Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 29, 1914, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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to be considered as the "people’s paper,” and will do
our part to make it so.
The old city council has been retired, bearing with
it a wreath of praise for their good service to the
people of this city. The new members come with
Published «veiy Thur«d»y at Fore»« Grove, Washington County, Oregon. the unanimous support of the people. They will have
Entered at the Forest Grove, Oregon, Post Office as second-class matter. many problems to solve during the year, and we hope
for them the success of their predecessors.
Mayor Sanford and Councilman Barber leave the
S ubscription R ates in A dvance .
active ranks of our city fathers after several years
¡One Year..................... $1.50
Six Months........... 75 Centsj of faithful service. The new Mayor, II. J . Goff, and
Councilmen Purdy and Emerson have the complete
O ffic e on M ain S treet .
P hone M ain 502. confidence of the people to fulfill the vacancies of the
retiring officials. The other members remain in office
and will undoubtedly serve the city in the same satis­
factory manner as heretofore. It is with conviction
Last week The P R E SS an-
that we make the statement that few cities are favor­
nounced that it would give a
ed with as efficient and sincere a council as is Forest
CIRCULATION grand prize of $300.00 in addition
to nearly $250.00 worth of other
gifts to the young ladies who are
Not long ago a dreamer was telling a young man
most successful during the next few weeks, until
March 14th, in securing subscribers for The PRESS.
that the world would soon come to an end.
In addition every candidate who fails to secure one of
w hat?’’ asked the youth.
“To its own end,’’explained
the prizes will be awarded ten per cent of the cash she
the dreamer. “But,” said the young man, “the world
can never do that. There is no end to the world. It
has secured during the contest. We believe that the
has long ago been proved to be a sphere.” The mod­
features of gold for the grand prize and ten per
ern man is no longer concerned with ends, but with
cent to all candidates who fail to earn a special gift
will not only make the enterprise a greater success,
This is an age of life, not death.
but that it will be certain of giving satisfaction to all.
With the most successful program of the “Rose
Already several candidates are actively at work
Maiden,” the Pacific University-Forest Grove High
securing new subscribers and many more will begin
School lecture course for the season was brought to a
before the end of the week. It is our aim to establish
most successful close. The entire" course has given
The PR ESS in this community as one of its favorite
perfect satisfaction and Prof. Proctor who has had
institutions. We realize that that can be done only by
much of the work in charge, is confident that the
making good, by giving a little more all the time than
course will be repeated again next winter.
we receive, by keeping just a little ahead of the times
when possible.
Every Commercial Club in the State should do all
We believe that by permitting the ladies of this
in its power to secure the passage of Senator Lane’s
■city and county to earn valuable prizes for themselves
bill which provides for an appropriation of $1,500,000
and in so doing incidentally add several hundred new
for dredging on the Columbia river bar. The entire
families of readers to our ever growing lists that all
Columbia river basin will be directly benefitted by the
will be mutually benefited thereby.
passage of this bill.
Guaranteeing that no contestant shall work in
vain and hoping that each of you may earn the grand
Have you registered ? It is to be hoped that be­
prize, we inaugurate the biggest and fairest prize giv­
fore another registration period comes around that a
ing contest ever held in Wasington County.
law will be enacted which will stand the test of the
Again we print several commu-
LETTERS FROM nications relating to America’s
growing problem of unemploy­
ment. If the people over the en­
tire nation would only discuss such matters with more
freedom of opinion than they are wont te do practic­
al solutions would more readily present themselves.
The Editor believes in the right of free speech as
one of the greatest safeguards of liberty mankind pos­
sesses. Let there be an expression of opinion upon
matters of general as well as local problems. The
PR ESS has its columns wide open to sincere commu­
nications, and makes but the reasonable requirements
that articles be signed and be free from personal slan­
der, and suggests brevity. An article of only a few
lines written to the point is much more effective than
a stretched-out discussion.
Upon several occasions of late The PR ESS has
printed articles "turned down” by other county pa­
pers. Each of these has been an article of timely in­
terest and importance, and in our opinion a newspaper
that will not give its readers space for discussion in
little worthy of their support. We wish The PRESS
court whereby one registration will be sufficient until
the voter removes from the precinct.
The City Council announce that hereafter Forest
Grove will have a continuous light service. Forest
Grove is rapidly, one by one, demanding the improve­
ments of a growing city. So far her demands have
been promptly met.
If your subscription to the Press is due look up
your favorite candidate in the contest and let
her secure the assistance of your votes. An additional
year in advance will also greatly help her.
It may seem funny, but we never have any wind in
the Willamette Valley unless it blows a little.
Do not forget the Commercial club luncheon for
tomorrow night,Friday, January 30th,-in the K.P. Hall.
Be sure and vkrite to all your friends and tell them
to be sure to buy their tickets in 1915 via Oregon.
January, like each of the other months, evidences
the actual need of a sewerage system for this city.
Turkey Tour on America's Western even up the cheer! In a word scenery
was fine beyond description.
But we must not dwell on trips in
this country so well known and
By R. M. Cole, D. D.
In this escapade, Mrs. Cole and I tried out by Americans always trav­
made to the southward, we were in­ eling, since I would introduce the
clined to draw comparisons between reader to that part of our narrative
the Occident and the Orient. Over that warrants us in calling it our
there in place of four days and three “Turkey Tour,” etc.
At San Francisco, one of our Tur­
nights to compass the over two
thousand miles more than that in key boys, who is an important house
weeks may be called for, and with builder in the city, met and took us
what labor, danger, and suffering up from the station in his auto to his
only participants can know, or such own nice house and family on Golden
tourists as Fred B. Smith, who has Gate Park Avenue, where we are
traveled in less trying regions of met an hour later by his brother and
mission fields, I trow, than the in­ wife who had come on from Fresno,
terior of Turkey and how he does am­ 208 miles to the southeast to meet
plify the hardships in his addresses, us, a la Orient, as their guests and to
be present at the Portola celebration
as we have heard!
Here we have no long, weighty there. As he, too, had spent no little
preparation to make, no special tes- time in the city, he was a splendid
kereh (government road-paper) with guide, paying more of our bills and
police to pilot us on from city to city, doing more for-our comfort here and
as if to protect u s (? ); nor have we in Fresno than he would want us to
fear of custom house officials who so speak of, though other Bitlis friends
scrutinize all our effects, and espe­ were supposed to help for the sake of
cially books, lest something seditious a visit from their “ Parents.” The
like the word Armenia, be found way we did the city and Exposition
there to be erased, as we experienced grounds-to-be, and some of whose
in leaving the land! But here we buildings were already completed
board the nice day coach car ticketed while others were being pushed for­
right through to San Francisco, near­ ward rapidly was rather too much
ly 800 miles and no change. Those for our years and strength, consider­
nice, long tipped-back chairs are in ing the thick, cold fog and various
good contrast to our Turkey ham­ parades, night illuminations, etc. Up
mock, or traveling bedstead we often on the heights near the Cliff House
have along, and which we so arrange that so rode out the terrible earth­
in the guest corner of the stable that quake some years ago, we got a good
if we cannot sleep, partly from fleas, view of the “Golden Gate”*—two
etc., that infest our place we can at points of land reaching out towards
least pat our horse on his head while each other as if hinting with their
he keeps busy munching his barley. strong argument of mounted guns
But in this Turkey trip away we that enemies better keep at a dis­
go skipping over hill and dale, not a tance. In our view of the Exposition
tittle of the way hugging the Cascade grounds we had our first sight of an
range, often zigzaging this way and aeroplane, or hydroplane skip along
that and especially so down by grand on the water, then soar into the air
Old Mt. Shasta where we so double like a bird with rapid flight turning
in on ourselves that three or four of and returning like a creature of ver­
our serpentine tricks were one above itable life.
But we must turn away from this
the other so that our mountain friend
seemed to be skipping gazelle-like attractive city that shows few signs
on this side and that of our train, of that earthquake and fire and move
leading pssengers on opposite sides on to Fresno, the great center of our
of the car to boast that they had it Turkey friends, and for whom most
but only to find, presently, it had of all we had come, though in the
gone back to the other side, as if to 1 crowds in Frisco we unexpectedly hit
upon other Armenians in the streets,
so many are they.
As we passed the Sabbath in San
Francisco, Dr. Gilchrist, of the Bible
college or institute, held in what was
Plymouth church that has been left
as a place of worship, partly as for­
eigners have so hedged it in most
Americans have moved away and for
a small consideration it is left for the
Dr . Gilchrist, as I was
about to say, got after me to speak
here to his some forty students of
near a dozen nationalities who are
being prepared to work among their
peoples of the state, while some have
an eye on foreign lands, and especi­
ally South America. Few realize
how the immigrants are filling up
this Coast. There are 5000 Japanese
alone in Frisco city, while in the
whole state there are 50,000 and still
they come as do other nationalities
with great increase.
largely joined Dr. Aked’s organiza­
tion that is in worshiping till their
new church is built in the Hebrew
temple Imanu-El and there we heard
him preach his morning sermon and
had a cordial introduction to him.
This church now supports our Dr. and
Mrs. Atkinson, of Harpoot. Turkey.
But we must turn our backs on this
beautiful city and on to Fresno, with
our efficient guide and his wife who
came on to meet us. We soon leave
the rolling land—the ups and downs
of Frisco with its fogs ami strike out
upon the open plains—some of the
time near the San Joaquin river that
affords shipping to saiall crafts, if
one cares for that slow method part
of the way.
No more cold fogs,
though the country is far from being
thickly settled. We only passed a
few small towns during the d ay's!
ride. Here and there may be seen
little “shacks” going up, fruit trees
set out, plowing being done and gen­
eral thrift appears as if occupants did
not feel the isolation, and by faith
brought near the time of neighbors.
But here we arc at our desired ha­
ven just as the day fades away. Quite
a crowd of our Turkey people are at
the station to welcome us, and soon
we are whisked off to the home of the
M ighty Mickeis.
and late preacher in Moush and Erz-
E R 05 Y E A R S '
“I know I ought to begin saving
pastor, one of our old pupils in Bitlis,
room, cities in Turkey, and for some money against a rainy day.” said a sal- j
arled man with a wife and two cbll- i
years over the Armenians in Provi­ dren, "but it's mighty hard. The best I
dence, R. I. where he was ordained, can seem to do is to squeeze out a
and three years ago called to this nickel here and there, and that bardlj I
pastorate. After the appetizing din­ seems worth while.”
How many more are there like that?
ner with him and his attractive fam­
T rade M arks
D e s ig n s
ily now begin the callers to come, And what do they expect the years
C o p y r ig h ts A c .
and our mother tongue is side tracked will bring them? What of old age and
wlmt of the misfortunes that may come oulck Iz »enertiiiil o n r opinion free w tie lli-r may
for are we not again in Turkey land, before age chills their blood, slows
Inveni ion is n roliAb lr f'nletiliible. I'ontnn ulr„.
j and so talking, singing, and praying their hands and makes their steps lag-
ennt true, oldest »|i«m 1 for eetiurlii*pitteii s.
1*.d e nt s take n tliro u ah M an n A Co. re c e iv e
in the language used over there.
1 gard? Their trouble is that they un­ tpecutl
notice. wi th ou t etaiirne, l a t h e
Fearing lest we be worn out from
our friends running in too much upon and the Importance of making a begin­
A hnnilsnmolf llln«trRf*»d w p p M t . Largest
I.nrgest olr
us they arranged to have us located ning. A nickel is u little thing, sure util < f h " t h umui U o Journal. . T e r m s , fit i a
enough, but twenty of them make a
, ! II.
U i d . i l . fiold byull^newsdeuleni.
I Tiewsdeulern.
as guests at rooms in one of the dollar. The commonest mistake, and
M U N N *C 3 .36* B,o,dwi» ! - - -
city’s best hotels, thoujjh we were out the worst. Is to forget that despised
e * V i U Wa sh in utfton.
gt on . D.C.
llrane *
I a few days and at meajs as well, and nickels and dimes are what make dol­
they have had a dinner at the church lars.-Duluth Herald.
and a reception in our honor, but on
Pianos, organs and sewinp
A n incentive.
tickets to avoid too much of a crowd,
sold at the Bazaar on
but the throng was there neverthe­
i easy monthly payments.
less, anxious to see and hear from you weren't going to the sewing cir­
cle? Mrs. Crabshaw—But. my dear. 1
their “Patents.” Several addresses, didn't know then about the things you
besides ours, were made and when have told me.-Judge.
one, formerly our preacher at Moush
Giving Correct Time of the Arrival and
city, called for hands of those who
Departure of All Forest Grove Train*
were graduates from our high school,
or had been in some of them, it was
indeed a surprise to us to see how
A r F o r e s t G rove
*Lv P ortland
many hands were shot up over the
8:05 a. m.
6:45 a. m.
large audience.
9:25 a. m.
8'05 a m.
I spoke twice to them in their two
11:45 a. m.
10:25 a. m.
churches, and in one hinted that I
By H O L L A N D .
2:45 p. m.
1:25 p. m.
hoped that since they were all chil­
5:05 p. m.
3:45 p. m.
dren of our American Board they
HE merchant who spends
5:15 p. m.
6:40 p. m.
his money for advertis­
would not turn their backs on it in
ing space has but one object
7:55 p. m.
6:35 p. m.
their foreign contributions, for good
—to increase his business.
9:35 p. m.
8:30 p. m.
as is our Presbyterian organization it
He wants to attract new cus­
12:45 p. m.
11:40 p. m.
has done nothing for Armenia, while
tomers and to let old custom­
Lv F orest G rove *A r P o rtla n d
our Board has ever done so much for
ers know what particular
6:10 a. m.
7:30 a. m.
it in every way. They took up quite
bargains are available or
8:05 a. m.
6:45 a. m.
a liberal contribution at this time and
what desirable new goods
9:50 a. m.
8:30 a. m.
have supported several orphans in
have arrived. He does not
10:35 a. m.
11:57 a. m.
the past and we hope for the future.
advertise from motives of
1:05 p. m.
2:25 p. m.
vanity, merely to see his
But we must not dwell too long on
name in print. Neither does
3:40 p. m.
5:00 p. m.
the two weeks spent there— a great
he do it from motives of
6:00 D. m .
7:20 p. m.
occasion of our life,but hasten back
The paper is not so­
8:05 p. m.
9:25 p. m.
our Oregon home. Twenty years ago
liciting gifts.
9:45 p. m.
10:50 p. m.
some of our old friends found Fresno
No; the merchant is after
•Jefferson Street Station.
city with 10,000—it now has 40,000,
business, and be goes after
and here and in near regions we have
it in a business way. He
6,000 to 8,000 Armenians. California
knows that it will not pay to
advertise bargains that are
has fifty-eight counties and this one
not genuine, that It «will not
is among the largest— it being larger
be profitable to make false
than Connecticut and has doubled in
claims or statements. He Is
population in ten years. It is the
building not only for today
world-center for raisins, and abounds
and tomorrow, but for next
in other fruits also.
week, next month, next year.
Delivered at your home
But time would fail me to speak of
Looking to the future makes
Morning and Evening
numerous rides we took through
him conservative and truth­
parks, one of which contains 40 acres,
ful in his statements.
6 1-2 cents per Quart
Every advertisement in this
and through almost endless vine­
paper is proof of the confi­
yards, visits to museums, public
dence of the advertiser In the
Our Motto: “A* Good a* the Be*tM
buildings, etc. A good place this to
goods he offers. He has con­
part company for a time.
fidence In himself, in the pub­
Phone 834
South Park Dairy
lication and in the intelli­
gence of the readers. You
can profit by sharing his con­
Typewriters in good repair
Scientific American.
New York
Advertising Facts
All Merchants
from $25 to $35 at the Bazaar.
Easy payments.
......................- .... 1 *
m RED l i € TION
All Men’s and Boy’s Suits and Overcoats
All Ladies’ Suits and Coats
A ll S w e a te rs fo r M en, W o m e n and C hildren
U n d e rw e a r
H osiery
M en ’s Shirts
Rubbers, Overalls and Groceries
D ress G oods
All D ry
G oods
articles excepted
B A IL E Y ’S Bl 6 S TO R E
Forest Grove
-------- ---- ------------------------ E