FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE TWO ♦ + * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + + + + + + THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26. U i4 + + + + 1 visits to th eir home here. i welkin ran g with the old tim e p atri- ♦ T , I otic songs and the mess table groaned w ith the good th in g s to eat. WHAT WILL MAKE FOREST GROVE A BET- * New Club to be Formed— Dame Rumor or some one of th at The w riter did not learn the nam es TER TOWN. ♦ n atu re has been peddling a story to of the fo rag in g p arty but they sure the effect th a t a new club is in the had "Some success”. Mrs. B utler, president of theW . This beautiful city known throughout the west + progress of organization in th is city, as Oregon’s Home Town, is one in which it is hard + and they do say th a t it will be known R. C. accom panist for the afternoon made the piano talk in unison to the find faults. However there is always room for im- * as the A ppendicitis Club. Roy Nan : voices as they sang. S hort talks K irk is talked of as president; W alter provement, and in order to awaken interest along * W atkins, secretary and Claude Davis, weren and p atrio tic speeches were lines of civic betterment the PRESS hereby offers * treasu rer. * The initiation fee will be i were heard. a valuable souvenir for all articles, and in addition * $150 or $200 as th e case may be. The L ast T hursday the W. R. C. held a two years subscription for the best and a one * high sign will be to g rasp the rig h t ! Lincoln day services a t th eir h a'l years subscription for the next two best articles * side and make a funny face like a a large m embership was present "C ut it o u t,” will be the pass and a very in terestin g program was received at any time between now and March 31st, * pain. word. Quite a big lot of th e popula­ rendered. upon any subject relating to the needs, or better- * tion is already entitled to member- “S a f e t y F i r s t ” Our Mo t t o On SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS O f The f CO# ■ ment of Forest Grove. These gifts are not offered so much in the form of a contest, as to simply en- courage all, men, women and children to tell others of the good ideas that come to them, which if trans- fered to reality would mean a benefit to all of us. * As the PEOPLE’S Paper the PRESS always + holds open house through its columns for the sin- cere expression of its readers opinions. The only * requirement made is that articles refrain from * personalities, and we request that they not run * over about 500 words if possible. * Discussion upon any acceptable subject is welcome * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUNSET IOGDEN ft SHASTA 1 ROUTES 30,000 FARM ERS SEE SHOW Sailor Boy V isits P aren ts— W. H. Bennett, a U. S. sailo r boy, bany A fter Successful T rip T h e E xposition L ine— 1915 was here in his blue uniform the first of the week, visiting his parents, The big dem onstration show of the And now is the time to see California; to live outdoors Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Bennett. He en­ and enjoy the sunshine, flowers and summer sports. Eugene E astern and O.A.C., which listed in the navy la st fall a t Salt It is is a trip you cannot afford to miss. Lake, and is with the U. S. S. A nnap­ appeared here a few days ago to olis which has ju st completed a cruise 1000 people, completed th eir circuit along the coast of Mexico, and which Saturday, and the hogs and cattle will soon leave on a two y ea rs’ cruise are now browsing on the green a t the to the Samoa Islands. He says th a t A gricultural College again. including the Shasta Limited, the train of modern ser­ he has not known of a single case of They closed a t A lbany a fte r a big vice with all steel up-to-the-minute equipment. typhoid since the vaccination to pre­ | trip to Southern Oregon. I t is esti­ ‘CVie California and San Francisco Express Trains with vent th a t disease. The vaccine needle mated th a t more th an 30,000 farm ers Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and a dining service was used on him six tim es before it , have stood around the stock cars and th a t will please. took effect. The sailor boy an d his ' gathered in the auditorium s to listen fa th e r w ent to Gaston Monday even­ i to the gospel of feeding and breeed- Call on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outline a trip, quote ing to visit friends, as th a t is the old ing up the herd. It is said th a t more home. fares and furnish Outing Literature on California’s people have, visited this dem onstra­ tion train than both of th e form er famous resorts REM IN ISCEN T OF ’63 shows, and there is talk of another . trip put on for the children. Soldiers and Friends Enjoy F ru its of Will Schulmerich, of Hillsboro, anu W. K. Newell, of Gaston, have been j F oraging P arty with the special and dealt out vital tru th s to the farm ers on hog and W ord was sent o ut some days ago cowology. They have insisted th a t PRESS Imprint on your Printing guarantees Satisfaction fo r the members of the J. B. M at­ the farm ers g et registered sires to 1 thew s Post, G. A. R., and the Corps, build up th eir stock herds. and th eir wives, husbands and sw eet­ Among the pictures of the train | h earts to assemble on W ednesday a t printed in Sunday’s Oregonian was i H. B. G L A I S Y E R , C. E. th eir camp grounds for an old tim e one of a bunch of bleachers on a Deputy County Surveyor camp fire. fre ig h t train listening to the m essage All Kinds of Surveying and Mapping, Subdivisions a Specialty N ever were the boys of ’63 more in F o rest Grove. Office: 206 F irst Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 806. Res. Phone 46X. enthusiastic or hospitable. The camp FOREST GROVE . OREGON fire glowed with good cheer, the Forest Grove PR E SS P rln tery & Three Fine Trains Daily John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland,Ore. Three Y ears in California— Returns to Grove. II. G. King and wife returned the firs t of the week from California where they w ent three years ago They lived firs t a t Lodi and th^ low altitude made it necessary fo r them to make a change fo r Mrs. K ing’s health and they w ent to Calaveras county. Mr. K ing said he would tell the Press w hat he thought of the , country down there, but didn’t want to be called a knocker. They have only had three dry seasons d u r­ ing the years th a t they were there. Mr. King traded his property for 305 acres in V irgina. Mr. and Mrs. King will live a t th eir home on N orth Col­ lege Way, this city. They both feel b etter since coming back to Oregon. The Press which has been going to them in California will make weekly $300 GOLD GRAND PRIZE IN PRESS CONTEST! Hundreds of Dollars worth of Prizes to be given away Free by the FOREST GROVE PRESS to the Young Ladies of Forest Grove and the Surrounding Territory. All that is Necessary to Win is to Receive the Largest Number of Votes. All have an Equal Chance. SECOND PRIZES TH IR D PRIZES Two Two Two $80.00 $25.00 Handsome MERCHANDISE ORDERS O ne for E ach D istrict LAVALLIERES O ne fo r E ach District FIRST PRIZES DIAMOND RINGS O ne for Each D istrict THES E PRIZES FOR ALL!! THESE Diom ond Rings 107c Commission LaV alliers Have been Purchased from S hearer & Son Jew elers And will soon be on exhibition in his window o n e o f th e re g u la r p riz e s; w ill re c e iv e te n per I Have been Purchased from T o all th o s e w h o d o n o t w in M, J. A bbott T he Jew eler c e n t o f all And will soon be on exhibition in his window th e m o n e y th e y c o lle c t. • CONTEST OPENED on January 22, 1914 AT 8.00 A. M. Address all communications and subscriptions to CONTEST MANAGER— THE PRESS FO REST G R O V E - OREGON CONTEST CLOSES on March 14th, 1914 AT 10:00 P. M. j