V * im 8tra'n 8aP® the Repairs and Oils HARNESS H e has a Special Oiler for the purpose. had no lull in our business, WORK but will find time to make Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phones: Shop, 742; House, 831 a Photo of You. For Sale Bryant’s Studio P. O . Block. Forest Grove. 1 [ fo r est grove l N A T IO N A L B A N K he i Only Roll of Honor Bank in Washington County - - $25,000.00 $35,000.00 $400,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. J. A. l'H O K N B U R G H P resident JOHN E. B A IL E Y - V ice P hks . W. W. M cE L D O W N E Y - C ashier H. E. F E R R IN , asst . C ashier T. G. TODD - D irector J. W .F U Q U A - D irector Forest Grove North Main St PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY J. N. riotiman Altorncy-at-LaTD Uniform * They Wore. In Angus Hamilton's ‘'Afghanistan” E Q U IT Y A N D PR O B A TE O N L Y ts mentioned the following interesting Office HofTman Bldg. Pacific Ave. episode: Ind. Phone 602 Forest Grove "Th e staff of the frontier regiment ty. Ill,, for twenty-seven years. on guard aloug the Afghan side o f the 1 had the pleasure aud the border hud accepted an invitaUon to Hollis & Graham privilege of meeting Abraham the uiess at the Russian post. They . » arrived in due course, appearing in all Lincoln on many occasions and listen A ttomeys-at-Law lug to him tell many stories and make the full dress graudeur o f second hand many speeches. 1 wag old enough to railway uniforms. The officer com­ Forest Grove, Ogn. take part In the great campaign of manding the detucbment exhibited on the collar of his tunic the mystic I -------- -------- -------- .A 1800, when he was first elected presi­ words 'Ticket Collector.’ His subor­ dent. There were many scenes during dinate. a subaltern, was content with E. B. Tongue, that campaign that 1 shall never for­ the less exulted label o f ‘Guard.’ Out ylttorney-at-Law g e t W h e n o f courtesy to their guests the Rus­ t h e Illinois sians suppressed their merriment, re­ D istrict A ttorney. d e I e g a tea ceiving nevertheless the Impression Hillsboro, Ore. went to the thut a portion o f the subsidy granted by — national Re­ the government o f India to the ameer W . M. Langley Son publican con of Afghanistan was taken out in the custotl uniforms o f British public com­ v e n tlo n at panies. The fact was that the ameer, Lawyers Chi cago through his agent in India, hud acquir­ Richard ed a large parcel of discarded clothing Forest Grove, Ogn. Oglesby (aft­ at one of the aiiiiuul sales of con­ erward three demned stores in northern India.” times gover­ W . B. C O O N , V . S. The Greek Version. nor of Illi­ A young Greek merchant o f Wash­ O f f ic e o n 1 st S t . nois, major ington, who has been taking lessons in Between Pacific and 1st Ave. S. general dur­ English from a private tutor, has so ing the civil fur advanced that his teacher recently Having bought out Dr. Feeley, V et­ w ar a n d introduced him to the beauties—and erinarian, I wish to notify the public that I am prepared to answer all calls, U n i t e d perplexities—of Shakespeare. He was day or night. C O L O N E L E. T . LE E . States sena­ instructed to read a passage several Phone Main 95 F orest G rove , O re tor) and others of the Illinois delegates times until be had the ideas firmly carried into the Republican wigwam fixed in his mind and then, closing the rails that Lincoln bad split on the farm book, to put these ideas Into bis own Dr. C. E. Geiger, where he lived lu Macon couuty. These English, following as closely as his rails created great enthusiasm and memory permitted the author's te x t Homeopathist and Surgeon He had read over a soliloquy o f Oth­ gave Lincoln the name of "the rail ello’s several times and was reproduc- Office at Residence, 1st avenue, be­ splitter.” tween 1st and 2nd streets. A fte r the choice had been made i inK tlle M °rtr’,! somber thoughts with aud Lincoln nominated a dispatch was pretty fair approximation to the poet’s Medicine by Parcel Post to any part o f the country. sent to IJucoln announcing bis nom­ words, but when, be reached the last ination. He was at the office of the line. "Farewell. Othello's occupation’s gone!” he stopped short, utterly at a Illinois State Journal. H e read the loss. The original phrasing hud quite J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. telegram, and. putting it in hla pocket, escaped him. However, he had grasp- be said. "There is a little woman down . . . . . ... . . . . . ed the idea, for after a few seconds of Physician and Surgeon at the bouse who will be glad to hear frownl [)erplexltJ. hls brow cleared. r the hp n ftH ’M n nn w o n t I Immediately m m iM lin t n lv to tr» , , , , . .... , . , „ news.” aud went “ Ah. I haf eetr he exclaimed. "E et Phone City 384 hla home on Eighth street to tell Mrs. ees this; ‘So long! Othello’s lost hees Rooms 4 and 5, Schulmerich Bldg. Lincoln. Soon after hls nomination so jop!” ’—New York Post. Hillsboro, Ore many people came to see him that he took a room at the atatchouse. now the The Richest Country. Sangamon couuty courthouse, wbofe The “ richest country in the world” is DR. G E R T R U D E P H IL L IP S he received the visitors. They brought this one o f ours—the United States of OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN him log chains to decorate the room. America. There is no other country One enthusiastic Republican from that can hold a caudle to this. France Office Nixon Bldg., Main St. Tennessee brought him a rooking chair Is rich. Great Britain is rich, but the Office Hours made o f hickory withes from the old United States is richer than France Phones Hermitage In Tennessee, where Gener and Great britalu combined, with Office 801 Mon.,Wed.,Friday,5 to 9 p.m Tue».,Thurs.,SAt., 1 to)5 p.m al Jackson lived He said, "This chair many billions to spare.—New York Res. 0262 Is bony and I am bony; we Just su it” American. And be would sit down in this chair and tell us stories, as he was a great entertainer. One gentleman who came In to see him said. "Mr. Lincoln, 1 Brady Chowning’s came all the way from Pennsylvania (F or all churches who hold regu ar services in this i { Sc FRESH COWS We have just received another! car load o f choice fresh cows, j We invite you to inspect them. , Peterson Bros. Phones 0198, and 020X 221 w * coma »»c uiui nv wav bowing ana waving hi» adieus, while we wared Hass and handkerchiefs after him. This was the last time 1 ever saw Abraham Lincoln. I entered the army and was with (¡ruDt. Sherman, Logun and with McPherson In the Army of the Teuneasee. 1 man bed with Gen­ eral Sherman's army to the sea. r n m m i T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 29, 1914 H W E have H e carries a full line of Driving Gloves and both H eavy and Light Harness Parker Guarantees His C A P IT A L SURPLUS D E PO S IT S REMINISCENCES OF LINCOLN general n e r v o u s tem. It is re­ sponsible for most headaches arid much stomach trouble. Any man who fits glasses for vision only is yet in the nursery o f op­ tics. An interior examination of the eyes, as well as a careful By Colonel E. T. LEE consideration o f the nerve and muscle conditioes is essential if accruacy is desired. Consult Drs. A m e rica n P re s s A sso ­ Lowe & Turner at Hotel Laugh- Copyright, 1914, by ciation. linabout your eyes and glasses. A V IN G lived In Sangamon coun­ Friday Jan 30th up to 3:30 p. m. PARKER Í ^ F O R E S T GROVE PRESS T A G E E IG H T N AMBIMI - Church Locals and Notices Dr. D. W . W a rd Dr. E. B. Brookbank hysicians and Surgeons 22 First Ave. No-th Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 Forest Grove. Ore. D R . C. E. W A L K E R Osteopathic Physician Treatment by Special Appoint* ment Only H. W . Vollmer, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. Ind. Phone* W . Q . Tucker, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Calls answered promptly day or night Phone: Office 271, Residence 282. Dr. H. R. Kauffm an Physician & Surgeon Office: Forest Grove Nat’l Bank Building ^hone Main 0131 Forest Grove, Ore. Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. Physician, Surgeon and Osteopath Calls answered day or night. Hillsboro National Bank Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. W . P. D Y K E Attomey-at-Law Forest Grove National Hank Bldg. Forest Grove Ore. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL O F F IC E S N E W Y O R K A N D C H IC AG O BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES i WE(TZEL & LASHAM city. The proper authorities are requested to I send in their announcement early each week.) Ï S eventh D ay A dven tist :— Third Street. Regular services Sabbath day: 10:00 A M., Sabbath school; 11:15 A. m ., j church services. Missionary meeting, Sunday evening, 7:30 p. m . Pray ermeet- | ing, Wednesday evening, 7:30 p. m . A I cordikl invitation extended to all. The Auction House Phone 721 Proprietor FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U . S. D E P O S IT O R Y . OFFICERS: i E. ML H A I N E S ................... P r e s i d e n t JOHN T E M PLE T O N - V i c e - P r e s i d e n t GEO. G. H ANCO CK - - - S e c r e t a r y B o a r d of D ir e c t o r s : Geo. G. Hancock Allen Rice John Templeton E. W. Haines T. W. Sain H. J. Goff Geo. Mitner Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis W. K. Newell H. T. Buxton Sheet M e ta l W o r k and Repair Shop. FIRST-CLASS SERVICE M .; Morning worship, 11 A . M .; Junior j C. E., 3 P M. ; Intermediate C. F. and s Nixon Bldg. Main St. g North 1st Avenue, between Main I Y .F .S.C .E ., 6:30 P. m .; Evening service, I | 7:30 P. M. Thursday, midweek prayer- j S8888288S8888888S8888888S888S8SS38S8888888888888KS I and “ A ” Street. . Phone 863 j meeting. Visitors are heartily welcome. [ F irst M ethodist : Dr. R. E. Dun­ lap, pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M ., H. B. G L A I S Y E R , C. E. Miss Mary Corl,superintendent; Preaeh- Deputy County Surveyor I ing service, 11 a . m . ; Epworth Lergue, | 6:30 p. m .; Evening preaching service, A ll Kinds o f Surveying and Mapping, Subdivisions a Specialty | 7:30 P. m . ; Prayermeeting, Thursday Office: 206 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 806. Res. Phone 46X. evening. All are cordially invited to FO REST GROVE OREGON | these services. F irst C hristian C h u rc h : First and Third streets, J. B. Holmes, pastor. Sunday School, 10 A. M., J. A. Parker, superintendent; Communion and preach­ ing at 11 A. M,; Christian Endeavor, 7 P. M., Kennard Dixon, president; Even­ i n g sermon at 7:30 p. M . Week day serv­ ices: Officers’ and teachers’ meeting j on Tuesday evening, 8 P. m . ; Chorus ¡drill, Mr. George Jackson leader, each (Carl HofTman and Fred A. Watrous, Props.) j Thursday evening; Prayer service 1 each Thursday evening. The ladies of the church meet each Wednesday qfter- noon at 2:30. The C. W. B. M. meets the first Tuesday afternoon o f each month. The board of officers meet on the first Monday evening o f each month. A cordial invitation is extended to all to share in these services. S t . A n tho ny ’ s C hurch :— Rev. J. R. Buck, pastor. The following are the Popular Prices, 5 and 10 Cents. services: Forest Grove Mass on the first and fourth Sunuays o f the month .it 8:30 a . m .; Mass on the second and third Sun­ days o f the month at 10:30 a . m .; every i week day at 8 a . m . Benediction with sermon every Sunday, 7:30 p. M. Cornelius Mass on the first Sunday I o f the month at 10:30 a . m .; Mass on the second and third Sundays o f the month at 8 a . M. Gaston Mass on the fourth Sunday o f the month at 10:30 A. M. Absolutely Safe and Reliable N o te A fifth Sunday in the month occurring, the time and place for the masses will be announced. Catechism: In Forest Grove on Fri- \ Of For eat Grove, Oregon day at 3 p. m .; in Cornelius on Satur- < day at 4 P. M. Confession: Saturday at 4 and 7 P. M. Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. T b e H om e Altar Society: A general meetieg o f Company T h at Haa M ade G ood . Insure Y oui the society will be held on the first > Wednesday o f January, April, July and Business ar D w elling in 71 m October. Sermons are always in Eng-1 Bankers Ac lish at both masses on every Sunday, j Everyone, regardless o f creed, is cor- j dUUy invited to all services. STAR THEATRE K w a s bo w in g a n d w a v in o iu s ad ie u s W 11 ILK WE WAVED KLAos a pi eh mu. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK for Tinning and Plumbing, F irst C ongregational :—Rev. D. T. | Thomas, pastor. Bible School, 9:45 A. [ NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS O. M. Sanford j: BARBER SHOP to see you.” Mr l.lm-olii sulci "I am astonished that you came so far to see as homely a mm as 1 am " Lincoln made a visit to 4’hlragn and ItliMtmlnutiin. III., where lie made short speeches The time at last came for him to leave for Washington to assume the responsibility of Ills new office. When he made hls Inst visit to hls law office lie said to William II. Herndon. Ills law partner: "I love the people here. Wily, and owe them all that I miu If God spores my life to the end I shall coins hack among them ind attend the remainder o f my days.” On Feb. 11. 1861. the day he left hls old borne, never to return to It alive, he stood on the platform of the rear enr o f the Wabash railway train. Gathered around him were hla neigh­ bors o f all political parties and creed* Some one held an umbrella over him. aa a light ralu waa falling This waa Indeed a aad occasion for him and for bla old friend* aud neighbor* There wae scarcely a dry eye In the va*t as­ sembly. Lincoln wae visibly moved by the eren* • Th* train pulled oat, and as loog aa ENTIRE CHANGE NIGHTLY Showing Best Licensed Films. Matinee Saturdays and Holidays. ★ Star Confectionery in Connection. ★ The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association t