r FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 1 PAGE F IV E W ash.; A. J. Raymond, T hatcher; M. E. Raymond, Chehalis; Clyde Ray­ Finds S anitation First-C lass— >6 P u ­ m ond, Aberdeen; David Raymond, pil Have Sym ptom s of Adenoids Vancouver; Guy Raymond, and Mrs. O tto Strohm ier, of Thatcher. D uring the p ast week a nurse in the llll llll T H E S E C L A S S IF IE D C O L U M N S employ of the S tate Board of H ealth Verboort F arm ers Hold M eeting— was in F o rest Grove to inspect the Monday afternoon a farm ers’ meet- ! WHILE THEY LAST public schools. The sta te keeps her ing was held at Verboort and resu lt­ A re an index to the life of Forest Grove and surrounding country. in the field to discover children who ed in the election of J. N. .V ander- T hey »re open to merchants »nd »11 who desire » brief and effective medium for reach­ A Beautiful Flower are more or less defective because of zanden, of Roy, president, and W. A. ing the public. T his department will solve your problems and fulfill your wants. Readers bad vision, bad teeth, adenoids, etc. | Vandervelden, secretary. J. Schmid- With every 50c Bottle of Vvill find valuable information and helpful suggestions. If any of these defects were found in ke, of Mountaindale, spoke upon the T he most widely read section of the P R E S S , this department will place your locals the child the p are n t was recommend­ F arm ers’ Equity Association, and it where people look for them, and where they will not be offended in reading them. Price OLIVE OIL ed to have them examined and treated was voted to hold a fu tu re meeting 1 cent per word each insertion, minimum total charge 25 cents. by a physician. H er rep o rt was also-j to organize a branch of the associa­ made upon the sanitation of the tion, with headquarters a t Verboort. For Sale or Trade school buildings. About 100 taxpayers from various For Rent This Olive is Imported from France A copy of the rep o rt of the F orest places were present. F or S ale -The cheapest house F or R ent —Some nice, light and is strickly Pure Grove schools was filed by Superin­ in Forest Grove. New finish; all airy rooms for light housekeep- tendent Inlow, which shows th a t Near in. $1350. T. ing or offices. T. J. 0 . Realty The new wall paper designs at Roe complete. the san itary condition of th e schools & Co.'s re unusully pleasing. tf Co. 32tf J. 0. Realty Co. tf is first-class. The methods of weekly Mandele Incubator and Chicke.i disinfection and oiling of the floor Conduct School Rule— Brooder. Mrs. Geo. Caldwell. 29tf. met with much approval. The p er­ The S tate Board of Education has ______________________________ Wanted centage of children not physically substituted the following for Rule j FOR SALE— Ex-R ay Incubator for The Rexall Store W ood W anted —The P ress normal is about the same as found in 27. “Teachers shall exercise watch- ] $10. A. H. Thomas, Phone Oak Hi'l desires to secure several cords of other towns of this size. Of the 537 ful care and oversight over the con­ 152. 3-lt-'J | both Oak and Fir wood to apply children in the schols 46 were found duct and habits of pupils, not only on subscription, advertising, or with sym ptom s of adenoids, 36 with during school hours but a'so a t re- } GOOD, LIGHT sp rin g wagon, good job work. enlarged tonsils, five with granulated cesses and intermissions, and shall as new, with top, side and end cur­ ----------------------------------------------. YOU should see the latest designs eyelids and 16 who were tem porarily have the power to punish the pupil tains. Will sell cheap. See J. F. out because of a contagious skin a f ­ fo r any misconduct on the way to or Haynie, or phone 16x, F o rest Grove. in wall paper ju st received by Roe & j Co. befor you select the p attern yon fection, which has been going the from school.” 32tf want. 32tf rounds am ong the school children. Before you repaper your house this i Exclusive neckwear and noveliies spring see Roe & Co. 32tf for the ladies and everything dainty E. Jacobson Dies in C alifornia— Lost and Found. — Friends received word here la st for th e “Baby’s” wardrobe. Mrs. week from San Bernardino, C alifor­ Seventy Schools in Spelling Contest. Blanche Richards. LOST— On 3rd Avenue N orth a 29tf. nia, of the death of E v ar Jacobson, black purse containing seven dollars. The Spelling Contest Reports show To TRADE—T h ree-q u arter inch Finder please retu rn to Ray Sm ith, who for a num ber of years lived a t 70 schools tak in g p art. These schools J Gales Creek, and la te r a t Portland, represent every section of the county. Studebaker g ear w agon fo r a work Route One F orest Grove. Oregon. He had been in poor health L ast week the names of schools m ak­ horse on a lig h t g ear wagon, also for sme tim e, and thinking to b etter ing the highest average were pub­ one No. 11 Simplex S ep arato r for FOUND— Purse on Pacific Ave. his health he moved to California lished. To th is list should be added, trade fo r a work horse. W. Geec- Owner can have same by calling a t about a years ago, but received no Gales Creek, Jacktow n, and Cherry linger, Cherry Grove, Oregon. 31-t2p this office and paying for this ad. 31 Grove. , benefit. FOR SALE—Two-year-old Jersey heifer. Will make a good fam ily cow. For acute and chronic diseases MRS. CAROLINE RAYMOND D IES You are invited to look over the $50. W. H. French. 32t2 see Dr. Stewart, chiropractic, K. new wall paper designs at Roe & Co’s of P. building. 27tf W as Born in Maine, and Came to O r­ 32tf FOR SALE— New Oliver ty p ew rit­ egon from Michigan in 1891 S ociety stationery of correct er, No. 5, never been used. If you are COMING EVENTS looking for a barg ain in a typew riter, ' style and neat appearence may call a t Main S treet Garage, or phone be obtained from the P ress job Mrs. Caroline Raymond, aged 69 * C ast their shadows before them. department. 62X. years, passed aw ay a t her home in TH E EVENT—Made in F o rest T hatcher T hursday la st, and was laid TO TRADE1— Three and a q u arter Wm. A. Schilling, eye sight spec­ to rest in the F o re st View cem etery Grove Day. ialist of Portland will be at TH E TIME— March 31, 1914. inch Studebaker gear wagon fo r a S aturday. The fu n eral was conduct­ Shearer & Son’s Jewelry store TH E PLACE— K. of P. Hall. work horse or a lig h t g ear wagon, ed by Rev. G arrigus, of the Church of every Saturday from 9 A. M. TH E PROMOTERS—The W oman’s also one No. 11 Simplex S eparator for God of Banks, of which she was a to 5 P. M. Dr. Schilling 19tx and the Commercial Club *f trade fo r a work horse. W. Geit- When you are in need member. H er husband, A. J. Ray­ Club F o re st Grove. linger, Cherry Grove, Oregon. 32-t2p died five y ears ago. S tated Communication of of watch repairing, mond, T H E PURPO SE—To let the world She was born a t Dexter, M aine,and Holbrook Lodge No. 30, A- bring it to us. We guar-, when small moved with her p aren ts know th a t F o rest Grove and vicinity FOR SALE — One thoroughbred F. & A. M. S aturday eve­ a re on the map. More details later. Poland China boar. Enquire of Da­ ning, F eb ru ary 28, 7:30 p. m. V isit­ to Michigan, where she m arried A. J. antee all our work. vid Keck, R. F. D., No. 1. 32tl ing B rethern welcome. J. W. Hughes Raymond. The Raymond fam ily Keep it in mind. moved to Oregon in 1891. W. M. H. C. P arker, Secretary. Spraying. A sister, Mrs. Lilly Willis, and Roe & Co., the pioneer fu rn itu re F or scientific spraying call on or brother, E. N. Burton, both of dealers, have ju st received a large Bowels clogged, sickheadache Thacher, and the following children shipm ent of stylish selections in wall Phone A. H. Thomas, Oak Hill 152 no fun is it? Why not have the FOREST GROVE, OREGON 31-t-4 j happy face, red cheeks that survive: Mrs. Ada Bowen, Hoquiam, papers. 32tf or Main 252. FREE N U RSE IN SPEC TS SCHOOLS The People’s Exchange Van Koughnet&Reder Special on Oranges Friday and Saturday 10c a dozen Shearer Confectionery Store, Main St. We Are Experts A SHEARER JEWELRY STORE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiinHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw ..... How to Reduce the Cost of Living A S p e c ia l L e t t e r to F lo u r U s e r s Trade at The Golden Rule Store and especially buy your lour there because we buy Flour in Car Load Lots, direct from the Eastern Oregon Mills. We do riot pay the wholesaler a profit but get the lowest price direct from the producer, then get the lowest through freight rates to Forest Grove. This method eliminates all unnecessary cost of storing and handling and gives you a high grade Guaranteed Flour at the wholesale price. We hope the trade will be ample so we may continue this method. A POSITIVE GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY SACK. If after trial you find it not right, simply return it and we will cheerfully refund the price paid. But you won’t bring it back. You will like it and continue to use it. Now with our assurance that we Can Save You Money and at the same time give you a Better Flour we w ill expect you who receive this notice to come in and let us prove it to you with the following brands and prices; White Rose F lou r.................................................... $1.15 Golden Crown Flour ............................................... 1.20 Imperial Flour ........................................................ 1.25 Graham Flour and Farina at same low wholesale prices. Twenty Five Cents off on Four Sack Lots. This is a Flour Talk, but Remember Our stock of general merchandise is complete including Groceries, Dry Goods, Underwear, Clothing, Furnish­ ings, Toilet Soaps and etc. We have the handling of the Famous Levy Tailoring Business iitthis section and will be pleased to show you the fine samples. Do not forget to ask for BROWN TRADING STAMPS, we give them. G O L D E N R U L E S T O R E SOUTH MAIN STREET, NEAR S. P. DEPOT. comes with good digestion. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea j makes the bowls move regular, natural makes you feel like new. Take it tonight. Vankoughnet ! & Reder. — People e a s i l y constipated 1 dread the winter, Nothing but hard coarse meals, No fruits or vegetables to keep the stomach | active. Your best relief, your greatest friend now is Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea the world’s J tonic physic. Do it tonight. Vankoughnet & Reder. Main S treet M arket. Good m rat all the time. Deliveries made at any tim e of the day. Phone 631. The Beaverton A etna Lime and Sul­ phur Spray— F or sale by th$ barrel or gallon a t L ittler’s Pharm acy . M illinery Display Your special attention is called to our first display of S pring H ats on March 6 and 7, a t M illinery Salon, near Post Office. Miss McIntyre. 3 2 tl Announcement To our friends and custom ers. You are cordially invited to view our first showing of beautiful S pring Models March 6 and 7, Millinery Salon, near Post Office. Miss M cIntyre. 3 2 tl Notice to United A rtisans Notice is hereby given th a t the reg ­ u lar m eetings of Diamond Assem­ bly, No. 27, will be on the first »nd th ird Tuesday evenings of each month instead of the second and fourth Tuesdays as heretofore, beginning next Tuesday evening, March 3d. By order of Diamond Assembly. 32tf Drs. Lowe and T urner, eye special­ ists of Portland, will be a t the Hotel I.aughlin Friday, F ebruary 27th up to 3:00 o’clock. Call and let them I show you the new double vision glasses w ithout lines or seam s in the iense. They look like a single p air, and yet answ er the purpoae of two. See Roe A Co. for ju st w hat yon « a n t in « all papers.