Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 22, 1914, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    It was not stated whether the other
courses consisted o f Poverty bill of
fare or not.
The members present wete: The
Misses Hazel Loynes, Bula Ireland,
Goldie Peterson, Elida Loynes, Jenesse
Miller, Messrs Arthur Ireland, Edward
Burns, Vernon Burlingham, G. E.
PAGE 4 -
^-j—— —
Mra. Ann M. Griebeler Passes
at Daughter’s Home in
Hillsboro, Aged 73
— — — ■—
Is the Demand of the Age.
Our groceries will conserve your
Mrs. Ann M. Griebeler a resident
of Gaston since 1884, died at Hills­
The Catholic Cotene Club gave a
boro Tuesday morning, while on a
dance in the Catholic Hall last Friday
to her daughter, Mrs. F. Ever-
night which was one o f the most bril­ r
liant affairs of the season. The hall I est Death was the result of heart
Cotene Club Dance
health and are sold at the the Right Price
Philomathean Society— The pro­ was elaborately decorated and the - disease.
music was furnished by the Walker or-
Her son' L‘ ° ' Griebeler, a lumber
The PRESS is d e siro u s of publish- Jj gram given at the regular meeting chestra.
Guests were present from dealer of Gaston' was married ^ t
j of the Philomathean Society was in-
[ ing ¡tl! the social events of the
week to Miss Laura Davidson, of
j week, and your 'phone call or a ; deed very clever and ably done, it Gaston, Verboort and Cornelius.
Punch was served during the evening. Forest Grove.
i letter with the particulars o f any
being the mock inauguration o f Miss
I She was born in England in 1841,
I social or other event will be greatly
Hazel Davis, at which Miss Grace
! appreciated. Phone number, Main
' and came to America with her par-
•O 502. Items should be at the office c Thomas presided over the morning
Mr. and Ms. C. B. Erwin, of ents when she was three years old,
y by Wednesday afternoon, or earlier •, service, with Miss Florence Lusted
Hillsboro, passed through this city and lived in New York until 1854,
if possible.
and Miss Janet Ingram as assistants. Monday with a load o f household when she moved with her parents to
V . S V . h V . V . '. V * . V . V . V . V . V . V . The entire program of inauguration goods and their dog tied behind on
Wisconsin. There she married Ed- |
500 Party— Mrs.
McKl- was taken off, even to the bonfire an<F the way to the Alec Alexander farm ward M. Griebeler in 1872. They
ilowney royally entertained a number speeches were made by the girls of 120 acres two miles west of moved to Iowa and lived there until
o f friends by a “ 500 party”
last representing members o f the faculty town. The Good Investment Com- 1884, when they came to Gaston.
spirit was pany rented the place.
Thursday afternoon, and later in the and alumni.
She united with the Baptist de-
afternoon a number called fo r tea. shown throughout the entire takeoff.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Clark and Mr. nomination at the age o f 18. The
Prizes were won by Mrs. Stipe, of
and Mrs. Frank Clark have moved husband and four children survive:
Miss Boldrick Entertains— Miss into the Sias house on Sixth street. Mrs. Florence A. Everest, Hillsboro,
Portland, first, Mrs. Frank Meresse,
Helen Boldrick entertained Misses
second, and Mrs. Macrum, third.
Dr. Moore, district superintendent . Mrs. Sopronia Child, Boring, Or.,
Those present were: Mrs. Mayne Davis, English, Haines, Jones and o f the Salem district, preached to a Mrs. Maud Storey and L. O. Griebeler
Abbott, Mrs. Chas. Roe, Mrs. Willis Taylor at dinner last Tuesday even­
large crowd Sunday night in the Gaston, the following brothers and
d o ff, Mrs. John Thornburg, Mrs. I. ing.’ The evening was spent in dis­ First M.E. Church. He gave a very sisters, Mrs. Susan Pye, John R, and
Hoar, Mrs. Sam Todd, Mrs. Claud cussing ways and means for success­ strong address.
j W. H. Butler, Wisconsin, Mrs. Mary (
Mr. and Mrs. Will Gerrish came Best> Sebastopol, Cal., J. T. Butler,
Smith, Mrs. George Patersoi, Mrs. A. fully teaching the primary depart­
B. Cuplés, Mrs. C. Richardson, Mrs. ment o f Sunday School. Miss Bol­ out from Portland to spend Sunday Forest Grove> and thirteen grandchil-
Chas. Hines, Mrs. Clifford Walker, drick is superintendent o f the depart- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. dren. Funerai Thursday at the Con-
Nixon. Mr. Gerrish is in the piano gregational Church, Gaston, Rev. B.
Mrs. E. E. Williams, Mrs. Frank j ment.
Meresse, Miss J. Miller, Mrs. Bur-
business and doing well.
Clarence Cook, pastor of the Hills-
Grove Girl Marries in Ohio— Word
lingham, Mrs. J. E. Bailey, Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Williamson, j boro Baptist Church officiating,
Macrum, Mrs. Grant Hughes, Mrs A. j has been received in this city o f the who have been living on Sixth avenue J She was a consisttent Christian,
llimnun, Mrs. John Buchanan, Mrs. marriage of Miss Vivian Dixon to near
street for several j kindly and charitable.
hurles Buchanan, Mrs. I.aRue, Mrs. ] John Baber at Lima, Ohio, December months, left last week for Toledo,
„___ „ __________ _
Kaufman, Mrs. W. Pollock, Mrs. F. 27. The bride formerly lived here Ohio, their old home to make their j
Misz, Mrs. Heath, Mrs. T. J. O. with her mother, Mrs. M. J. Dixon, permanent residence.
George Cadwell D es
Thatcher, Mrs. Charles Walker, Mrs. and has many local friends The
T. Wigman who has been in New i George Cadwell was born in Onta- j
Hurry Giltner, Mrs. B. F. White, Mrs. newly weds will make their home on
York and his son Tys Wigman, Jr were rio, Canada, 39 years ago and died
Stritkland, Mrs. Haskell Ferrin, Mrs. a farm near Lima.
Grove Visitors Sunday.
January 13th at his home in Curt',
V. E. Scott, Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mrs.
Tuberculosis was the
G. Edward Secour has been on the addition.
Invitations are out for a Senior
Harvey Baldwin, Mrs. Carmack, Miss
sick list the past week though better cause of his death. He was buried
Bailey, ' Hillsboro, Mrs. W. Boscow, party, to be given by Misses Coral now.
Thursday afternoon in the Forest
Hillsboro, Mrs. Charlie Craft, Port­ McGinn and Clara Fowler, at the
Miss Olivia Burger is now on^ of View cemetery. Mr. Cadwell was
land, Mrs. E. Stipe, Portland. Those Sexton home Friday.
the valued clerks at A G. Hoffman & married to Miss Mariah Avery at
coming lat^r for tea were:
Co.’s store. Miss Burger speaks Ger­ Clearwater thirteen years ago. He
Watt, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Reder, Mrs.
man which makes her very popular on came to Oregon six years ago.
T. H. T. Meet
King, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Halter, Mrs.
the clerical staff.
He leaves a widow, threee brothers
The T. H. T Club were entertained
Atwell, Mrs. Ferrin, Miss Haskell,
Miss Crafisic, Miss Eckert and Miss j and three sisters to mourn his loss, j .;,
by Miss Elizabeth Fowler Tuesday
Eleanor S. Large.
Hyde, teachers in the public school are
evening by a Poverty party. The eve­ now rooming in the Hoffman cottage, j
ning was spent in playing old rustic
Mens Cassimere,
made . in
* Hazen
I a /,c ii m
a j r i i a i u o spent
p e u t u
a iu iu o j
j i
r n
Kappa Delta Society—The Kappa games. The first course o f refresh­
A. E. Norton on his way home to Port- gOfi an wool SUltS to r Only îplZ.50
Delta Society gave a program Thurs­ ments consisted o f crackers and water. land to attend the Symphony concert. | at B ailey’ s B ig Store.
day evening, representing a Ladies
Horse Journal o f 1880, and roll call
was answered by “ That Reminds
Me.” Each department o f the Jour­
nal was edited and illustrated by dif­
ferent members o f the Society, and
last but not least the advertisements
were cleverly represented by Misses
Marsh, Smith, Thomas, Graham and
Vermilyea . The Gold Dust Twins,
Old Dutch Cleanser, and Cream of
Wheat were especially well portrayed
^ . 'f t V A V . ^ V . V W . V A V . V A
South Main Street
Phone 701
Finest o f Bread and Pastry Baked
E very D a y.
W e sell 6 loaves of -Bread for 25 cents
Free delivery to all parts of the city
Pacific Avenue,
Forest Grove
When sickness comes, nothing
that may give comfort or pro­
mote recovery should be over­
The character of a
drug store can usually be
judged by the line o f sick-room
goods carried. The store fav­
ored by the patronage o f physicians will be found to afford adequate
facilities o f this kind. When any special item o f sick-room supplies
is required our stock should be depended upon to supply it. We have
everything which the nurse or physician may suggest.
v y ii i i
Pacific Drug Co.
Mrl'ailane— Enochs -Again Dan
tb pid has been playing his pranks on
s o u l '* o f the young people o f our own
c 'y. James P. McFarlane and Miss
Bfinche L. Enochs wera married at
th• • M. E. parsonage Monday night
at 8:80 o ’clock. Rev. R. E. Dunlap
< .'listing.
the immediate
fuem ls and relatives o f Hillsboro
weie present. Mrs. McFarlane has
I ul at Orenco. Mr. McFarlane has
t j tJj purchased a part .terest in
r '.u - f ■.•rr.'"r yard. M.
\*vS 1 ! -lin e ,v.:. make Forest
G ovrf their home. The Press joins
su congrat ilations.
Owing to Oar Inability
Forest Grove, Ore. 0
uodnoj jqi njBUi «i 4uii| am si
tujpu.nuu . dns
To wait on so man,? people during the rush at our
store the past 10 days and having had several phone
messages from people at a distance who got our circu­
lars too late to get here in time; we have decided to
continue the Cut Price Sale during the balance of the
month and in order to liven things up we have added
a lot of Extra Specials, such as:
Aprons, 150 of them, value 25c for ...................................................... 9c each
Household scissors, from 5 to 10 inch, value 25c f o r ......................... 14c each
A pile of several hundred pieces of granite ware, value to 15c for . . .9c each
1 can of Diamond W baking powder, value 35c, to introduce it, cut
p rice........................................................................................... 19c the can
A big buy of a new safety, as good
as any $5.00 one in the market,
to introduce them (1 dozen blades included) we make a price o f .........79c
50 Safety Razors, 50
Everything advertised in our last big circular I will]] be
sold at the same cut prices the balance of thisTnonth.
Come and gel a bargain.
Onr House is packed fu ll of them
from garret to basement.
Double Red Trading Stamps with every 10c purchase during
This Big Cut Rate Sale
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“ Quality is the True Test of Cheapness.”
To the People of Washington County
A Surprise Party 1'hat Surprised— ;
Surprise parties as a rule are not
very surprising. Tne folks to whom
they are given are either tipped off
so as to get things in apple pie or- j
dcr for the event, or they pick up con- |
T id in g evidence by their own tuition, j
Not so with the surprise tendered'
Mrs. J. S. Buxton, in honor o f her i
Birthday last week. Mrs. Lee Covert,
o f Portland, planned the soiree so e f - ;
fectlVely tv t her mother didn't even
have a suspicion of the event. When j
Mrs. Buxton returned from the show
Wedne. Ly evening she walked right
into a room o f smiling friends, and
her surprise was a surprise.
Hundred was the game o f the even­
ing and dainty refreshments were
served. Mrs. Robert Wirtz won the
lady’s prize and John McNamer car­
ried off first honors for the gentle­
men. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. C. (). Roe, Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Emerson, Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Mertz, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wirtz,
Mr. and Mrs. George Sloan, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Capíes, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Giltner, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Buxton,
Mr. and Mrs. John McNamer, Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Kelly, Miss Nora
Smith, Mrs. Lee Covert, and John ¡
W irtz and L. M. Beebe, editor o f the
Springfield News.
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