QUjc Jorcai ($ra a t iEiftrMfl Published every Wednesday at Forest Grove, >n ?on. W. C. Ben/er, Editor and Publisher. TEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, W H Y TH E EXPRESS ? “ Why does anybody want to start another paper it i Fc ‘CutOrcvc?1 queried a man in the writer’s hearing a few days since. T1 e question is a fair one and the editor of the Express will answer it to the be«' of his limited vocabulary. The Express was started to enable the editor and his family to live. (Rather a frank statement, isn’t it? Well, all the statements in this article shall be of the same character.) Having sold his newspaper at Price, Utah, because somebody placed a higher value on it than its then owner, the writer began to look around for a new location. Knowing nothing of any other business, he naturally looked for a town that looked like It needed a newspaper. His mother and brother reside at McMinn­ ville and they asked him to look over the Willamette valley. He did so and decided that Forest Grove was the one best outlook. Taking an op­ tion on the plant o f the Williams printery, to be redeemed on or before January 10th., he returned to Utah ar.d sold such o f his chattels as he did not care to transport. On Monday, January 3rd., the writer, his better half, their married son, W. L., and wife and child and the former couple’s eleven-year-old son, Kenneth, arrived in Forest Grove, rented a honse and became residents of one of the prettiest and best towns in the valley. They like it here and hope they are not intruding. So much of personal history. The Express will be independent in politics; its editor has neither friends to reward nor enemies to punish, so it will be a clean and friendly little paper. So long as he is a good citizen, the most humble person in the community will be treated with the same courtesy as the most influential, and yhen the editor feels that criticism of a citizen’s acts will redound to the benefit of the community, the criticism will be made, regardless of the name or the size of the bank-roll of the offender. That’s what the writer calls a square deal. No one need expect any­ thing else. "H ow long will you stay?” another man asked. That depends on the patronage given the Express. The publisher has already spent more in getting started than he will take in in a year, and he has more to spend, if necessary, bu. if it appears, after a fair trial that the Express is not going to earn a living ami fair profit for its owner, it will bft dis­ continued. Some months will be required to determine this fact. If the paper should ever be discontinued, all unearned subscription money will be returned to those who paid it. That is our promise and it will be fulfilled. The Express publisher has no desire to run anybody out of busi­ ness, if he could. And, judging bv the entrenchments thrown around the other publishing house, he couldn't injure that if he would. If the Benfers hadn't come to start a paper, somebody else would have done so, for when the writer was in this city during November last, he was told of a man who was writing local people with a view to starting a paper here. So the Benfers are here, instead of the other fellow. They are willing to play fair with every resident of city, county and state; and, judging from the friendly manner in which they have been received they believe they will be treated fairly by the people of this charming little city. Copies o f the Express will for the next three weeks be left at every home in Forest Grove and many will be mailed to persons living outside the city limits. This is done at the publisher’s expense to intro­ duce the paper. If you haven’ t ordered the paper, it will not be charged to you. So look thru the Express, judge it by its utterances, but do not jump at conclusions that the first few numbers are the best, for they are published under difficulties and in a few weeks the paper will be im­ proved. New material will be added and, as the editor becomes better acquainted, he will be able to find more news. In this connection all friends are asked to telephone in any news they would like to see in the Express. Remember, old residents have a hard time getting all the news and newcomers will have a harder time. Help us help ourselves. Thanks for your patience. W. C. BENFER, Editor. NOTES AND COMMENTS Nearbeer is said to taste more Rider for president, it begins pleasant than the old kind and it to look as if a bloodless war of doea not cause in the drinker a words was on between these two desire to kill somebody. ’ Rah illustrious statesmen. for nearbeer! j , — \\ hile not all the business and The telephone companies of the Pr°b ‘ssional men of this city have valley suffered considerable dam- bet‘n solicited so far lor advertis- age from the recent snowstorm in ‘nK* Express carries a nice the way of broken wires, but there l*ne of publicity for many of the was little interruption in the ser- most enterprising firms of the vice in this city. city- Subscribers and others who read the Express should look over The news that Oregon lumber­ these announcements in search of ing concerns are receiving big bargains. orders and are sending men into While many people are congrat- the woods to cut logs „laVinn Robert p u . on , should .. - give ulatmg P. wirtz Wirtz his every Oregonian a feeling o f op- . timism. ........ :i„ appointment as postmaster Look pleasant and smile. forest (.»rove, they are not doing this because they care to be rid of Henry Ford of jitney fame may Postmaster Hines, who has made not have stopped the European a very efficient postmaster. It is war. but he spent considerable a case of one good man making good American money trying, way for another of the same which is more than can be said of high standing, but of different po- some of the editors who are pok­ liticai ideas. ing fun at the auto king. 7"ZTr^ Tu A very successful meeting cf the Washington County Teachers’ A<weetheai ts restaurant business in Oregon E L E C T R IC T R A IN S spent several very pi* asant hours for eight years and knows how OREGON ELECTRIC TIME CARD D ated O ct, 12. ISIS at dancing, card playing and the : the business should be conduct- Arr. Pt. L t . Pt. discussion of an excellent lunch. ed. He says he will give the L t . F. G. Arr. F. G. The club rooms were thrown open people o f Forest Grove a nice i 6:20 a m 7:40 6:50 a m 8:07 for the comfort of the members j clean place, where the best o f 7:05 a m 8:30 8:15 a m 9:32 and their guests, many of whom food is properly cooked and 8:15 a m 9:35 10:25 a m 11:40 9:45 a m 11:00 1:15 p m 2:25 for the |first time tasted of K. of served. The new owner opened 12:30 p m 1:60 3:30 p m 4:40 P. hospitality. \ up for b u s i n e s s yesterday 3:45 p m 5:00 5:25 p m 6:40 j (Thursday) morning. His prices 5:30 p m 0:50 6:15 p m 7:25 Mr. Hoffman’s Views are very reasonable and his cof­ 7:55 p m 9:20 s7:20 p m 8:40 With the passing of our city election, s9:45 p m 11:00 11:15 p m 12:40 the adherents to the Conservative Citi­ fee is good for what ails you. 8-—Saturday only It P. E. & E. zens ticket have much to be thankful for. We have demonstrated that our efforts have not been wholly in vain. The showing has been more than satis­ factory. Out of this defeat, without doubt, will come a measure of victory. Our citizens have hail opportunity of expressing themselves at the polls; this expression has shown that many of our taxpayers and laborers are not wholly in sympathy with the past year’s management o f our city affairs. This showing will tend to temper and correct future action on the part of those having charge; the showing should encourage the people to greater effort in the demand for their rights. The campaign on behalf of the Con­ servative Citizens ticket, was carried on without organization and each citi­ zen labored independently, without promise or hope o f gain, other than the securing of what they deemed to be the rights o f every citizen; the showing should encourage organized effort which will eventually win out. The voters were not fully advised and in­ formed as to the platform o f the Con­ servatives, and the efforts of the ad- herenta was often misconstrued. We believe that many times the majority are fully in accord with the principles, once they are able to fully understand w^Bt *■ *° *>« brought about. Let u* *n try with our he,p to brin* about a more prosperous year and as- ,Ut in th* bett*rme,,t of ^ i t i o n s . We .’should bear our burdens plainingiy. We take this opportunity of thank­ ing our many friends for their liberal support. J. N. H o ffm a n . Notice to Star Theatre Patrons Owing to the bad weather, we will be open but three days each week—Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. The Red Circle serial will be discontinued for three weeks and Wednesday will be Gold Rooster feature day; Saturday Metro feature and Monday a good gen­ eral program o f five reels will be shown. __ Several dozen editors of the \Vil|amette Valley will be in town Saturday and the Express hopes Forest Grove people will go a lit- tje out of their t entertain them, so that when the editors get back home they will aiway re­ member what a nice time they had in the Grove. But, of course, the citizens of Forest Grove will He Knows Hi* Business With Theodore Roosevelt call­ do this, without a suggestion from H. G. Decius ifj the name o f a ing President Wilson a “ logo- the Express. , gentleman who arrived from La- thete” and the president charg­ i\ r» . , _ Grande MSIVAV • a »Cf» few days a ÖIUV.C since a and m ing that the millionaries o f the ; 7 ? * w1** mnodt‘hn* the in- purchased the Forest Grove Res- country are behind the Rough teior o( h » home. uurmM, H . h - been in the While this issue of the Express is da«ed Wednesday, it was not put out until Friday, owing to the large amount of work necessary in getting out a first number. Hereafter the papers will be print­ ed Wednesday and mailed that evening or the following morning. The Metro Film Company presents Edmund Breeze in ELECTRIC TIME CARD Friends here have received word o f the marriage o f Paul Griffith o f Fir- dale, Wash., to Miss Delia Fournier, of Dayton, Wash. The wedding was solemnized at Dayton on December 15. Mr. Griffith is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Griffith who formerly were res; idents o f this city, and is a graduate of the Forest Grove High School. The j young couple are making their home at Menlo, Wash., where the groom has a position with a lumber company. GILMORE’S U. F. G. Arr. Pt. 6:35 a m 7:55 t7:20 a m 8:45 t9:42 a m 11:10 12:35 p m 1:50 t2:00 p m 3:20 3:55 p m 5:15 t4:34 p m 5:55 t6:22 p m 7:45 9:35 p m 10:50 t—Thru m arket a—Sat and L t . Pt. t7:15 t8:45 11:00 2:15 t3:30 5:40 t6:15 8:00 t i l :15 ssl:00 Arr F. G. a m 8:35 a m 10:05 a m 12:15 p m 3:35 p m 4:50 p m 7:00 p m 7:35 p m 9:20 p m 12:35 p m 2:20 ss—Sat & Sunday grocery “ Home” of Government Inspected Meats and “ All Good Things to Eat” Quality First is Safety First Originator of Penny Change System in Forest Grove. One Order will convince you. Phone 692, FOREST GROVE, ORE. Keep Your Money AT h o m e spend it in Forest Grove, and you have a very good chance of seeing it again ; you may even handle it again. Even if you never see it again, some o f your neighbors will get it and use it to build up Forest Grove and Washington county. No matter whether you need groceries, clothing, shoes, automobiles or Job Printing- this advice is worth considering, for many a town has been promoted to the city class by the patriotism of its citizens in refusing to send away for things they could get at home. THE EXPRESS plant is fully equipped for all classes of job printing, printers o f taste and judgement are employed and you can get almost any kind o f stationery the most exacting fancy might crave. Come and see. . . ifJ ou think you have some reason for not patron- izing the Express, take your work to the other local office. Either will do more for Forest Grove than some printing concern outside the city or county. WE’RE IN THE HOFFMAN BUILDING W e s t of the N e w I . O . O . F . B lo c k Phone S2 1 Forest Grove« Oregon