Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, February 26, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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few civil cases o f lesser nature were + + + ♦ + + + ♦ ♦ t t H * t
also dispsed of. The grand jury was *
in session Friday and Saturday, and * WILSON DISTRICT NEWS +
brught in twelve true bills. The trial +
jury reported again for duty Tuesday + ■ > * ♦ ♦ ♦ * * + + + + * * *
after two weeks vacation.
Mr. Otto Parson has put some
wire fences on his place.
Chiropractic Sues at Hillsboro—
C. E. Stevens, working in the Buch­
Grandma Wilson visited with Mrs.
F. R. Sizer, a chiropractic doctor anan hop yard between here and Cor- Allen, Friday.
of Hillsboro has sued Leo. Logan to i nelius, almost cut otT the two first
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olson went
collect $21. in Justice Smith’s court. fingers o f his left hand today while to Forest Grove to attend the big
Sizer, who treats patients by means training hops. He was taken to a supper given by the K. o f P. lodge.
o f reducing subluxations in the spinal doctor who dressed the wound.
and daughter,
column, claims to have treated a
Margaret, and Mrs. C. J. Clark and
member o f Logan’s family to the
FOR RENT— 10-acre farm adjoin- Mrs. Bill Wilson, visited at Mrs. Sco­
above extent, and wants the court to : ing Forest Grove. .Good 7-room field, Friday.
collect it for him. Logan painted the house, barn, etc. All kinds o f gar­
Mr. and Mrs. Scofield were sick
publice school houses in Forest Grove den truck and ready market. Low Sunday and had the doctor but aie
last summer.
rent to right party. Apply to For­ better at this writing.
est Grove Press.
Mr. and Mrs. Aden Harper and
Iter and Linklater Estates—
Mrs. Ayers and Mr. and Mrs. Shoot
In Probate Court the inventory of
The subject of the sermon for Sun­ attended the funeral o f John Quick
the estate o f Caroline Iler, one of day morning at the Congregational at the Hillside cemetery.
Gales Creek’s most prominent pio­ Church will be “ Paul’s Test,” and the
Mr. and Mrs. John Ranes are the
neers, who died recently, was filed by evening will be “ David’s Escape.”
proud parents of a baby boy which
John Iler, the administrator, showing
Thomas Fleming, formerly o f El­ arrived February the twenty first.
there are 172 acres belonging to the gin, has bought the 72-acre farm of
Frank Wilson and Charley Maite-
estate, appraised at $10,000. The per­ C. R. Hibbard, at Cherry Grove.
land attended the dance at Davids
sonal property was appraised at
Hill, Saturday night.
Go to Fleck's for children's shoes,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Wilson and
The administrators o f the estate of dry goods and notions.
daughter and Mrs. Clark took dinner
Dr. S. T. Linklater were ordered to
continue to conduct the Delta drug
W ANTED— Calves from one to five with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Parkins,
store, which was owned by Dr. Link­ days old, heifers preferred. Write to Sunday.
Was February Thirteenth When all
Gathered at Hillsboro to Hear
Brnefit Success —
The benefit which was given by the
ladies of Forest Grove last Wednes­
day evening in the C. Coterie Hall
proved a great success. The program
consisted o f all local talent and was
o f the best. The proceeds amounted
to something over $60 tht night but
kept growing until at last report had
grown to the sum o f $70.20. This
money goes to help pay the expenses
o f Mrs. Mary Neil, who has been con­
fined to her room for some months
past and recently underwent an oper­
ation at the local hospital.
Got One Year in Jail—
Frank Stichler and Charles Davis
plead guilty of having filched stuff in
the Sherwood neighborhood several
weeks ago in the Circuit Court yes­
terday, and were sentenced to one
year in jail, but paroled on good be­
havior. The sons o f these two men,
Elmer Davis and L. B. Stichler, who
were brought to Hillsboro at the
same time with the wayward fathers
on the same charge did not plead
later and Dr. Tamiesie, jointly, until or call on J. A. Elder, 336 Second St.,
guilty, and they will be up for trial
it is sold.
Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 234.
probably tomorrow.
The estate o f Preston Jackson was
closed o f record.
Card o f Thanks—
Jas. Churchill and son, Clifford, of
To the friends and neighbors who
Gales Creek, visited with Dan Pierce
showed their kindness to us during Still No City Arrests in Hillsboro—
and family Monday and Tuesday.
the death o f our beloved sister and ; Hillsboro is exceedingly quiet since
mother, we wish to express our the booze joints closed. Not neces­
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, o f Sa­
heartfelt thanks. Mrs. Lilly Willis, sarily in a business way, as the mer­ lem, formerly of this county, visited
E. N. Burton, Mrs. Ada Bowen, A. J. * chants seem to be doing as much as at the Dan Pierce home Friday. They
Raymond, M. E. Raymond, Clyde ever, but from a hilarious standpoint were on their way home from at­
Raymond, David Raymond, Guy Ray­ the town is very calm . Not an arrest tending the funeral o f their grandson
mond, Mrs. Otto Strohmier.
by the city officials since the first Johnny Quick, of Hillside.
o f the year, and the only thing the
marshal finds to do is to lead an occa­
Mrs. J. B. Eddy, o f Portland, was a
B y S. W; Crayne, March 4, 1914, sional dog, that has unwarily come to week end visitor at the home o f Mrs.
at 1:00 p. m. at Dug Hill, four miles town, to the calaboose.
Ellen F. Scott.
north o f Forest Grove. .Seven cows,
+ + + + + + *+ ++ +
6 giving milk, 1 fresh in April. .One
Last week the Circuit Court jury
Holstein Male Registered Calf. .One was absent and Judge Campbell
Mule Colt 8 months old. . One team handled a few cases. A few divorce j
Commercial and Society Cor- +
o f 2 and 3 year old Colts will weigh cases were disposed of, the plaintiff’s j
* rectly and Effectively Printed. ♦
about 1,600 when grown. .Auctioneer in most of the cases being freed from 1 *
Web Hughes.
the galling chains that bound them. A
Mrs. M. C. Lilly
Gaston this week.
Mr. J. R. Ilayden
Saturday night and
Lon Wilson went
Monday to have an
Tak,‘n to Kansas for B u r ia l-
Was Born in Illinois
Friday February 13th was a big
day to the road supervisors of Wash­
Mrs. J. E. Deeks, aged 49, died at
ington County. On that date they j
the local sanitarium Friday morning,
all met at Hillsboro to discuss good
and her husband started for Kansas
roads, every mother’s son o f the en- [
with the body Friday afternoon. In­
tire bunch o f road masters in the j
terment will be in the old family cem­
county being present.
A talk fest;
etery at Smith Center.
that was both enjoyable and profi- j
She had been in ill health for
table was indulged in.
several months and death followed an
A t the forenoon session ex-road
operation performed Monday of last
master Chapman o f
week. She was born at Peoria. Illin­
county gave an instructive talk o n 1
ois, and th# family moved here five
the proper methods o f building mac­
years ago. Elzie and Eleanor Pierce,
adam roads, and showed by means i
the two children who had made their
o f a black board just the proper way I
home with the Deeks family, were
to lay out the roads and cover them !
taken East by Mr. Deeks.
with the crushed rock so as to get
the best results.
In the afternoon Prof. Skelton, of
O. A. C. told how to build good dirt Some Good Eats for These Folks—
roads, and impressed his hearers with
Last week Goff Bros, sold five Mon­
the fact that good drainage is neces- !
arch ranges and the purchasers these
sary. Several o f the road supervisors
mornings are enjoying the latest up-
gave short talks, giving their methods
to-date tastes in each and every meal.
that they had found best in road work.
They were John Anderson, Carl Bro-
derson.Jno. Voelker,Jake Buckley and
The Press office for Job Printing.
Mr. Eischen, o f Cornelius.
visiting at
was quite sick
to the hospital
operation per- i
Mr. Gus Bothman is visiting with
his brother, Nick Bothamn and fam i­
Mrs. Erickson has been quite sick
with the rheumtism.
Mrs Maggie Sipe has gone to
Newberg for a couple of months.
Mr. Conch had a sick horse and
had to call the vetinary.
Mrs. Ruth Parson is in the hospit­
al and had a serious operation,
visited at Allen’s Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts were in
Forest Grove Monday.
Mrs. Jane Lilly is staying with her
daughter, Mrs. Schofield.
Royal American W ire
The Best on the Market at Prices
than any Outside Houses can Offer
Ever Made on this Grade Fence
10 Bar 47 Inches High 38c Per R od
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
I ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Survival o f the Fittest
K ing-C aples Mercantile Company
Forest Grove, Ore.
Take note of a few specials for this week :
wanted kind for a pretty waist, skirt or dress
Values to $1.00 yard.
48c yd.
A new lot of Fancy Dress Ginghams, the very thing “J
for house dresses and children’s dresses. Assorted ^
colors and patterns, 27 inches wide.
34 and 36 inch SERGES, diagonal, whip cord and O C « V J
poplar dress goods, in mixtures, checks, plaids and « O C y U »
solid colors.
F v fr a
Good Size PINS, .
p in s ,
w ir e h a ir
. per paper lc.
per package lc.
. 6 Spools 25c
Grocery Specials:
Ever fresh Apple Syrup, new product, just to introduce it 35c can
Kings’ Best 30c Coffee, beats ’em all. Steel cut in oil paper sacks.
Try a pound and be convinced that this is the place to buy.
2 Cans Standard Corn for 15c, same as other stores charge you
10c a can for.
Diamond W Baking Powder, . .
. 19c the can, great value
I t I c IIS
C *.
just to clear the lot we will cut one third off
u l l l l S regular price. If we can fit you a bargain is
thousands of pairs to choose from. W e handle the
noted Star Brand, no better made and our prices are
as low as is consistent with modern merchandising.
W e want your butter and we want your eggs. W e want your good­
will, we want your business and in return we will give you the best
values that capital and experience can command.
K I N G - C A P L E S M E R C A N T IL E
C O M P A N Y , Forest G rove, Ore.
9 Bar 39 Inches H igh 34c Per R o d
8 Bar 32 Inches High '3 0 c Per R o d
+ + 4- 4- + •}>•}> <•
Mrs. Enoch Will, o f Portland, vis­
ited over Sunday at the home o f her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fitch.
Miss Etna Tatro left for Eastern
Oregon Tuesday.
The dance given by the Artisans
Friday night was well attended and
everybdy had a fine time. The dance
hall is much improved since the ad- I
Mrs. Tom Hundley, Mrs. F. Crow-
{ ther and Mrs. B. A. Hoskins and chil­
dren were Forest Grove visitors last
The Artisan banquet last Wednes­
day evening proved a success and
everybody had a fine time. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy McBride were initiated in­
to the lodge, after which a supper
was served by the'ladies. About 15
of the young people o f Gaston lodge
were here and enjoyed the evening of
dancing until a late hour, when all
departed for home.
Miss Merle Maury delightfully en­
tertained the “ 500” Club at her home
on Saturday evening. Honors were
given to Mrs. H. M. Sating, first,
Mrs. F. Crowther, second. Mr. F. E.
McBride, first, and Mr. F. Crowther,
second. Delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess.
Mrs. R. McBride, Miss Merle Mau­
ry and Mrs. F. E. McBride visited at
Mrs. Henry Jarrett entertined the
Priscilla Club on Thursday afternoon.
John F. Forbes shipped a carload of ■
fine hogs to Portland Saturday.
Miss Bertha Anderson and Mrs.
Ray Hoag, o f Portland, visited their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ander­
son, over Sunday.
Mrs. F. M. Sutford is on the sick
list this week.
There will be a minstrel show given
in the hall Friday night. Everybody
is invited to come and enjoy the fun.
Miss Emma Craft visited in the
Grove Monday.
The little Hoskins girl gave a birth­
day party on last Sunday afternoon.
A number o f her little friends were
there, and an enjoyable time was
Mr. and Mrs. Albert LaMont visit­
ed with Frank Maury’s over Sunday.
Miss Irene Patrick was a week end
visitor with her sister, Mrs. Elmer
Mrs. Frank Sutford was caed to
Beaverton the first o f the week on
account o f the sickness of her son.
8 Bar 45 Inches H igh 32c Per R od
7 Bar 26 Inches High 26c Per R od
19 Bar 48 Inches High 48c Per R od
21 Bar 58 Inches High 53c Per R o d
Goff Bros.
Froest Grove,
High School
W ill be Repeated Next
Friday Night
A t the
Star Theatre
Reserved Seats on Sale at Littler’s Drug Store
Admission 25c and 35c
Repeats By General Request