secret. No business portant being the paving of the road
tection by the de facto government.
Kansas City—The Middle West and concern hen been called on openly to from the Southern Pacific railroad
The Moose party convention meets
track to the entrance of the grounds.
According to one account, bandits
Southwest got is first real blast of defend lu stf against a charge of vio- A total of 4346 square yards of bitu-
in Chicago June 7, the same day of the
Republican meeting.
winter weather Thursday and nature’s
lithic and concrete work was done, at
t. coat of $2818.11.
lived up to in advance notices
Irish Nationalists have abandoned
“This I feel is only a starter, and a
their fight against conscription by the
of the weather bureau. The mercury
part of what should be done on
British government.
dropped from 66 to 60 degrees in 24
the grounds in the near future,” says
Jane Addams declares Europe is
Secretary Jonea in his report.
peraturea ranging from zero downward
ready for peace and the end of the war
Completion of the men’s rest cottage
prevail throughout Kansas, lows, Ne­
is up to the neutrals.
on the grounds, at a coat of $1684.63,
braska and this section of M isuari,
Secretary Jonea pointa out, proved a
The first 11 days’ receipts at the
Oklahoma and Texaa, too, felt the
great convenience. The removal of
Portland postoffice are $10,912 more
drop Snow is failing in much of the
the livestock department to the rest
than for the same period last year.
cottage relieved the congestion in the
“ We ’.ook ior temperatures ranging
Fire in the film cutting room of a
offices of the administration building.
from 10 to 20 degrees below zero in
moving picture company at Santa
Among the other improvements made
Kansas and this section of Missouri,’’
Monica, Cal., caused $80,000 damage.
during the year waa construction of a
said an announcement of the local
water tower at a coat of $403.90;
Eastern Washington is in the grip
weather bureau.
tower equipment, $606.73; repairing
of zero weather. The thermometer at
Train service into Kansas City is
poultry house, $102.86; fencing,
Spokane stood at 6 below; Waterville,
delayed, streetcar service in all of the
$284.98; repairing race horse barns,
24 below; Endicott, 23.
cities affected haa been seriously inter­
$166.20; improving new exhibition
Sixteen travelers were taken from a
fered with, telegraph and telephone
building, $1139.14, and permanently
companies are fighting vainly to main­
train in Mexico by bandits, stripped
wiring the camp grounds, $318.96.
tain communication on sleet-covered
of their clothing, then shot. Most of
From the fair groundis farm but
wires and farmers and producers have
the victims were American citizens.
866.6 bushels of poor quality oats, 80
been warned that it is t o cold to ship
tons of clover hay, 22 tons of cheut
The Tube mill strike at Youngs­
perishable products.
nay and 3700 pounds of red clover seed
town, Ohio, which resulted in the
In Kansas City the death list from
vvw obtained. The clover seed waa
death of several persons and property
accidents as a result of the storm re­
e* ft» good quality and sold for 18.6
damage of over a million dollars, is de­
cania a pound net. Mr. Jones advises
clared off and the city has quieted
score of perpons are in hospitals recov­
the oofli-d that at present ail the clover
ering from injuries.
ia klii*vd by the midge and plowing
The Germans and Austrians who
North Fixtte, Neb., reported the
irn» none in the spring.
lost territory to the Russians are with­
lowest temperature in the new storm
,:ng of the exhibits at the fair
drawing stores of supplies that were
area—18 degrees below zero.
Congressman John A. Key of Ohio, last yea? Secretary Jonea cal la atten­
to have been used in the spring cam­
A bizzard prevailed all over Kansas. chairman of the houae pensions com­ tion to tho fact that the new pavilion’s
paign, realizing their efforts would be
Snow measuring from two to four mittee, ia the author of a bill pro­ lower floor wan filled with agricultural
a failure.
inches fell in that state.
viding for penalona for the widows exhibits from 18 counties, which were
The weather map issued by the local of the men who died In the Spanish- the beat evar ohewn. The excellence
Representative Fees, of Ohio, se­
bureau shows a range of 128 degrees American war. It carries an appro­ of other claaac t of exhibits was com­
verely arraigns Great Britain in a
in the United States and Canada dur­ priation of about $2,500,000.
speech before congress, declaring that
mented on.
ing this storm. Little Rock had the
government has broken all interna­
That more attention be given by the
highest reading — 70 above—while
tional sea laws by violating the rights
board to the race wont* next year is
Prince Albert, Canada, had the lowest
of neutrals.
Republicans contend that the public recommended. it. it's suggested that
,—68 below. The map shews the
not know whether unfair compe­ the track either be .vit to half a mile
Good authority declares that Eng­
Northwest still is firmly held by an un­
ia so prevalent that the commis­ or more entries be requir-xL
land and France are preparing a vigor­
precedented cold wave that has pre­
In the livestock department the re­
been swamped with com­
ous note in answer to the United
Congressman William A. Jones of vailed in that section for a week. plaints, or so rare that few grievances port shows that 1607 animals were ex- '
States' arguments and demands con­
Temperatures of 48 degrees below zero
hibited, as follows: Horaea, 264; cat­
cerning the neutral trade policy be­ Virginia, as chairman of the Insular in Montana, 40 below in North Dakota have been filed.
tle 662; sheep 266, and swine 426.
tween these countries.
resentatives, will lead the fight again and 32 below at Rapid City, S. D., complaints have been filed, but refuses
Fire caused $26,000 damage to the this year for the Philippine bill, in­ prevailed.
College Plans to Extend.
On the 28th anniversary of the most to divulge disposition of specific cases.
Daly Hotel at Great Falls, Mont., and creasing the liberty of the Filipinos.
Although admitting that this secret
of the 60 persons in the hotel, four, in­ Another measure that will be intro­ terrible blizzard of which there is any procedure is not prohibited by the law.
Albany—In connection with the cele­
cluding a woman, escaped scantily clad duced by Mr. Jones will be the Porto record in this section, during which Republicans charge that it is contrary bration of the semi-centennial of its
by sliding down a rope fire escape. The Rican bill, which failed to reach the
organization, next June, Albany Col­
stock perished from cold, the mercury to the intent of the statute, which pro­ lege hopea to lay the corner stona for
temperature at the time was 30 de­ houae last session.
registered 9 degrees below zero in
grees below zero.
its first building on us new campus.
Omaha. This temperature was accom­ satisfied that the law is being violated Several months ago the collego pur­
Plans to strengthen the National stopped the train and ordered the panied by a heavy fall of snow and a it shall cite the offender to a public
hearing. The commission has adopt­ chased a 48-acre tract southwest of
guard instead of establishing a conti­ party to descend.
Holmes, however, strong north wind.
this city and has developed extensive
nental army as contemplated by the slipped into the lavatory and from his
Sioux Falls reported temperatures ed the procedure of confidential inves­
War department were proposed to Pres­ hiding place witnessed the stripping ranging from 1 IS to 24 degrees below tigation of complaints and asserts that plana for a complement to new build­
ings there.
ident Wilson by Chairman Hay of the of clothes from the prisoners.
rero, with a snow and wind atorm rag­ no public hearings have been necessi­
No process has been made toward
house military committee. Mr. Hay
The party was then marsh s.ed down ing. Norfolk, Neb., reported 20 be­ tated because in every case either the
accused concern has abandoned the new buildings yet, for the reason that
did not reveal how his suggestion was the track, escorted by a firing squad. low and Winner, S. D., 40 below.
the college waa bending all its ener­
received by the President.
A* Holmes stippl'd from the car and
At Sioux City 28 degrees below was practices complained of or the accuser gies to complete its endowment fund.
The trial of Mrs. Elizabeth F. Mohr,
The recent gift of $60,000 from James
declared, he heard shrieks, fol­
who, it is alleged, instigated the mur­ he
J. Hill, which waa made upon the con­
Wai-meat Spot 26 Below,
der of her husband, Dr. Mohr, is in
dition that the college raise an addi­
Great Falls, Mont__ Northern Mon­
progress at Providence, R. I. It will
tional $200,000' first, has given Al­
tana experienced the coldest weather
be shown it is said, that the chauffeur
bany college an endowment fund of
in years Thursday night. The weather
stopped his auto in a dark spot, when
more than $260,000.
bureau thermometer in Great Falls
the physician and his companion Miss
Washington, D. C.—Secretary Gar­
showed 36 degrees below zero, this be­
Burger, were shot from ambush.
Apple Export Has Spurt.
ing the warmest spot in this region. rison told the house military commit­
River—While space on trans-
The English government, in the in­
Malta was the lowest, with the ther­ tee at a hearing Monday that compul­
terest of national economy, has noti­ hold its National convention on June mometer at 68 below and Glasgow was sory service was the only really ade­ Atlantic linera haa been reserved on
quate basis on which to construct a dates as late as the middle of March,
fied all trade unions in the country 7 in Chicago, concurrently with the a close second with 66 below.
military policy compatible with the it is likely that all the Hood River
that in view of the pressing emer­ National convention of the Republican
crop of 800 carloads of Newtown ap­
idea of democratic government.
gency no further advances in wages
Cyctone Wrecks Town.
The secretary made the assertion ples will be cleaned up before that
should be considered except those aris­ party, in the hope that both agree on
Nashville, Tenn.—Four persons were merely as an expression of personal time.
ing automatically from existing agree­ the same candidate for president.
The Apple Growers’ association had
ments and necessary adjustments of
This action was decided on by the injured by a cyclone which swept Mad­ sentiment, he said, and did not elabo­
local conditions.
National committee of the Progressive ison Station, nine miles from Nash­ ra tio n it. Hia statement waa regard­ made a record this year for the excel­
lent condition in which fruit haa been
party. Forty-seven of the 48 states ville, late Thursday. Several houses ed as significant, however.
were destroyed.
Fakers exact $176,000 from six St. were represented st the meeting.
Representative Shallenberger asked delivered. Out of the approximate
Louis men.
Secretary Garrison if universal mili­ 460,000 boxes that have so far been
Before adjourning the committee
Lynching Intent Hinted.
tary obligation did not make it possi­ handled not e single box haa reached
A Jewish relief day has been auhor-
El Paso, Tex.—General Jose Ynez ble for nations to be drawn into war the purchaser in poor condition.
which the administration of President
isod by the senate.
Wilson was criticised for its failure to Salazar, ex-Mexican army officer, fled despite the wishes of the majority of
Gaston Girls to Be Cooks.
Opponents of Oregon’s blue law, deal adequately with National honor El Paso Thursday nigbt, fearing re­ the people.
“ I do not think France or Germany
Gaston—At a meeting Saturday the
which was upheld by the Federal court, and industrial welfare, and the Pro­ prisal by enraged American mining
will appeal to the United States Su­ gressive party went on record as fa­ men. It was reported that a party of would be waging war if the majority school directors of the Gaston district
preme court.
voring a complete preparedness con­ 20 Americana called at Salazars hotel of their peoples did not favor it,” re­ decided to add domeetic science and
The object of plied the secretary. “ No nation ever manual training to the high school
sisting of military armament, as well early in the evening.
The bouse of commons voted 403 to as mobilization of all the country’s re­ their visit was not explained. Shortly is at war at variance with the wishes course. Miea Rhode Enschede, of For­
106 in favor of the Asquith bill which sources.
after the arrival of -he Americans the of the great majority of its people.”
est Grove, will teach domestic science
requires single men of certain ages to
chief of police and the county sheriff
and Omer Moore, of the eame piece,
enter the war.
appeared at the hotel with a posse of
will have charge of tne manual train­
Suffragists Win Point.
Cabinet Wilson's Guests.
Washington, D. C.—The Susan B. ing. The formal opening of the new
Wsshington, D. C,—The snnusl cab­ policemen.
King Ferdinand of Bulgaria will be
Anthony amendment providing for $12,000 school building will bo next
crowned emperor of Macedonia at inet dinner was given in the suite din­
Denver Arrests Fewer.
woman suffrage waa reported favor­ week, and arrangements havs been
Monastir after a brief visit to several ing-room of the White House Tuedsay
Denver—A tabulation of police ar­ ably to the senate by the suffrage com­ made for an interesting program.
leading cities in Bulgaria.
night by President and Mrs. Wilson. rests in Denver for the first ter, days mittee. “ In our opinion, every princi­
The right of hard cider to a place in It was the first of a series of formal of 191$, whun state-wide prohibition ple upon which universal manhood
Sons Giva Flag to Court.
dry Oregon is now questioned. Sam­ dinners that will make the social sea­ became effective, shows s total of 149 suffrage rests demands the extension of
Pendleton—In the presence of e
ples of some cider that was finding an son at the White House. The ruesta for various offenses as compared with its privileges end responsibilities to number of school children, the Umatil­
unusually brisk market were taken by included besides all the members of a total of 401 for the same period of women,’’ ssid the report. “They are la County Circuit court Wednesday re­
the Portland police and turned over to
cabinet and their wives several iawt year. Twenty-three arrested for subject to the laws, ere taxed for the ceived a beautiful silk
the city laboratories for analysis to de­ high officers of the army and navy
drunkenness as compered with 76 for support of government, and subject Oregon Society of
termine the amount of alcohoL
to a common political destiny.”
tbs first tan days of 1$15.
About Oregon
Progressives to Meet in Chicago
O Same Day as Republicans
Compulsory Military Service Is
Held Best by Secretary of War