FOREST GROVE PRESS GRAND THURSDAY. JANUARY 29, 1914 PRIZE GIVING I Hundreds o f Dollars w orth o f Prizes to be G iven A w a y Free by the F O R E S T G R O V E PRESS to the Y ou n g Ladies o f Forest G rove and the Surrounding Territory. RULES OF CONTEST. Contest opens Thursday, January 22. 1914, at $ a. m., and will close Saturday, March 14, 1914, at 10 p. m. Any lady is eligible to compete for the prizes. Any employe or immediate rela­ tive o f an employe o f this paper will not be eligible as a candidate in this contest. The Contest Manager reserves the right to reject any nominations for candidacy. This is not a popularity or beauty contest, and the prizes will be award­ ed solely on merit. No candidate 'will receive special favors, but each and every one will be assisted alike by the contest man­ agement in obtaining votes. Candidates arc permitted to se­ cure subscriptions anywhere. All subscriptions must be paid for in ad­ vance to obtain votes. Votes will also be issued for collections on back subscriptions. The contest management will not be responsible for typographical er­ rors in the publishing o f votes, ex­ cept to make corrections in the fol­ lowing issue. No contestant can win more than one prize. Should any* question arise as to the interpretation o f the foregoing rules, the decision o f the Contest Manager will be final. A ballot will be printed in each issue of the paper. The ballot will count for 20 votes. All ballots will be void unless received at the office of the Press on or before expiration date as printed. A ll that is N ecessary to W in is to receive the Largest N um ber o f V o tes. A ll H ave an Equal Chance. How the Prizes will be Awarded GRAND PRIZE So that all candidates will have an equal show we have divided the territory into two districts. District No. One— The City o f For­ est Grove. District No. Two— All territory outside the city limits of Forest Gr% e. GRAND PRIZE. Will go to the young lady polling the greatest number of votes o f the two districts. FIRST PRIZES. A diamond ring will go to the young ladies polling the highest num­ ber o f votes in each district after the Grand Prize has been awarded. m SECOND PRIZES. The young lady polling the second highest number of votes ij> each dis­ trict, after the Grand Prize has been awarded, will receive a $25.00 mer­ chandise order. THIRD PRIZES. The yous^; lady polling the third highest number of votes in each dis­ trict, after the Grand Prize has been awarded, will receive a handsome LaVilliere. ber of votes in the two districts SE C O N D P R IZES T H IR D P R IZE S Two Two Two $ 8 0 .0 0 $ 2 5 .0 0 Handsome DIAMOND RINGS MERCHANDISE ORDERS LAVALLIERES for Each District O n e for Each Good for 1000 Votes District PRIZES FOR ALL!! N O M IN A T IO N B L A N K 10 I wish to Nominate c/c Commission O n e for a one of the regular prizes; will Signed ------------------------------------------------------- AMOUNT 4 years Only one such blank will be accepted for each candidate, on January 2 2 , 1 9 1 4 A T 8 .0 0 A . M . 6 months 1 year 2 years receive ten per cent of all 3 years Address the money they Collect. 5 years Address all communications and subscriptions to CONTEST MANAGER— THE PRESS FO REST G R O V E - I Subscription Rates TIME T o all those who do not win candidate in the PRESS Subscription Contest CONTEST OPENED District VOTES Mail Address -----------------------------------------.--------- .----------- As Each SCH ED U LE O F V O T E S Miss -------------------------------------------------------------- .----- I I PRIZES FOR ALL­ AH those not winning one o f the regular prizes will receive 10' per cent of all the money they collect. This Prize will go to the Candidate polling the greatest num­ FIR ST P R IZES One I OREGON New or Old $ 1.00 1,000 $1.50 $3.00 $4.50 $6.00 $7.50 3,000 8,000 12,000 18,000 25,000 I CONTEST CLOSES on March 14th, 1 9 1 4 A T 1 0 :0 0 P. M . I J