FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE FOUR THURSDAY MARCH 19, 1914. Stuck to It. Vegetables In Season. Her Husband—I f a man steal*, no Young W ife - Rut that's very expen matter what It Is. he will live to re­ gret It. Ills W ife—During our court­ sive. especially as it's In season, isn't ship you used to steal kisses from me. i It'/ (ireon Grocer— Well, madam. It is D elivered at your home Her Husband—Well, you heard what I ! and it Isn't, as you might say. What M orning and Evening 1 with the French gardening and what said. I not. the vegetables that used to be out 6 1-2 cents per Q u art Wonderful. I of season are in. and them that is In Our Motto: “ As Good as the Be»t" A celebrated vocalist was in a motor­ Is out, owing to the demand for the car accident one day. A pupor. record others.—Loudon Punch. ing the accident, said: P hone 8 3 4 S o u th P a r k D airy "W e are happy to state that he wns Mother’s Busy Day. able to appear the following evening D. S T A L E Y , Proy The monologue artist wns moving C H A S iu three pieces." bin audience to tears. “ Hear old moth­ er." he was saying. *'l will never for­ Onions. Garlic, onions, shalots and leeks have get how she used to rock all o f us chil­ dren to sleep. There were nineteen of long been cultivated in almost all coun us. ami by the time she had us rocked tries, and their origin Is very nncer tain. That of the scallion is better to sleep the alarm clock rang, and she had to get dad's breakfast."—Chicago known. It grows spontaneously In Si Inter Ocean. berla. FRESH They buy it fo r what it does. That’s why the Ford is servant of thous­ ands. It holds the world’s record for all ’round dependability. And it’s the lightest — the strongest — the most economical car on the market. $575 is the price of the Ford runabout; the touring car is $625— f. o. b. Forest (¡rove, complete with equiptment. (¡et catalogue and particulars from ;— In the Dark. Uncle Joe—Yes. Teddy, it Is quite possible that there are people in the moon. Little T ed d y-W ell, what becomes ot them when there isn't any moon?— Exchange. W, A. C H A LM E R S Opened a Shop. "W hat became o f that fellow Tweed ley ?” "Oh. be opened a shop." "Doing well?" "N o—doing time. He was caught In the a c t” —London Punch. Auto repairing general machine work. TH E 1914 OVERLAND *s now on exhibition at the * PACIFIC GARAGE i Y o u are invited to call and look at the new model Im proved in m any ways •> * Successors to H A S K E L L & SON C. G . D A N I E L S O N P A C IF IC A V E . P H O N E 306 !. Special Prescription Service O u r motto has always been "B etter Prescription Service." want our customers to have the best possible. improve. We W e constantly try to T h at is why our store is so popular with the physicians. T h e y understand how much every little advance along this line is worth to their patients. Our line of prescription drugs is large and fresh. T h e care and An Exclusive Paper. The czar of Russia has a newspaper of hts owu. specially printed each morning. It Is the most exclusive pa per In the world, for only two copies are supplied -one for the exur and the other for his private secretary. Marked Improvement. Rev. Caller—Well, Mrs. Mangles, and Is the good man any better? Mrs Mangles—Oh. yes. sir. 'E's nearly all ri ht agen. sir. 'E dou’t say 'Is prayers no more o f a night now, sir.—Sydney Bulletin. spect. Y o u will find our service exceptional in every re­ Groat System. “ What Is the speaker's system for bringing up her own children?*’ "It's a system she |>erfected ali by herself, and she tells me It wrirks to a charm.” "Tell me about It.” "W hy. when she wants them to do a thing she snys. ’ Don’t' and when she wunts them not to do a thing she says 'D o .'"—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Novels. Novels are sweets. All people with healthy literary nppetlte love them. | Almost all women, a vast number of clear, hard headed mea. judges, bisb ops, chancellors, mathematicians, are notorious novel reuders. as well as young boys and sweet girls and their kind, tender mothers. —William Make­ peace Thackeray. Out prices are as low as good service can b e had for any­ L IT T L E little things. where. Let us fill your next prescription. T H IN G S Happiness is really made up of every day. Enjoy the littles of The nwimnnnnrinr nn -i nra no OOP Bfl ° ° □a >CI no r G IV IN G A D V IC E . T o o much advice it usually given. It is only the word in season that can be of any avail, and the word in season seldom or never comes to those whose minds are constantly harrowed up and irritated by words out of season. interest f o You and STRENGTH an BQ □□ □ B ua OB are better than riches and are much easier to attain. NOW IS TH E T IM E to build up your strength, tone up your entire system by taking Hot Springs Blood Remedy, an e f­ ficient and reliable blood puri­ fier, free from harmful in­ gredients. Try it and be con­ vinced. □ a uu Littler’s Pharmacy !|| DRUG CO. homelv joys, are within «he rea 'h ol us all. are infinitely the best. I BAILEY'S BIG STORE Our New Spring Goods are Coming in Every Day A fine new line of Kingsbury Flats at $ 3 , K in g at $ 2 .5 0 and the Chicago Leader $ 1 .5 0 ; also the K in g - viile 1 fat for Boys in latest shapes and colors at $ 1.25 Have you seen the exclusive pat- terns o f Linoleums Roe and Co. are now displaying? Call and see them. newr line of “ Y e O ld T y m e ” Com fort Shoes for M en and W o m e n A new lut of w ool challies just arrived in all the latest colors and patterns o f light and dark effects Our Grocery Department is always full of the best there is to be had ' I f you are in need of new matting, iook over the fine line at Roe &C»a. Spring house cleaning ia the time to buy new matting. See Roe & Co.' Mothers should see to it that the whole fam ily take at least 3 or 4 doses of a thorough, pur­ ifying, system cleaning medi­ cine this spring. Now is the time. The fam ily will be healthier, happier, and get along better if the blood is given a thorough purifying, the stomach and bowels cleaned out, and the germs of accumulated in the system driven away. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is the very best and surest Spring Remedy te take. Get it and see the difference in the whole fam ily. Their color will be better, they’ll feel fine and be well and happy. 35cts. The best the world over. .< TO The Public- Beginning March 21st A t our store in Forest Grove w e will hold the first of a series of Auction Sales to be held by us this spring to clean up odds and ends of Used Sewing Machines, Boilers, W a sh Tubs, W ashing Machines, Knives and Forks, Razor Strops, A u ger Bits, Saws, Chisels, Screw Drivers, Nails, Field Fence, Drive Gates, Ranges, H arrows, Singletrees, Neckyckes, A x le Grease, Buckets, Axes, T ea Pots, Coffee Pots, Pish Pans, Paint, A x Handles, and other articles too num­ erous to mention. This sale is sti ictly on the level and every ► I BAILEY’S BIG STORE ♦+♦++♦♦♦+++++♦♦♦+++ ^ + + i * go regardless of our loss. “O u r loss is your gain” in this case. T h e articles mentioned abo ve are in most cases in A - l condition. W e are simply overstocked in some lines and must cut our stock dow n to normal. Remember the Date, Saturday, March 2 1 , and the Place GOFF BROS. FOREST GROVE T h e Sale Starts at 10 a.m. with seats for the ladies. Evening S ale from 7 to 9 no ua □ □ OD —Urgent Notice- Main Street Market. Good meat all the time. Deliveries made at any­ time o f the day. Phone 631. article put up will A r>n BBinaonqacaannooncgiarpniniiaaa Bread Knives, Razors, Pocket Knives, Scissors, + + + + + + + + + + + •5 *+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ,l + ’!I + i ' t t é + r ' H >+ t + + + - i+ 't + + è t J '!- 'f 4 '* + * + + + + + * 4 4 + + + + ,l,+ + | □ B □ q csa □ □ □ □ cd □ c Q □ a □ ca □ u a □ css □ a who have them lell us that the quiet, P A C IF IC CO gjj Prescription Specialists CRESCENT Granite W a re , Tinware, W a s h DB BB UÜ □ □ F o r S a le O n ly By great favors of fortune come to hut few. and thoae J BU l H EALTH All Tests show, not only the healthful qualities o f “ C R E SC E N T,” but its wonderful results in raising the dough. our stock including: un □ n O f Personal W e a r e lo o k in g f o r a n ew c u s to m e r — Y o u ’ ll D o B A K IN G Limitations as to Timt. A well known preacher was making a pedestrian excursion in a wild rural at 25c per pound district. Feeling rather huugr.v, he looked at his watch to see if It was ASK Y O U R GROCER nearly dinner time, but found the Crescent M fg. Co., Seattle, Wash. watch was stopped. Just then, happen ing to meet wKb a country boy. be , asked. "W hat time Is It. my lad?" I Orders for Majestic Tailors' men’s The boy replied. "Just 12. sir.” "Only 1 suits taken at Bailey’s big store 12?" said the minister. " I thought it 32t4 was more.” " I t never Is more round Main Street Market. Good meat all these parts.” said the ls>y simply. " It the time. Deliveries made at any begins at 1.” —I’ all Mall Gazette. time o f the day. Phone 631. Swindled. Collector- H'm. fairly good specimen. I'll give yon £50 for It. Curio D ealer- No. sir. I've Jnst sold that for 100 giilneaa. Collector—A hundred! Good heaven*, you've been swindled! It's worth twice as much!—London I'uuch. skill w e practice guard you from the results of error and incompetent compounding. The Ten Greatest Invention*. "W hat are the ten greatest inven­ tions o f our time?” asked a scientific Journal recently. It awarded the prize to the contestant sending this list. The electric furnace, the steam tur- blue, the gasoline automobile, the mov­ ing pictures, the aeroplane, wireless telegraphy, the cyanide process, tne In­ duction motor, the linotype, the elec­ tric welding process. And all this was accomplished In a quarter century. Power isks. Cm. you name ofT hand seven ot the inventors? M ILK BDEannnrao’ amnnnaaoano X