THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE THRE5T HISTORY FOREST Big Clean-Up Sale Starts Sat. Feb. 28 A t Forest Groves Only Exclusive Men’s Store South Main Street. Every boch' should lay everything aside and attend this Big Sensation Clean-up Sale. Entire stock from Floor to Ceiling must be cleared at once. Every Dollars worth of Winter Goods must go. I’m going to turn my entire stock into cash for new Merchandise that is on the Road, and the most astonding Bargains the Human Eye ever saw will be on display at this Store. Every Man W om an and Child in Forest Grove and Vicinity will talk about this Bargain Event, and that is what 1 want, I am a new Merchant here but these Splendid Bargains will let Everybody know where we are located at. Do not Delay, Come Early. Read the Partial List of Bargains Below: 50c 85c to $1.00 10c 25c $1.50 10c Fleeced Lined Under- wear Overalls Blue, Black and Gray Handkerchiefs all Col- ors Wool Hose Clean-up Price Flannel Shirts Clean- Up Price Canvas Gloves Clean- Up Price 29c 39c 3c 16c 89c 3c $10 to $15 $15 $20 Men’s Suits Odd Lot Closing Out For Only Men’s Overcoats Closing Out For Only Men’s Suits, Blues, Grays and Browns $1.98 $6.89 $12.85 $1.50 Union Suits 89c $3.50 Double Breasted Flan- nel Shirts $1.69 $1.50 $4 and $5 Working Pants Boy’s Suits 89c Entire Stock of $18 to $25 Over­ coats to be Sold Out coats to be Sold at $11.65 $2.00 Men’s Hats $2.69 89c $1.00 Dress Shirts 29c $2.25 $4.00 $3.50 $1.25 50c Boys Shoes Most all Sizes Men’s Shoes, Black or Tan, Button or Lace Sweater Coats Clean-up Price Wollen Underwear Clean- Up Price Suspenders, Clean-Up Price $1.29 $2.39 $1.19 67c 19c Store Closed all Day Friday Arranging for this Big Sale. Following the Methods used by the Big City Stores we Clean-up all Ods and Ends at Any Price. There are Many Bargains that are to Numerous to Mention. Just call and see for Yourself. Come Early and Secure the Bargain of your Life. Don't fail to locate us be­ tween the Forest Grove Nalional Bank and S. P. D epot South Main S t EARL J. LUTZ Forest Grove’s Only Exclusive Men’s Store Don’t fail to locate us be­ tween the Forest Grove National Bank and S. P. D epot South Main S t