/ T T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 29, 1914 FO R E ST GRÒVÈ ffiE S S P A G E SEVENT Manaco of the C ro w d ed Car. PUZZLED. A narrow car. scats filled with per­ other," pointed a pistol at him and* be­ sons attempting to read uewspupers gan pulling the trigger. The young Oiilc the car swings and jolts along man seized her band and took the pis­ is way. aisles jammed with men and tol away from her, then turned her omen, boys and girls and tiny chll- over to a policeman. Effle was taken to a station, whence, ireu swaying and rubbing one against the other, coughiug and sneezing, push­ when she gave her name and address, ing and pressing—wbat a sight for a , her mother was telephoned for. A ma progressive age; what a sermon for the great deal of difficulty was encountered moralist; what a despair for the stu­ in explaining the matter, but since the young man she intended to shoot dent of public health and hygiene! Endless problems are presented by would not prosecute the’ case Effle was this picture, seen dally in nearly every returned to her mother’s care. Mrs. Stanford was at a loss what to I right citizen. American city. Most important is the <• + + ♦ 4 * + 4 4 4 4 4 V e - s do with the girl. She proposed to send B o t menace to health from the thousands Hilbboro was in darkness Sunday- her to a retreat where she would be T/-/£- night, a tree blowing across the elec- i bacteria hidden in the throats of G A STO N N EW S kept from doiiijj any barm and would D / B e c T / O fy S t\ trie light wires below Beaverton dlsensed “ en “ “ d women and sprayed receive medical attention. But 1 sug The lights* went out about eight directly into a stagnant air moist and I gested an application o f the theory, j * * * * * -4 + * * * + unmoving in the absence o f sufficient A delightful surprise was given to 1 0 c'0 tard In any quantity desired could be there.” The inference is that when “ No ____ girl of Effle’s age can resist the Jsler. o f Gales Creek, is quite ill. obtained at the corner drug store. one borrows money he assumes an ob- j attentions of a young man o f yours. Tw en ty o f the’ young people of “ We have to keep it for plasters," ligation more than to repay the prin­ And as for shooting you. 1 hope she Gaston attended the Christian En the clerk explained. "Notwithstanding cipal and interest, which is doubtless w ill by that time have recovered her j sleavor Convention *n Forest Grove the advance in medical science and often the case, but, assuming the ne- equilibrium, and you will be in no dan­ tt Saturday and Sunday. A ll report a neyvfangled methods of treating dis­ | cessity o f borrowing, it Is doubtful if ger.” | the transaction ordinarily creates as ease hosts o f people still pin their faith Curious to note the effect o f the 1 splendid program and a general up­ to the homely mustard plaster as a pan­ | much obligation to the bank as It does treatment. 1 began at once to show l i f t from the meetings. acea for all fleshly ills, and no drug­ { to some accommodating friend. For a Mrs. Ella Durham and Mrs. Lane, I gist cun afford to let the stock run hank the louning o f money constitutes Mens Cassimere, made in Ore­ | Its regular line o f business. I t buys -wife o f Dr. Lane, o f Portland, were out.” —New York Times. W . and sells ere lit« and Is supposed to gon all wool suits for only $12.50 guests at the Bryant home over at Bailey’s Big Store. lean or. purely commercial cjnsidera- C u rious Signs. Sunday. A notable sign on one o f Boston’s fioas. I f a person, however, borrows Mrs. James A. Baker ♦ t e r ta in e d 1 busiest streets bears the remarkable 1 from friends or relatives, the loan Is FO R S A L E — Select Burbank pota­ the elderly ladies at her home Fri-1 legend, “ Cole & Wood, Dealers In always regarded as a personal favor toes, $1.00 per sack, delivered. H. day afternoon and the younger set I Wood and Coal,” the members of this calling for favors in return in addi­ N. Robinson. Phone, 0224. t2 p •Saturday between three and .five. The firm evidently having an unusually tion to repayment. — H an n y in St. Joseph N e w s -P r e s s . Moral: I f you must borrow money 'exquisite refreshments that w e r e ! fine perception o f the “ poetical fitness and In doing so want to incur the least Red Letter Day Saturday. Bring in served were proof o f Mrs. Baker's 1 o f things.” possible “ obligation,” borrow from the your book*. A. G. Hoffman &. Co. In High street, Clifton, Is a sign, Erne uttie attentions, l nought ner to part with a young fflah Bhe llkei. skill in domestic science. bank.—Omaha Bee. “ Milliner and Modest.” candy and took her to healthy places Indeed, 1 was slightly disappointed One o f the McLeod boys, who re­ A New York lawyer named Doolittle &fîïîîîsssæsr.ï.^i«îïîssîs?îîîJ«îîîKWîssp of amusement. Gradually 1 began to that she did not show more feeling. 1 cently returned from Canada, is sick once unwittingly entered into partner­ give ¡¡gr ioverllke glances and an occa­ think that my attentions served to .at his father’s home with the measles. ship with a barrister named Steele, but sional pressure o f the band. This treat­ bridge over a period between childish a singular lack o f clients soon became A fte r the entertainment given by ment extended over a period of a year, bodily Imperfection and sound woman­ painfully noticeable, and it was found | when 1 went to another city to begin hood. 1 never saw her again, and a the Reds o f the Congregational advisable to dissolve, the name o f the the practice of my profession. few years later heard that she had church last week, which was greatly flrui proving altogether too suggestive I think that by this time Effle had married an ordinary man whose name enjoyed by all present, “ Col.” Joe j to prospective patrons. recovered physically, which also means was not as high sounding as that o f “ U. Catchem & I. Cheatem, Attor­ McBurney auctioned off caps, and the mentally, and she parted with me as her Imaginary lover, for it was Jorbna purchasers were served a swell fe e d ., neys at Law ,” was a sign that had to be (Open to ell organizations holding regular meet- any girl o f her age might be expected Mudge. taken down for a similar reason.—St. The Artisans every Friday evening ingi in this SçitjçL. “ ' Louis Post-Dispatch. this winter are givin g an entertain- j I bad recently been graduated at a D e l p h o s L o d g e N o . 36, K. o f xnent o f games and lunch at the reg- college o f physicians. During the last A H um an W a ll. P .—Meets every Thursday even­ year o f my course the lady with whom ular meeting. You Artisans had An ingenious method o f preventing better come out and see what is going the escape o f convict prisoners with­ 1 boarded, a Mrs. Stanford, told me ing in K. o f P. hall. W. C. •on. out resort to bolts and bars is used by one day that she was very much trou­ Shuts, C. C .; J. S. Buxton, K. of R. and S. Spring is anxiously being looked ! the Dutch authorities in New Guinea. bled about her daughter, Effle. Here some o f the most dangerous Effle was o f a very romantic tem­ i or by members o f the K. P ’s, as they criminals are confined, but they make perament. She said nothing about W ashington L odge N o . 48, I. are very desirous o f getting their new no attempt to escape, although there lodge hall started. They have taken is no wall around the prison. The ex­ what was occupying her mind to her 0. 0. F. — Meets Monday even­ mother, who gained all her information ing o f each week. J. H. Shear­ O f The in many new members this winter. planation is simple—the penal settle­ from the girl’s friends. Certain school­ er, Noble Grand; R. M. Taylor, A t their joint instalation o f officers | ment is surrounded on every side by << mates o f Effle's told Mrs. Stanford Secretary. r>> last Saturday evening supper was | cannibal settlements. that Effle was talking about a lover. served and a general good time was He was tall and slender, with fine, Fearful 1 •enjoyed. The officers o f the Re- D iamond A ssembly N o . 27 o f large brown eyes and black, curly hair. “ You will find this fellow a tough I bekahs are: Mrs. J. H. Wescott, no­ His age was about uineteen. His name United Assembly meet in K. P. r # proposition,” warned the merchant ble grand; Mrs. Archie Bryant, vice­ was Hudolf SL Clair. The informant Hall, the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays “ Only one man has ever been able to did not believe that Effle had any such o f each month. grand; Mrs. E. J, Ward, seci%tary; C. B. Stokes, M. collect from him.” E. J. Ward, treasurer;. Officers o f \ “ Don't worry,” replied the bill col- 1 lover, but that he wus a creature of her A., C. L. Perry, Sec. the I. O. O. F. are: Fred Oberstein, lector, with a grin; "anything that has imagination. Effle said that she was used to meet­ noble grand; H. F. Kramer, vice- been dun can be dun again.” —Cincin­ F orest G rove H omestead N o ing this lover after school o f an after­ • grand; W illiam Spence, secretary; nati Enquirer. noon in a certain open square used for 581 meets the 2nd and 4th Tues­ E. J. Ward, treasurer. H. H. Por­ a public park. Of late the girl bad days in each month. M em ory. become very moody, giving indications ter, Pres., W. K. Curtis Sec. The funeral o f Mrs. Ann M. Grieb- j “ Now, Elsie,” said the schoolteacher of having some trouble on her mind. eler, who died while on a visit to her to a small pupil, “ can you tell me She gave hints to her most intimate daughter, Mrs. Frfed Everest, at what memory Is?” friend, a girl of her own age, that she Cost o f living is mighty high Hillsboro, last Tuesday, was held here “ Yes, ma'am,” replied Elsie. “ Mem­ feared Rudolf had become acquainted Trusts are busted— wink your eye Thursday with interment in the Hill ory is the thing people use when they with another girl who was leading him But why worry— health have we cemetery. want to forget what they don’t want away from her. Trusts can’ t beat Rocky Moun­ to remember.” —Chicago News. I suggested to Mrs. Stanford that she tain Tea. Vankoughnet & Reder * * * * * * * * * have Effle watched a fter school after­ noons, with a view to discover if she T o u ris ts H elp Som e. * H olbrook L odge N o . 30, A. Tourist—1 am amazed that you can met any man. This was done, and * C O U R T H O U S E f NO TES manage to live, my good woman, when one afternoon Effle was followed to F. & A. M, — Stated communica­ ♦ your live stock is so scanty. Peasant the park in question. Walking to a tions first Saturday evening o f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * * * * * * —Oh, It's not very difficult. You see, certain seat she sat down, and present each month. All visiting Masons In circuit court in Hillsboro Friday I have a cow, a goose, a dozen fowls iy her lips were seen to move as welcomed. J. W. Hughes, W. W illiam Penny, o f Gales Creek, and in summer a couple of tourists.— though talking to some one, though M .; H. C. Parker, Secretary. pleaded guilty to maltreating a horse Fliegende Blatter. not a person was near her. When this fact was reported to me and was given a fine o f $50. The J a m e s B. M a t h e w s , Post No. I made up my mind that Effle’s brain crime fo r which he was fined is said D iscreet Silen ce. to have been most atrocious. One The man who said "Speech is silver, was unbalanced. She had doubtless 6, G. A. R .— Meets first and seen a moving picture play which she third Wednesdays at 150p. m. [ day during the early part o f last but silence rightly used is wbat makes was enacting in imagination. Being in K. o f P. hall. Chas. Knapp, j year Penny was working a horse be­ golden weddings possible,” expressed just about to graduate, 1 was well up Adjutant; Patrick Cronin, Com­ a truth that many young couples nev­ longing to his father-in-laW, Lige in the latest scientific discoveries and er seem to grasp. mander. McCoy, when the animal refused to theories and had paid much attention work. Penny then tied a rope to the to autosuggestion or that something Weeds and bad habits are about the horse’s tongue, and when the animal only things that grow and grow quick­ which impels persons to create disease F o r e s t R e b e k a h L o d g e No. M odel F ifteen Linotype or impressions that have no real ex­ 44, I. O. O. F .—Meets first, third jerked back the tongue was nearly ly without any help. istence. Naturally 1 became much ln- and fifth Wednesdays o f r-ach torn out. The horse was then turned A T r ifle r C au gh t. terested in the case. I met one of month in I. O. 0. F. Hall. Flor- into the field and was discovered the “ I don't believe everything young Effle's schoolmates and asked her what j « « “ T s in n ls tn n ' Noble Grand; | next day, suffering greatly. on toll mo." she said p|ay her friend had most seen and | - - r > men tell me.” said. Penny claimed at first that he was "But you believe I tell you the truth talked about. 1 was told that it was Margaret I. Mallory, Secretary. not guilty, and as several hours were when I say that you are the most j one in which a young girl had met a [ spent selecting a jury, he then beautiful girl I have ever seen, dou't | young man with the result o f a lore W o m a n ’ s R e l i e f C o r p s N o . affair. The young man jilted the girl, 11. — Meets second and fourth 1 you?” changed his plea to guilty. “ Why should I? You have probably and she shot him. Frank Colfelt, o f Sherwood, was Thursdays at 2 p. m. in K. o f P. ) 1 feared that Effle. following this fined $200 and costs and given six said the same thing to many another play, would shoot some man. believ­ hall. Louise Butler, President; months in jail last week in circuit girl.” “ No; I have never said that to any ing that he was her recreant lover. I Sophia Smith, Secretary. court at Hillsboro fo r unlawfully sel­ advised her mother to keep Effle's other girl.” lin g liquor. The jail sentence will room well Inspected for something “ Really?” R o s e w o o d C a m p N o . 3835— not be carried out if be pays his fine she should not possess. This was done “ I swear i t ” R. N. o f A. meets every first AU clear and new type faces for particular Business and and hereafter conducts himself as an “ But will you think that in s year and a little pistol was found under a loose board In the closet, with a dozen and third Fridays, at 8. p. m. honest man. from now?” Society Printing. : : : : : : Job Printing That Satisfies. Oracle, cartridges. Mrs. Stanford gave the Mrs. Dora Emmerson “ It will defend on you.” Rull Degunnin, o f North Plains, Mrs. Marie Patton, Vice-oracle, cartridges to me. and after replacing “ W’ hy should it depend on me?” pleaded guilty to givin g liquor to a “ I f you refuse me I shall continue the powder with charcoal I told the Mrs.Winnifred Aldrich,Recorder minor, and on the first indictment he to think you are beautiful. I always I lady to put both pistol and cartridges was fined $50. On No. 2 and 3 he back In tbelr hiding place admire the things I can't have.” Doable Green Trading Stampe- was given $200 fine and one year ir. It was ant long after this that ene “ Oh. well. I shouldn't wish to have jail, each, but was placed on parole yon admiring me If I were not youri. evening on the street Effle stepped up en Clothing and Swentert Saturday at A. • 44 Co. on the last two counts. He also must ■anybow."—Chicago Bacord Herald. i * y ° un# man a a j l » I te him. “ I G H “ | cannot I will not give you up to an- hereafter deport himself as an w)*- Hi j FRATERNAL S DIRECTORY j j NEW LINOTYPE WHICH j H as Increased the C apacity ‘PRESS PRINTERY’ * * * * * j T h e Forest G ro v e Press is now able to care for any and all classes of Book Work Court Briefs Catalogues ' ylnnuals, Etc. F O R E S T G R O V E PRESS. *