FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE TEN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 his pocket. It is said that even when he goes out to feed his blooded chick­ ens he arms himself with the above sales paraphernalia. J. F. McGill spent Sunday at McMinnville with his son, Howard McGill, who is connected with the Repairs and Oils plumbing department of the P. E. & Norris Rogers, or Ale Minnville, a J* !\. k . . iiiiin Dr. D. W. Ward Ervin Leppard, o f Banks, visited in clerk in the Rogers Bros. Pharmacy, Attorney-at-Lun Dr. E. B. Brookbank the Grove Friday. of which Tom Rogers formerly con- EQUITY AND PROBATE ONLY i;.': i ns and Surgeons 'o More Gas on the Stomach or Sour He has a Special Oiler Miss Velma Tucker is working out nected with Charles Miller’s drug Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Stomach! No More Heavy Feeling at R. C. Oglesby’s at Kansas City this store is a partner was visiting Sun- 22 First Ave. No'th Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove for the purpose. After Meals or Constipation! Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 j week. day at the Bernard home. W e w a n t e v e r y o n e In th is t o w n w h o A Washington’s Birthday pro- Miss Adison arrived in Forest Forest Grove, Ore. las s t o m a c h o r b o w e l t r o u b le to Just Hollis & Graham ry O N E b ot tle o f sim p le b u c k t h o r n gram was given by the pupils of Miss Grove Sunday from Portland where He carries a full line of •ark, Klyoerine, etc., as c o m p o u n d e d Rasmussen and Prof. Ryan at the she has a been studying the spring O ft. C . ALKER m A d ler-l-k a. Y ou w i l l be su rp r ised Driving Gloves and both A ttorneys-at-LaW Central School Friday. styles and has begun her work t the Q U I C K A C T I O N ! The V E R Y F IR ST DOSE sh ow s r e ­ Mrs. Dr. Kauffman was shopping in for Mrs. Raush on Pacific avenue. Heavy and Light Harness m it s and a s h o r t t re a t m e n t w it h Osteopathic Physician Portland Saturday. Mrs. R. T. Campbell, of The Dallas Forest Grove, Ogn. \ d l e r - i - k a m a y m a k e y o u f e e l b e t t e r Parker Guarantees His han y o u h a v e f o r year s. Mrs. Dr. Tucker and Mrs. E. E. is visiting her cousin Miss Marsella T h i s r e m e d y t e n d s t o an tls e p t lclz e Richards. Treatment by Special Appoint* 'h e intest inal t ra ct and to d r a w o ff Lines visited at Patton Saturday. he im p u rit ies. A SINGLE DOS E Rex Dallas and sisters, Neva and E. S. Crow o f Hillsboro was visit- E. B. Tongue, ment Only j s u a l l y r e lie v e s gras o n t h e s t o m a ch , jo u r s t o m a c h o r c o n s t i p a t i o n Q U I C K L Y . Ruey, o f Gales Creek, visited in the ing friends in Forest Grove Friday. Jlttorney-al-LaW L. D. Hartman, o f Portland, visit- W e d o n ot h e s i t a t e t o s a y t h a t Grove Sunday. A d l e r - l - k a is the B E S T b o w e l a n d H. W . Vollmer, M. D. District Attorney. Miss Neva Dallas was down from ed in Forest Grove, Saturday. Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove, Oregon. s t o m a c h r e m e d y w e h a v e e v e r s o ld ! Portland visiting her parents at Gales D. Blondin, c f Portland, was trans- Hillsboro, Ore. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Shop, 7 4 2 ; House, 831 LITTLER’S PHARMACY acting business in this city, Friday. Creek Saurday and Sunday. Office in Abbott Bldg. Phone 272 We Deliver L. R. Pratt, of Salem, visited Miss Maud Miller is on the sick list W. M. Langley & Son Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. friends in this city, Sunday. | this week. Steve Harris, of Dilley, was visit­ Frank Lambert was down from Lawyer» Ind. Phone# ing friends in this city, Tuesday. | Portland Sunday. W E have Master Herbert Van Valen of R. Brown is building a bungalow on Forest Grove, Ogn. his property on Pacific Avenue and Portland visited his grand mother W. Q. Tucker, M. D. Fourth Street. 1 Mrs. Davis in this city last week. I had no lull Mary Woell visited in Hillsboro last Miss Ava Carlyle has been on the W. B. COON, V. S Physician and Surgeon Saturday and Sunday. sick list the past week with a slight will prove to you as it has to Calls answered promptly day or night O f f i c e o n 1 s t S t . in our business, Archie Olson motored to Hillsboro attack of appendicitis, Phone: Office 271. Residence 288. Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. thousands o f housewives the in his new ca~ Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Hart took Mrs. Du- Having bought out Dr. Feeley, Vet- sure qualities of ■ but will find Mrs. Gates, o f Hillsboro, visited in daecks place in the Golden Rule I erinarian, I wish to notify the public Dr. H. R. Kauffman the Grove the past week with friends store , Saturday, on account o f the that I am prepared to answer all calls, Physician & Surgeon j day or night. illness of the latter. and relatives. time to make F o r e s t G r o v e , O re Office: Forest Grove Nat’ l Bank Building Harold Waldron was in Hillsboro Mrs. Joseph Kirkwool, o f Missoula, Phone Main 96 Phone Main 0131 Sunday. 1 Montana, was here last Friday and J a Photo of Y ou . James Baldwin and son V em made attended the banquet. While here she Dr. C. E. Geiger, Forest Grove, Ore. a trip to Soggins Valley Monday to was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. look at a farm. Schulmerich. — Creswell Chronicle. Homeopathist and Surgeon Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. Hazel Carmack was shopping in Mr. Kirkwood is a graduate o f Pacific Physician, Surgeon Office at Residence, 1st avenue, be- \ Portland Saturday. University, and the son o f Mrs. Phebe tween 1st and 2nd streets. and Osteopath Charles Cady is home from Tilla- Kirkwood, o f this city, It not only raises the dough Medicine by Parcel Post to any part or Calls answered day or night. mook on a visit for a month or more. Rev. Jerome Barber and wife, for- the country. better, but improves the text­ Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. H. French butchered a nice beef merly o f this place, but whose home ure of the food. Hillsboro, Ore. last Sunday out on his farm. is Forest Grove, were Sherwood vis- J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McGreer re- itors this week.— Sherwood Journal, W. P. DYKE turned home from Salem Friday even- Mr. Barber formerly was in charge Physician and Surgeon SOLD BY GROCERS ing, where they had been for a week, o f the Congregational Church at Attorney-at-Law J. E. Baldwin quit his work at the Sherwood Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle Phone City 384 P . O . Block. Forest Grove. Forest Grove Forest G rove Condenser Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Hermans left for Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. National Bank Bldg. O re. Rev. Garrigus visited at the home Portland this week, and from there Hillsboro, Ore o f his daughter, Mrs. R. Lepschot, they will go to Los Angeles, REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN last week. j R. O. Barr and family, o f Lincoln, DR. GERTRUDE PHILLIPS THIS PAPER ADVERTISING BY THE Mr. and Mrs. H. Steinke, o f Kansas Nebraska, arrived in this city last OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN City, were shopping in the Grove Fri- week, and are located in S. Gibson’s house on Second Avenue North. day. Office Nixon Bldg., Main St. he Mrs. B. F. White left Thursday for Mrs. Helen Miller-Senn, who ap- G E N E R A L O F F IC E S Phones Office Hours peared in Vert’s Hall with Col. R. A. a week’s stay in the sanatorium in N E W Y O R K A N D C H IC A G O O ffice 801 M on.,W ed..Friday,5 to 9 p.m Miller in the campaign for woman’s Portland. Res. 0 2 6 2 Tues.,Thurs.,Sat.( 1 to|5 p.m BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES suffrage, is chairman of the dramatic ^ Henry Sackrider has returned to committee o f the Woman’s Club of Marysville, California, after a visit Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County Portland. She is in great demand as with friends in this city, CAPITAL - $25,000.00 a dramatic entertainer and made a 1 Phil Porter has traded his ranch at great hit when she appeared here for Gales Creek to H. J. Wright, of For- SURPLUS - $35,000.00 the equal rights cause. Mrs. Senn is est Grove, and is moving to town, DEPOSITS $400,000.00 a friend o f Prof, and Mrs. Arthur M .) Jerome Levy was a Portland visit- Bean, o f this city, or Tuesday. COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. E. Maldwyn Evans, the Welsh b a r -, Moses Salinger made a business (Carl Hoffman and Fred A. Watrous, Props.) J. A. THORNBURGH P resident itone singer that appeared in the trip to Portland Thursday, H. E. FERRIN, asst . C ashier JOHN E. BAILEY - V ice P iu s . lyceum concert at Pacific University ‘ Mrs. E. Hughes has been quite ill T. G. TODD - D irector W . W. McELDOWNEY - CA8HIBR this year under the management of j the past week. J, W. FUQUA - D irector Prof. F. T. Chapman, is to marry j A lbert' Kirkwood is surveying at Edith Rosslyn Collais, a soprano sing- the Jim Dilley farm near Watts Dis- er of Portland, who is director o f the trict this week. Taylor Street M. E. Church ch oir.! Mrs. Chas. Littler visited with her Mr. Evans is director of the F irs t' brother in Portland, who is quite ill. Popular Prices, 5 and 10 Cents. N o r th M a in S t Congregational Church choir. The Mrs. R. H. Austin has been very ill wedding occurs in May, 1 the past week. 1 William Deitz made the Press a ' J. A. McCoy, o f Kansas City, was I friendly call Saturday and notified us a Grove visitor Tuesday, to change his address from G ales, John Hardeback, o f Dilley, made a Creek to Forest Grove, Route One. business trip to Forest Grove last He came in town with Alfred Tuesday. y Freerkson, a milk hauler, who w a s ' S W. Crayne, who owns a wood ♦ stranded in the mud out in the country camp at Gales Creek, was in this city and had to unload all his milk before Tuesday. he could get out. Floyd Taunton, o f Newport, was Phone 721 Lewis Crews o f near Newberg has visiting in Forest Grove last week, been ^n Forest Grove visiting with Miss Edith Stalley is visiting with Ira Bradley. Mr. Crews has an Aus- friends in Dallas this week, Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray, o f Seattle, it tralian sheep dog that he would not For the {ßest of ¡Building Material sell for a pretty penny. He expects visited in Forest Grove Monday, to decamp with the canine for Cali- Mr. Bozier, who is on a farm near fornia before long. the Columbia River, visited over Sun- Mrs. Quentin Tucker was in Port- day with D. N. Morris, in this city, land Monday visiting her daughter Alleyn Johnson, of the Portland A t the who has been sick. High School, visited at the Forest Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gilmore who Grove High School Monday, have just returned from New York Miss Edith Garrigus was on the KOREST GROVE, OREGON have been visiting her parents, Mr. sick list Friday and not able to be at and Mrs. H. S. Benjamin who live in school. the noth part o f the city. The Gil- Mr. and Mrs. E. .1. McAlear, of £\on> Open J i Street and mores live at Lakeview where he is Hillsboro, were Grove visitors last connee'ed with a bank. Sunday. U nde r A’en> ¿\Zanagemenl First A c e . South Ward Munkers returned from Cor- C. F. Shelby, o f Newberg, made a vallis last week where he has been business trip to Forest Grove Mon­ doing work. day. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jackson of Ralph Spencer, o f Portland, visited Hillsboro were guests at the George friends in this city Thursday. Hancock home Sunday. They were Mrs. Lowell Tupper, of Medford, Absolutely Safe and Reliable neighbors a few years ago when both visited friends in this city Tuesday, OFFICERS: lived on adjoining farms between here Rev. Prose, of Willamina, visited and Cornelius. his parents in this city over Sunday. E. W. H A I N E S ......................... P r e s i d e n t Even When He Feeds the Chickens— Mrs. M. W. Patton visited friends | Of Foreat Grove, Oregon JOHN TEMPLETON - V ic e -P resident John Wfagner was home over Sun- in Newberg and Carlton last week, GKO. 0 . HANCOCK - - - S ecretary day. He has been in the employ of Miss Rose Kennedy, o f Portland, Conducted on E conom ic and Business Principles. T h e H om e the Oregonian as solicitor for eight visited her aunt, Mrs. Olmsted, in this B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s : Com pany That Ha* M ad e G o o d . Insure Y o u i or ten years and is regarded as one city over Sunday, Business or Dwelling in T h e Geo. G. Hancock Allen Rice John Templeton o f their best men. He is sent to all Chas. McBride visited his cousin, Bankers Ac Merchants T. W. Sain H. J. Goff E. W. Haines parts of the state. John does not Mrs. A. B. Craft, in this city, last Geo. Mizne** Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis feel happy unless he has an Oregon- Sunday. W. K. Newell H. T. Buxton ian under his arm and an atlas un- B. F. Purdy made a business trip to der his coat or some prize spoon in , Portland Tuesday. PRESS Imprint on your Printing guarantees Satisfaction _ t EAT A L L I W A N T TO N O W I J. A. PARKER Pure! Personal PRO FESSION AL AND BUSINESS D I R E C T O R Y H A R N E SS W ORK The Test of Your Oven Crescent Baking Powder Bryant’s Studio FOREST GROVE NATIONAL BANK T j j The Auction House STAR THEATRE ENTIRE C H A N G E N IG H T L Y Showing Best Licensed Films. Matinee Saturdays and Holidays. Star Confectionery in Connection. N E W A N D SECOND H AND GOODS I O. M . Sanford Where QUALITY COUNTS Proprietor THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Willis-Place Lumber Company Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association