/ ! Oregon Historical Society TWO WEEKS AND TWO DAYS MORE TO WIN THE PRIZES IN THE PRESS CONTEST Your suggestion, criticism and cooperation is solicited to help make the ‘ 'Press” a true representative o f all the people of Forest Grove and o f Washington County. f TWENTY STILL HAVE A GOOD CHANCE HELP YOUR FAVORITE F orest G rove P ress The best developer o f a community is a progressive and representative news­ paper. Send the ''Press” to friends whom you wish to welcome to this country. The PEOPLE’S Paper:— Prints the news of Forest Grove and Washington County accurately and when it is news, endeavers to faithfully represent the interests of all, treats everyone with the same fairness, is ever at your service, belongs to you, is absolutely independent, is always progressive, and urges your activity in the further development o f this community's great possibilities FOREST GROVE, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON VOL. 5 K OF P CELEBRATE WITH BIG PROGRAM BEAVERTON BUTCHER FINED $50 AND COSTS A. H. Spraner Guilty of Second 200 People Gather at Local Offence; Complaint Made by Headquarte sfor Impree- live Ceremonies WAS THE GOLDEN JUBILEE Banquet, Ritualistic Work and Social Features Make Me­ morable Evening Two hundred people which included members of the Forest Grove Knights o f Pythias and their friends, gathered at the lodge hall last Thursday even­ ing for the celebration o f the golden jubilee. All over the United States the Knights assembled to do similar honor to the founder, Judge Henry Rathbone, who with twelve other men established the organization in Wash­ ington, D. C., February 19, 1864. Decorations in lodge colors, blue, yellow and red, symbolic nf friend­ ship, charity and benevolence,made in the shape o f a triangle, adorned the ceiling, and a large United States flag was draped on the wall. The supper was a sumptuous affair and it was necessary to make three sittings in order to accommodate all the guests. Rudolf Schultz, one of the members, carved the chicken and waitresses from the Forest Grove Hotel made the service capital. A ritualistic program arranged by the Supreme Lodge was rendered, with Carl E. Brodersen as chairman. Those who took part were Earl Bux­ ton, chancellor commander; Andrew Kelley, vice chancellor; P. C. Star- rett, prelate; Claude Elford, acting master o f exchequer; and Loren Watkins, master at arms. The cere­ monies were beautiful and impressive while the different colored lights were turned on and appropriate music was rendered by Walker’s orchestra. A fter the program, an informal get acquainted meeting was enjoyed for an hour and then the guests repaired, some to the main hall for a social a f­ fair and others to the club rooms. Thursday the business house win­ dows were beautifulyy decorated with lodge colors and symbols and ar­ tistic cards made by C. E. Brodersen. W ILL REPEAT MINSTREL SHOW With new songs, jokes, skits and rejuvenated peps the Forest Grove High School Minstrels will play a re­ turn date at the Star Theater Friday night, March 6. Many who wished to attend the show this week were unable to get re­ served seats and of course they are anxious to see the production, and there are a lot that want to see the darkies again since they intend to put on many new features. 20 PORTLAND ACROBATS COMING FOR BIG SHOW Deputy Shrock. A. H. Spraner a butcher o f Beaver­ ton, arrested on a warrant sworn out by a deputy food commisioner M. S. Shrock and was brought to Hillsboro Saturday by Constable McQuillan. He was charged in the complaint with exposing for sale and selling un­ wholesome food. Spraner pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $50 and costs by Justice Smith. This is the second time within a few months that Spraner has been fined for selling unwholsome meat in his butcher shop. The first time he was arrested he paid $25 and costs. A. Katz a junk dealer o f Portland has gotten himself into a peck of trouble by making away with several iron posts belonging to John Schute a retired banker o f Hillsboro. Katz bought some iron junk o f Art Schute, son of J. W., and when he went to load the stuff on his wagon he also included the poles, which were lying near. He shipped the stuff to Port­ land, and was brought out from the metropolis Saturday by Constable McQuillin to face a charge of lar- eeny. Unable to furnish bonds in the sum o f $600, he was remanded to cus­ tody o f sheriff Reeeves. WOMAN MAKES GIFT TO BOY’S CLUB. Mrs. G. O. Rodgers Contributes $100 Toward New Club House. One hundred dollars has been given by Mrs. G. O. Rodgers o f this city to the Boy’s Club toward their new bungalow club house. She is the donor o f the Forest Grove Library Building after which that institution has been named. The boys now have the blue prints that were made by Architect Mc- Naughton o f Portland who drafted the Pacific Gymnasium and the club is highly elated over the design for their new quarters. They will soon call for bids for the construction of their house. JURY FINDS HOWELL GUILTY Of Extortion and Threatening the Life of Charles Lippert George Howell, o f the Green Moun­ tain district near Buxton, today plead guilty in the Circuit Court in Hills­ boro of threatening the life of Chas. Lippert and extorting money from him. He was sentenced to six months in jail, but paroled by the judge on good behavior. Howell had been away from home and on his return sought Lippert, it is alleged, for having camped at the form er’s domicile while he was away from home, and threatened to shoot seven kinds o f cats out o f the afore­ said Lippert unless he would come through with $125, and Lippert came through with the aforesaid coin, and the grand jury at its last session in- dieted Howell on the aforessaid charges. SICK MAN HEARS GOOD NEWS Will Give Dazzling and Daring Program While the Band Play* Tomorrow Night Ed. Ward Wins in Old Fire Insurance Case When Court Decides Ed. Ward, who lies sick at his home Something decidedly uncommon for in this city, has at last won a final Forest Grove will be the big athletic victory and $3,000 in the insurance show at the Pacific University Gym­ case that has been pending for the nasium by twenty acrobats from the past five years. In 1909, while conducting a logging Portland Y. M. C. A. tomorrow, Fri­ supply store at North Bend, Coos day night. Among the acrobatic stunts per­ County, o f this state, his stock o f formed will be tumbling, pyramids, goods valued at $40,000 was de­ fancy drills, horizontal and parallel 1 stroyed by fire. There was $10,000 bar work, performances on the Ger­ insurance on the property carried by man horse, fancy diving and swim­ three different companies. Two o f the protective concerns paid ming. And an added attraction will be the but the third refused to remit their basketball game between the Forest amount o f $3,000.and they were sued Grove Tigers and the Pacific U n iver-1 in the Circuit Court in Portland and Ward was given the decree. An ap­ sity first team. While the athletes are performing, peal was made by the company to the there will be music by the Pacifi" Supreme Court o f Oregon, and a few University band. All in all it will be days ago this tribunal sustained the decision of the lower court. an athletic scream. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1914 ANOTHER ATTRACTIVE OFFER TO CANDIDATES IN CONTEST 100,000 Extra Vote» for every $25.00 Worth of Subscrip­ tions—300,000 For Every $50.00.--Now is the time to get those Promises—Offer closes March 4 NO. .32 m e l v escapes OUT FOR COUNTY FARM EX­ e ie c t r o e a ih PERT AND RAILROAD Ed. Alcorn Receives Several Gold Prizes Offered lo Children for Best Corn, Potatoes, Beans and Chickens Hundred Volts From P. E. & EL at Gaston. The West Dairy Farmers’ Commer­ cial Club had a very fine and en th u ­ siastic meeting at Lyda’s school house Saturday. Over fifty were present. MISSCHALCOMBE,OF CORNELIUS, ENTERS CONTEST The farmers commenced to come in about 10 o’clock, and at 12 all sat Was Rigging Up Ginpole When down to as fine a country dinner as Thousands of Votes being polled daily in Press Contest.—Clip was ever served. Talk about your Cable Came in Contact With twelve-course banquets in the city. Voting Coupon for 100 Votes from this paper and vote Electric Trolley. They can’t hold a candle to the “ ban­ , for some young lady quets” the farmers’ wives serve on an Ed. Alcorn, a young man about 27 occasion o f this kind. After dinner the Club was called to years old, narrowly escaped death by ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + + ♦■> order by the president, J. E. Lewton, electrocution yesterday morning at SPECIAL VOTE OFFER and the minutes o f the last meeting eleven o’clock at Gaston, while load­ For the next ten days only, beginning Monday, February 23, 1914, were read by Secretary Westcott. and closing Wednesday, March 4, at 10 P. M., in addition to the votes ing mining timber on the P. E. & JO. The first committee to report was electric. given according to the regular schedule, we make all candidates the the Railroad Committee. This report following offer: Several men were erecting a g in - was made by J. D. Mickle, and while pole, which had several wire cables WE WILL GIVE TO EACH AND EVERY CANDIDATE 100,000 the railroad did not promise to build running to the top and bottom o f the EXTRA VOTES FOR EVERY $25.00 WORTH OF SUBSCRIPTIONS the road at once, they approved our pole for hoisting purposes. Alcorn TURNED IN BETWEEN THE ABOVE DATES. action in getting the necessary data, was at the bottom o f the pole holding No candidate is restricted as to the number of times she may qual­ showing the tonnage grown, number on to the wire cable and Orton Grieb- ify for the Extra Votes, if you can secure $100.00 worth o f subscrip­ of cattle and chickens, boxes o f fruit, eler was on top of the car, when the tions you will receive 600,000 EXTRA VOTES, or in proportion to the tons o f prunes, and in fact everything pole went over against the trolley- amount o f money turned in. The more money you turn in on subscrip­ that would mean tonnage for a rail­ wire and made a complete circuit and tions the larger your Special Ballot will be. road company, both going out and held Alcorn in its deadly grasp. Subscriptions should not be held until the last day, but turned in as coming in. The president of the road secured Alcorn shouted and Griebeler sup­ sent word th^t as soon as the roads posing that the former had merely An accurate account will be kept by the Contest Manager o f all were passable for an automobile he gotten his hands pinched between the subscriptions turned in during this offer, and the special ballots will would come out and look over the ter­ cable and pole pushed the pole over be mailed to the candidates after this offer closes. ritory. + * ♦ * + ♦ ♦ + ♦ * * + ♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ ♦ + and thereby freed it from the live . Mr. Mickle, Deputy Dairy Inspector wire and cut off the current. Miss Christine Mackrodt .................. City ...................................... 87,940 Schrock and Dr. Brooks, of Portland, Alcorn was picked up and carried Miss Alta Williams ............................. City ....................................... 67,480 gave some very interesting and in­ over to the hotel and Dr. James A . Miss Joy Adelott ................................... City ...................................... 52.180 structive talks. Baker was summoned. He said that Everything that would tend to help the injured man would have been Miss Una Emerson ............................. City ....................................... 42,720 Miss Christina H a e k ............................ City ...................... ............... 19,640 ! develop cur district and build it up killed in five seconds if the current Miss Ruth Austin ............................... City ....................................... 17.140 j was talked over and good live com- had not been shut off by Griebeler Miss Winifred Littlehales .................. City ....................................... 14.180 | mittes appointed to take the different shoving the ginpole from the trolley Miss Alice Ralston ................ ........... City . . . ................................ 13.140 matters up. Noah Baker, Mr. Scho­ wire. Miss Camilla Mills .......................... City ....................................... 9,140 field and A. E. Wescott were appoint­ As a result of the shock young Al­ Miss Ethel Buxton .............................. City ...................................... 7,840 ed to confer with the Banks Commer­ corn is confined to his room with hfs Miss Wanda Todd ................................ City ....................................... 4.180 cial Club and the Forest Grove Com­ nervous system highly keyed up, but Miss Emma Wilson .......................... City ...................................... 3,480 mercial Club and join with them in it is thought that he will soon be ail Miss Leta Newton .............................. City 2,820 doing anything that could be done to right. Miss Lizzie Biel .................................. City 2,140 help Washington County. The subject o f "Good Roads” was Miss Maud Franklin ........................ City 1.140 Miss Edith Swanson ............................ City 1,000 taken up and a movement started to see if the residents o f the county Miss Merle M a u r e y .............................. Dilley ....................................... 38,420 could not be educated up to the point Miss Lena McBurney.......................... Gaston ....................................... 31,480 where they would be willing to bond Miss Tessie Johnston ............ .............. Gales Creek ........................... 29,840 the county to build permanent roads. Miss Arlie Fineout ............................. Gales Creek .......................... 27,180 Green Lilly, Ezra Kirtz and W. H. Jingling Jests, Merry Songs and Miss Adelaide Lewton .............. . . . Route 1 ..................................... 24,620 Lyda were put on the committee. Thos. William*’ F. J. Loewis and Miss Dora Susbauer .......................... Cornelius ................................. 14,180 Dancing Darkies Make Miss Ruth Willis ...................... . Banks ...................................... 13,240 Mr. Schofield .vaio Appointed to look Folks Glad Miss Ida Oglesby.................................. Route 2 ..................................... 10,140 after the dairy interests o f thi section. Miss Ethel Adkins .............................. Gales Creek .................................. ),140 1 breaking of big nights, that was On Education, Mesdames Jacobson, some bignight, as the grownups say, Miss Eva Richey .................................. Cornelius ................................... 6,140 Mi ' Vida C hallacom be............ .. • • • • Cornelius ................................... 4,940 Williams, Schofield, Schafer and Don­ at the Star Theater Tuesday even­ The first ing, when the Forest Grove black Mist, Carrie Bam ford.......................... Route 1 ........................................ 4,160 ovan were appointed. thing they did was to plan for the or­ face minstrels showed to a capacity Miss Clara Haynie................................ Gaston ...................................... 4,180: Miss Sadie Ward .................................. Gason ........................................ 3,140 ganization of a Farmer Boys’ and house. Miss Sarah Rainwater ........................ Route 2 ............................ .. 3,040 Girls’ Club at Thatcher, Lyda’s, Hill­ The audience filled the show house, This flowed over into the aisles and filled Miss Len Taylor .................................. Dilley ........................................ 2,140 side and Fairview schools. Miss Rena Lee Gales Creek ................................ 2,120 j pleased Mr. Wescott so much that he the back, so as to make a respectable Miss Viola P a r k e r ................................ Banks ............................................ 1,149 offered to the boy 15 years o f age and sardine box look bashful. And i f Miss Rose W ilcox.................................. Gaston .......................................... 1,000 ' under his choice o f a heifer out o f his laughing makeR one grow fat, as Hor­ Miss Martha W o l f ................................ Banks ...................................... 1,620 herd for the best ten ears of corn, and ace Greeley said, there will be a Miss Ruth Frost ................................... Watts ........................................ 1,000 ' •Mr. Lewton offered a gift for the sec­ whole cargo o f fat folks in our beau­ ond prize. tiful town. For the best ^ien o f chickens raised When the curtain went up reveal­ All the world loves a hustler, sure and do it this week. Remember And you know ‘tis true, that if you do not qualify for the Ex­ by the girl 15 years o f age and under, ing the twenty-five home made dark­ Mr. Wescott and Mr. Mickle offered ies, with chorus clad in spotless whitn Make a noise like a hustler, tra Votes it may be the means of you $5 in gold. A prize was also offered and the six end men in cherry red And the world will help you. losing the prize you are working for. Your competitors will take advantage by Mr. Schrock. Dr. Brooks then spike tail coats and trousers, singing The Tale of the Bumble Bee,” with Candidates, now is the rime to se­ o f this offer, so must you. The Extra made two offers. To the girl 15 years of age and under, $5 in gold for the Kncell Todd as the soloist, there was cure a lot o f Extra Votes; this is one Votes are what will win for you. best ears o f corn and five cans of a storm o f applause from the largo grand opportunity for those who have No one candidate has a cinch on not done very much up to the present any one of the prizes, the contest is beans. To the boy 15 years and un-1 audience. Then followed more .song-* time to get in and win. Any candi­ .still open*and the Grand Prize is der,$5 in gold for the largest and best —a medley. Fred Jones, coach . of the show, date can win a special ballot if she within the reach of all. All that it crop of potatoes grown on 100 feet Ralph iligby, Vercie Billinger, John will but try. Now is the time to get will take to win is a little hard work square of grund. This brought up the question as to Doane, Otto Cantrell and James Nor­ those promises in. If you have ever where these articles were to be exhib- | ton as end men in the red suits with worked in your life, you want to be on page eiight) ited, so it was decided to have a dis- j their nigger philsophy and wit, great­ trict fair just before the county fair, ly amused the crowd. It was a caso SEND IN THIS COUPON FOR YOURSELF OR A FRIEND and the best exhibits would then be ' o f the reds dispelling the blues. THE PRESS, \ taken to the county fair. A commit- ! All the end men sang solos and did Forest Grove, Oregon. tee will Be appointed at the n ex t' a little dance, and had to repeat. Jots meeting to take charge o f the fair. McCoy, Encell Todd, Ralph Emmer- Enclose Find.................................. Dollars as payment for my subscrip- An entertainment committee, con­ son and Ralph Higby in their special sisting of Mesdames Lilly, Isewton, solos were enthusiastically encored. Lyda, Kirtz and Wylder was ap­ Gale Miller in his conventional black tion to the PRESS fo r ...................... Years. Please credit the votes to pointed. suit and white face handled his job as At the next meeting committees on j interlocutor like a veteran. M is s ........................................................................ Publicity and Better Fruits will be The second part of the show was appointed. We want all the residents ( given over to a screaming farce, lo­ Signed o f Thatcher, Hillside and Kansas calized, “ A Night in a Dilley Hotel.” City to plan to be at the next meeting Those in the cast were Gale Miller, Adress which will be held on the second Sat­ Willis Hines, Clarence Lenneville, En­ urday in March. We are going to cell Todd , Willie Thompson, Roy Clip this coupon and ’-nd to THE PPFSS Office and help some young Thompson, Donald Dyment, Clair« lady win a prize. Votes are issued .» n both old and new subscriptions (Continued on page nine) Walker and Lloyd Carey. GREAT INTEREST TAKEN IN PRESS CONTEST NERVES BADLY SHATTERED RECORD AUDIENCE GREETS HIGH SCHOOL COMEDIANS I