Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 29, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 2«, 1914
Oscar Johnson, of Scoggins Valley,
was visiting in the Grove Monday.
Gerome M. Levey, of Levenworth,
Kansas, arrived in the Grove, Satur­
day, for a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
M. Salinger. He is thinking o f mak­
ing his home in the Grove.
Mrs. Dolly Brainerd spent a few
days last week with friends and rel­
Mrs. A. L. Sexton and daugher,
Beth, visited friends in Portland last
B. F. White was a Portland visitor,
| Charles Martin, o f Scoggins Valley,
was in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Elsie Pellant, o f Portland, is
visiting Mrs. M. E. Dilley in Forest
Grove this week.
Miss Vivian Stream was shopping
in Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will McCoy, o f the
Watts district, were shopping in this
city Monday.
j D. Herchler, o f Thatcher, was in
the Grove Saturday.
Mrs. Elsie Pellant and Mrs. Lillian
Stream were in Portland Saturday.
Mrs. H. P. Bryant and son Claude,
o f Gaston, were visiting friends in
Forest Grove this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman and daugh­
ter were visiting in Portland over last
j Sunday.
| Eva Schaffer, o f Independence, ar­
rived in Forest Grove this week to
visit friends.
W. P. Dyke, o f this city, made a
business trip to Hillsboro last week.
• .'., ., .V ,V ., ,V *.V »V V A V W *V , S W <
Notice for Publication
U. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon, i
December 26, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that William
J. Lunney, of Gaston, Oregon, Route
No. 1, who, on March 8, 1907, made
Eugene Atkinson left for Willami-
Original Homestead Entry No. 16197,
Serial 01359, for E. '/u S. E. >4 and N. na last Sunday to meet his wife, who
W. !4, S. E. y4. and on December 28, 1 has been visiting relatives in Forest
1907, made Additional Homestead ! Grove.— Sand Lake items in Clover-
Entry No. 16414. Serial 01446, for N. E.
«. W. '4, Section 31, Township 1 dale, Ore., Courier.
North, Range 4 West, Willamette
George C. Blower, who has been
Meridian, has filed notice o f intention spending several days in this city,
to make final five-year proof, to estab­
lish claim to the land above-described, has taken up his position with the
before the Register and Receiver, U. S. ! Pacific University, at Forest Grove.
Land Office, at Portland Oregon, on Mr. Blower was recently elected to
the 12th day o f February, 1914.
the position o f extension secretary
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil- |
that institution.— Oregon City
liam J. Williams, o f Gales Creek, Ore­ o f
gon; Matt Vincent, of Gales Creek, | Courier.
Oregon; Charley Dennis, of Gaston,
F. W. Schultz, a business man of
Oregon; Mrs. David Richards, of
Albany, was a guest at the W. F.
Gaston, Oregon.
Schultz home in this city last week.
H. F. H icby ,
W. K. Newell, o f Gaston, was in
the city last week. He is a regent
Notice to Taxpayers
Mrs. V. I. Fuqua was a visitor in
Notice is hereby given that the 1913 the Rose City Saturday.
tax roll for Washington County, Ore- !
gon, will open for the collection and ' Mrs. J. A. Elder and son Lamborn,
payment o f taxes on Monday, February were in Portland Saturday on busi­
2, 1914. No rebate will be allowed. ! ness.
All taxes are due and payable before
Miss Alma Curtis was in Portland
the 1st day of April. 1914. Half pay­
ments can be made before the 1st day Saturday.
o f April, 1914, but a penalty of one j
A. E. Gardner was in Portland
per cent per month is charged on
and fought with the fierce
remaining naif payment to be paid
prior to September 1, 1914. Where no gale which was blowing there.
payment is made before the 1st day of
Roy Fogle was in Portland Sun­
April, 1914, the tax becomes delinquent
and a penalty of one per cent per day.
month is charged from that date to
Miss Elsie Lathrop was visiting
Septembe: 1, 1914. A fter September the week end with her mother in
Mrs. Jane Smith and Mrs. C. B.
1, 1914, a penalty of 10 per, cent and
Campbell were visiting in Portland
interest at the rate of 12 per cent per Portland.
year will be charged on all delinquent
William B. Schlenker spent the j Saturday.
E. B. S appington ,
Mr. and Mrs. James Clark were
week end at the Elder home in
County Treasurer and Tax Collector of
Portland shoppers Saturday.
W ashington County, Oregon.
26t4 South Park.
Rev. C. N. Van Marter, who held
John Dietrich, formerly in the em- j
ploy of the locaf Condenser, but now a series o f revivals here in the Meth­
Notice to Creditors
In the County < ourt of The State of superintendent o f the milk plant at odist church four years ago, is now in
Oregon, for Washington County.
the midst o f a meeting in Vancouver.
In the mattvr of the last Will and McMinnville, passed through the
William Knight, o f Lincoln Nebras­
Testament of J. A. Hazlitt, deceased. Grove Saturday, and got off the
Notice is hereby given by the under­ train to say “ hello.”
ka, arrived in this city Monday for a
signed, executrix of the last Will and
Mrs. J. L. Austin, o f Riverside. visit with his brother, Jesse Knight.
Testament and of the estate of J. A.
Hazlitt, deceased, to the creditors o f California, is here on a visit to her
A t a recent meeting o f all the
and ah persons having claims against parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Knight, churches o f the Christian denomina­
said deceased to present the n with the on North Fourth Street. Mrs A us­
tion in Portland, Ward B. Swope, a
necessary vouchers within six months
from the date o f the first publication tin was form erly principal o f the former school principal of this city,
o f this notice viz, January 29th, 1914 to Forest Grove public schools. The was elected to the directorship. The
Ihe undersigned at the office o f Hollis Austins went to Ohio from here and association maintains a mission in
& Graham, Attorneys, in the First they lived on a farm a few years be­ Portland. Mr. Swope is connected
National Bank building, in the City o f
with the postoffice in Portland and his
Forest Grove, Washington County, fore moving to California.
Miss Lillian Elder was in Hood wife is prominently identified with W.
Dated at Forest’ Grove. Oregon, this River to spend the week end at the C. T. U. work. They lived In the
27th day of January, 1914.
A. E. Lathrop home. Mrs. Lathrop Grove for many years and have many
Elida J. Hazlitt
was formerly Miss Fay Orr, and at­ friends here.
Executrix of the last Will and Testa­
tended Pacific University, several
Dr. Geiger was called to Patton
ment of J. A. Hazlitt, deceased.
Hollis & Graham, attorneys.
28t4 ; years ag.
Valley Monday to prescribe fo r the
Dr. Ben Hiebel, of Waterloo, Wis­ children o f Herb Smith, below Cher­
consin, was in the Grove Sunday vis- j ry Grove.
iting friends. He has been spending ! Clarence H. Sprague, o f Portland,
some time with his brother Max, who \ visited in this city over Sunday.
is teaching school at Metow. Wash-
Donald Rolph, of Reedville, was
ington. Snow was two feet deep visiting here Saturday.
when he left there a few days ago. |
Mrs. M. S. Taunton and children re­
Dr. Hiebel is a brother o f Mrs. E. S.
turned this week from a visit with
Sparks, of Hillsboro.
friends in Kansas.
Mr. Taunton
Duncan Macleod was in Independ­ joined her in the Grove this week
ence Monday on business.
from Newport, where he has been
This Space Reserved for
Grandma Adler was it, Hillsboro working.
Sunday to attend services at the
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Taylor and
Lutheran church.
daughter, Kathleen, and Mrs. O. M.
Leslie Doane has resigned his posf-
tin at Hancock’s store to take a place
with the Beaverton Hardware Co. at
Beaverton. We will miss him in Cor­
nelius, but wish him success in his
new position. Marion Tibbits will
work in his place for Mr. Hancock.—
Cornelius Tribune.
Mark Bailey Bump was in McMinn­
ville Saturday on legal business.
J. P. Sheeley, o f Vernonia, was in
the Grove Tuesday. He has been vis­
iting with friends in the Gales Creek
neighborhood for the past two years.
He is a farmer and was born and
raised at Vernonia.
Ben Marsh, a farmer of the Center­
ville section, was trading with local
merchants Tuesday.
John Matthews, o f this city, is
serving on the federal grand jury in
P o p u la r M e c h a n ic s
M a g a z in e
“ W W t T T IN * 0 Y O U C A N U N D E R S T A N D I f *
Continued Story o f the World’.
ProereM which you may beam reading
at any time, and which will hold your
interest forever. You are living in the best
veer, of the most wonderful age. of what ii
doubtless the greatest world in the universe.
A resident ot Mars would gladly pay —
* 1 n n n for on e y e a r s
$ 1 , U U U S U B S C R IP T IO N
to this magazine,™ order to keep informed o f
our progress in Engineering and Mechanics.
Are you reading it ? Tw o millions o f your
neighbors are, and it is the favorite msga-
gine in thousands o f the best American
homes. It appeals to all classes —old and
young — men end women.
The “ Ihe* Rotes" Denartant (9 0 paces)
(Iras oasy wars to do tilings — bow to make
useful article« for home end «hop. repairs, ete.
• Id
a u W . W . .S ie p i » , t a . C H IC A G O
Taylor visited in Reedville Saturday,
returning Monday.
Willis Hines was on the sick list
last week with tonsilitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Knapp visited
in Portland Saturday.
Chas. L. Hatfield, of Portland, vis­
ited in Forest Grove Sunday.
Judson James, o f Gales Creek, was
in Forest Grove Tuesday.
The Misses Lois and Alta Purdy
visited Mrs. Baker in Gaston over
J. H. McFeeters made a trip to
Yamhill Tuesday.
A. S. Thompson and wife, of
Brownsville, arrived in Forest Grove
Friday. Mr. Thompson is starting a
dry goods and notion store in the Ab­
bott building.
Anna V. B. Swinney, a former resi­
dent o f this city, now of Grants Pass,
was recently visiting frends here and
at Hillside.
□ B
Mrs. A. J. Fennel, of Portland, was BB
□ □
visiting her uncle, W. H. H. Myers, BB
who is very ill ,here last week.
Mrs. S. Gibson visited friends in
Hillsboro and Banks over Sunday.
Miss Jessie Rennels, who has been
visiting her brother near Hillsboro,
returned to the Grove this week.
P ro te c t U el
To the question, "W h a t would you
do If you found a member o f your fam­
ily unconscious from gas?" n first term
high school student replied as follows:
" I f I should find a member of my
family unconscious from gus I would
chaEf the arms, loosen the clothing to
quicken respiration and press the chest
together. If two persons was working
over them one would hit them on the
head and the other would slap at
their fe e t
If all your other efforts
fall, use artificial respiration.” —New
York Post
3 0 0 D B O iflB
300 O O B B B B
□ a
□ □
□ □
□ a
- Price
Dick Abraham spent Sunday with
home folks in Gaston.
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
Suits and Skirts
□ □
□ □
□ B
□ □
□ Cl
□ □
□ B
□ B
□ B
□ B
The Clothier
□ B
Q 0 caia n ca i
n n nTTTTirin q q e
Pleasant For Aunty.
The rich maiden aunt wns calling on
her poor relations.
“ Aud where is little Tom m y?" she la-
qmred, looking round for her favorite.
Little Tommy was brought In carry­
ing a large tumbler, from which he re­
fused to be parted.
“ Do drink this, auntie,” be said.
“And why ahould I drink it, dear?"
"Because I want to see you.”
"A n d why do you want to see me
drink It?”
"Because papa says you drink like a
fish.” —London Mail.
New Electric Service
[ C S U N S E T
Duty Performed.
"I'm glad to see you home so early,”
said the lady o f the house. “ Now, you
remember I told you to be sure and
stop in and inquire bow poor Mrs.
Brown was getting along. How Is
“ W hy. really, my dear, I” —
“ A ba! So you didn’t stop to see? I
never saw such an abaentminded” —
“ You wrong me. I did stop and In­
quire. But for the life of me I can’t
remember what they said about her.
I’m forgetful, as you say, and” —
“Oh. never mind about that, darling.
What do 1 care about what they said?
Just so you stopped and usked, that's
all that makes any difference.” —
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
Is now in effect between Forest Grove and Portland and
steam and electric trains will run on the following
6:36 a.m.
8:24 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
4:50 p.m.
Forest Grove
8:29 a.m.
10:20 a.m.
5:23 p.m.
6:54 p.m.
A Candid Opinion.
Mr. Harris bad been considering for
some time the advisability of approach-
'ng his son's schoolteacher in regard
to that young man's studies. He was
sure William was not getting along as
fast as he should, and this fact wor­
ried the fatter greatly.
He wns greeted kindly by the teach­
er. and after a few preliminary ques­
tions the father Inquired:
"W h a t branch do you consider the j
most profitable for my son William.
Mr. F lin t r
” 1 can hardly say. but I think a
good, stout blue beech or a long, sinu­
ous birch would do him as much good
as a n y ."—Lippincott's.
Charles Harter and wife, (nee
Gladys Gibson), left fo r Salem last
Thursday, where they will make their
j future home.
Nothing is more essential than the
| J. Corronton, o f San Francisco, ar- ' courage, the joy Hud the Insight which
rived in Forest Grove Monday.
grow out of Idealism, and no spiritual
A. B. Benson, o f Portland, visited j possession is so easily lost. The spir­
itual depression of a reactionary pe­
in Forest Grove Monday.
the routine o f work, the immer­
; Mrs. W. R. Golley, o f this city, was
sion in the stream of events, the de
visiting her mother in Portland Sat- j
cllne of moral energy, conspire to
i urday.
blight this noble use of the imagina­
M. E. Johnson, o f Gaston, *. .sited tion. and to chill the faith which
in the Grove Friday.
makes creative living and working pos­
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Young, o f Port­
J. C. Withing, o f Portland, was sible. The familiar companionship ot
land, were guests at the John Ireland registered at the Forest Grove hotel j the great idealists is one of the great­
est resources against the paralysis of
home on First Street and Second | Thursday.
this faith and the decay of this facul­
Avenue Sunday.
Saturday night \
J. F. Baker, of Portland, was in ty.— H. W . Mable, “ Books and Cul­
Messrs. Ireland, Young, and Sher-1
Forest Grove Monday.
wood went to Greenville to attend the
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear and son
big festivities o f the Maccabees.
The Best Fortune Toller.
The quest of noblemen for wealth
Dr. Oliver Scheetz, the Portland and Attorney W. G. Hare, o f Hills­
boro, visited with Mr. and Mrs W. J. I in America has been talked about for
chiropractic, was in the Grove over I
Good Sunday.
decades, but few, if any. can rival
Sunday, the guest o f his parents, Mr. I
and Mrs. William Scheetz.
Sam B. Lawrence, o f Hillside, made Baron Assescasb In being witty In a
practical way.
Miss Hazel Stockman and mother a business trip to Forest Grove Fri­
Mias de Millyuna, bis prospective
spent the week end in Portland on
wife, was entertaining the baron on«
Miss Dorothy Taylor was absent evening and apropos o f lovers' noth­
William Weitzel and wife made a ; from school Tuesday on account o f ings she asked:
"D id you. baron, aver go to a fur-
business trip to Portland Saturday.
Earle Nelson, o f Corvallis, was vis­
Miss Rosee White and Miss Ruth
iting friends in Forest Grove Satur­ Armstrong, o f Gaston, attended the
C. E. convention in the Grove Sunday.
□ □ c
tune teller?”
“Yea. meee. many times. But tba
last time was beat."
AVbere did you go?"
"I went to the probata court to find
Guy Stockman, the home baker,j
Mias Ethel Smith, of Banks, is
loafed in Portland Saturday where he . working in A. G. Hoffman's store this out about your grandfather s will.”—
New York Tribune.
got rid of some o f his dough.
Ride in Comfort on the
Big Red All Steel Cars
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent
Main Street Garage
Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and
General Machine Work. Storage
and Supplies. Phone Main 62X
Main Street, Forest Grove.
For the ¡Beat o f fjullding Material
Al iht
Willis-Place Lumber Company
Under New ¿Management
J l Street and
Fini Aoe. South