Ortgoo Historic*! Society À Your suggestion, criticism and cooperation is solicited to help make the 'T r e s s ” a true representative o f all the people o f Forest Grove and o f Washington County. F orest G rove P ress The best developer o f ti community is a progressive and representative news­ paper. Send the “ Press” to friends whom you wish to welcome to th*u The P E O P L E ’S Paper:— Trints the news of Torest Grove and Washington County accurately and when it is news, endeavars to faithfully represent ihe interests of ail, treats everyone with the same fairness, is at your service, belongs to you, is absolutely independent, is always progressive, and urges your activity in the further development o f this community’s possibilities ' FO R E ST GROVE, W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y , OREGON VOL. 6 T H U R S D A Y M ARCH 19, 1914. Mrs. John Elder who has been quite sick for some time Is slowly imprnv- ; ing a id can sit up part o ff the tim,jv | Personal FOREST GROVE PRESS WILL BE CONSOLIDATED WITH NEWS-TIMES A “ Costume Party” will be given by the Endeavors Saturday night at the Cnrt3jan church. Everybody In­ vited. L. K. Fisk, the barber with Brady pi ton and H nry Fogel were visitors Mrs. Nellie Bogan, who has been to the Rose City Sunday. ! visiting in the Grove, returned to J. E. Needham of Salem was look­ her home in Independence Saturday. ing after business matters in the Mr. and Mrs. Reverend R. Miller Grove Tuesday. were in Cornelius Sunday, Rev. Mil­ G. B. Shore o f Beaverton made a ler giving the address o f the morning. business trip to the Grove Thursday i Mr. and Mrs. Hankins, of Scoggins of last week. Mrs. Ben Hoskins spent a few Valley, visited in the Grove Saturday. guest Rev. D. T. Thomas, Rev. Daniel Mrs. H. W. Miller was visiting at Staver and Rev. J. M. Barber of this the home of F. Hartrampf Friday. j city will occupy the pulpit both mom- Miss Anna Tompkins of North ’ evening at the Gaston Cong­ Plains was visiting at the home of H. regational church neixt Sunday. W. Miller Sunday. Elbridge and Henry Cheney were Chas. Staley was in Hillsboro last in this city last week, visiting at the Tuesday on butiuese. home of William Long. They now Mr. s.nd Mrs. Earl Miller were vis- live at Banks and are employed in the i iting relatives at North Plains and mill out there. Mountaindale last week. Mrs. Mary E. Harbridge, of F Lew Davidson and w ife of Corvallis Dulac, Wisconsin, after an extended are visiting at the Giltner home this visit in California, Is now the house week. guest o f her life-long friend, M Harold VVIrtz Is the proud posses- j Marsiliiot, on North A. Street. MISS ALTA WILLIAMS WINS GRAND PRIZE IN PRESS CONTEST Christine Mackrodt and Miss Ruth Frost W in First Prizes were visiting with the former's daugh­ sick Miss Alta W illia m s ............................ Mrs. Thomson of Gaston is Miss Christine M a c k ro d t................... ter, Mrs. W . F. Stockman, Sunday. at the home o f her daughter, Mrs . J. Miss Joy Adelott .............................. W. Watkins, o f this city. Mrs. W ill Graddy who died last Miss Una Emerson ........................... Thursday morning at her home In this M sses Alice and Grace Funsto Miss Ruth Austin ............................. city was at one time instructor in o f Hillsdale, were guests at the J. Miss W inifred Littlehaies ................ Miss Wanda Todd ............................. German in the city schools o f Indian­ Baldwin home Saturday. husband two children survive. L. A. Tracy o f the Rose City was looking after business matters In this city Monday. Misse« Clarice W aldro«, Joy Ayd- - Miss Ruth Frost ................................ lott* and Velma Buntor made a busi­ Miss Tessie Johnston ......................... ness trip to Dilley Saturday. Miss A riie F in e o u t.............................. Miss Meric Maurey .......................... Ray Chapman, o f the Green Mount­ Miss Lena M 'Burney ........................ ain, near Buxton, was visiting home Miss Adelaide L e w to n ......................... folks at Cornellu Sunday. Ray seems Miss Ruth W illis ................................ to be a regular caller at Cornelius Miss j da O g le s b y ................................ A. McKay who has been visiting his cousin In Portland the last two weeks lately. returned home this week. r m il Purely Personal tP John Scharer returned last week Long at from a two mouths’ trip to Beach, California. A few years ago A. E. Scott Purchases Press and W ill Consolidate With he sold a cla m over on Wilson river News-Times—This Is the Last Issue of Card o f Thanks. for $20,000 and he has the money in­ W e desire to thank our friends and vested in easteru municipal bonds. the Pres ¡ neighbors for their kindness in our Charlie Dodds, o f the Kansas City bereavement and fo r the many flo w ­ section, was in the Grove Monday. ers. rent­ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. W right. He and his mother recently ed the old Perry Watson place where Come hear about the “ Two greatest Bud used to play as a boy and they A fte r nine months o f earnest e ffo rt to establish two first class news- + papers in Forest Grove, Mr. A. E. Scott has purchased the Press 4 Feminine Terrors” in “ Mice and Men” will go Into the chicken business. and will at once consolidate it with the News-Times. The change 4 at Marsh Hall, March 20. Chas. Swaney and family, of Port­ is looked upon with the general approval by the business men and the + land, were guests at the Cady a public at large, fo r under the new arrangement not only the advertisers + W ATROUS W A N TS DIVORCE. Whited homes Sunday. will obtain better service for their advertising, but also will the readers 4 be furnished a better paper than would be possible when so much ex- * Miles Wa'rous of this city has filed Mr. Deardorff, o f Portland, was vis­ pense is necessarily lost in needless duplication. 4 a suit against Rachael Watrous, in iting friends here Sunday. The editor o f the Press regrets very sincerely that he will not be * circuit court for the dissolution of able to continue his residence in “ Oregon’s Home Town,” and wishes to ♦ Vem Baldwin was a Gales City vis­ Ihe marriage bonds. They were mar assure his many friends that he will never miss an opportunity to visit ♦ itor Saturday. ried in .this city November 23. 1896. Forest Grove and Washington County. 4 Watrous alleges that Mrs. Watrou J. Fitch and family have moved in­ This is the last issue o f the Press and all out standing bills are re- 4 had illicit relations with George Nay­ to the Stas house on Sixth Street. quested to be presented at once in order that the business affairs may 4 be settled. Collections fo r the three issues of this month will be made ♦ lor during the month of September. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stevens, who have of Thursday and Friday o f this week. 4 1912. He asks for the custody been visiting at Corvallis, retiAned Thanking you all fo r the generous patronage that you have seen ♦ Hattie, aged 13 and Harley, aged 16, home Saturday. fit to give to the Press and wishing you all your Just share in the pros- 4 asking for them as well as the d perity and development that is certain to bless this richly endowed 4 vorce. Roy J. Schnerlnger o f this city ha® community, I remain ever your friend, ♦ A few months ago in a rather s> • sold his 160-acre ranch In the Rose­ GEORGE H U N T IN G T O N C U R R E Y. + bud reservation S. D. for $3000 to T. national suit at Hillsboro Watrous 4 allowed $5000 in a suit against Nay­ O. Goff who has been spending the 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 ♦ lor for the alienation o f his w ife’s a winter here but who will go to h s new ranch immediately. The dual fections. was made through the Good Invest­ Peter Boke has traded his house ment Company. Mrs. 421 ia Olson and son Archie and Dick Huson of FernHIll made a — Contest Grand Success— Hundreds of N ew Miss Edna Bailey were visiting at the business tr.p to the Grove Monday. ^ j m s of New t Haney of Thatcher Harry Ford o f Centerville spent Subscribers Added to List Sunday. Sunday at the Benjamin home. Mrs. W olf and Mrs. Lewis of Cor­ John Hidstnan o f Fern Hill was nelius were shopping in the Grove traiing at the local stores last week. Monday. | ♦ ♦ Jerold McKurel, of Sitka, Alaska, Lee McChessney, o f Portland, was ♦ T H E W IN N E R S . 4 was in this city Friday. visiting with J. H. McFeeters over 4 Grand Prize .........................................................................Alta W illiam s ♦ | E. V. Hamerger of Seattle made a Sunday. 4 District No. One + business trip to this city Monday. + First Prize ................................................................. Christine Mackrodt 4 The W. C. T. U. meets at the Meth­ Mattie Ktnler o f Portland was visa­ 4 Second Prize ............................................................................ Joy Adelott 4 odist parsonage Friday at 3 p. m. and a good attendance of members and ing with friends in this city Monday ! 4 Third P r i z e .............................................................................Una Emerson 4 District No. Two. ♦ all ladies interested in temperance is j Uncle Tom Todd is some better this 4 4 F irst Prize .............................. ..................................................Ruth Frost 4 desired. The program will be in cel­ week and is able to sit up a little. 4Second Prize ....................................................................... Tessie Johnston 4 ebration o f the birthday o f Neal Dow. I Mrs. M. E. Ralston, o f this city, vis­ 4 Third Prize ...........................................................................A rlie Fineout 4 Thomas Isaacs went to Willamlna ited with friends in Hillsboro Satur­ 4 4 Saturday to take charge of the sing­ day. + + + + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 > 4 ing In a series o f revival meetings, T. Wlgman was at his home in this being held in the Methodist church ants desired to see them win and in­ Call and Get Prizes. city over Sunday. The names and votes o f others sisted on making the fact public, by there. Mr. and Mrs. Layman o f Thatch • standing high in the contest are voting for them and getting their As a result o f the revival meet­ were trading in the Grove Tuesday. friends to do likewise, and the small­ given elsewhere in this issue. ing® held In the Methodist ch ifeh last A ll that remains is fo r the young est boy or girl was just as powerful Mrs. J. S. Polhemus o f Portland is month about thirty-five members were visiting her mother, Mrs. W. A. Daly ladies mentioned at the top o f the as their elders in boosting their fav- received in the church Sunday morn­ column to call and claim their own. oritp candidate. More than one man in this city, who has been very ill. ing. A ll the prizes are ready to turn stole an hour or two from his office R. F. Emmerson returned from his Miss R ’ehards came in from her at intervals during the contest to over. home at Eugene Sunday evening and two weeks business trip to San Fran­ Candidates and their friends throng make a personal canvass for some is k eping house for her brother Guy cisco Tuesday. ed the office all day Saturday, and the friend, and many a dinner dish was E. Richards, teacher of the seventh Miss Cla a Crawford visited with contest department was taxed to its le ft unwashed while the women of grade in the Central School. They Mrs. Ben Hoskins of Dillry F r.. utmost to handle those who had votes the household went calling and inci- and subscriptions to turn in. A t 10 ; dentally looked for votes. have rented three rooms in John Lax­ and Saturday. The young ladies who engaged in o’clock sharp the ballot box was ter's residence adjoining the school Mrs. Tenna Taicnrr, who has been closed, and on Monday evening the the Press contest request us to sin- grounds. v'siting at Tlmb>r. returned home ballots were counted with the re­ erely thank their many friends for Mrs. C. M. Joy was visiting her Friday evening. the universal courtesy shown them sults noted. mother. Mrs. Jas. Ingles, of Gaston, Mrs. Roy Close of Timber is spend-1 while m iking the canvass and for the Interesting History. last week. ing a week with her mothter, Mrs. E. The history o f the contest is in­ liberal srpport given each one. The Blaine Hoskins o f the Portland R. Blank. teresting. Slowly at first the votes Press wishes also to thank each Dental College was visiting with his began to come in, then increased , vourig lady fo r her e ffo rt and all Mrs. Blanche Richardson is quite par. nts in the Grove over Sunday. gradually for a while until when the friends who have in any way aided ill this week. workers got thoroughly warmed up the paper or the contestants. John R