The Forest Grove express. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1916-1918, January 12, 1916, Image 1

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Voi. 1, No. 1
$1.50 per Year
At last Monday’s city election,
majority of the patrons of the
the people of Forest Grove elected office.
the candidates on the “ People’s”
Robert Wirtz, the successful ap­
ticket by majorities of almost two plicant for the position, has lived
to one, indicating that they are in Forest Grove for thirty-three
pretty well satisfied with the pres­ years and is so well known to the
ent administration, for five of the citizens that he needs no intro­
duction at the hands of the Ex­
successful candidates are mem­ press. He has been city treasurer
bers of the present city adminis­ for five years and was last M on­
day re-elected for another term
The question as to whether or (which he will resign as soon as he
not the motion picture theatre is officially informed of his ap­
pointment as postmaster.) He
should be allowed to operate on was for two years deputy county
Sunday called out the big vote recorder, was for a term secretary
and was decided in the negative to the state game warden, has
taught several terms of school and
by a vote of almost two to one.
other positions of trust, filling
The vote on the various candi­
all with credit to himself and
dates is as follows:
those who placed him in office.
For Mayor—
With such a record, there is little
Geo. G. Paterson, People’s .. 408 doubt but he will satisfactorily
J. N. Hoffman, Citizens’ ......... 270 administer the affairs of the For­
est Grove postoffice.
City Treasurer—
Robert P. Wirtz, People’s
H. G. King, Citizen’s ............. 228
M R Markham, both tickets 585
More than one hundred Odd
Councilmen (two years)—
Fellows of the subordinate and
W. B. Coon, People’s.......... 470
Rebekah degrees assembled at I.
D. D. Bump, Citizen's............ 341
O. 0 . F. hall Wednesday evening
Ives J. Hoar, People’s .............353
of last week to witness the install­
R. P. Nixon, both tickets....... 575
ation ceremonies of the two local
James F. McGill, Citizen’s
lodges of that order. Deputy
Shall Picture Shows Operate
President Mrs. Margaret Mallory
on Sundays—
installed the lady Odd Fellows,
Y es..... ........................................235;
while District Deputy Grand Mas­
No..... ......................................... 4151 ter R. C. Walker performed a
Six hundred and eighty-seven
votes were cast, the greatest num- a like service for the officers
her ever polled in this city at a of Washington lodge. Miss Tay­
lor and Mr. McGill assisted in the
municipal election.
Manager Hoffman of the Star work and all the installing officers
Theater was, of course, in hopes showed proficiency in the work
that the people would vote to al­ entrusted to them. Following are
low him to operate seven nights the new officers of the Rebekah
in the week, but he informs the lodge:
Lulu Van Doren, noble grand;
Express that he accepts the ver­
dict of the people without any Sylvia Bernard, vice grand; Mary
hard feelings, and will abide by Hill, secretary; Josephine Wright,
treasurer; Anna Tolke, inside
the verdict.
The following acted as judges guard; H. R. Bernard, outside
guard; Mary Porter, chaplain;
and clerks:
Bertha Ortman, R. S. to N. G.;
South Precinct—C. W. Odell, Alice Parsons, L. S. to N. G.;
Mrs. C. E. Walker and J. F. Anna Templeton, R. S. to V. G.;
Williams, judges: Don Giltner Anna Staehr, L. S. V. G .; Mrs.
and Mrs. S. E. Todd, clerks.
Ingersoll. warden; Mrs. John Me-
North Precinct— Miss Manche Namer, conductor.
Langley, Mrs. N. A . Frost and
The new officers of Washington
Harvey Rogers, judges; E. J. lodge are: Brady Chowning, no­
Boos and Mrs. J J. Wirtz, clerks. ble grand; L. G. Morley, vice
The city council will meet next grand: R. M. Taylor, secretary; H.
Thursday evening to canvass the T. Giltner, treasurer; Claude Da­
vote at which time the old coun­ vis, warden; S. G. Morgan, con­
cil will give way to the new.
ductor; R C. Hill, chaplin; Wm
It is possible that Treasurer Van Antwerp, R. S. to N. G; Dan
Wirtz will resign at this meeting, Pierce, L. S. to N. G ; J. H.
in which event Mayor Paterson Shearer, R. S. to V. G; Chas.
will probably appoint his suc­ Van Doren. L. S. to N. G: How­
ard McGill and A. L. Sexton,
right and left scene supporters;
T. C Lord, inside guard; Wm.
Haskell, outside guard.
Following the installation came
a very enjoyable program of recit­
Tuesday’s Portland papers car­ ations and music and a lunch that
ried press dispatches from Wash­ was greatly enjoyed by all. It
ington, D. C., announcing that was a big night with Forest Grove
President Wilson had named Odd Fellows.
The Rebekahs and
The Odd Fellows
Robert P. Wirtz
To Be Postmaster
Robert P. Wirtz as postmaster at
The Encampment
Forest Grove and that gentlemen 1
Wednesday evening the officers
has been receiving the congratu­
lations of his friends for the past of the Encampment degree of Odd
three days. No official informa­ Fellowship were installed by C.
d e p u t y
tion of the appointment has been W. Odell, district
received by Mr. Wirtz other than grand patriarch; V. S. Abraham,
the published reports, but there district deputy high priest; R. M.
is little doubt of the appointment Taylor, district deputy senior
warden; Geo. M. Littlehales, dis­
and subsequent confirmation.
trict deputy grand scribe; E. W.
Postmaster Hines’ term does not Haines, district deputy grand
expire until Feb. 15th and thjwe treasurer, and J. F. McGill, dis­
is plenty of time for confirmation trict deputy grand junior warden.
by that date. Dr. Hines infonns That the work was done accord­
the Express that, upon his retire­ ing to the regulations goes with­
ment from the postoffice, he will out saying.
resume the practice of medicine in
The new officers are: H. D .
this city. He has made an excel­ Ott, chief patriarch; Bernard Ort­
lent postmaster and will retire man, high priest; James Devlin,
with the good wishes of a large senior warden; S. A. Walker,
scribe; J. H. Shearer, treasurer;
Wm. Van Antwerp, junior warden;
R. M. Taylor, guide; Geo. M
Littlehal°s, first watch; A. L. Sex­
ton, second watch; L. G. Morley,
third watch; Chas. Van Doren,
fourth watch; T. C. Lord, inside
sentinel; J. W. Potwin, outside
sentinel; E. W. Haines, first
guard of tent; V. S. Abraham,
second guard of tent.
Previous to the installation, the
members and a few visitors en­
joyed an oyster supper, served in
the banquet room and, after the
officers were installed sixteen mem­
bers of the Rebekah degree, in
neat white gowns, gave a very
fine exemplification of the floor
work of their lodge, executing
some very pretty and intricate
This was followed by a program
consisting of music by the Walker
orchestra, two piano solos by Miss
Mallory, several songs by Rollie
Parker ano a recitation by Mrs.
R. M. Taylor. All in attendance
appeared to enjoy the program to
the uttermost.
Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Elder,
Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Dunlap. Mr
and Mrs. F. D. Gardner, Mr. and
Mrs.C. L. Wagner, Forest Grove,
Mrs. A. E. Lathrop, of Hood
River; Leah Leiser of Vancouver,
Wash.; Mildred Feudner of Ore­
gon City; Edith Kuney of Salem;
Rhoda F. Rennison, Elsie Lath­
rop, Bertha G. Howard, Jessie
Reynolds, Ruth Howard, of For­
est Grove; Fred E. Beatty, of
Portland; I. W. Gardner of Stay-
ton, Oregon; Will Haskell, Will
Enchede, Lambern Elder, Orvyl
and Harold Howard.
Charter Day at
Pacific University
Wedding Bells
Charter day exercises were held
One of the prettiest weddings in the parlors of Herrick Hall
celebrated in Forest Grove in Wednesday evening, Jan. 12,
many a day was that of Lillian when students and friends cele­
Elder and A. E. Gardner, at th e1 brated the sixty-second anniver­
home of the bride’s parents, Mr. sary of the founding of the Uni­
and Mrs. J. A. Elder, at 1:30 versity. Owing to the deep snow
o’clock Wednesday afternoon. only a few townspeople attended.
President Bushnell presided
Rev. Dunlap of the local M. E.
gave a short talk, calling atten­
church, performed the ceremony, tion to the struggles of the pion­
which was witnessed by a nnmber eers to establish Christian colleges
of friends and relatives of the in the northwest.
contracting parties.
The invocation was given by
Both bride and groom are of Dr. Holmes and a well-rendered
the best and most respected fam­ solo, “ I Hear You Calling M e,”
by Mrs. McEldowney followed.
ilies of Washington county and Dr. Holmes delivered the princi­
few couples have more friends pal address of the evening, taking
than Lillian Elder and ‘ Gus” for his subject "The Decline of
Idealism.” Briefly, he gave the
for manhood, telling
The bride was exceedingly
how the thoughts of a student
charming in a dress of ivory tone generally are of frivolities, rather
satin, with Georgette crepe over­ than seriousness; “ Athletics and
dress, bolero of Dutchess lace, Perspiration,” rather than “ Cul­
with pearl trimmings. She wore ture and Inspiration,” he declared,
a bridal veil with lillies of the is the present trend of our mod­
ern colleges. The doctor said
valley and carried a large boquet 'T h e perpetuity of our college
of bride’s roses. She was attend­ depends on keeping clean our
ed by Mrs. A. E. Lathropof Hood ideals and thoughts.”
A beautiful violin solo, “ Dream
River, as matron of honor, with
Misses Edith Kuney of Salem, Visions,” by Miss Emma Craft,
Leah Leiser of Vancouver and Jes­ was hugely enjoyed by all.
After singing college songs, the
sie Reynolds of Forest Grove, as
birthday cake was cut and a piece
bride’s maids.
given to each person present
F. D . Gardner, brother to the
About 4:30 Wednesday after­
groom, was best man, with C. L.
Wagner and Will Enchede of For­ noon fire broke out between the
est Grove, and F. Beatty of Port­ walls of a house south of the
Southern Pacific depot, owned by
land, as ushers.
The bridal party entered the Jacob Wirtz and occupied by the
family of Carl Wilhelms. The
room where the ceremony was
blaze was due to an over-heated
performed to the strains of Men­ stovepipe. Chief Lenneville and
delssohn’s wedding march, played fourteen of his fire-fighters were
by Miss Mildred Feudner of Ore­ soon at the fire and got it under
gon City; T. E. Isaacs sang “ Oh, control in a few moments, with a
loss to the building of not more
Promise M e” and “ Because” and than $100, which is fully covered
Miss Feudner played an instru­ by insurance. The goods of the
mental solo.
Wilh 1ms family were but slightly
Little Ruth Howard was flower damaged. Considering the deep
girl and little Lambern Elder was snow on the ground, the fireman
made excellent time in getting to
the fire.
The decorations were white
and green.
A sumptuous wedding lunch
was served the guests after the
ceremony and was greatly en­
EL P aso . T e x ., Jan. 1 3 — Re­
sentment over the massacre in
joyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner received Western Chihuahua M orday by
Mexican bandits of 18 foreigners,
many handsome and costly pres­ mostly Americans, flared up in
ents from their friends, including El Paso tonight when scores of
fifteen dollars from the
M E. street fights with Mexicans broke
church board, the bride having i out. From every quarter came
been organist at the church for reports of fighting, in which knives
were used. American soldiers
several years.
from Fort Bliss participated.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner have
Martial law was declared late
gone to Seattle and other northern tonight.
places, but will be at home in
V. I. Fuqua, who recently pur­
Forest Grove to their
many chased the 5, 10 and 15c store, is
friends after Feb. 1st,
now in charge of that establish-
Those present: Mr. and Mrs. N. I ; ment.
Martial Law Declared
at El Paso, Texas
On Saturday of this week, the
members of the Willamette Val
ley Editorial association, of which
our own Joe Hurley is president,
will meet in this city for their
mid-winter session. It is expect­
ed that about two dozen of the
editors will attend the meeting
and, as some of them will be ac­
companied by their wives, there
should be a good-sized gathering
of newspaper folks in town that
A number of questions that
have vexed the pen-pushers and
key-pounders for years agone will
be discussed at this session and,
if possible, many evils that beset
the profession will be corrected or
So far as arranged, the program
is as follows:
Address of Welcome, Judge
Response, President J. P. Hur­
Greetings from Oregon State
Editorial association, Phil S.
Bates, secretary State Editorial
Legal rates — Report of legal
rate committee (three minutes
each): John T. Hoblitt, Silverton
Appeal; L. A. Fernsworth, Banks
Herald; M. D. Morgan, Harris­
burg Bulletin; W. C. DePew, Leb­
anon C r i t e r i o n ; W. A. Dill,
Springfield News, One-minute
discussions by members.
“ The Fool and His M oney,” R.
H. Deute of the Deute-Tyler A d­
vertising agency.
“ All Home Print” vs. “ Part
Patent.” "All H o m e P r ^ i n t , ”
Colonel E. Hofer, Pacific Coast
Manufacturer; “ Part Patent,” C.
J. McIntosh of O. A . C. bulletins.
Discussion by members.
“ The Country Newspaper, the
Country Merchant and the Mail-
Order House,” G. T. Taylor, M o-
lalla Pioneer.
Submission of constitution and
Annual election.
The sessions will be held in the
Pacific University auditorium and
in the evening the visitors will be
guests at a banquet provided by
the Forest Grove Commercial
Two Local Banks
Have Elected Officers
The stockholders of the First
National bank held an election
last Tuesday and elected the fol­
lowing directors for the year 1916:
W. K. Newell, John Templeton,
Chris Peterson, T . N. Sain, E.
W. Haines, Allen Rice, Roy Hes­
se! tine, E. O. Buxton and J. W.
Ethington. The directors organ­
ized by electing Roy Hesseltine
president, W. K. Newell vice
president, J. W. Ethington cashier
and Earl Buxton assistant cashier.
The Forest Grove National
bank stockholders have elected
the following directors: John
Thornburgh. John E. Bailey, T.
G. Todd, W. W. McEldowney
and E. F. Burlingham. These di­
rectors have selected the follow­
ing officers: J. A. Thornburgh
president, John E. Bailey vice
president, W’ . W'. McEldowney
cashier, H. E. Ferrin assistant