FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE TWELVE rx Helen Keller to Lecture in Portland— Helen Keller, who has overcome so many obstacles in her own life, and is one of the most remarkable o f the women of today, is coming to Port­ land to lecture, under the auspices of j the Assocated Charities. Mrs. Macy, 1 who has been associated with Miss I Keller for 26 years, will also speak, j Their subject will be, “ The Heart and the Hand,” and they will appear March 27 and 28. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 German Dies Near Dilley— Henry Sundermier, aged 74, who died at the home o f his son, C. H. Sundermier, Feb. 15th, was buried in | the Forest View Cemetery Tuesday of last week. He was born in Ger­ many and was a member of the Lutheran church. , Local Musician Gets Old Violin— Charles Lovell Walker, the musi­ Entertain With Original Poems and cian, is happy this week. Well, he is Songs— always that way. but he is happy plus now— and the cause o f this abundant Rev. and Mrs. D. A. Watters, for­ optimism is a rare old violin which mer residents o f this city when he Hillside Boy Dies at Salem— was pastor of the local M. E. Church, came into the possession o f the Jonnie R. Quick, aged 16, died at aforesaid Charles the first o f the were hosts at a novel party at their week. The instrument was made in Salem of Tuberculosis Wednesday o f home at 321 East Eighth Street 1814 by John Baptist Schweitzer, at last week and the funeral was held North, Portland, Friday evening. The Pesth, Hungary, and it bears a label j Friday at the home of his father, D. readings were given by Mrs. Helen to this effect, as well as a couple o f B. Quick, at Hillside with interment Miller Senn and were from the poetic Annual Meeting o f D. A. R.— other label repairs that were made at in the cemetery o f that place. Rev. pen o f Dr. Watters, and the veteran The first annual meeting o f the Or­ Dresden, Germany, in 1873 by W il­ J. M. Barber o f this city conducted j male quartet sang. About 100 guests egon State Conference of the helm Fredel, and another label o f re­ the funeral. ; were present, among whom were the Daughters o f the American Revlution pair made in London in 1892 by Jos. i Misses Pearl and Helen Chandler, for­ will be held at the Multnomah Hotel, A. Channot. Charles will have to Myrtle Ferrell Victim o f White Plague mer residents o f this city and grad­ Portland, Wednesday, March 4. Del­ give several extra lessons to pay for Myrtle Ferrell, the 13 year old uates o f Pacific Uuniversity. egates will assemble at 9 o ’clock, a. the violin, as it is said he paid $100 daughter o f Albert Ferrell who lives m. Sessions will be held both morn­ for the instrument. But then he on the H. T. Buxton place Northwest Dr. Woods Hutchinson to Lecture in ing and afternoon, with a luncheon I woudn’t take twice as much. o f this city, died Friday morning and Portland— served at 12:30 for 50 cents a plate. was buried Saturday in the local cem­ All members o f the D. A. R. arc in­ Dr. Woods Hutchinson, the eminent etery. Death was the result of Tuber­ vited to be present and to participate Bryant Will Pitch at U. o f O.— doctor wit, who told us in a lecture at j It is reported from Eugene to the culosis. She was born in Ohio and Marsh Hall o f Pacific University a ' in the discussions. her father moved here three years Portland papers that 25 baseball few .years ago, that we could eat all men are out practicing for the sea­ ago. Her mother died twelve years the hot buckwheat cakes and molasses ago. Funeral o f Mrs. M. Satterlee— son’s work, and among the candidates we wanted to, will appear in Portland The funeral o f Malinda Satterlee mentioned for the pitching staff is in one of his famous lectures to mor- 1 was held Monday at the Evangelical Raymond Bryant, a former Pacific More Pavement for McMinnville— row evening at the Taylor Street M. i Church at Gaston with interment in University player and track man, Henry Ott was in McMinnville Sat­ E. Church. He began his fight : the Hill cemetery. She had been a who is reported to have deserted the urday and says that the Yamhill against the white plague when he was j resident o f Oregon for 27 years and is track for the diamond. county seat will put in three or four secretary o f the Oregon Board of survived by a husband, who will soon miles o f pavement this year and will Health. Since leaving this state for I be 90 years old, and the following Cemetery Association Meeting— begin sometime in March. He went New York he has become the most children: Edgar Satterlee, Mary There will be a meeting o f the up with a view of swinging on for popular physician-writer in the ■ Peebles, John Satterlee, Arthur Sat­ Mountain View Cemetery Association team work as that is his old stamp­ world. His articles in the Saturday j terlee and Laura Koberstein, o f Gas­ Monday, March 2nd at two o ’clock ing ground. He had a visit with Evening Post and other magazines 1 ton, and 24 grandchildren. F. A. at the Rodgers Library and all lot Calloway and Cameron, former Forest have been read with as much interest \ Everest, deputy county recorder, o f owners are requested to be present. Grove residents, who are doing a good by the lovers o f humor as George j j Hillsboro, is a grandchild. S. T. Walker, Secretary. grocer;' business. Ade’s fables. Indoor Track Meet February 28™ There will be an indoor track meet between the Pacific University ath­ letes and three o f the Alumni, Sum­ ner Bryant, Levi Austin and Holman Ferrin. Ferrin is a pole vaulter and sprinter, and Austin when in school was one o f the best distance men in the state. Bryant is a sprinter. The meet will be Saturday, February 28. SPRING Call and Examine Our New Spring Line of Ladies and Gent’s Suits and................... Coats One Lot of Boy’s Odd Suits at $1.00 Each 1 JOHN ANDERSON The Clothier COMING Spring will soon be here. Every one at this time should begin to prepare for the coming season. In a few more weeks the farming season will open and if you are thinking of buying new implements, now is the time to do it. We carry a complete stock of the latest and best farm tools on the market. We have everything that goes to make farming easier for the farmer. Before buying come in and look our stock over. We are here to serve you and want you to buy where you can do the best for your money. We are headquarters for STOVES, RANGES, PAINTS, OILS, WALL PAPER, HARDWARE of all kinds and anything you are in need of. TOLEDO R A N G E S Osborn Spring-Tooth Harrow BUGGIES ONE OF THE BEST The Best on the Market fo r Less '■ A t Money rr-v -T"* ' HP.. We Will Guarantee Satisfaction W E H A V E JU ST W H A T Y O U W A N T Iron Age Hoe W ith an IR O N A G E H O E SPORTING GOODS P LOWS you can cultivate, ridge growing crops, weed, level and soil, open furrows for fine your planting potatoes and other seed, mix the tii T^r— BALLS BATS d ix XBpr JC> MITS & SUITS 5TJ fertilizer with the soil, and cover GLOVES seed after planting. It is the only combination double and single wheel on the market. C om e in and examine them. w e handle the O LIV E R CAPS CATCHERS MASKS £ PLOW the best on the market PADS > for service W e carry a complete line of sporting goods and are exclusive agents for R each Base Ball G ood s We are agents for M'CORMICK HARVESTING MACHINERY GORDON A L A B A S T IN E — stylish and sanitary wall coating. & All tints in any quantity GORDON FOREST GROVE’S LEADING^HARDW ARE AND IM PLEM ENT STORE I