V V, FOREST GROVE PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1914 V . V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .V .-.'.V .'. . I LEGAL NOTICES I V /.V .V .V .'.V V .'.V .V .W .’ .V .V . Notice for Publication U. S. Land Office, Portland, Oregon. December 26, 1913. Notice is hereby given that William J. Lunney, o f Gaston, Oregon, Route No. 1, who, on March 8, 1907, made Original Homestead Entry No. 16197, Serial 01359, for E. S. E. > , and N. W. Y , S. E. J4, and on December 28, 19"7, made Additional Homestead Entry No. 16414. Serial 01446, for N. E. K. S. W. l/ t. Section 31, Township 1 North, Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to estab­ lish claim to the land above-described, before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Portland Oregon, on the 12th day o f February, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses; Wil­ liam J. Williams, o f Gales Creek, Ore­ gon; Matt Vincent, o f Gales Creek, Oregon; Charley Dennis, o f Gaston, Oregon; Mrs. David Richards, of Gaston, Oregon. H. F. HlGBY, 24t5 Register. PAGE 3 4 PurelvÊn PerioîvSl Q Q CCT Q □ QB SB □ □ □ □ □ □ Charles Hoge, son o f Walter Hoge, a former newspaper man o f this city, covered the Portland club excursion over the P. E. & E. rail­ road Saturday for the Portland Journal. He came to Portland from the Lincoln, Nebraska, Star, about eight months ago and covers “ rail­ road row.” The Misses Inez and Helen Luce Warren Tupper, Captain-Elect P. U. J im luiaiauuen, C aptain P. U. Basket Football Squad, 1914 Ball Quintet left on the steamer Bear for San Francisco, Cal., Monday. From there noon. B. B. Quick of Thatcher dis­ they will go to Reno, Nevada, where Rant Dunsmoore and Guy trict was a Grove visitor Tues­ they will get paintings o f the sage Aydelott were in Dilley Sun­ day. brush country. Mrs. Clara G. Esson, State Sunday School worker for the Christian Church, was in McMinnville the first of the week visiting at the E. V. Notice to Taxpayers Stivers home. Mrs. Stivers is her Notice is hereby given that the 1913 tax roll for Washington County, Ore­ daughter. gon, will open for the collection and Herbert Nutter passed through payment of taxes on Monday, February Forest Grove Monday via the South­ 2, 1914. No rebate will be allowed. All taxes are due and payable before ern Pacific Electric. He was fo r­ the 1st day of April, 1914. Half pay­ merly local agent for the Wells, Far­ ments can be made before the 1st day go Express Company, and is now o f April, 1914, but a penalty of one traveling for them inspecting offices. per cent per month is charged on remaining half payment to be paid Mr. and Mrs. Nutter frequently visit prior to September 1, 1914. Where no at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles payment is made before the 1st day o f F. Miller. April, 1914, the tax becomes delinquent C. W. Tolsen an enterprising young and a penalty of one per cent per month is charged from that date to farmer o f Segers, was transacting September 1, 1914. After September business here Monday. 1, 1914, a penalty of 10 per cent and Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Abraham, of interest at the rate of 12 per cent per year will be charged on all delinquent Forest Grove, have been visiting taxes. E. B. S a p p i n g t o n , their son, Dr. Abraham.— Hood Riv­ County Treasurer and Tax Collector o f er Glacier. Washington County, Oregon. 26t4 Mrs. Carl Kling returned Saturday from Idaho, where she has been vis­ iting friends and relatives for sev­ eral weeks. Jonathan Urban Hilts, a graduate of Pacific University, whose home is at Roy, this county, attended the big exercises of his alma mater last week. When in school Jonathan was an ardent athlete and took part in the distances. He taught school for some time after graduation, but now has a good job in Portland at clerical This Space R eserved for work. Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins were in Portland Tuesday. Dick Quick and son, Elmer, farm ­ ers of the Hillside section, were trad­ ing with local merchants Tuesday. Mrs. Sadie Atkins, who is taking a training course for nurses in Port­ land, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cronin, o f this city. Mrs. H. L. McGinn, o f Fern Hill, is ill, and her daughter Evelyn was called home. Harold McFeeters was visiting home folks Sunday. Claud Hutchens and Alva Patton were at Beaverton Sunday in the in­ terest o f the C. E. Union convention to be held here Saturday and Sun­ O V E R 85 Y E A R S - EXPERIENCE day. Walter Gardner, form erly assist­ ant at the Oregon Electric depot here, but now acting in the same capacity at Corvallis, was in this city friends. T rade M ar ks J H. Adams, o f this city, was in D e s ig n s .... C opyrights Ae. Portland last week and underwent a ’ A n To n # «o n S ln g t K k r l f h und d M e rlP lIo r m « T «qnlcltly oacertnin onr opinion free wnotii r an serious surgical operation by Dr. invention I« probable patentable. Communlca- tloiiR strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patente Connell, the specialist, for catar­ tent free. Oldest airency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn ^t Co. receive act o f the eye. mpccimt «ttSinr, without c harge, iu the Tom Sain, one o f the prosperous farmers o f Scoggins Valley, was in A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T.areest dr* Forest Grove Saturday shaking hands dilation o f i.ny b itMililic Journal. Terms. |3 a year: four month*, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. with his many friends. He is the j K ‘ . V’ nshir-rton, D. C. I father o f Mrs. J. A. Parker. n ri. h« Mr. and Mrs. M. Peterson and 1 daughter were Portland visitors Sat­ urday POPULAR Miss Margaret Lowell and Mrs. MECHANICS H. Ferrin were in the Rose City Sat­ urday. Miss Sarah Burns, of this city, left Tuesday with Mrs. F'errin for a Janney, in Richmond Center, Wis. LITTLER’S day. Mrs. Z. M. LaRue was shop­ ping in Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mr. Bean were Port­ land shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Burlingham were visiting in Portland Friday. G. W. Flett of Gaston was in this city Thursday. G. R. Baker o f Portland visited in this city Friday. Henry Grigerson, o f Buxton, visited in the grove Sunday. Mrs. Shearer of Portland who has been visiting Mrs. A. Hogue the past week left for her home Wednesday. Levi Keck and T. Goff gave Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Morris a piano and violin musical Mon­ day evening. W. H. Brown and wife o f Port­ land visited in Forest Grove Monday. H. B. Hammer o f Portland was the guest of relatives here Monday. W. E. Burdett of San Francis­ co was in the Grove Monday. Philip Porter of Gales Creek has traded his farm for some | property o f Mr. H. J. Wright in this city and will move here soon. Mrs. J. N. Hall o f Marshall, Minnesota visited at the Robin­ son home during her tour in the west. j RJ & C .364 B,N e w York P o p u la r M e c h a n ic s M a g a z in e NWWTTIN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND tT** GREAT Continued Story o f the World*# Progress which you m ay begin reading at any tune, and which will hold your A interest forever. You are living in the best year, o f the m ost wonderful age. o f what it doubtless the greatest w orld in the universe, A resident 0 « M ars w ould gladly pay — FOR ONE YEAR’S $ 1,000 S U B S C R IP T IO N to this magazine.in ord er ¿o keep inform ed o t our progress in Engineering and M echanics A re you reading it? T w o millions o f your neighbors are, and it is the favorite maga- sine in thousands o f the best A m erican hom es. It appeals to all classes — old and you ng — men and wom en. T b e "S h e » H otea” Department ( 2 0 pag es) give« easy way* to do things —how to mak# neeful article# for bom# and shop, repairs, etc. “ Amateur ■eehaaie#" ( 1 0 pogee ) telle bow to moke Mission furniture, wireless outfit«, boat#, anginas, magic, and all the things s boy love#, t i e o PEW YEAW. MMOL# COPIES IS CENT» Ask M>w»#iiif to ( W torn mm to white row rwss s iw r u c*wr today P O P U L A R M E C H A N IC S C O . S U w . W ^ l ^ n SL. CHICAGO , Mrs. Dora Barber was in Port­ land yesterday as a member of the committee to confer with the county commissioners, asking for better conditions in the Multno­ mah County jail and for an ad­ ditional matron for the woman’ s quarters. Moses Salinger ma^e a busi­ ness trip to Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Mikle and daughter of Victoria, B. C. arrived in the Grove Wednesday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bean. Prof. Harrington lectured in the Public Library in Portland Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. Deeks is reported very ill at her home in this city. The County squadron went up and sang their county song to Mrs. Berton Jones Sunday after I ooc l o o n a c a a ii ! OOC 300 ODCH 3 QO Half - Price OB OQ □ □ □ B on LAD IES Suits and Skirts □ □ BB JOHN LeRoy L. Dennis, one of Gaston’s most popular merchants was greeting ! relatives and friends in the Grove Sun­ day. J. G. Cherry who has been farming n q unni o o near Bnnks was in the Grove yesterday in m 2 J 22 O CD on his way to his future home at Eugene. He made this office a pleas­ ant call and as a result T h e P r e s s will continue to inform him on local hap­ penings. S. S. Taylor of Watts made a busi­ ness trip to the Grove Tuesday. Joe Loomis made a business trip to Vancouver Tuesday. C. A. Hildard formerly of Gaston, now a drummer, was visiting in the Grove Tuesday. W. E. Known, of Salem was a Grove Jesse C. Moore, o f Portland, visitor Thursday. was seen in our city Thursday. Mrs. S. H. Roush has gone to Port­ Finley Reynolds o f Portland land this week to order her new spring was a Forest Grove visitor Fri­ millinery. day. B o r n —To Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Webb Mrs. Bert Doane o f Oak Hill on Saturday January, 17 a son, section visited with Lora Foster „ Miss Grace Baker of Portland, visited at Portland over Sunday. at the Purdy home last week. ANDERSON The Clothier in n m w pTTTnm n ■ O O K Q ID B New Electric Service PHARMACY , Scientific American. >L> Where Q U A L I T Y C O U N T S For the Q^est of building Material ON THE “THE EXPOSITION LINE-1915” Is now in effect between Forest Grove and Portland and steam and electric trains will run on the following schedule: Arrive Leave F orest G r o v e 6 : 3 6 a .m . U 8 : 2 4 a .m . At the Willis-Place Lumber Company J i Street and First A ve. South ¡N on Open Under Netti ¿TfCanagemcnt ii 8 : 2 9 a .m . 1 0 : 2 0 a .m . 1 : 3 0 p .m . 5 : 2 3 p .m . 4 : 5 0 p .m . 6 : 5 4 p .m . Ride in Comfort on the Big Red All Steel Cars J oh n M . S c o tt, G e n e ra l P a ssen g er A g e n t I N G CO The Columbia Players IN T H E The Girl of Eagle Ranch Main Street Garage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine W ork. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 6 2 X FOR D A G E N C Y. W . A . CHALM ERS, Main Street, Forest Grove. A Western Comedy Drama A gripping Story of Western life. cry. Y ou’ll laugh and Special features between acts. SPE C IAL O LD SONGS. Songs our mothers used to sing. Victoria Verne with a beautiful, well trained voice, trained in Paris by the great Marchessi, who gave to the world, Melba,Emma T A L K T O McC R E A D Y W e have bought the Schramel Ac Davies stock ol Lumber, Paper, R oofing and Building Material and Eames, etc. offer the entire lot at less than the cost of making it, A P la y Enjoyed by Everybody to say nothing of freight. C om e and see for yourself. Yours fo r business Wednesday Eve, Jan. 28th GRAND THEATRE COPELAND — & l Phone McCREADY 725 -------- J