» .«T r ' J jr m • Ï ‘«W , * • 1 ■V ■ n '.¿ A * ÌM Z' / FOREST GROVE PRESS PAGE 9 :• " V " " ' THURSDAY, JAMUARY 22, 1914 »P W : * « » « « » . ; '» * i s ; 1 i t S » > t: , ■ v i * Ten Days Extension e ^ 4 , ^ s à à O f Our Big Pre-Inventory Sale To show our appreciation of the manner in which our sale has been patronized, we have decided to extend it until January 31st Marvelous Reductions in every Department W h a t do you think of these at 1-2 price or less? □ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i_> U A number o f Men’s and Boys’ Suits, Sweaters, Shirts, Shoes, Hats and Caps ^ New P. E. & . E. Depot, corner o f ELECTRIC SERVICE BEGINS ON P. E. & E. Although Washington county’s expenditures for good roads have ex­ ceeded even those o f Yamhill county it has been Washington county’s mis­ fortune to have been unjustly blamed for the condition o f its roads. Instead o f blame, Washington county 500 Excursionists Celebrate should have been given credit to which it is entitled. The soil in Washington county is so deep it Electrification of P. E. covers all the road building material & E. Lines to such depth that the county has to haul in nearly all o f its rock by rail; thus enormously increasing the cost | of road construction. The tax payers o f Washington county have paid an­ nually from five to teh times the road tax that has been paid m the county City Council, Commercial Club of Multnomah during the last 20 years, and the criticism from the res­ Directors and Others Reper- idents o f Multnomah county o f W ash­ ington county comes with poor grace. sent this city on trip FOREST GROVE PAID VISIT Headed by President Strahorn, Su­ perintendent Campbell, Chief Engi­ neer Burkhalter, and Passenger Agent Scott, the Portland Commer­ cial Club Special inaugurated the electrification o f the Southern Pa­ cific lines in Oregon by the most suc­ cessful “ Get-acquainted” excursion on record. A representative crowd from all sections of Northwestern Willamette Valley, 500 strong, boarded the six-car special at the Union depot at 8 o’clock, spending the entire day making the loop via Beaverton, Newberg, McMinnville, Forest Grove, and many wayside communities. At five p. m. the boosters arrived in Forest Grove and were marched through the business section o f the city, and through the campus o f Pa­ cific University. They held ar. im­ promptu assembly in Marsh Hall and were addressed by President Bush- nell, and several members o f the in­ vading troop, including E. B. Piper, editor o f the Oregonian, C. C. Chap­ man, of the i Portland Commercial Club, Dr. W T j. Kerr, president o f O. A. C., and Robert E. Strahorn, presi­ dent of the P. E. & E. Enthusias­ tic cheers greeted President Bush- nell sa he endeavored to address the “ mob.” Shouts o f “ Do We Like H im ?” “ You bet we do.” “ Is he rig h t?” “ Absolutely,” intermitted by honks and whistles were not con­ ducive o f elegant oratory, but were in order with the informality o f the day. Representatives from here making the trip were: Harry Goff, Mayor O. M. Sanford, Chas. Roe, E. W. Haines, L. M. Graham, A. G. Hoff­ man, J. W. Hughes, B. F. Purdy, A. E. Scott, C. J. Bushnell, George H. Currey, W. K. Newell R. P. Wirtz, R. F. Emerson, H. B. Johnson, and S. E. Todd. Thefollowing information pertain­ ing to the country passed though was contained in a leaflet distrib­ uted to all on board. Highly Productive Country No area of equal size in the world is better adapted than are these two counties, (Yamhill and Washington) for diversified agriculture. Dairying fruit growing, live stock, general farming, truck gardening, in nearly can be and are conducted in these counties with a degree of perfection and profit seldom equalled in the Pa­ cific northwest and hard'y approached in any other portion of the continent. The soil is deep and rich, and well drained. Some of the most important prune orchards in the Northwest, some of the largest hop yards, sever­ al o f the finest apple orchards, innu­ merable berry patches, and some of the finest walnut groves o f the coast are located in these twocounties. This interurban electric transportation will stimulate development along all these lines. Large farms will be cut up into small farms and this pro­ ductivity will increase by leaps and bounds. FOREST GROVE— Population two thousand; bank deposits, $600,000. For over a half century one o f the best known residential communities o f Pacific coast; celebrated as seat o f Pacific University; in center of a prosperous farming community. Chief industry is dairying, supported by a large condensed milk factory hops, vegetables, poultry, hogs, fruit, nuts, nurseries; in fact, nearly every kind of special and general farming is successfully conducted in the large ? Main Street and 1st Avenus, Ladies’ Coats, Skirts. Sweaters, Wool Mittens and Shoes gsj l district tributary to Forest Grove. Fruit growers’ associaion and can­ nery; brick and tile factory, wood­ work and planing mill, gopher trap factory, paved streets, cluster lights, city water works, electric lighting plant, six churches, Pacific Univer­ sity (Congregational), two newspa­ per. Active Commercial Club. Children’ s Underwear, Hoods. Stockinette Ceps and Sweaters w* ’TJ po ;r D rn All wool Voiles, Challies, Broad Cloth and Novelty Goods at LESS than one-half price. 1-4 off on all Mackinaws, Ruff-Neck Sweaters and Rain Coats 20 per cent reduction on Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Capps & Son Clothing 3 cans Standard Tomatoes, 25c 3 cans of good Iowa corn, 25c 50c can of Folgere Baking Powder 35c 30c can of Folgers Baking Powder 20c 20c box o f Preferred Stock Mustard Sardines, 15c 1 gallon can o f Peaches 25c 0. A. C. DEMONSTRATION TRAIN HERE FEBRUARY, 3 ATTENTION LADIES To each lady who reads this ad and brings it to our store within 4 days after publication, we will give $2.00 Free in S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. Always ask for S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. Traveling like a three-ring circus the special demonstration train sent out by the Oregon Agricultural College, the Southern Pacific railway and the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Railway, will reach Forest Grove Febuary 3 and will be prepared to give a demonstration and lecture be­ tween the hours of 1:10 and 3 p. m. The demonstration train will not have any tents to put up but,is carry­ ing its fancy bosses from O. A. C. and its thoroughbred porkers in lux­ urious private cars, they are exhibit­ ed on flat cars and in case o f bad weather coaches will be thrown open to accomodate the crowds who wish to learn of the best manner o f mak­ ing money from dairy and hog pro­ ducts in Western Oregon. There is A. G. H o ffm a n & Co. •m « u m * I also a special car provided for hous­ in g a complete dairy equipment. The train is sent out by the rail­ roads because of their desire to co­ operate with the farmers of the dis­ trict, all expense being paid by those companies. There is no charge for admission to the exhibits or lectures, the latter being in the hands of capable men as Professors Hetzel, Withycombe, Gro­ ves and Potter o f O. A. C., Prof. Barr, of U. S. Department of A gri­ culture, and W. K. Newell, president of the State Board o f Horticulture. It has only been three years since the farmers of Western Oregon be­ gan raising hogs. Since then the in­ dustry has taken advanced ground, and hog raisers have made money. The lectures aboard the special dem­ onstration train will tell how it is done successfully and will show where the bossies and porkers work together. The great success that has attend­ ed demonstration trains operated in the encouragement of other indust­ ries gives hope that a great crowd o f farmers will gather at the Forest Grove depot. Every resident is not only welcome, but is urged to at­ tend. The train will be at Gaston from 10:30 to 12 o’clock, Tuesday morning. X FIRE S A L E ! ! A t Paterson’s Furniture Store B o lt o n . OREGON C IT Y Pulp Coalca Every article reduced in my store. N ew E ra anby A ll Fur­ niture, Pianos, Couches, Chairs and Etc. that Kraft Latourette are slightly damaged by water and chemicals Liberal used to extinguish the fire will be greatly re­ MOL A L L A pqu am duced. OwilHolt Pianos Sold for Cash or on Easy Payments. Scott« Mill. GEO. G. PATERSON Forest Grove, Ore. Q M ehuaa Mill City ]QQ 3Q GinQQ 3 □ o Q i □ nr? Q □ an SHOES □ a □ a * ao ^».W aterloo ^ 8 » r « e t H orn. Truly a Gol Jen Opportur ity B r o w n « v ille >MO N R O E P ortland E ugene ^ E astern R y . ■ -S H ubert i O A lv adore Clear Lake mira EUGENE In operation. * under construction. m Projected. — Southern. Pacific or A ffiliated. Electricalty Operateti\Arn /su 19c per pound 2 5 cent coffee, special 5c per pound Ü W h ite Navy beans - Wendling R iN an cL D M o h a w k Jo. PURDY’S for Good Goods b s d h h i nn pm QQ QQC 3000000 innnnnn» OQQOC --- mnnnr 3000 C I ann a an I OOCC3DD