THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 19U FOREST GROVE PRESS day. An historical program was giv­ en and enjoyed by all. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Lasham. Dainty refreshments were served. Those present were: Mes- dames Stockton, Marshall, Graham, Lasham, McKay, Nichols, Rose- warne, Patton, Porter, Aldrich, Dora Emmerson, Ives, Cox, Barker, Hall, Staehr, Perry, Potwin and Miss Kate Roe. i S s i S i ■,! Bachelor Girls— ley, S. E. Todd, Sadie Adkins, A. B. The Misses Hazel Stockman and Caples, A. M. Kinney, of Astoria, C. Ivy Conger were most charming host- E. Walker, (’ has. Walker, E. E. Wil- esses to the Bachelor Girls Tuesday liams, W. McEldowney, C. Miller, Ed. evening at the home of the former. Ward, M. Langley, W. Goff, Chas A s usual a pleasant time was spent Roe, C. L. VanKoughnet, II. Ferrin, in fancy work, conversation and mu­ IL Russel, F. Meresse. E. Meresse, J. sic. Two visitors were present to Macrum, J. U. Marsh, L. L. Watt, W. just get a little insight into the mys­ Pollock, F. Gordon, M. Abbott, O. W. teries o f the club. They were Miss Jones, E. B. Brookbank. * * * * * Ella Braun and Miss Eunice Bernard, o f Portland. At a late hour delicious Entertain at Dinner— refreshments were served by th e ! Saturday evening Misses Martha hostesses, after which the girls d- and Gertrude Allen entertained six journed to meet again in two weeks. girls at dinner, after which the girls * * * attended the Freshmen play at the Birthday Party— College* Those present were Mamie On Monday, February 23, little Loomis, Eleanor LaRue, Beth Sexton, Vernia Pierce celebrated her sixth Lucille Connet, Alleyn Johnson, Pearl birthday by inviting a number of her Hall, Martha and Gertrude Allen. little friends in to help her eat the * ♦ * good things which her mother had Afternoon Tea— prepared for the occasion. After the A number of friends were invited dinner was over the little folks en­ to the home of Mrs. F. Meresse last joyed the evening at the Star the­ Friday afternoon. The time was ater. Those present were; Claribel, most pleasantly spent in conversa­ Dwight and Ralph Holmes, Irene tion, and all those present report a Sappington, Clifford Churchill and most enjoyable time. Those present Lawrence Pierce. All vote Miss Ver­ were: Mesdames E. Meresse, A. P. nia a royal hostess. ; West, C. Richardson, J. Buchanan, * * * Humphreys, J. Pixley, E. Brookbank, Fancy W’ork Club Meet— Stoecke, O. W. Jones, W. £ . Haage. * * * * * The Fancy Work Club met at the home o f Mrs. W. J. McCready, in Married 53 Years— South Park, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Morris cele­ ♦ + * brated their fifty-third wedding an­ Mrs. Brookbank Entertains— niversary last Saturday. The Press Mrs. Dr. Earl Brookbank was a joins the many friends in wishing charming hostess last Saturday a f­ Mr. and Mrs. Morris many happy re­ ternoon to a number of friends, in ' turns of the day. * * * * * honor o f her mother,Mrs.Stoecker, o f Seattle. The afternoon was spent in Washington Birthday Party— playing “ 500,” after which the hostess On Monday afternoon Mrs. R. F. served a light luncheon. Those pres- j Emmerson entertained the Royal ent were: Mesdames C. Richardson, \ Neighbors at her home on College A. E. Scott, J. A. Thornburg, J. Pix- 1 Way in honor of Washington’s Birth- What? SHOES, DRESS G O O D S, Etc. A T P U R D Y ’S STORE When? Right Now How? A t Lowest Prices Why? For Your Convenience assembled to witness one of the most C. L CONVENTION AT impressive services one can imagine. ALBANY IS ATTENDED Just the kind Mr. Rottman always can give; that blessed, sweet decision BY MANY FOLKS service where several hundred young people repeated this verse, “ Christ shall be magnified in my body wheth­ Miss Anna Taylor of This er it be by life or by death.” City Elected Secretary The writer could not close this account without speaking of the new state office created at this last meet­ ♦ * ♦ From the very first the sessions ing, that o f Convention Evangelist, Entertain Sunday School Class— were splendidly attended at the who will put in his time in the state Wednesdey evening Mr. Dwight twenty-fourth annual State C E. Con­ in evangelistic work in localities Holmes entertained the members of vention held at Albany on the 20-21- where he is needed. We have the his Sunday School class, o f which E. W. Lamb is teacher. There were 18 22d of February. By the afternoon o f young man in mind now who will do the first day there had been enrolled 1 this work and all he asks is his ex- present and all report a most enjoy­ 175 visiting delegates and as many penses and a free will offering. If able evening. The time was spent in more came in on Friday night and any place in Washington County you playing games, after which a light Saturday, till we are not exaggerat­ feel the need o f such a man and his luncheon was served. ing when we say over 300 were en­ work, will you not correspond with + + + rolled from out o f Albany. your county secretary, Miss Anna F. Washington Birthday Party— A t the business session when the Taylor, about it. On Monday afternoon o f this week Field Secretary Club and the State Mrs. H. R. Kauffman was hostess to Work was presented over $500 in a number o f friends at a Washington “ 500” party in honor o f her sister, society and individual pledges was 1 1 /rP T H A I D V C A D M C D C raised to support the work. It should VYLM DA i A I F AKlYlfcKJ Miss Beach, who is visiting here from have been $2,000, but was a very Akron, Ohio. The decorations were good showing any way. in keeping with the day and consisted Washington County was represent- o f flags and red and white . flowers. ed by thirteen delegates as follows: Prizes were won by Mrs. Roy Mc­ Bride, o f Dilley, first, Mrs. E. Brook- Claude M. Hutchins, president o f the (Continued from page one) bank, second, and Mrs. A. E. Scott, County Union; Anna F. Taylor, sec­ , consolation. Those present were: retary of County Union; Kennard Dixon, county program committee have a rousing meeting. We expect Mesdames W. Goff, C. Miller, W. Mc- Forest Eldowney, H. Ferrin, C. Roe, C. chairman; Claude Bryant, o f Gaston, representatives from the county lookout committee chairman; Grove and Banks commercial clubs to Hines, S. E. Todd, Mary McKenzie, C. be present. H. Olmstead, F. Meresse, Geo. Little- Leta Newton, president o f Christian ' We are going to get out o f the hale, J. A. Parker, A. E. Scott, O. W. Church C. E., Forest Grove; Marga­ Jones, J. A. Thornburg, I. J. Hoar, E. ret Lowell, president of Congregation­ “ rut” and not be satisfied until this Brookbank, Stoecke, Geo. Hancock, al Church C. E., Forest Grove; Elva district will be known as the most W. B. Coon, F. McBride and R. Mc­ Head, president of Presbyterian C. E. progressive, up-to-date district in Bride, o f Dilley, W. McCready, E. E. at Orenco; Miss Ruth Cady and Mr. Washington County. Another thing, Williams, E. Meresse, U. Hanna, A. Willis Cady, of Beaverton; Mr. Alva and one of the most important items, U. Marsh, B. Chowning, C. L. Van­ Patton, of Forest Grove; Miss Lucy j was a movement started to get a Koughnet, R. M. Erwin, of Hillsboro, Richardson (whom we claimed), and County Farm Expert. We want our Miss Merle Maury, o f Dilley, and Miss Phillips and Mrs. Gregg, of County Commissioners to provide for Tualatin Plains. an appropriation o f $1,000 for this Miss Vndusen, o f Astoria. Saturday afternoon the four great expert next year. We want the coun­ 4* * * lines of committee work o f the En- j ty papers to agitate this matter, be­ Mardi Gras Dinner— The Mardi Gras Dinner given by deavorers were discussed with much cause we must have some one that The Quiet can tell us what is the matter and the the C. Coterie Club last Tuesday force and earnestness. evening was well attended and was a Hour work was so earnestly and well cure when our crops grow wrong. decided success financially. The net handled by Mr. Ed. C. Cofer, o f Port­ What to do for our animals, how to proceeds were about sixty dollars. land, that it was estimated nearly 150 improve our stock, how to build and The Club is becoming famous as en­ young pledged themselves for the fill our silos, because the silo fever is tertainers and have added another first time to take up the Quiet Hour spreading in this section, and it will feather in their cap by treating the Comradeship, and pledged themselves not be long before you will not be people so royally and feeding them so *°. *>'ve t*le morn*nK hour fifteen able to get out o f the sight o f a silo in this section. well at their big dinner last Tuesday minutes o f prayer and Bible study, We did not see the editor o f The The Tenth Legion Committee work has about the same record o f success Press last Saturday, and we not only presented and ably explained by Mr. expect but demand that he not only Alva Patton, of Forest Grove,. Many plans to be there, but is there on the promised to set aside one-tenth of second Saturday in March. We want their income for the Lord’s work. to see what he looks like and become The subject o f Temperance and acquainted with him and him with us. Good Citizenship was presented by We want him to get out among us Miss Anna F. Taylor, o f Forest and find out what we want and help Grove, in which the letter from our us boost, and in this way we will both National Superintendent o f Temper­ help each other. ance Work, Daniel V. Poling, was read and supplemented by a few JUBILEE JUBERS JUBE pointed remarks regarding our posi­ tion as American patriots, and based on this statement from a lecture giv­ en by Mr. A. J. Bolster, “ No Ameri­ Four Successful Grouch Removers Coming for Show can patriot will protest or tolerate anything which will destroy that for which ‘Old Glory’ stands,” proving Those who heard the California that because the legalized liquor traf­ fic did have just that destructive pow­ Jubilee Quartet last year will be glad er, it was anti-American, and there­ to know that they are returning for fore must be abolished. By whom? another concert on Wednesday, March By the Endeavorers who are wide 4, at March Hall. This is a high class awake to the condition o f things and quartet, every one o f the four mem­ have energy enough to tackle a big bers being an artist in his own line. thing. The last but not least committee touched was the Missionary Commit­ tee Work, and a discussion o f how to have interesting missionary meetings, opened and explained by Mr. Lister, president o f the Portland City Union. Though we cannot give all the convention we must speak of the 400 Field Secretary Club banquet held in the First Presbyterian Church, where a jolly good time was had anjl some splendid toasts were given regarding the work the Field Secretary had done and the work yet to do in our state. Those o f the officers for the new ' year who were present to take the oath o f office at the installation serv- ¡ ice were: President, re-elected, Mr. G. Evert Baker, Portland, Oregon, Northwestern Bank Building; Field Secretry, re-eiected, Mr. H. H. Rott­ man, whose address is Portland; Vice j Presidents, Mr. Homer A. Dowd, Al- ‘ bany, and Mr. Sedgwick, o f Creswell, and Secretary, Miss Anna Taylor, of Forest Grove. Words are inadequate to describe ! the meeting for men addressed by Dr. Hinson, o f the White Temple, Portland; the Junior meeting led by Mr. I’ayne Female Impersonator Ed. C. Cofer, a young consecrated evangelist o f Portland, in which were There are only four in the company conversions; or the great mass meet­ but they come advertised as four so­ ing for women conducted by Mr. H. loists, three instrumentalists, two H. Rottman, where he probed to the readers, one impersonator and 0 very bottom o f the amusement prob- drones.” Th« program is a varied lem, bringing out plainly the dangers one, the music ranging from these and evils of the dance, the card party plantation melodies to the more dif- and the theater-going craze. ficult classics. Dialect readings im­ The last session Sunday was the personations and piano solos by the crowning meeting o f the whole con­ "Black Patti” help to make the varied vention, where 1,088 people were i program. A Big Fine Assortment of New Spring Goods. Where? PAGE NINE Courteous Treatment Quality Merchandise Reasonable Prices Cash For Produce Purdy’s for Good Goods J Judge H. L. Benson ARE DOING BIG THINGS Judge H. L. Benson, of Klamath and Lake counties, who is a candidate for the Supreme Bench of Oregon, was a Forest Grove visitor this week and while here made the Press office a pleasant call. He is a brother of the late Frank Benson, former secre­ tary o f state. PROGRAM GIVEN BV FRESHIES Clever Entertainment at College Seen by Large, Appreciative Crowd Marsh Hall of Pacific University was well filled with students and townspeople last Saturday evening to witness the Washington’s Birthday program put on by the Freshman class. This day is always looked forward to, as he Freshies always put on a rattling program, in spite of the contrary belief of their rivals, the Sophs. Glenn Morgan was stage manager, and every number went off with en­ thusiasm. Misses Littler and Loynes opened with a piano duet, which was greatly enjoyed. Joe McCoy pleased the audience so well with his bumhle bee and Chinman reading that they tried to get him back— but he only smiled and bowed. Miss Freda Acker sang, “ Spring Has Come,” and responded with an encore. Then came a class prophecy which had numerous hits on the Sophs., which greatly tickled the risi­ bilities o f the audience. A quartet, consisting o f Webb, Livingston, Mc­ Coy and Rodgers, sang a medley o f latest sng hits, and were recalled sev­ eral times. This constituted the first part o f the program, and a farce en- 1 titled, “ A Case of Suspension,” the second part o f the evening's enter­ tainment. The cast o f characters was as fo l­ lows: Mildred, Alice and Dorothy, young ladies in the seminary, acted by Edith Swanson, Elida Loynes and Alice Smith; Harold, Jack and Tom , ! undergraduates in a college near acted by Harold Rodgers,Vinton Ibcb- inson and Edw. Burns; Misa Ophelia Judkins, by Faye Schroeder; Prof., Emilius Judkins, acted by Edwsrd M. Livingston; Kathleen, a Celtic maid­ en, Edith Winchell, and Jonas, the Seminary man, by I*, Webb, Clever burlesque printed programs, gotten out by the Sophomores, were handed out by the members o f that class to th i show shoppers as they came in. SELLS OLD RELIC W'eb Hughes Sells Old Family Range After Long Service This morning his Flap Jacks will have a different taste to J. W. Hughes than they ever have before. Last week he sold the old family range, the same old stove that his bride cooked their first breakfast on many years ago, and at that the stove was just as good as new, only a larger one was necessary and eat up too many dol­ lars in fuel. He has replaced the old relible with a more modern design, the Colonial, purchased from Goff Bros., o f this city. B lo o m s b u t to D ie . The talipot palm (Cory p ha nm bra ca­ ll feral of Ceylon, whose leaves are put to such numerous uses by the Cinga­ lese. bears fruit but once during Ita life. This elegant tree measures about ten feet around the trunk and attains a height of about 180 feet. The flowers, the appearance of which presages death to the tree, are Inclosed in a tall spathe. which bursts with a loud re port, disclosing a huge plume of beau tiful blossom. The luflorescence Is suc­ ceeded by equally conspicuous bunches of fruit When these have ripened th« tree withers rapidly and In the roars« of a fortnight may be seen prostrate sud decaying ou the spot it adorned.